H is for Help Posted 10 April 2017 by Tessa KeoughAll during April we are blogging the praises of all the features, benefits, and resources available here at our Guild Website. Over the past two years our brilliant Website team, led by Guild members Kim Baldacchino and Ken Mycock, have been hard at work setting up the underlying structure, adding new material, and migrating/updating material from our old website. With so much construction and renovation going on, at times some of us might feel a bit lost. When that happens to me, I’m reminded of the Beatles tune – Help. Sometimes we simply need somebody to answer our questions or help us find what we are looking for. If this happens to you, from now on look no further than (cleverly titled) Help, found on the Guild Website’s drop down menu. Clicking on Help opens up a wealth of assistance: Instructions on how to reset your password All the contact information you need – if you have a specific issue or question, the contact person is a clickable link away AND we have posted the answers to 22 of the most frequently asked questions Video tutorials and guides to help you navigate the Guild Website, set up your Profile, and use the Guild Forums An alphabetical index (searchable) to all new posts, profiles, events, and pages An update on the status of our website migration Postholder and Web Editor guides (or logistics for working with WordPress on the Website) So the next time you are here at the Guild Website and feel a bit lost – perhaps you need to contact a postholder, or find out where [blank] is, or learn how to do [blank] – know that Help is just a click away. Give it a try!