C is for Calendar Posted 4 April 2017 by Tessa KeoughNo one wants to forget an important date, whether in our personal lives or our Guild lives. Lucky for us, the Guild has a calendar here at our Website listing every event from regional Guild meetings to international family history conferences. The calendar is available to all – whether you are a Guild member or simply an interested genealogist. All events are are shown on the monthly calendar and include the date and time, location, links if pre-registration is necessary, links to help you map the location, and a link to the Guild contact who can answer any questions about the event. The events are also listed on the right-hand side of the page in two categories: future seminars & conferences AND regional events & fairs. Guild events are scheduled through 2018. You can find the Guild calendar by going to the drop-down menu on the Home page, selecting Events and then selecting Calendar. The current month is shown but you can also plan ahead by choosing a future month at the top of the calendar. Want to focus on future seminars offered by the Guild? Than select Seminar Events (rather than Calendar) and check out the seminars planned through July 2018. What’s My Line will take place on May 6th, 2017 and is all about occupations. So why not visit the Guild Website and check out our calendar of events. find out what the Guild is up to by checking out the calendar!