A quick reminder that the USA Member Survey will close in one week. To-date we have received 99 responses (we have 363 USA members). If you are a USA member you should have received an email with a link to the Survey in mid-November (a few days after you received our November 2017 Newsletter). If you received the email, made a note to get back to it and haven’t taken the Survey yet, please use the link below to take the Survey NOW (don’t wait, you know you will forget). If you are new to the Guild since November you may have been missed, but no worries – just click on the link below and take the Survey.
The Survey is a Google Forms survey and takes 10-15 minutes to complete (trust me it is painless). Your responses will help us determine what we are getting right, what we need to work on, and what you would like us to focus on in 2018. Thanks to those of you who have already responded and I’m hoping to hear from the rest of you SOON!
Tessa Keough (USA National Guild Rep/USA West Regional Rep)