K is for Keeping in Touch Posted 13 April 2017 by Karen RogersThe Guild is an international genealogical society with members spread out all over the world. To help our members keep in touch, the Guild has a variety of ways to check in and learn what’s new, visit with other Guild members, share information or ask questions about our surname research and one-name studies. Today we wanted to remind you of the many ways Guild members can keep in touch. If you are not a member of the Guild you will see our News (which includes our General News posts – what you are reading right now). Please consider joining our open Facebook page to learn more about the Guild. When a Guild member arrives on our Website’s home page and logs in, at the top you will notice the drop down menu. Simply select Forums and you have a number of choices, including WebForum – with threaded topics, this is a great place for member-to-member conversation, You can ask questions, discuss particular topics, and get assistance from other Guild members (many of our Guild members are happy to help you solve a problem or answer a research question). Members’ Website Forum – if you have joined or are considering joining the Members’ Website Project, this is the place to discuss any issues, ask questions, and get help for your one-name study website. RegReps Forum – the regional representatives have a place where we can discuss ideas and issues, get help from other regional representatives and share best practices. RootsWeb Mailing List – you can access our public RootsWeb Mailing List right here with one click. An explanation of how the RootsWeb Mailing List works as well as instructions for joining (your membership information is filled out for you) and how you want to receive notifications is provided. Facebook for Members – the Guild maintains a closed (members only) as well as an open Facebook page – both are great places for quick responses and comments from our socially media minded members. Suggestion Board – do you have a great idea for the Guild? do you have a suggestion that would make something easier or better about the way the Guild does something? Why not make a suggestion – that is how many improvements or projects have come about! Volunteer Opportunities – do you have a couple of hours a month or perhaps a talent or ability you could share with the Guild – why not check out the volunteer opportunities. Using the Guild Forums – if using a forum is new to you (and it is a bit different from mailing lists) or you have questions, read through the section on how to use the Guild Forums, But wait, there’s more! At the bottom of every page on our Website are several other ways to keep in touch. You can write a letter, send an email, make a telephone call (addresses and telephone numbers are listed) or you can click on any of our social media buttons (RSS feed, YouTube, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook) and share your thoughts. Now that you know how to get in touch with the Guild, we hope all of you will keep in touch. keep in touch with the Guild at our Forums found right here! feeling social or need to speak with someone? write, email, call or visit us on social media
J is for Journals Posted 12 April 2017 by Julie GoucherThe Guild publishes an award winning journal quarterly and has done for the majority of the Guild’s existence. Journals are available as PDF downloads to members in addition to receiving the journal in the mail, although there is an option to “Go Green” and not have a paper copy sent. Journals that are more than three years old are available to non-members free of charge and can be accessed by clicking HERE. There is a really useful search facility that is available to members and non-members alike and is searchable by article title and by author. A search of the word DNA revealed 58 results and those that are available to the public are linked so they can be easily accessed. More recent journals are available to purchase. Have you used the search facility of the journal? Perhaps leave a comment if you came across an interesting article or your surname mentioned.
I is for Indexes Posted 11 April 2017 by Julie GoucherThe one thing that most genealogists cannot resist is an Index, whether that be in a book, CD, article, or on a website. The Guild holds a number of indexes which are available to members. What is especially useful to members and non-members alike is that a search of the online Register using the search facility at the top right of the website as you can see from this image. The search reveals any instances of that surname held within the Guild’s arsenal of indexes in addition to the profile page for the surname if it is registered. I searched for the surname of Butcher as I knew that it would yield a variation of results. This slide shows that the Guild has the following indexes: Marriage Indexes 1837-1911 Probate Index Scottish Index Worldwide Marriage Index Inscriptions Index BMD Index Members are encouraged to submit their material from their own research in addition to any One-Name Study or Surname Study. This is a great way to demonstrate the Guild ethos of members helping members. Our indexes are available to members and managed by volunteers under the support and guidance of Anne Shankland who is our Indexes Administrator. The BMD Index and Marriage Indexes are looked after by Cliff Kemball, Probate Index by Derrick Watson and the Worldwide Marriage Index by Marie Byatt. Does your surname appear as a registered study with the Guild or within the Guild indexes?
H is for Help Posted 10 April 2017 by Tessa KeoughAll during April we are blogging the praises of all the features, benefits, and resources available here at our Guild Website. Over the past two years our brilliant Website team, led by Guild members Kim Baldacchino and Ken Mycock, have been hard at work setting up the underlying structure, adding new material, and migrating/updating material from our old website. With so much construction and renovation going on, at times some of us might feel a bit lost. When that happens to me, I’m reminded of the Beatles tune – Help. Sometimes we simply need somebody to answer our questions or help us find what we are looking for. If this happens to you, from now on look no further than (cleverly titled) Help, found on the Guild Website’s drop down menu. Clicking on Help opens up a wealth of assistance: Instructions on how to reset your password All the contact information you need – if you have a specific issue or question, the contact person is a clickable link away AND we have posted the answers to 22 of the most frequently asked questions Video tutorials and guides to help you navigate the Guild Website, set up your Profile, and use the Guild Forums An alphabetical index (searchable) to all new posts, profiles, events, and pages An update on the status of our website migration Postholder and Web Editor guides (or logistics for working with WordPress on the Website) So the next time you are here at the Guild Website and feel a bit lost – perhaps you need to contact a postholder, or find out where [blank] is, or learn how to do [blank] – know that Help is just a click away. Give it a try!