The Guild Conference welcomes Tessa Keough Posted 7 March 2017 by Julie GoucherTessa Keough Photo Tessa Keough is an attorney by profession and a genealogist by avocation. She takes advantage of 21st century technology to work on her own family history as well as engage in specialized projects. These projects include a one-name study of her surname Keough and one-place study of a community in Newfoundland. Tessa believes in giving back to the genealogy community and does so through the Guild of One-Name Studies, her Legacy Virtual Users’ Group Community on Google+, her YouTube channel TessaWatch, and several local genealogy and historical societies. She also writes for genealogy publications and presents at webinars, seminars, and conferences. Waves of Migration: Landing on the Shores of Canada and United States As your one-name study travels the world, chances are good that at some point your surname will land on the shores of North America. Peggy and Tessa will identify the ports in two of the largest countries in North America and explore the resources and records that will assist you as you extend your one-name study to North America. Tessa will be delivering a pre-recorded presentation at the Guild of One-Name Studies conference on Sunday 2nd April 2017 with Peggy Chapman. Non-members are welcome and booking is currently still open. Presentations will be available to Guild members after the event.
The Guild Conference welcomes Barbara Griffiths Posted 3 March 2017 by Julie GoucherBarbara Griffiths has been a Guild member since 2002. She conducts the PARRY One-Name Study and is administrator of the associated PARRY DNA project at FTDNA. She also runs an Autosomal DNA project aimed at discovering more about all of her own ancestors. With almost seven years experience since taking her first Autosomal DNA test, she has a keen interest in helping others to understand, and gain more from, their results. Autosomal DNA testing for One-Namers – Navigating your results on the test company sites. What can 3rd party sites offer you? Mapping chromosomes – which ancestors did your DNA come from? Strategies for working with your results to confirm shared ancestry. These are just some of the aspects of working with Autosomal DNA testing that this talk will cover, concentrating on those of most interest to Guild Members. Barbara will be presenting at the Guild of One-Name Studies conference during the DNA sessions on Friday 31st March 2017. Non-members are welcome and booking is currently still open. Presentations will be available to Guild members after the event.
The Guild Conference welcomes Bob Cumberbatch Posted 26 February 2017 by Julie GoucherOver 50% of Bob’s One-Name Study centres on the Caribbean Island of Barbados, which last year celebrated its 50th year of Independence from British rule. Bob has specialised in researching in the Caribbean and is a Guild representative at the ‘Ask the Expert” stand at WDYTYA each year. Bob Cumberbatch is a Master Craftsman of the Guild of One-Name Studies. British Surnames – A Legacy of British Slave-ownership by Bob Cumberbatch Financial compensation received by slave owners has left a lasting legacy to be found in British institutions, companies, transport, railways, paintings, libraries, books, country houses and estates. Bob explores a further lasting legacy: The legacy of British Surnames. Find out how British Surnames were adopted by former enslaved people and remain in use to this very day. Discover the origins of British surnames in the Caribbean, how the abolition of slavery contributed to this surname legacy and find out how to trace your one-name in that part of the world. Bob will be presenting at the Guild of One-Name Studies conference on Sunday 2nd April 2017. Non-members are welcome and booking is currently still open. Presentations will be available to Guild members after the event.
The Guild Conference welcomes Dr Maurice Gleeson Posted 21 February 2017 by Julie GoucherMaurice Gleeson is a medical doctor and (for the last 9 years) a genetic genealogist. He runs several Surname DNA Projects, including projects for the surnames Boylan, Farrell, Gleeson, Glisson, Maloney & Spearin (his One-Name Study). He also has several blogs (e.g., and several dedicated YouTube Channels (e.g. as well as a few Facebook Groups focussed on genealogy. He was voted “Genetic Genealogist of the Year” (2015) and “Superstar Genealogist” (2016). Next Steps with your Surname DNA Project So you’ve started a DNA Project, and the results are coming in (slowly!), but what do they mean? And how do you organise them? And what do you tell your project members? This session explores the process of running a Surname DNA Project and the challenges that you will encounter. We will review the GAP Pages on FTDNA, the DNA Results page, grouping people into genetic families, the importance of pedigree information, especially MDKA, and the advantages of harnessing the power of Facebook and a blog website to communicate with your project members. Bring your questions! Maurice will be presenting at the Guild of One-Name Studies conference during the DNA sessions on Friday 31st March 2017. Non-members are welcome and booking is currently still open. Presentations will be available to Guild members after the event.