The Twelve Days of Christmas – Guild Style (Day #1) Posted 25 December 2014 by Departed MemberOn the first day of CHRISTMAS, my DEARLOVE sent to me[ezcol_2third][/ezcol_2third] [ezcol_1third_end][/ezcol_1third_end] Image courtesy of James Barker at A partridge in a pear tree – ATTREE The Guild of One-Name Studies is the worldwide centre of excellence in one-name (surname) studies and promotes the interests of both individuals and groups who engage in them. The surnames in RED are registered studies being conducted by one of our members. Why not visit the Guild’s web site to learn more about surname research and the Guild.
The Twelve Days of Christmas – Guild Style (Introduction) Posted 24 December 2014 by Departed Member Images courtesy of James Barker at
Thanksgiving 2014 Posted 25 November 2014 by Departed Member On behalf of the Guild of One-Name Studies, I would like to wish a “Happy Thanksgiving” to our 275 American members who will be celebrating Thanksgiving this Thursday. For our worldwide membership we thought to share a little bit of history and fun about this holiday. In 1621 the Pilgrims and Wampanoag gathered to celebrate the Plymouth colony’s first successful harvest – the first Thanksgiving. In 1863 and in the midst of the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. It is a day when Americans reflect on and give thanks for their blessings. In addition to the food, football and friends – it is a day for families to get together. Since the Pilgrims left from England’s shores and many Americans trace their roots to the United Kingdom, you might want to take a look to see if you share a surname with one currently being studied (see Guild Surname Search ). Among the Guild’s 7,871 registered surnames we found a few that call to mind the day – Feast, Fridge, Heritage, and Holiday. Best wishes for a safe and happy Thanksgiving. Corrinne Goodenough