Datastore Details CORE INFORMATION Record ID:160043 Study:Howes Member:4836 Data Type :death Date:19 Jan 1946 Surname:HOWES Forenames:Sarah Place:20 Chestnut Road Tottenham U.D.,Middlesex Country:ENGLAND Dataset:Global Deaths MORE DETAILS Sex:female Age:83 Occupation:Widow of Edward Howes,School Caretaker Cause:Rupture of dissecting aneurysm of sorts. Certified by Alan P.L.Cogswell Coroner for East Middlesex After Post-mortem without Inquest Informant:P.E.Diss Informant description:Grand-daughter In Attendeance Informant residence:91 Philip Lane Tottenham When Registered:Twenty second January 1946 Registrar:L.J.Atherton,Interim Registrar Notes:Left edge of certificate not photocopied Contributor:John Nutt Registration district:Edmonton Subdistrict:East Tottenham GRO year:1946 GRO quarter:1 GRO volume:3a GRO page:1067 GRO surname:HOWES GRO forename:Sarah Certificate:DXZ 628234 Do another search