Datastore Details CORE INFORMATION Record ID:160063 Study:Howes Member:4836 Data Type :death Date:11 Dec 1937 Surname:HOWES Forenames:William Place:Agyamara West Heath TadleyR.D.,Hampshire Country:ENGLAND Dataset:Global Deaths MORE DETAILS Sex:male Age:86 Occupation:Sadler and Harness Maker Retired Cause:1(a) Cardio-Vascular Degeneration Certified by L.S.Holmwood M.R.C.S. Informant:M.Howes Informant description:Daughter Present at death Informant residence:Agyamara West Heath Baughurst Basingstoke When Registered:Twenty second December 1937 Registrar:J.S.Britton,Registrar Contributor:John Nutt Registration district:Kingsclere Subdistrict:Kingsclere and Whitchurch GRO year:1937 GRO quarter:4 GRO volume:2c GRO page:317 GRO surname:HOWES GRO forename:William Certificate:DYA 756584 Do another search