Datastore Details CORE INFORMATION Record ID:160065 Study:Howes Member:4836 Data Type :death Date:02 Dec 1905 Surname:HOWES Forenames:James William Place:Woodford cum Membris R.D.,Northamptonshire Country:ENGLAND Dataset:Global Deaths MORE DETAILS Sex:male Age:40 Occupation:Platelayer Cause:Killed by being accidentally knocked down by an express train on the Great Central Railway. On the 2nd day of December 1905. No blame being attribitable to anyone Informant:Certificate received from Thos.M.Percival Coroner When Registered:Fifth December 1905 Registrar:Tom Du?,Registrar Contributor:John Nutt Registration district:Daventry Subdistrict:Daventry GRO year:1905 GRO quarter:4 GRO volume:3b GRO page:59 GRO surname:HOWES GRO forename:James William Certificate:DYA 053125 Do another search