Datastore Details CORE INFORMATION Record ID:160068 Study:Howes Member:4836 Data Type :death Date:12 Mar 1880 Surname:HOWES Forenames:Anthony Place:Workhouse Wicklewood,Norfolk Country:ENGLAND Dataset:Global Deaths MORE DETAILS Sex:male Age:91 Occupation:Formerly a Weaver Cause:Senile Decay certified by B R Boast L.R.C.p.Ed L.F.P.S. Glas Informant:The mark of John Hewitt Informant description:present at the death Informant residence:Workhouse Wicklewood When Registered:Sixteenth March 1880 Registrar:Arthur Glasspoole,Registrar Contributor:John Nutt Registration district:Forhoe Subdistrict:Wymondham GRO year:1880 GRO quarter:1 GRO volume:4b GRO page:127 GRO surname:HOWES GRO forename:Anthony Certificate:DYA 783754 Do another search