Guild Members Website Project hits 200 live sites! Posted 18 March 2018 by Julie GoucherThe Guild of One-Name Studies is delighted to announce that we have just released our 200th website as part of the Members’ Website Project. Congratulations to Douglas Beezley whose website is for the Beasley One-Name Study. The project was devised by a team of Guild members, led by Mike Spathaky in 2014 and began as an trial with both ongoing and archived studies. It was adopted as a permanent project by the Guild Trustees in 2016. The Guild assists members in setting up their website, either a new or existing one, and provides the hosting service. Members are able to preserve their one-name studies as well as maintain, publish and share their ongoing studies with the larger family history community. We offer a choice of websites, including free-standing HTML, websites using Content Management Systems (CMS) (including WordPress and Media Wiki), and websites uploaded from GEDCOM’s and displayed using The Next Generation genealogy software (TNG). You can read more about the Members’ Website Project and see a full list of live websites by visiting Resources > Members’ Websites at the Guild’s Website. Anyone who wants to contact the Members Website Project team leader can do so by clicking HERE.