Sources Sources of further information on individual administrative units Locating Maps Historians’ guide to early British maps : a guide to the location of pre-1900 maps of the British Isles preserved in the United Kingdom and Ireland, London: Royal Historical Society, 1994. Adding Historical Data to the GeoCrossWalk Gazetteer Appendix 8 – Historical Data Sources. UK Data Archive, May 2004. A full survey of sources for historical boundary mapping. GENERAL Guide to the Local Administrative Units of England compiled by Frederick Youngs. Vol 1 – Southern England, Volume 2 – Northern England, Royal Historical Society (1980: 1991). A meticulous guide to registration districts, ancient, ecclesiastical, civil parishes and townships etc, with date of alterations and superior administrative units. Welsh Administrative and Territorial Units: Medieval and Modern by M Richards, Cardiff, 1969. “A detailed listing of all units, with maps of medieval commotes, post-medieval hundreds and modern local government areas.” REGISTRATION DISTRICTS National Registrar General’s Decennial Supplements (1861 to 1896). These list the districts affected, the area transferred, some measure of the population involved, and the exact date of the change. Registration Districts in England and Wales compiled by Brett Langston. Internet resource: lists Registration districts by county, with commencement dates, and the parishes that they covered. The Registration Districts of Scotland from 1855 Edinburgh: General Register Office for Scotland, 1995? Index to Census Registration Districts 1841 to 1891 compiled by the late M E Briant Rosier, 5th edition: Waterlooville, Hampshire: The Author, 1995. Useful as it links Registration Districts to Piece Numbers Making Use of the Census by Susan Lumas, 4th edition, London: PRO Publications. Appendix 5 – Registration Districts has a useful list comparing the census district numbering 1851-1901. An Index to the Civil Registration Districts of England and Wales 1837 to date compiled by J.A. Newport, Selsey: P Pledger, 1989. Districts in alphabetical order (and by county), with vol numbers 1837-1974. Civil Registration Districts in England and Wales, Havant: The Staunton Park Genealogy Centre, 1992. Lists pre-1946 General Registration Districts in England and Wales, with sub-districts and neighbouring districts; also alphabetical subdistrict index. Local A Guide to the Registration Districts of Manchester ed. J.A. Coupe (1984). A Guide to the Civil Registration Districts of Cheshire, 1837-1974. [Warrington]: Family History Society of Cheshire (1996) 90 pages. A Guide Liverpool’s Enumeration Districts in the 1851 census by P.B.Park, Warrington, 1989. POOR LAW UNIONS Statement of the names of the several Unions and Poor Law Parishes in England and Wales, (BPP [C.-5191] 1887 LXX). Gives the dates for the creation of each union and subsequent changes, pre-1861. Poor Law Union Records (Part) 4 – Gazetteer of England and Wales compiled by Jeremy Gibson and Frederic Youngs, Birmingham: FFHS, 1993. A reprint of the Poor Law Union information contained in the above. PARISHES A thousand years of the English parish: medieval patterns and modern interpretations by Anthea Jones, The Windrush Press, 2000. A parish finder for England compiled by Graham Jaunay, Plympton, Australia, The Author, 1996. Alphabetical index of ancient parishes, with church dedication, and county. Discovering parish boundaries by Angus Winchester, Shire Publications, 2nd ed. 2000. Dividing lines in a moorland landscape: Territorial boundaries in upland England, Angus Winchester Landscapes 2 (2000) pp16-32. The parishes of medieval Scotland by I B Cowan, Edinburgh: Scottish Record Society, 1967. “An alphabetical listing of all parishes in existence before 1560.” Boundaries of counties and parishes in Scotland as settled by the Boundary Commissioners under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1889 by H Shennan, Edinburgh: William Green, 1892. “Gives the text of orders made by the Commissioners and explanations of boundary changes thus made, including details of places transferred from one place to another.” Index to the townlands & towns, parishes & Baronies of Ireland, Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. “The volume comprises the Census of Ireland and includes the Ordnance Survey map sheet numbers, the county, barony, parish and poor law union in which the townlands are situated and the volume & page of the townland census of 1851. This contains the population and number of houses in 1841 & 1851 and the poor law valuation in 1851.” Local Old parish boundaries of Staffordshire: a guide to the administrative units of Staffordshire by Tim Cockin, Malthouse Press, 2005, ISBN 0953901815. Copyright Ordnance Survey maps over 50 years old may be copied freely. It is courteous and good practice to quote the details of the original source in full.