Guild of One-Name Studies
One-name studies, Genealogy
Study: Fogwill   
Variants: Fogwell, Vogwell, Vogwill
Category: 1 - A study where research using core genealogical datasets and transcriptions is in its early stages.
Contact: Ms Lynn Fogwill
In recent years DNA testing has become a more widely used tool in genealogy research. Surname DNA projects can help family historians validate their documentary evidence, fill in gaps in their research, break through brick walls and discover how major branches of the family tree connect. DNA research can be particularly useful with a small surname family such as the Fogwells/Fogwills/Vogwells/Vogwills.
In the summer of 2015 a Fogwell/Fogwill/Vogwell/Vogwill surname project was established through Family Tree DNA in collaboration with the Fogwill and variants One Name Study. The project is a Y-DNA (paternal line) and mtDNA (maternal line) project for people who bear one of the Fogwill surname variants and have some documentary evidence of their Fogwell/Fogwill/Vogwell/Vogwill ancestry.
For information about the Fogwell/Fogwill DNA project please visit the webpage
The Administrator of the Fogwell/Fogwill/Vogwell/Vogwill DNA Project is Bruce Fogwell, email: Lynn Fogwill, the Administrator of the One Name Study, is the Co-administrator of the DNA project.
The Fogwell/Fogwill DNA project is also collaborating with the Devon DNA Project - a geographic-based DNA project. People who have documented their Fogwell/Fogwill/Vogwell/Vogwill ancestors back to Devon, England may well be interested in this project as well. See