Guild of One-Name Studies
One-name studies, Genealogy
Study: Keough   
Variants: Kehoe, Keogh
Category: 2 - A study where research using core genealogical datasets and transcriptions is well under way, but currently in some countries only.
Contact: Tessa Keough
I started my personal family research in 2005 soon after a Keough family reunion. My cousin had done some preliminary work and brought a draft chart of our family tree to the gathering. I asked for a copy of her database and used it as a “jumping off point” to start my research. Beginning with me and working backward, I studied complete family lines rather than direct line research.
Four years into my research, I was no closer to crossing the pond for my Keough ancestors. I needed to learn about the small community in Newfoundland where my Keoughs had settled. Since my grandfather was born in Newfoundland, I decided to start my research on the KEOUGH surname in the Bonavista region of Newfoundland.
During that process I became aware of the concept of a “one-name study” and a “one-place study.” I joined the Guild to use its online resources and learn best practices. In July 2012 (and after being a member of the Guild for three years) I registered the KEOUGH surname. Since then I have expanded my research to all regions in Newfoundland, Canada and the United States. After that I intend to expand my research to Ireland, the United Kingdom, and beyond. My KEOUGH one-name study is a long-term project. I hope to interest others who share the KEOUGH surname to assist with data gathering and analysis. I also encourage others to be part of the ongoing KEOUGH DNA study.
The most common variants of the KEOUGH surname are Keogh, Kough, Kehoe, and MacKeogh, as well as MacKeough, O’Hoey, Hoy, Haughey, Haugh, Hough, Keyho, Keyhoe and Kew.
The variants included in my KEOUGH one-name study are Kough, Keogh & Kehoe.
The Dictionary of American Family Names states that KEOUGH is an Irish and Scottish surname. KEOUGH has its origins from the Gaelic Mac Eochaidh, MacEochaidh. The personal name Eochaidh is based upon the Gaelic each, meaning “horse.” (Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2003.)
The Internet Surname Database indicates that the spelling Keogh is chiefly found in the province of Leinster; the spelling Kehoe is chiefly found in County Wexford. The clan originated in the Leinster province, and the surname is common in County Wexford, as well as in the Munster province counties of Limerick and Tipperary, where the Irish spelling is MagCeoch or MacCeoch. In medieval times the MacKeoghs from Leinster moved from Kildare to Wicklow and then down to Wexford. (“Last Name: Keough.” The Internet Surname Database. Name Origin Research, Web. Accessed 21 Nov. 2014.)
I am in the early stages of my KEOUGH one-name study and I started with my family genealogy. I researched the KEOUGH surname for individuals in the Bonavista Region of Newfoundland and in the past year have expanded that research to include all regions of Newfoundland. Since registering my surname, I have conducted preliminary research in additional areas as noted below. Many of the record datasets are Indexes and significant additional research is required. My data collection and family reconstructions are a "work in progress." Please contact me if you have information to share or would like to work with me on the KEOUGH one-name study.
England & Wales
I have a blog called The Keough Corner which includes my family history and a little bit about my research to-date.
I can be easily be found at Google+ (my profile is +TessaKeough) and to a lesser extent on Facebook and Twitter.
I have a YouTube Channel where some of my genealogy and technology videos relating to one-name studies can be found (TessaWatch).
If you have information you would like to contribute or if you would like to join with me in the KEOUGH one-name study (I am always looking for KEOUGHs in other places to lend a hand) please contact me as I would love to hear from you.
Thanks for reading and please check back as I plan to update my KEOUGH profile on a regular basis. ~ Tessa