Newsflash – Conference 2015 Posted 23 January 2015 by Departed Member36th Guild Conference – 27th to 29th March 2015 Forest Pines Hotel & Golf Resort, Near Brigg, Lincolnshire If you planning to come to our 36th Conference why not book NOW! Then you can benefit by the Early Bird Discount which runs until Saturday 31st January. The programme will consist of: two keynote speakers – Laurence Harris (from My Heritage) and Mark Bayley (from S&N Genealogy); a panel session; a choice of a series of “Tools & Technique” presentations (T&T) or “Interactive Sessions” (IS). The T&T presentations will provide helpful and useful advice on a number of aspects including – Webinairs, Facebook, WordPress, Publishing options, Cloud software – TNG and Blogs. The IS sessions will provide a 15 minute presentation followed by an interactive session, topics will include – Globalization of your Study, DNA getting started, Forums and Succession proofing your study. More details about the Conference and a booking form can be found at: You can register and pay either on line or by printing and submitting a booking form by post. Do not forget if you book by the 31st January you will get an “Early Bird” discount. The Conference Organisers can be contacted at: Peter Hagger & Cliff Kemball Conference Organisers