Recent study registrations This page shows studies including variant spellings registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies in the past six months. The list is sorted by the date registered, most recent first. If you would prefer to view the list ordered by study or variant, click on the arrow in the column header that you wish to sort on. Further information on the studies, including contact details, can be found by using the ‘Surname Search’ box at the top right of this webpage. Study Variant Registered Baskett Basket 10/10/2024 Baskett Baskett 10/10/2024 Baskett Bassett 10/10/2024 Ash Aish 08/10/2024 Ash Aishe 08/10/2024 Ash Asch 08/10/2024 Ash Asche 08/10/2024 Ash Ash 08/10/2024 Ash Ashe 08/10/2024 Abrahall Abrahall 08/10/2024 Raven Rafan 24/09/2024 Raven Rafon 24/09/2024 Raven Ravine 24/09/2024 Raven Ravon 24/09/2024 Broderick Broadrick 24/09/2024 Broderick Broderick 24/09/2024 Broderick Brodrick 24/09/2024 Disturnal d'estournelles 22/09/2024 Disturnal Disturnal 22/09/2024 Disturnal Disturnel 22/09/2024 Rouse Rose 21/09/2024 Joynes Joines 21/09/2024 Joynes Joynes 21/09/2024 Rouse Rouse 20/09/2024 Heelas Heelas 20/09/2024 Yelland Yealland 19/09/2024 Pagan Pagan 17/09/2024 Kennington Kennington 07/09/2024 Kennington Kynington 07/09/2024 Kennington Kynnington 07/09/2024 Schattschneider Schattschneider 06/09/2024 Schattschneider Schatzschneider 06/09/2024 Dovener Dovener 05/09/2024 Dovener Dovenor 05/09/2024 Turnbull Trimble 04/09/2024 Turnbull Trumble 04/09/2024 Turnbull Turnball 04/09/2024 Turnbull Turnbull 04/09/2024 Martindale Martindale 01/09/2024 Beckingham Beckingham 26/08/2024 DeForest de Forest 23/08/2024 DeForest de Foret 23/08/2024 DeForest DeForest 23/08/2024 DeForest DeForrest 23/08/2024 Pepperrell Peprell 21/08/2024 Coutts Couts 20/08/2024 Coutts Coutts 20/08/2024 Stidham Steadham 16/08/2024 Stidham Steddom 16/08/2024 Stidham Stedham 16/08/2024 Stidham Stidam 16/08/2024 Stidham Stiddem 16/08/2024 Stidham Stidham 16/08/2024 Angell Aingel 15/08/2024 Angell Aingell 15/08/2024 Angell Angel 12/08/2024 Angell Angell 12/08/2024 Jarvis Garvis 10/08/2024 Jarvis Gervis 10/08/2024 Jarvis Jerves 10/08/2024 Jarvis Jervis 10/08/2024 Jarvis Jervois 10/08/2024 Bye Buy 07/08/2024 Bye Bye 07/08/2024 Jarvis Gervase 05/08/2024 Burford Burford 05/08/2024 Jarvis Jarvis 04/08/2024 Bliss Bless 30/07/2024 Bliss Blesse 30/07/2024 Bliss Blise 30/07/2024 Bliss Bliss 30/07/2024 Bliss Blisse 30/07/2024 Bliss Blysse 30/07/2024 Tebbett Tabbitt 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tabeart 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tebbutt 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tibbert 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tibbett 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tibbetts 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tibbott 29/07/2024 Tebbett Tobitt 29/07/2024 Beismer Bezemer 28/07/2024 Beismer Biesemeyer 28/07/2024 Wormuth Warmouth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Warmuth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Wermouth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Wermuth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Wormouth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Wormuth 28/07/2024 Wormuth Wormwood 28/07/2024 Beismer Beasimer 28/07/2024 Beismer Beesimer 28/07/2024 Beismer Beismer 28/07/2024 Beismer Besemer 28/07/2024 Beismer Besimer 28/07/2024 Beismer Biesemeier 28/07/2024 Beismer Bismer 28/07/2024 Grindrod Grindrod 28/07/2024 Coulter Coalter 26/07/2024 Coulter Colter 26/07/2024 Coulter Coulter 26/07/2024 Coulter Culter 26/07/2024 Coulter Cultre 26/07/2024 Carew Carew 25/07/2024