The 20th Century is Now History Seminar Posted 26 October 2015 by Alan MoorhouseThe 20th Century is Now History Seminar Colonel Dane Memorial Hall, Church Street, Alwalton, near Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE7 3UU ** This seminar is now fully booked, please email to check for any cancellations ** 09:30am for 10:00am on Saturday 13th February 2016 We’ve once again booked this convenient venue, close to Peterborough and the A1. We will be looking at the records of the 20th century that may be utilised in a one-name study: 20th Century Archives – Their Potential and Problems, school records, divorce and voters’ list are among the topics for which we have found specialist speakers and there will be a session on writing up your one-name study in a way that appeals to all. Programme 09:30 – 10:00 Arrival: Registration and Coffee 10:00 – 10:10 Welcome to the Seminar – Rod Clayburn 10:10 – 11:10 20th Century Archives – Their Problems – Nigel Lutt (Freelance Archivist and Researcher) 11:10 – 11:15 Comfort Break 11:15 – 12:15 Discovering Your One-Name in the 20th Century – Janet Few (Family and Local Historian and Author) 12:15 – 13:15 Lunch Break 13:15 – 14:15 School Records and Electoral Rolls – Alex Cox (Find My Past) 14:15 – 14:20 Comfort Break 14:20 – 15:20 Adoption and Divorce – Ian H Waller FSG (Chairman of AGRA) 15:20 – 15:45 Tea Break 15:45 – 16:45 Writing Up Your One-Name Study – Gill Blanchard (Historian, Researcher, Tutor, Author) 16:45 Close of Seminar Applications to attend are welcome from Guild members, family historians, genealogists, and members of the general public having an interest in the subject matter. Seminar cost including refreshments and buffet lunch is £17.00. We would like to ensure that any disabled delegate can participate fully in this event. If you will be travelling by train please contact us for help finding a lift from Peterborough station. Anyone with any special requirements should telephone the Guild Help Desk on 0800 011 2182 or email An accommodation listing is available. Joining instructions are now available here. Booking To book on this seminar, you can use our our online form¹ in any of three ways: Book online and pay online via PayPal or credit card; For Guild members, book online and pay by direct bank transfer through your bank, quoting the reference number on the form (this is the method which represents the least cost to the Guild); Fill in the booking form online, then print it and send it through the post with your cheque. Alternatively, you can download our booking form flyer, which can be printed, filled-in, and posted, with a cheque to: Alan Moorhouse, [Seminar Bookings], 8 Strachans Close, STROUD, Gloucestershire, GL5 3EB. Bookings close on 31st January 2016. All bookings will be confirmed by email, with full joining instructions, on or before this date. Further information may be obtained by telephoning the Guild HelpDesk on 0800 011 2182, or by email from ¹Please note, when booking on a seminar either by post or online, the Guild’s “Distance Selling” terms and conditions. Other events For details of other events organised by the Guild, go to the Events Calendar.