Guild of One-Name Studies
One-name studies, Genealogy
This is one of four stories about sibling members of a Howes family, compiled and contributed to by John Howes, the grandson of one of them. The four siblings, all of whom had their lives profoundly affected by the war are (Peter) Frank Howes, Leonard William Howes, Cyril Frank Howes and Eleanor Margaret Howes. (Clicking on the names will take you to their stories).
Leonard (Frank’s eldest brother) served in the Royal Flying Corps. The RFC became the Royal Air Force on 1st April 1918, so he was clearly serving in the RFC before that.
This would be him, listed as an electrician. It does suggest that he joined in late 1916, more towards the end of the war than his younger brothers.
He was to die in his 30s (married, but without children) and there is no anecdotal information about him.
This is a test