The 37th Guild Conference & AGM, 2016 One-Name Studies – Home and Away Hilton Metropole Hotel National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham B40 1PP The weekend is almost upon us! For everything you need to know prior to the Conference please see the full Joining Instructions. Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd April 2016 This Conference features an international feel, with presentations on research in Europe, India and the Caribbean. There is a wealth of talent amongst our members and a number of them are lecturers of international renown; we have made good use of this pool of expertise. Provisional Main Programme Friday 1st April 2016 15:00 onwards Registration 16:00 DNA Discussion with Debbie Kennett 20:00 Quiz Saturday 2nd April 2016 07:30 – 09:00 Breakfast 09:00 Welcome and Opening of the Conference – Guild President followed by the Annual General Meeting 11:00 – 12:00 Up the Cut – Derek R Harris An amusing and informative look at the canals of England and Wales. This is a talk with a twist, don’t miss it. 12:00 – 13:30 Lunch 13:30 – 14:30 Researching Ancestors who lived in British India, 1600-1947 – Peter Bailey Many families had members who lived and worked in British India; come and learn how to find out more about them. 14:45 – 15:45 Twiling your One-Name Study – Paul from Twile A demonstration of this fast developing method of presenting your family history and an opportunity to consider how this might be adapted to one-name studies. 16:00 – 17:00 Stories from our One-Name Studies – Paul Howes Paul will start the conversation with some of his favourite stories but will be looking to the audience to share your own stories. 19:00 Reception 19:30 Conference Dinner Sunday 3rd April 2016 07:45 – 09:30 Breakfast 08:45 – 09:15 Ecumenical Service 09:30 – 10:30 Tracking my One-Name all over the world: the Eastlake family – Kim Baldacchino A case study from Kim’s one-name study, with plenty of suggestions as to how your findings can be illustrated. 11:00 – 12:00 One-Name Studies Round the World – Panel Suggestions of key sources for one-namers in a variety of non-UK countries. With contributions from Peter Towey, Marie Byatt and Janet Few. 12:00 – 13:30 Lunch Regional Rep Meeting 13:30 – 14:30 Tracing Your Living Ancestors – Geoff Swinfield Tracing living people is different than tracing backward in your ancestor chain but Geoff has many suggestions for finding living people, their family members and even where they live. 15:00 – 16:00 Following One-Name Around the World: tracking emigrants & immigrants – Janet Few Examples of sources that can be used to track down those who leave UK for other parts of the English-speaking world and case studies illustrating what can be discovered. The Venue: The venue, the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, West Midlands, B40 1PP is centrally placed, being within 1 mile of Birmingham International train station and airport and offers a shuttle service from the train station. For those arriving by car, it is situated off the M42 and close to the M6, M1 and M5 motorways. If you can tear yourself away from the family history, there is a heated swimming pool, fitness centre and spa. The Added Extras: We hope that the proximity of our conference to Who Do You Think You Are? Live, both in terms of the calendar and geography, will make a journey to Birmingham doubly worthwhile next April. There will be an opportunity to visit places of historical interest on the three days between the conference and Who Do You Think You Are? Live. Amongst other places, we will be visiting The Black Country Museum. Their website describes this attraction: “The story of the Black Country is distinctive because of the scale, drama, intensity and multiplicity of the industrial might that was unleashed. It first emerged in the 1830s, creating the first industrial landscape anywhere in the world. It is this that we rejoice in and want to share with you. Our award-winning corner of the West Midlands is now one of the finest and largest open-air museums in the United Kingdom. After very humble beginnings, a bright idea and 40 years of inspiration, this is twenty six acres worth exploring. Amazing as it may seem, we have created a ‘place’ – a real and lively place, where once there was nothing and nobody. With a village and charismatic residents to chat with. Trams to ride. Games to play. Things being made. Stories to hear. People – their triumphs to admire and troubles to be thankful that are not ours. Time to be well spent.“ Other outings available between 4 and 6 April include a Guided Bus Tour of Historic Birmingham and a visit to Sarehole Mill. If interested, please reserve your place by 1 March using the following link: Book Additional Outings. Booking details for the Conference: To book on this Conference, you can use our online booking form¹ in any of three ways: Book online and pay online via PayPal or credit card; For Guild members, book online and pay by direct bank transfer through your bank, quoting the reference number given on the form (this is the method which represents the least cost to the Guild); Fill in the booking form online, then print it and send it through the post with your cheque. Alternatively, you can download our flyer booking form, which can be printed, filled-in, and posted, with a cheque to: Alan Moorhouse, Guild Conference Booking 2016, Whites, 8 Strachans Close, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL5 3EB. For further details, contact the conference organiser, or telephone the Guild HelpDesk on 0800 011 2182. ¹Please note, when booking on a conference either by post or online, the Guild’s “Distance Selling” terms and conditions.