The Future of Genealogy Software Posted 8 September 2016 by W Paul FeatherstoneIn a fascinating article Dick Eastman (a member of the Guild) posted an article on the above topic it can be seen here; Some might agree with the sentiments expressed in the article. However, most people seem still to be in the stage of believing that somehow we lose control of our research if it is not on our own PC or laptop. The chance to develop our research on the web via a web site using The Next Generation software Dick mentions is now possible. The best thing about using this method it that there is only one copy (apart from backups) and it is always available on any device that is connected to the internet, no matter where you are. Guild members now have the chance to discover how this works and experiment by getting a website via the Members’ Websites Project. Available here W Paul Featherstone
John Reid says 8 September 2016 at 1:00 am For a different view read “Why You need a Desktop Application as your Main Genealogy Program” at
Howard Benbrook says 8 September 2016 at 8:24 pm Well, anyone who knows me will probably be able to predict my response to Dick Eastman’s article. What we’re seeing here is simply the development of a technology which is far, far more important than mere family history research. Sorry. Over many years now, software has emerged from the shackles of specific hardware (anyone remember IBM? But also Univac? Burroughs? ICT? Honeywell? etc, etc…) through client-bespoke systems, to off-the-shelf packages, and now to cloud-based subscriptions. Curiously, this is not too dissimilar to the very early bureau services at the dawn of commercial computer systems. But most Guild users will be more worried about their data: if I give everything to the cloud, will I open myself up to copying? Can I be sure that it’s safe? One concept not addressed in the notes I’ve read is synchronisation. Simply, the idea here is that you hold your data in the cloud, but all the while the data is kept in line (copied) to your local PC drive. So, for more than a year now, all my family history data (actually: *all* my personal data) has been held ‘in the cloud’. I often go to Cornwall, where internet access is a bit problematic, so what happens if I can’t get online? It’s no problem, because I make changes to my data locally, and when I finally get ‘connected’ the synchro software makes sure everything is in line. I’m delighted to endorse the Guild’s initiative to host members’ data online, in the light of this same technology. Most new things need to be treated with a degree of careful analysis, and I recommend that you all make sure of your facts, but this is a no-brainer, for me.