The Guild at Jamboree, Hunting Your Heritage – 2017 Posted 5 June 2017 by Julie GoucherImage copyright to Southern California Genealogical Society The Southern California Genealogical Society in the United States hosts each year a genealogical Jamboree. This year the Guild will be represented by a number of it’s members giving presentations & talks. We talked yesterday about the Guild presence during the Diving into DNA sessions. The sessions on Friday, Saturday and Sunday are also being streamed. You can read the schedules by clicking the above daily links. Please note, some of the streamed sessions are on a pay per view basis; see the Jamboree site for details. Some sessions are streamed and free of charge to all, courtesy of Ancestry who are the sponsors for Jamboree. Registration is essential via THIS LINK One of the sessions which will be available to all (provided you have registered) is on Friday and will be presented by Guild member,Tessa Keough. And another session is by Guild member, Drew Smith whose session will be streamed on Saturday. We wish our Guild members an enjoyable time at Jamboree!