Active and legacy sites Websites uploaded by members to the web-hosting facility of the Members’ Websites Project remain as active sites while their owners remain Guild members. Participants can maintain and edit their sites as if they were on a normal web hosting facility. Their websites are accessible via web addresses of the form http: // (where regsurname is the registered surname concerned). Existing personal domain names can still also be used. The websites can all be viewed via the Members’ Websites List. “Legacy” websites and succession If, at any time after a participant ceases membership of the Guild, another member wishes to take over their surname registration and develop their one-name study and website, they may join the Project. They would be supplied with a copy of the website of the departed member if they wish to use it as the basis of a new website for that surname. The Guild would still preserve the original “legacy” site as left by the original owner, thus fulfilling the Guild’s promise to preserve it indefinitely as a viewable website. Members’ Websites Project Members’ Websites Project Active and legacy sites Full list and search page Types of website Legacy sites Project history