Names: K NAME, LOCATION(S) Kadir LDN 20 (2) [Muslim] Kahan LDN 30 (3) [Jewish] Kahn LDN 80 (8) [Jewish] Kain BRM 16 (4), LDN 35 (3) Kalsi BRM 22 (5), LDN 30 (3) [Indian] Kamal LDN 20 (2) [Muslim] Kaminski LDN 22 (2) [Polish-Jewish] Kanabar LEIC 16 (6) [Indian] Kane Irish and Scottish (CW), NI 460 (194), IRE 124 (57), GLW 366 (103), EDIN 118 (58) Kaney STLG 17 (14) Kang RDG 24 (10) [Oriental? Chinese?] Kapadia LDN 25 (2) [Muslim? Asgharali, Farokh, ..] Kaplan LDN 40 (4) [Jewish] Kapur LDN 30 (3) [Muslim? Akhil, Gulsham, ..] Karia LEIC 29 (11), LDN 30 (3) [Indian] Karim BRM 35 (9), BRAD 23 (10), LDN 40 (4) [Muslim. Turkish? Fazal, Mehboob, Osman, ..] Kassam LDN 30 (3) [Muslim] Kataria LEIC 17 (6) [Indian?] Katz LDN 130 (13) [Jewish] Kauffman LDN 20 (2) [Jewish] Kaufman MCRW 21 (9), LDN 90 (9) [Jewish] Kaufmann LDN 30 (3) [German and Jewish] Kaur BRM 74 (19), WOLV 38 (14), LEIC 28 (10) [Indian] Kavanagh Irish (CW), DUB 680 (400), IRE 500 (231) Kay CW, esp. in Lancashire, also Yorkshire and Scotland, MCRW 552 (240), MCRE 339 (159), MCRS 244 (90), PSN 386 (151), LPL 155 (67), SHEF 262 (129), LDS 192 (68), BRAD 118 (52), CUMB 107 (73), EDIN 174 (85), GLW 166 (47), FIFE 110 (134), DNDE 79 (70), LDN 320 (32) Kaye CW in Yorkshire, BRAD 378 (168), LDS 226 (80), LDN 440 (44) Kayll LPL 17 (7) Kazmi LDN 20 (2) [Muslim, Aziz, Ehsan, Syed, ..] Keable Norfolk, NOR 37 (22) Keady Irish, IRE 16 (7) Keal Lincolnshire, LINC 28 (18) Kealey N Irish, NI 28 (11) Kealy Irish, DUB 58 (34), IRE 51 (23) Kean Scottish, GLW 97 (27), EDIN 38 (18) Keane Irish (CW), IRE 630 (291), DUB 330 (194) Keaney Irish, IRE 38 (17), DUB 23 (13) Kear Mainly GWNT and Gloucestershire, GWNT 89 (65), GLOS 75 (46), BRL 21 (11), CDF 24 (11) Kearle CDF 13 (6) Kearley BMTH 38 (17) Kearney Irish (CW), IRE 400 (185), DUB 185 (108), NI 215 (91) Kearns Irish (CW), DUB 160 (94), IRE 112 (51) Kearsley Lancashire, PSN 54 (21), MCRW 22 (9) Keary Irish, IRE 26 (12) Keast Cornish (C), PLYM 119 (70) Keates WOLV 24 (9) Keating Irish (CW), IRE 290 (134), DUB 170 (100) Keatley BRM 25 (6), WOLV 20 (7), NI 23 (9) Keats BMTH 26 (12), STN 15 (8) Keaveney Irish, IRE 48 (22), DUB 22 (12) Keay DNDE 72 (64), WOLV 50 (18), BRM 37 (9), SHRW 23 (15) [cf. Kay] Keddie Scottish, EDIN 65 (32), FIFE 57 (69), GLW 39 (11) Kedward CDF 24 (11), GWNT 24 (17) Kee N Irish, NI 58 (24) Keeble Mainly Essex and Suffolk (C), CLR 260 (162), SND 73 (33) Keech BED 82 (33), NHANT 33 (27) Keedwell BRL 18 (9) Keefe Lancashire spelling of Irish O’Keeffe, MCRE 25 (11), MCRW 20 (8), PSN 21 (8), LPL 16 (7), LDN 60 (6) Keegan Irish (CW), DUB 205 (120), IRE 110 (50) Keel STN 21 (12), RDG 17 (7) Keelan IRE 18 (8), LPL 16 (7), MCRS 15 (5) Keeler CANT 85 (29), NOR 68 (40) Keeley W in S England, also Irish, RDG 38 (16), LDN 50 (5), BTN 38 (14), CANT 34 (11), NOR 27 (16), LPL 60 (26), IRE 30 (13) Keeling W in central England, DBY 97 (69), NOTT 55 (31), LEIC 49 (18), STK .., WOLV 72 (27), BRM 72 (19) Keely Irish, IRE 35 (16) Keen CW, esp. in S central England, OX 200 (92), RDG .. [CHECK, DELETED IN ERROR], BED 108 (43), BRM 70 (18), EX 71 (26), CANT 86 (30), BTN 59 (22), SND 52 (23), LDN 270 (27) Keenan Irish (CW), also C in Glasgow, NI 260 (110), IRE 150 (69), DUB 144 (84), GLW 282 (80) Keene Berkshire (C), RDG 157 (66) Keenleyside NCLE 22 (11) Keenor EX 20 (7), CDF 13 (6) Keens BED 33 (13) Keep Mainly Berkshire, RDG 58 (24), OX 42 (19), BED 29 (11) Keeping Hampshire and Dorset, BMTH 44 (20), STN 20 (11) Keers DUR 23 (14), NI 18 (7) Keery N Irish, NI 51 (21) Keetley NOTT 68 (39), DBY 24 (17) Keeton SHEF 62 (30), NOTT 32 (18) [CHECK NOTT] Keevil LDN 20 (2) Kehoe Irish (CW), IRE 220 (101), DUB 75 (44), LPL 74 (32) Keighley Yorkshire, BRAD 110 (49), LDS 87 (30) Keight BRM 22 (5) Keightley W in E central England, LEIC 43 (16), NOTT 29 (16), LINC 36 (23), PBRO 23 (15) Keil Scottish, ABDN 13 (10) Keiller Scottish, DNDE 34 (30) Keillor Scottish, DNDE 36 (32) Keir Scottish, GLW 103 (29), DNDE 56 (50), ABDN 48 (37) Keirnan STLG 12 (10) Keith Scottish (CW), ABDN 201 (158), DNDE 94 (83), EDIN 59 (29), GLW 98 (27) Kelbie Scottish, DNDE 14 (12), ABDN 14 (11) Kelf NOR 26 (15) Kelham LEIC 24 (9) Kelk SHEF 24 (11) Kell C in NE England, NCLE 50 (25), DUR 42 (26) Kellam LEIC 18 (6) [cf. Kelham] Kelland EX 34 (12), PLYM 21 (12), CDF 15 (7) Kellas ABDN 35 (27) Kellaway Dorset, BMTH 67 (31), PLYM 24 (14), EX 20 (7) Kelleher Irish (CW), IRE 450 (208), DUB 92 (54) Keller LDN 40 (4) Kellet PSN 15 (5) Kellett CW in Yorkshire and Lancashire, LDS 158 (56), BRAD 129 (57), PSN 117 (46), CUMB 65 (44) Kelley LPL 36 (15), LDN 40 (4) Kellie Scottish, GLW 20 (5) Kelliher Irish, IRE 42 (19) Kellock Scottish, GLW 21 (5), FIFE 15 (18), EDIN 15 (7) Kellow Devon, PLYM 38 (22), EX 17 (6) Kells N Irish, NI 52 (22) Kelly Mainly Irish (CCW), also CW elsewhere, IRE 2000 (925), DUB 1700 (1000), NI 1170 (495), GLW 1560 (443), EDIN 398 (196), LPL 1030 (451), MCRW 624 (271), MCRS 512 (190), MCRE 500 (234), BRM 595 (158), LDS 440 (156), LDN 1430 (143) Kelman Scottish (C in Aberdeen), ABDN 108 (85) Kelsall Mainly Staffordshire and Lancashire, STK .., MCRS 75 (27), MCRE 44 (20), PSN 60 (23) Kelsey Mainly Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, LINC 69 (44), SHEF 52 (25), LDS 32 (11), WOLV 42 (15), LDN 70 (7) Kelso Scottish and N Irish, GLW 61 (17), NI 87 (36) Kemal LDN 40 (4) [Muslim – Turkish] Kember Kent, CANT 37 (13) Kemble CDF 19 (9), EX 18 (6), LDN 40 (4) Kembrey GWNT 15 (11) Kemish STN 31 (18) Kemp CW throughout England and Scotland, CANT 327 (115), BTN 189 (70), LDN 560 (56), NOR 243 (144), CLR 200 (125), SND 195 (88), BED 185 (74), CAM 105 (61), EX 129 (48), PLYM 103 (60), OX 104 (48), BRM 243 (64), NOTT 141 (81), DBY 88 (62), LEIC 117 (44), LINC 120 (77), LDS 188 (66), MCRS 110 (40), ABDN 134 (105), EDIN 111 (54) Kempin LEIC 16 (6) Kempshall BTN 16 (5) Kempson WOLV 38 (14), BRM 27 (7), BED 34 (13), OX 20 (9) Kempster BED 46 (18), MCRE 20 (9) Kempton BTN 14 (5), LDN 30 (3) Kemsley Kent, CANT 78 (27) Kench LDN 20 (2) Kenchington BMTH 22 (10) Kendall CW throughout England and Wales, PLYM 122 (71), BRL 76 (41), BMTH 76 (35), EX 65 (24), LEIC 100 (38), BRM 85 (22), WOLV 73 (27), LINC 76 (49), BED 77 (31), BTN 63 (23), CANT 58 (20), LDN 200 (20), BRAD 137 (61), LDS 110 (39), CUMB 112 (76), PSN 58 (22), LPL 57 (25), CDF 50 (23) Kendrew Yorkshire, LDS 50 (17) Kendrick CW in central England, WOLV 178 (67), BRM 128 (34), LEIC 114 (43), LPL 56 (24) Kenna Irish, DUB 47 (27) Kennan Irish, DUB 15 (8) Kennard Mainly Sussex, BTN 84 (31), CANT 53 (18), LDN 80 (8), EX 32 (11) Kenneally Irish, IRE 110 (50) Kennedy Irish and Scottish (CCW), IRE 855 (395), DUB 660 (388), NI 730 (309), GLW 1098 (311), LDN 730 (73) Kennefick Irish, IRE 19 (8) Kennell LEIC 21 (8) Kennelly Irish, IRE 58 (26) Kennerley MCRS 103 (38) Kennett Kent (C), CANT 166 (58), BTN 47 (17), LDN 70 (7) Kenney LEIC 109 (41) Kenning BRM 26 (6) Kenny Irish (CW), IRE 520 (240), DUB 490 (288) Kenshole EX 15 (5) Kent CW throughout England, BTN 166 (61), LDN 500 (50), RDG 150 (63), OX 146 (67), BED 145 (58), NOR 139 (82), CAM 105 (61), SND 107 (48), PLYM 149 (87), GLOS 101 (61), BMTH 84 (39), LEIC 140 (53), LINC 103 (66), BRM 123 (32), LDS 101 (35), MCRS 100 (37), IRE 56 (25) Kentish LDN 30 (3) Kenton LDN 40 (4) Kenward Sussex, BTN 56 (20) Kenworthy Mainly Lancashire, MCRE 139 (65), MCRS 43 (15), PSN 30 (11), BRAD 48 (21), LDS 41 (14) Kenwright LPL 30 (13) Kenyon Lancashire (C), PSN 240 (94), MCRE 215 (100), MCRW 192 (83), MCRS 184 (68) Keogan Irish, IRE 19 (8) Keogh Irish (CW), DUB 378 (222), IRE 215 (99) Keoghan Irish, IRE 15 (6) Keohane Irish (C), IRE 115 (53) Keown N Irish, NI 50 (21) Keppie Scottish, EDIN 23 (11) Kerai LDN 20 (2) [Indian] Kerby LDN 22 (2) Kerfoot PSN 46 (18), MCRW 32 (13), MCRS 24 (8) Kerin Irish, IRE 20 (9) Kerins Irish, IRE 42 (19), DUB 26 (15) Kerley BMTH 60 (28), STN 35 (20), IRE 21 (9) Kermode LPL 24 (10) Kern LDN 20 (2) Kernaghan N Irish, NI 76 (32) Kernan Irish, DUB 27 (15) Kernohan N Irish, NI 90 (38) Kerr Scottish and N Irish (CW), GLW 1600 (454), EDIN 748 (368), DNDE 234 (208), DUMF 185 (544), NI 765 (324) [cf. Carr] Kerridge E Anglian, CLR 70 (43), NOR 33 (19), CAM 22 (12), SND 23 (10), LDN 45 (4) Kerrigan Irish, IRE 67 (31), DUB 61 (35), NI 34 (14), LPL 33 (14) Kerrison NOR 67 (39) Kerry W in E England, NOTT 117 (68), DBY 115 (82), NOR 63 (37), CLR 56 (35) Kersey CLR 40 (25) Kershaw CW in S Lancashire, MCRE 525 (246), MCRW 176 (76), MCRS 128 (47), BKBN .., PSN 206 (81), BRAD 280 (125), LDS 186 (65) Kerwin LPL 20 (8) [cf. Kirwan] Kerslake Mainly Devon, EX 65 (24), PLYM 19 (11), BMTH 28 (13) Kerswell Devon, EX 49 (18), PLYM 28 (16) Kessel LDN 20 (2) Kessell Devon, PLYM 58 (34) Kessler LDN 40 (4) Kester CAM 16 (9) Kesterton BRM 54 (14) Ketchen Scottish, EDIN 18 (8) Ketley Suffolk, SND 63 (28), CLR 30 (18) Kett Norfolk, NOR 63 (37) Kettell SHEF 16 (7), LEIC 15 (5) [cf. Kettle] Ketteridge CAM 29 (16) Ketteringham PBRO 38 (25), NOR 16 (9) Kettle LEIC 59 (22), MCRS 56 (20), BRM 53 (14), WOLV 26 (9), WORC 22 (19), PBRO 42 (28), CLR 50 (31), SND 25 (11), LDN 60 (6) Kettleborough LINC 16 (10) Kettles DNDE 63 (56) Kettlety BATH 24 (16) Kettlewell Yorkshire, LDS 41 (14), BRAD 33 (14) Kevan LPL 28 (12) Kevern Devon, PLYM 33 (19) Kevill PSN 26 (10) Kew BRL 22 (12), LDS 21 (7), PBRO 17 (11), LDN 30 (3) Kewley LPL 27 (11) Key W in E and central England, DBY 86 (61), NOTT 68 (39), LEIC 52 (19), BRM 73 (19), WOLV 41 (15), WORC 41 (36), LINC 65 (42), PBRO 56 (37), NOR 82 (48), SND 59 (26), LDN 100 (10) Keylock GLOS 25 (15) Keyes Irish, IRE 43 (19), DUB 38 (22) Keys Mainly N Ireland, NI 99 (41), LDN 80 (8) Keyse GWNT 22 (16), GLOS 16 (9) Keyte WORC 43 (38), BRM 37 (9) Keywood NOTT 15 (8) Keyworth SHEF 63 (31), NOTT 28 (16), LINC 27 (17) Khalid LDN 20 (2) [Muslim] Khaliq BRM 26 (6), BRAD 22 (9) [Muslim] Khan CW, BRM 370 (98), BRAD 287 (128), LDS 108 (38), SHEF 100 (49), MCRE 125 (58), MCRW 99 (43), RDG 141 (60), BED 122 (49), LDN 800 (80) [Muslim] Khanna LDN 20 (2) [Indian] Khatri LDN 40 (4) [Indian?] Khawaja LDN 25 (2) [Muslim] Khera WOLV 15 (5) [Indian?] Khoo LDN 20 (2) [Chinese?] Kibble GLOS 25 (15), GWNT 23 (16), OX 22 (10), NOTT 21 (12), BRM 26 (6), WOLV 24 (9), LDN 30 (3) Kidby CLR 18 (11) Kidd CW, esp. in Scotland and N Ireland, also W in N England, DNDE 178 (158), EDIN 140 (68), GLW 157 (44), ABDN 97 (76), FIFE 54 (65), NI 125 (52), NCLE 54 (27), CUMB 49 (33), LPL 53 (23), MCRS 68 (25), NOR 57 (33) Kiddell NOR 20 (11) Kiddie DNDE 22 (19) Kiddle BMTH 18 (8), LINC 16 (10) Kiddy CAM 22 (12) Kidger LEIC 31 (11), NOTT 16 (9) Kidman CAM 43 (25) Kidner CDF 19 (9) Kidney Irish, IRE 29 (13) Kidson WOLV 22 (8) [cf. Kitson] Kidwell SWN 12 (5) Kielty N Irish, NI 20 (8) Kiely Irish (CW), IRE 275 (127), DUB 52 (30) Kieran Irish, IRE 39 (18), DUB 34 (20) Kierans Irish, IRE 44 (20) Kiernan Irish, DUB 140 (82), IRE 120 (55) Kiff EX 24 (8), CDF 18 (8) Kift EX 18 (6) Kightley NHANT 31 (25), BED 21 (8) Kilbane Irish, IRE 27 (12) Kilbey LDN 25 (2) Kilbride Irish, DUB 30 (17), IRE 18 (8) Kilburn Yorkshire, LDS 98 (34), BRAD 47 (20) Kilby BED 70 (28), CAM 27 (15), LEIC 55 (20), GLOS 24 (14) Kilcoyne Irish, IRE 35 (16) Kilcullen DNDE 13 (11) Kilday Scottish, GLW 31 (8), STLG 14 (11) Kilduff Irish, DUB 19 (11), IRE 15 (6) Kiley SWN 18 (8) Kilfeather Irish, IRE 15 (6) Kilford STN 25 (14) Kilgallon Irish, IRE 33 (15), LPL 20 (8) Kilgore N Irish, NI 18 (7) Kilgour Scottish, EDIN 51 (25), GLW 54 (15), FIFE 35 (42), ABDN 28 (22) Kilkenny Irish, DUB 18 (10) Killa SWN 22 (10) Killeen Irish, DUB 66 (38), IRE 79 (36) Killen N Irish, NI 86 (36) Killian Irish, IRE 31 (14), DUB 15 (8) Killick Mainly Sussex and Kent, BTN 59 (22), CANT 46 (16), LDN 100 (10) Killingbeck LDS 22 (7) Killington LDN 20 (2) Killoh Scottish, ABDN 27 (21) Killough N Irish, NI 19 (8) Kilmartin Irish, IRE 40 (18), DUB 18 (10) Kilminster BRM 26 (6), GLOS 20 (12) Kilmister GLOS 21 (12) Kilner W in N England, SHEF 39 (19), LDS 37 (13), PSN 25 (9) Kilpatrick Scottish and N Irish (CW), GLW 150 (42), NI 102 (43) Kilroy Irish, IRE 36 (16), DUB 30 (17), MCRE 21 (9) Kilsby NHANT 42 (35) Kilshaw Lancashire, LPL 43 (18), PSN 36 (14) Kilvert WOLV 19 (7) Kilvington LDS 24 (8) Kim LDN 22 (2) [Chinese, Korean] Kimbell NHANT 23 (19) Kimber CW in S England, STN 106 (62), BMTH 64 (30), RDG 62 (26), OX 57 (26), GLOS 49 (30), BTN 43 (16), CANT 41 (14), LDN 100 (10) Kimberley W Midlands, BRM 118 (31), WORC 48 (42), WOLV 47 (17) Kime LINC 26 (16), PBRO 25 (16) Kimpton SHEF 15 (7), LDN 50 (5) Kinahan Irish, IRE 22 (10), DUB 17 (10) Kinane Irish, IRE 31 (14) Kincaid Scottish, GLW 48 (13), NI 21 (8) Kinch OX 33 (15) Kinchin BRM 23 (6), WORC 15 (13) Kind LEIC 46 (17) Kinder MCRE 58 (27), MCRS 42 (15), DBY 31 (22), BRAD 39 (17), LDS 25 (8) Kindness Scottish, ABDN 41 (32) Kindon BRM 16 (4) Kindred CLR 26 (16) King CCW throughout S England, also CW in Ireland, BED 926 (374), SND 728 (330), NOR 627 (373), CAM 584 (341), PBRO 413 (279), BTN 850 (317), CANT 828 (291), LDN 2700 (270), OX 709 (328), RDG 701 (298), BMTH 704 (332), STN 507 (300), EX 570 (213), GLOS 491 (301), BATH 402 (277), BRM 620 (164), LEIC 672 (256), MCRS 338 (125), MCRE 257 (120), MCRW 234 (101), IRE 360 (166), DUB 244 (143) Kingdom Mainly Devon, EX 52 (19), SWN 29 (13), CDF 17 (8) Kingdon Mainly Devon, EX 141 (52), PLYM 48 (28), CDF 76 (36) Kingham BED 63 (25), RDG 27 (11), LDN 60 (6) Kinghan N Irish, NI 34 (14) Kinghorn W in Scotland and NE England, EDIN 63 (31), ABDN 30 (23), NCLE 44 (22), NTHM 42 (37) Kingman BMTH 22 (10) Kings WORC 49 (43), BRM 36 (9) Kingsbury BMTH 20 (9) Kingscott BRL 19 (10), GLOS?, WORC?, BRM 18 (4) Kingsford CANT 21 (7) Kingshott Sussex, BTN 25 (9) Kingsland Kent, CANT 30 (10) Kingsley LDN 100 (10), BTN 26 (9), CAM 21 (12), BED 20 (8) Kingsnorth Kent, CANT 54 (19) Kingston W in Ireland and S England, IRE 157 (72) [CHECK], DUB 37 (21), NHANT 57 (47), WOLV 40 (15), CANT 54 (19), BTN 42 (15), LDN 110 (11), SND 37 (16), BRL 37 (20), BMTH 32 (15) [CHECK dby too] Kingswood LDS 19 (6), SHEF 18 (8) Kington BRL 34 (18) Kingwell PLYM 25 (14) Kinkead N Irish, NI 27 (11) Kinloch Scottish, GLW 68 (19), DNDE 26 (23) Kinmond DNDE 28 (25) Kinnair DUR 18 (11) Kinnaird Scottish, GLW 63 (17), ABDN 32 (25), EDIN 37 (18) Kinnane Irish, IRE 16 (7) Kinnear Scottish, EDIN 82 (40), FIFE 63 (76), DNDE 58 (51), GLW 65 (18), NI 36 (15) Kinnell FIFE 32 (39) Kinney N Irish and Scottish, NI 26 (11), GLW 21 (5) Kinniburgh Scottish, GLW 34 (9), STLG 27 (22) Kinross STLG 14 (11) Kinsella Irish (CW), IRE 225 (104), DUB 222 (130) Kinsey W across N central England, SHRW 52 (34), WOLV 51 (19), DBY 31 (22), LEIC 37 (14), MCRS 59 (21), MCRE 29 (13), MCRW 27 (11), LDS 37 (13) Kinslow CANT 19 (6) Kinsman PLYM 29 (17) Kinson LEIC 44 (16) Kinton NOTT 22 (12), LEIC 20 (7) Kinvig LPL 16 (7) Kipling SHEF 16 (7) Kipping RDG 15 (6) Kirby CW, esp. in N England, also C in Ireland, LDS 216 (76), LEIC 188 (71), BRM 173 (46), PSN 138 (54), LPL 109 (47), SND 143 (65), BED 125 (50), LDN 400 (40), IRE 108 (50) [cf. Kirkby] Kirk CW, esp. in N Ireland, Scotland, and N and E England, NI 245 (103), GLW 184 (52), FIFE 151 (184), NOTT 354 (205), LEIC 296 (112), DBY 223 (159), LINC 227 (147), LDS 230 (81), SHEF 206 (101), MCRS 174 (64), LDN 250 (25) Kirkaldy DNDE 13 (11) Kirkbride CUMB 93 (63) Kirkbright LDS 18 (6) Kirkby W throughout N England, LINC 66 (42), LDS 41 (14), SHEF 29 (14), CUMB 49 (33), PSN 30 (11), MCRW 31 (13), MCRE 27 (12) [cf. Kirby] Kirkham CW, esp. in Lancashire, PSN 225 (88), MCRS 125 (46), MCRE 78 (36), STK .., NOTT 74 (43), BRM 72 (19), WOLV 53 (20) Kirkhouse SWN 15 (7) Kirkland Mainly E Midlands, also Glasgow, DBY 79 (56), LEIC 85 (32), NOTT 51 (29), SHEF 37 (18) Kirkley NCLE 30 (15) Kirkman Mainly Lancashire (CW), MCRW 217 (94), PSN 60 (23), DBY 44 (31) Kirkness ORK 22 (366) Kirkpatrick N Irish (CW) and Scottish, NI 250 (105), DUMF 117 (344), GLW 99 (28), EDIN 46 (22), CUMB 58 (39) Kirkup W in N England (Borders), DUR 50 (31), NCLE 38 (19), NTHM 23 (20), CUMB 24 (16) Kirkwood Scottish and N Irish (CW), GLW 247 (70), EDIN 75 (36), NI 96 (40) Kirrane Irish, IRE 24 (11) Kirman LINC 53 (34) Kirtley DUR 78 (49) Kirton W in E England and Scotland, DUR 43 (27), NCLE 35 (17), LEIC 31 (11), LINC 32 (20), WOLV 29 (10), LDS 21 (7), ABDN 25 (19) Kirwan Irish (CW), IRE 185 (85), DUB 165 (97), LPL 68 (29) Kirwin MCRE 19 (8), MCRW 15 (6) [cf. Kirwan] Kisby PBRO 22 (14), LEIC 14 (5) Kissane Irish, IRE 41 (18), DUB 20 (11) Kitchen CW in N England, esp. Yorkshire, LDS 160 (56), BRAD 95 (42), SHEF 73 (35), LINC 68 (44), MCRS 91 (33), PSN 78 (30), CUMB 57 (39) Kitchener Mainly E England, BED 100 (40), CAM 31 (18), NHANT 22 (18), BTN 26 (9) Kitcher STN 48 (28), BMTH 19 (8) Kitchin CUMB 35 (23) Kitchiner BED 18 (7) Kitching W in N England, MBRO .., LDS 70 (24), BRAD 45 (20), CUMB 42 (28) Kitchingman Yorkshire, LDS 34 (12) Kite W in central and S England, WORC 30 (26), BRM 49 (13), WOLV 24 (9), BATH 22 (15), BRL 20 (10), CANT 49 (17), BTN 28 (10), LDN 50 (5), RDG 26 (11) Kiteley BRM 16 (4) Kitney Kent, CANT 58 (20) Kitson Mainly Yorkshire, BRAD 134 (59), LDS 111 (39), SHEF 43 (21), WOLV 60 (22) Kitt Devon, PLYM 33 (19) Kittle NOR 18 (10) Kitto Cornish, PLYM 35 (20) Kivell EX 18 (6) Kleanthous LDN 20 (2) [Greek] Klein LDN 160 (16) [German, Jewish] Kleinman LDN 25 (2) [Jewish] Klinger LDN 30 (3) Knaggs LDS 36 (12), NCLE 22 (11) Knapman Devon, EX 99 (37), PLYM 23 (13) Knapp W, esp. in S England, BRL 52 (28), GLOS 27 (16), EX 26 (9), LEIC 48 (18), BTN 39 (14), CANT 33 (11), LDN 90 (9), RDG 30 (12) Knapton Yorkshire, BRAD 50 (22), LDS 31 (10), SHEF 27 (13), LINC 29 (18) Kneale LPL 39 (17) Kneath SWN 15 (7) Kneebone Devon, PLYM 56 (32) Kneeshaw LDS 17 (6) Knell Kent, CANT 36 (12) Kneller STN 30 (17) Knibb NHANT 18 (15) Knibbs OX 36 (16), RDG 23 (9), BED 20 (8), NHANT 20 (16), CDF 17 (8) Knifton LEIC 27 (10), DBY 16 (11) Knight CW, esp. in S and central England, BTN 630 (235), CANT 534 (188), LDN 1260 (126), SND 373 (169), BRM 612 (162), WORC 249 (220), LEIC 413 (157), NOTT 277 (161), NHANT 330 (275), BED 336 (136), RDG 333 (141), STN 326 (192), BMTH 335 (158), EX 350 (131), PLYM 302 (177), GLOS 254 (155), BATH 200 (137), BRL 223 (122), CDF 202 (96), DNDE 104 (92) Knightley LDN 20 (2) Knighton E Midlands, NOTT 50 (29), DBY 49 (35), NHANT 31 (25) Knights E Anglian (CW), NOR 316 (188), CLR 150 (93) Knill EX 29 (10), SHRW 16 (10) Knipe CUMB 25 (17), NI 33 (13) Knock CLR 40 (25) Knot DBY 18 (12) Knott CW, MCRE 115 (53), MCRS 101 (37), MCRW 51 (22), CANT 115 (40), BTN 63 (23), LDN 150 (15), RDG 56 (23), WOLV 66 (25), BRM 63 (16), LEIC 57 (21), WORC 48 (42), BMTH 49 (23), EX 42 (15) Knotts GLW 22 (6) Knowler Kent, CANT 37 (13) Knowles CW, esp. in N and central England, PSN 340 (133), MCRS 301 (111), MCRW 292 (126), MCRE 203 (95), BKBN .., LPL 155 (67), CUMB 115 (78), LDS 260 (92), BRAD 190 (84), SHEF 192 (94), DBY 115 (82), NOTT 115 (66), BRM 225 (59), WOLV 214 (81), CANT 122 (42), LDN 280 (28), EX 116 (43) Knowlson BRL 22 (12) Knowlton STN 20 (11) Knox Scottish and N Irish, GLW 285 (80), EDIN 185 (91), ABDN 70 (55), DNDE 63 (56), NI 210 (88), NCLE 155 (77) Knuckey PLYM 23 (13) Koch LDN 30 (3) [Jewish or German] Kohler LDN 20 (2) [Jewish or German] Kohli LDN 20 (2) [?German ?Jewish] Kohn LDN 40 (4) [Jewish] Korn LDN 35 (3) [Jewish or German] Kosky LDN 30 (3) [Jewish] Kotecha LEIC 78 (29) [Indian] Kothari LDN 20 (2) [Indian] Koumi LDN 20 (2) [Greek] Kovacs LDN 20 (2) [Hungarian] Kowalski LDN 20 (2) [Polish] Kraft LDN 20 (2) [German or Jewish] Kramer LDN 70 (7) [German or Jewish] Kraus LDN 30 (3) [German or Jewish] Kreeger LDN 20 (2) [Jewish] Kruger LDN 30 (3) [German or Jewish] Kuhn LDN 20 (2) [German or Jewish] Kumar BRM 41 (10), WOLV 26 (9), LEIC 20 (7), LDN 60 (6) [Indian] Kydd DNDE 80 (71) Kyle N Irish and Scottish (C), NI 190 (80), GLW 172 (48) Kynaston Shropshire, SHRW 81 (53) Kyne Irish, IRE 32 (14) Kynoch Scottish, ABDN 25 (19) Kyprianou LDN 50 (5) [Greek] Kyriacou LDN 200 (20) [Greek] Kyriakides LDN 40 (4) [Greek] Kyriakou LDN 40 (4) [Greek] Kyte WORC 21 (18), WOLV 19 (7), DBY 19 (13), BRM 26 (6), BATH 19 (13), CDF 17 (8), LDN 30 (3)