By-names Cameron, K. ‘Bynames of location in Lincolnshire Subsidy rolls’ Nottingham Medieval Studies, 32 (1988) 156-64 Carlsson, S. Studies on Middle English local bynames in East Anglia Lund Studies in English, 79, Lund, 1989 Notes: Reviewed in NominaVol 14 (1990-91) _____ ‘The early personal names of King’s Lynn: an essay in socio-cultural history, Part 2 — bynames’ Nomina 7 (1983), 65-89 Chamberlain, D.L. Welsh nicknames Caernarfon, 1981 Clark, Cecily ‘The Middle English nickname Kepeharm’ Nomina 5, (1981), 94 _____ Nickname-creation: some sources of evidence, ‘naive’ memoirs especially’ Nomina. 5, (1981),83—94 _____ ‘Thoughts on the French connections of Middle-English nicknames’ Nomina 2 (1978), 38-44 Abstract: discusses the linguistic origin of ‘Shakespeare’ names i.e. verb+noun compunds Fellows Jensen, Gillian ‘On the study of Middle English by-names’ Namn och Bygd 68 (1980). 107-109 Hjertstedt, I. Middle English nicknames in the Lay Subsidy rolls for Warwickshire Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia, 63. Uppsala, 1987 Notes: reviewed by J. Insley in Studia Neophilologica 62 (1990), pp115-119 and by Cecily Clark in Nomina 13 (1989-90), pp 143-145. Reviews point out that although useful as a repertory of recorded forms, consideration of socio-economic background and psychological motivation is lacking Jönsö, J. Studies on Middle English nicknames: I -Compounds Lund Studies in English, 55, Lund, 1979 Notes: reviewed by Cecily Clark in: English Studies, 63, 1982 pp168-170. Reviews point out that although useful as a repertory of recorded forms, consideration of socio-economic background and psychological motivation is lacking McClure, Peter ‘The interpretation of Middle English nicknames: a review of Jan Jönsjö, Studies on Middle English Nicknames. 1, Compounds’ Nomina 5, (1981), 95—104 _____ ‘Nicknames and petnames: linguistic forms and social contexts Nomina 5 (1981), 63—76 Abstract: a suggested linguistic structure for 20th century schoolchildren’s nicknaming patterns McKinley, Richard ‘Medieval Latin translations of English personal bynames: their value for surname history Nomina 14 (1990-91), 1-6 Postles, David. ‘Bynames of location with the suffix -by revisited’ Nomina 25 (2002), 5-12 ____ ‘Negotiating bynames’ Nomina 27 (2004), 41-70 ____ ‘ ‘Nomina Villanorum et Burgensium’: Oxfordshire Bynames before c. 1250′ Oxoniensia LIV (1989) ____ ‘"Oneself as another" and Middle English nickname bynames’. Nomina, 22 (1999), 117-32. ____ Talking ballocs : nicknames and English medieval sociolinguistics Leicester: The author, 2003 Notes: I have learnt more in the 66 pages of this monograph, than in all the other sources on nicknames put together.Excellent onomastic survey Seltén, B. Early East-Anglian nicknames: Bahuvrihi names Scripta Minora, 1974-1975, 3, Lund, 1975 _____ Early East-Anglian nicknames: ‘Shakespeare’ names Scripta Minora Regiae Societatis Humaniorum Litterarum Lundensis, 1968-1969, 3, Lund, 1969 Tengvik, G. Old English Bynames Nomina Germanica, IV, Uppsala, 1938 Von Feilitzen, O. ‘The personal names and bynames of the Winton Domesday’ in M. Biddle et alii (eds)., Winchester in the Early Middle Ages; Winchester Studies, 1, Oxford, 1976, 143-229