Names: A NAME, LOCATION(S) Aaron, LDS 24 (8), BRAD 15 (6) Aarons, LDN 60 (6) Aaronson, LDN 20 (2) Abbas, LDN 20 (2), [at least in part Muslim – Farid, Ghulam, Omar, etc., but also John, etc.] Abberley, SHRW 16 (10) Abbey, YORK 43 (54), LDS 50 (17), BRAD 20 (8), BRM 21 (5) Abbiss, WOLV 28 (10), BED 23 (9) Abbott, CW throughout England, CLR 270 (168), SND 153 (69), BED 162 (65), LDN 400 (40), BMTH 101 (47), LEIC 151 (57), DBY 87 (62), LDS 193 (68), YORK 55 (69), SCAR 27 (50), PSN 177 (69), MCRE 141 (66), MCRW 118 (51), MCRS 118 (43) Abbotts, STK 42 (35), BRM 44 (11) Abbs, E Anglian, NOR 51 (30), CAM 29 (16) Abdullah, LDN 40 (4), [Muslim] Abdy, SHEF 26 (12) Abel, NOR 84 (50), LDN 80 (8), ABDN 65 (51) Abell, LEIC 56 (21) Abercrombie, Scottish, GLW 48 (13), EDIN 18 (8) Abercromby, Scottish, GLW 15 (4) Abernethy, Scottish and N Irish, ABDN 35 (27), GLW 41 (11), NI 53 (22) Abery, RDG 25 (10) Able, NOR 15 (8) Ablett, W in E England, CLR 30 (18), NOR 16 (9), LEIC 21 (8), NHANT 17 (14) Ablitt, CLR 35 (21) Abnett, CANT 21 (7) Abraham, W, esp. in Wales and S England, CDF 65 (30), SWN 38 (17), LPL 58 (25), STN 54 (31), EX 31 (11), BED 39 (15), LDN 140 (14) Abrahams, LDN 280 (28), BED 44 (17), BTN 29 (10), BRL 41 (22), BRM 38 (10), MCRW 30 (13), LPL 26 (11), LDS 23 (8) Abram, Lancashire, PSN 127 (50), LPL 71 (31) Abrams, LDN 50 (5) Abrey, LDN 20 (2) Absalom, SWN 39 (18) Absolom, RDG 23 (9) Abson, Yorkshire, LDS 31 (10), SHEF 23 (11) Acaster, Yorkshire, YORK 21 (26), SHEF 15 (7) Ace, C in Wales, SWN 72 (33) Acharya, LDN 23 (2), [Indian] Acheson, N Irish, NI 130 (55) Achilleos, LDN 20 (2), [Greek] Ackerley, Lancashire, MCRS 41 (15), MCRW 26 (11), CUMB 18 (12) Ackerman, BMTH 36 (16), BRL 28 (15), LDN 80 (8) Ackers, Lancashire, PSN 60 (23), LPL 47 (20), MCRW 27 (11) Ackland, Devon, EX 58 (21) Ackrill, BRM 19 (5) Ackroyd, Yorkshire, BRAD 252 (112), LDS 159 (56) Aconley, SCAR 24 (44) Acott, Kent, CANT 49 (17) Acreman, CDF 34 (16), [cf. Ackerman] Acton, MCRS 91 (33), MCRW 45 (19), MCRE 29 (13), PSN 27 (10), LEIC 30 (11), BRM 26 (6), EX 21 (7) Adair, N Irish, NI 310 (131) Adam, CW in Scotland, GLW 330 (93), EDIN 220 (108), DNDE 195 (174), ABDN 94 (74), FIFE 87 (106) Adamou, LDN 30 (3), [Greek] Adams, CCW esp. in central and S England, STK 384 (290), BRM 742 (197), WOLV 484 (183), LEIC 396 (151), DBY 214 (152), GLOS 315 (193), WORC 195 (172), CANT 519 (182), SND 625 (284), CLR 330 (206), BED 459 (185), LDN 1400 (140), OX 431 (199), EX 425 (159), BMTH 390 (183), NI 490 (207), GLW 484 (137), CDF 358 (170) [bar 300] Adamson, CW in Scotland and N England, FIFE 214 (260), EDIN 166 (81), GLW 128 (36), DNDE 136 (121), DUR 162 (101), NCLE 145 (72), LDS 113 (40), MCRW 114 (49), PSN 105 (41) [bar 100] Adaway, RDG 24 (10) Adcock, CW in E central England, LEIC 182 (69), NOTT 86 (50), DBY 54 (38), BRM 45 (11), NOR 89 (52) Adderley, Mainly W Midlands, BRM 41 (10), MCRS 22 (8) Addicott, CDF 24 (11), EX 18 (6) Addie, Scottish, GLW 23 (6) Addinall, LDS 25 (8), YORK 18 (22) Addington, NHANT 19 (15) Addis, W in W England and N Ireland, SHRW 25 (16), WOLV 26 (9), BRM 21 (5), GLOS 21 (12), WORC 15 (13), NI 33 (13), CDF 34 (16) Addison, W esp. in N England, CUMB 60 (41), LPL 32 (14), EDIN 68 (33), NCLE 42 (21), YORK 28 (35), SCAR 15 (27), PSN 75 (29), BKBN 46 (23), WOLV 52 (19), LEIC 47 (17), CLR 43 (26) Addlesee, PBRO 18 (12) Addy, Yorkshire, LDS 86 (30), BRAD 57 (25), SHEF 46 (22), YORK 20 (25) Addyman, BRAD 17 (7) Adey, Chiefly W Midlands, WOLV 67 (25), BRM 38 (10) Adie, Scottish, ABDN 22 (17), FIFE 18 (21), GLW 18 (5) Adjei, LDN 20 (2), [Nigerian?] Adkin, W in E central England, NOTT 61 (35), DBY 38 (27), LEIC 28 (10), LDS 28 (9) Adkins, NHANT 40 (33), OX 53 (24), BRM 75 (19) Adlam, Wiltshire, BATH 23 (15), BRL 19 (10), STN 19 (11) Adlard, LINC 29 (18) Adlem, BMTH 36 (16) [cf. Adlam] Adler, LDN 130 (13) Adlington, STK 21 (17), SHEF 22 (10) Adrain, N Irish, NI 20 (8) Adsett, Sussex, BTN 40 (14) Adshead, Mainly S Lancashire, MCRS 109 (40), MCRE 81 (38), MCRW 34 (14), WOLV 27 (10) Affleck, Scottish, EDIN 30 (14), GLW 23 (6) Afford, PBRO 20 (13) Afzal, BRAD 15 (6), BRM 19 (5), [Muslim] Agar, NE England, DUR 22 (13), SCAR 26 (48), YORK 17 (21), LDS 33 (11), BRAD 20 (8), LEIC 23 (8) Agass, LDN 20 (2) Agate, Sussex, BTN 31 (11) Agathangelou, LDN 20 (2), [Greek] Ager, Mainly E Anglia, CLR 70 (43), SND 57 (25), NHANT 36 (30) Agg, GLOS 21 (12) Aggett, Devon, EX 93 (34) Agius, LDN 20 (2) Agnew, Mainly N Irish, NI 300 (127), GLW 133 (37), DUMF 40 (117) Agombar, LDN 20 (2), [foreign, check which. Muslim?] Ahearne, Irish, IRE 23 (10) Ahern, Irish, IRE 250 (115), DUB 50 (29) Aherne, Irish, IRE 134 (62), DUB 38 (22) Ahluwalia, LDN 40 (4) [Indian] Ahmad, LDN 170 (17), MCRE 31 (14), BRAD 31 (13), NOTT 29 (16), OX 31 (14), [Muslim] Ahmed, BKBN 127 (64), MCRE 74 (34), MCRW 55 (23), BRAD 101 (45), BRM 121 (32), LDN 380 (38), [Muslim] Ahmet, LDN 140 (14), [Muslim] Aicken, N Irish, NI 47 (19) Aiken, N Irish, NI 138 (58) Aikman, Scottish, EDIN 50 (24), GLW 25 (7) Aindow, Lancashire, LPL 51 (22), PSN 24 (9) Ainge, LEIC 44 (16), NHANT 21 (17) Ainger, CLR 28 (17) Ainley, Yorkshire, BRAD 113 (50), LDS 52 (18), SHEF 30 (14) Ainscough, Lancashire, PSN 197 (77), BKBN 67 (34), MCRW 66 (28), LPL 41 (17) Ainscow, Lancashire, MCRW 40 (17), BKBN 34 (17) Ainsley, Mainly NE England, NCLE 38 (19), DUR 23 (14), NTHM 16 (14) Ainslie, Scottish, EDIN 75 (36) Ainsworth, Lancashire, BKBN 355 (181), MCRW 209 (90), MCRS 124 (46), MCRE 111 (52), PSN 166 (65), LPL 100 (43) Aird, Scottish, GLW 137 (38), AYR 116 (84) Airey, Cumbria, Lancashire, and Yorkshire, CUMB 134 (91), PSN 53 (20), BKBN 49 (25), BRAD 79 (35) Airlie, Scottish, GLW 54 (15), EDIN 31 (15) Airth, Scottish, DNDE 15 (13) Aisthorpe, LINC 29 (18) Aiston, NCLE 31 (15) Aitchison, Mainly Scotland and NE England, EDIN 158 (77), GLW 120 (34), NTHM 56 (49), NCLE 49 (24), DUR 36 (22) Aitken, Scottish (CW), EDIN 460 (226), FIFE 172 (209), GLW 595 (169), DUMF 41 (120), DNDE 132 (117) Aitkenhead, Scottish, STLG 20 (16), GLW 43 (12) Aizlewood, SHEF 19 (9) Akbar, BRM 19 (5), [Muslim] Aked, BRAD 24 (10) Akehurst, Sussex and Kent, BTN 82 (30), CANT 25 (8) Akerman, Wiltshire, BATH 19 (13), [cf. Ackerman] Akeroyd, Yorkshire, BRAD 35 (15), LDS 30 (10) Akers, DBY 37 (26), SHEF 38 (18), NOTT 24 (13), LEIC 23 (8), LDS 21 (7), OX 20 (9) Akester, LINC 14 (9) Akhtar, BKBN 41 (21), BRAD 35 (15), [Muslim] Akhurst, Kent, CANT 28 (9), [cf. Akehurst] Akiens, LEIC 20 (7) Akram, BRM 31 (8), BRAD 24 (10), [Muslim] Akrigg, CUMB 24 (16), BRAD 24 (10) Akroyd, BRAD 72 (32), [cf. Ackroyd] Aktar, MCRE 16 (7) Alam, BRAD 18 (8), BRM 21 (5), LDN 50 (5), [Muslim] Albans, LINC 16 (10) Albert, LDN 100 (10) Albion, LDS 30 (10) Albiston, S Lancashire, MCRS 20 (7), MCRE 17 (7) Albon, BED 68 (27), SND 23 (10) Albone, BED 88 (35) Alborough, NOR 15 (8) Albrighton, LEIC 20 (7) Albrecht, LDN 20 (2), [German or Jewish] Albrow, NOR 16 (9) Albutt, WORC 34 (30), BRM 39 (10) Alcock, Mainly NW England, STK 186 (153), MCRS 111 (41), LPL 64 (28), DBY 34 (24), SHEF 45 (22), WOLV 50 (18), BRM 62 (16) Alcorn, N Irish, NI 32 (13) Aldam, SHEF 17 (8) Aldcroft, S Lancashire, MCRS 45 (16), MCRW 25 (10) Alden, Mainly Norfolk, NOR 62 (36), BRL 31 (17), OX 21 (9) Alder, Mainly Berkshire and Oxon., RDG 80 (34), OX 78 (36), GLOS 50 (30) Alderdice, N Irish, NI 28 (11), [cf. Allardyce] Alderman, BED 52 (21), NHANT 27 (22), RDG 31 (13), STN 23 (13) Aldersley, BRAD 18 (8) Alderson, Mainly NE England, DUR 112 (70), NCLE 103 (51), MBRO .., LDS 115 (40), BRAD 96 (42), BKBN 88 (45) Alderton, E Anglian, CLR 50 (31), NOR 41 (24), SND 38 (17) Aldis, E Anglian, NOR 35 (20), CLR 17 (10) Aldous, E Anglian, CLR 110 (68), NOR 115 (68) Aldred, Mainly Lancashire, MCRW 175 (76), MCRS 48 (17), MCRE 38 (17), BKBN 92 (47), PSN 47 (18), DBY 48 (34), NOTT 42 (24), NOR 81 (48) Aldren, CUMB 22 (15) Aldrich, NOR 17 (10) Aldridge, CW, esp. in central and S England, WOLV 132 (50), BRM 99 (26), LEIC 86 (32), GLOS 93 (57), OX 82 (37), RDG 103 (43), LDN 410 (41), BTN 83 (30), CANT 82 (28), NOR 74 (44), SND 82 (37), BED 91 (36) Aldwinckle, LEIC 32 (12) Alesbrook, LEIC 18 (6) Alexander, CW everywhere, esp. in Scotland, GLW 575 (163), AYR 468 (339), DNDE 252 (222), EDIN 381 (187), ABDN 321 (252), DUMF 50 (147), NI 360 (152), LPL 131 (57), LDN 900 (90), BTN 160 (59), CANT 134 (47), STN 111 (65), BMTH 102 (48), SND 115 (52), NOR 112 (66) Alexandrou, LDN 50 (5), [Greek] Alexis, LDN 20 (2) Alford, SW England, EX 127 (47), PLYM 71 (41), STN 54 (31), BMTH 45 (21), BATH 52 (35) Alfred, LDN 30 (3) Alfreton, DBY 21 (15) Algar, E Anglian, NOR 34 (20), CLR 20 (12) Alger, E Anglian, NOR 29 (17) Algie, N Irish and Scottish, NI 18 (7), GLW 17 (4) Ali, CW, BRM 272 (72), BRAD 151 (67), LDS 81 (28), BKBN 128 (65), MCRE 125 (58), LDN 600 (60), BED 109 (44), CDF 66 (31), GLW 79 (22), [Muslim] Alibone, NHANT 24 (20) Alison, Scottish, EDIN 18 (8), [cf. Allison] Alker, Lancashire, PSN 96 (37), MCRW 38 (16), BKBN 33 (16) Allam, LDN 20 (2) Allan, CCW in Scotland, GLW 1070 (303), EDIN 715 (352), ABDN 647 (509), FIFE 401 (489), DNDE 337 (300), NCLE 257 (128), MBRO .., DUR 128 (80), NTHM 110 (97) Allanson, Yorkshire, SCAR 20 (37), LDS 32 (11) Allard, NOR 36 (21), CLR 30 (18), CANT 36 (12), LEIC 23 (8) Allardice, Scottish, DNDE 25 (22) Allardyce, Scottish, ABDN 54 (42), DNDE 22 (19), GLW 21 (5) Allatt, Yorkshire, LDS 45 (15), BRAD 25 (11) Allaway, RDG 35 (14), BRM 19 (5) Allbright, NHANT 16 (13) Allbutt, BRM 26 (6), STK 16 (13), [cf. Albutt] Allchin, Kent, CANT 44 (15) Allcoat, LEIC 16 (6) Allcock, Mainly central England, NOTT 106 (61), DBY 57 (40), BRM 72 (19), STK 52 (42), MCRS 68 (25), MCRE 40 (18), MCRW 36 (15) Allcorn, BTN 22 (8) Allcott, BRM 32 (8) Allden, BRM 24 (6) Alldread, DBY 28 (20) Alldred, MCRW 33 (14) Alldridge, BRM 15 (3) Allebone, NHANT 17 (14), [cf. Alibone] Allen, CCW throughout England and N Ireland, LEIC 921 (351), DBY 505 (360), NOTT 567 (329), SHEF 609 (300), MCRS 486 (180), MCRW 453 (196), MCRE 346 (162), BRM 1064 (282), WOLV 715 (270), GLOS 392 (240), WORC 256 (226), RDG 676 (287), OX 507 (234), BED 664 (268), SND 626 (284), CANT 650 (228), BTN 586 (218), LDN 2000 (200), BMTH 402 (189), PLYM 449 (264), NI 800 (338), [bar 400] Allenby, LDS 26 (9), [cf. Allonby] Allender, SHEF 19 (9) Allerton, LDS 28 (9), YORK 15 (18), NOR 17 (10) Alleyne, LDN 80 (8) Allford, GWNT 19 (13) Allfrey, Sussex, BTN 26 (9) Allgood, CAM 16 (9), PBRO 14 (9) Allibone, NHANT 14 (11), [cf. Alibone] Allin, Devon, EX 78 (29), [cf. Allen] Allingham, BED 16 (6) Allington, CLR 18 (11) Allinson, Yorkshire, LDS 130 (46) Allison, CW, esp. in Scotland and N England, GLW 360 (102), EDIN 131 (64), DNDE 60 (53), DUMF 31 (91), CUMB 123 (84), NCLE 110 (55), DUR 122 (76), MBRO .., SHEF 104 (51), YORK 78 (98), SCAR 51 (94), [bar 50] Allister, N Irish, NI 27 (11) Alliston, LDN 25 (2) Allman, STK 62 (51), SHRW 37 (24), MCRS 65 (24), NOR 29 (17) [bar 30] Allmark, WOLV 63 (23), LPL 25 (10), SHRW 21 (13) Allner, BMTH 17 (8), [cf. Alner] Allon, DUR 16 (10) Allonby, CUMB 30 (20) Allott, Yorkshire, SHEF 135 (66), LDS 47 (16) Alloway, LDN 20 (2) Allport, W Midlands, WOLV 87 (32), BRM 40 (10) Allpress, PBRO 14 (9) Allsebrook, DBY 34 (24), NOTT 19 (11) Allred, MCRW 22 (9) Allso, BRM 15 (3) Allsop, DBY 127 (90), LEIC 115 (43), SHEF 60 (29), NOTT 57 (33), BRM 84 (22) Allsopp, DBY 108 (77), LEIC 115 (43), NOTT 86 (50), BRM 87 (23), WOLV 75 (28) Allston, CLR 20 (12) Allum, Mainly Berkshire, RDG 95 (40), BED 38 (15) Allwood, NOTT 47 (27), DBY 30 (21), BRM 30 (7), RDG 25 (10) Allwright, RDG 26 (11), BTN 25 (9) Almeida, LDN 20 (2) Almey, LEIC 20 (7) Almond, Mainly Lancashire, BKBN 167 (85), PSN 157 (61), LPL 74 (32), MCRW 65 (28), MCRS 54 (20), LDS 60 (21), YORK 33 (41) Alner, BMTH 32 (15) Alonzi, EDIN 16 (7) Alred, BRAD 18 (8) Alsop, SHEF 26 (12), OX 20 (9) Alston, W, NOR 41 (24), CLR 30 (18), PSN 56 (22), BKBN 37 (18), GLW 45 (12) Altham, BKBN 33 (16), CUMB 19 (13) Althorpe, NHANT 30 (25) Altman, LDN 40 (4), [Jewish] Altoft, LINC 35 (22) Alton, DBY 51 (36), NOTT 27 (15) Alty, Lancashire, PSN 79 (31), LPL 50 (21) Alvarez, LDN 50 (5) Alves, LDN 20 (2) Alvey, NOTT 40 (23), DBY 17 (12) Alvis, BRL 23 (12), BATH 16 (11) Alway, BRL 37 (20) Amato, LDN 20 (2) Ambler, Yorkshire, LDS 133 (47), BRAD 131 (58), SHEF 38 (18) Ambridge, LDN 20 (2) Ambrose, W, CLR 95 (59), SND 49 (22), CANT 60 (21), LDN 130 (13), RDG 43 (18), LPL 73 (32), PSN 38 (14), IRE 25 (11) Amer, LDN 18 (2) Ames, W in SE England: esp. Norfolk, NOR 61 (36), BED 40 (16), CLR 20 (12), STN 31 (18), BMTH 27 (12), CANT 39 (13), LDN 90 (9) Amesbury, CDF 19 (9), BRL 15 (8) Amess, WORC 17 (15) Amey, South coast, BMTH 47 (22), STN 31 (18), BTN 21 (7) Amies, Mainly Norfolk, NOR 48 (28) Amin, LDN 150 (15), BRAD 22 (9), [Muslim] Amis, Norfolk, NOR 43 (25) Amison, Staffordshire, STK 86 (71) Amiss, Norfolk, NOR 22 (13) Amor, BATH 36 (24), GLOS 25 (15), RDG 34 (14), BMTH 23 (10) Amos, CW:, CANT 145 (51), BTN 59 (22), SND 64 (29), LDN 120 (12), BRL 79 (43), STK 43 (35), WOLV 71 (26), BRM 66 (17), DBY 27 (19), CDF 67 (31), EDIN 53 (26) Amphlett, Worcestershire, WORC 48 (42), WOLV 33 (12) Amps, PBRO 23 (15) Anand, LDN 40 (4), [Muslim] Anastasiou, LDN 30 (3), [Greek] Anastasi, LDN 40 (4), [Greek] Anchor, WOLV 23 (8) Anders, PSN 30 (11), LPL 20 (8) Andersen, LDN 30 (3) Anderson, CCW in Scotland, GLW 2240 (636), ABDN 1320 (1039), DNDE 1105 (986), EDIN 972 (478), FIFE 770 (939), DUMF 241 (708), NI 900 (381), NCLE 869 (434), [bar 700] Anderton, Lancashire, PSN 222 (87), BKBN 121 (61), MCRW 130 (56), MCRE 57 (26), MCRS 49 (18), LPL 55 (24), BRAD 57 (25) Andrade, LDN 20 (2) Andrassy, LDS 20 (7) Andrea, LDN 20 (2) Andreas, LDN 20 (2) Andreou, LDN 50 (5), [Greek] Andrew, CW: esp. in Scotland, also Devon, AYR 201 (145), GLW 200 (56), ABDN 68 (53), MCRE 229 (107), MCRS 151 (56), PSN 71 (27), YORK 30 (37), PLYM 172 (101), LDN 220 (22), BTN 81 (30) Andrews, CW in S England, CLR 380 (237), SND 308 (140), BED 327 (132), RDG 323 (137), CANT 540 (190), LDN 1200 (120), BTN 322 (120), STN 313 (185), BMTH 350 (165), EX 349 (130), PLYM 201 (118), BRL 222 (121), BRM 451 (119), WORC 239 (211), WOLV 244 (92), DBY 125 (89), LEIC 206 (78) Angel, W in S England, STN 31 (18), BMTH 20 (9), LDN 150 (15), BTN 35 (13), CANT 23 (8), CDF 21 (10) [cf. Angell] Angeli, LDN 20 (2), [Italian?] Angell, W: esp. in S England, BATH 64 (44), BED 46 (18), RDG 28 (11), BMTH 30 (14), STN 22 (13), BRL 20 (10), LDN 60 (6), SHEF 26 (12), CDF 21 (10) Anglim, Irish, IRE 23 (10) Anglin, LDN 20 (2) Angove, Cornish, PLYM 70 (41), CDF 29 (13) Angrave, LEIC 39 (14) Angus, Scottish (CW), ABDN 178 (140), DNDE 127 (113), GLW 114 (32), EDIN 82 (40) Ankers, STK 27 (22), SHRW 17 (11), NWAL 15 (11), MCRS 33 (12), MCRE 27 (12) Annable, DBY 84 (60) Annal, ORK 12 (200) Annan, NCLE 17 (8), GLW 17 (4) Annand, Scottish, ABDN 66 (51) Annear, PLYM 35 (20) Annesley, N Irish, NI 20 (8) Annett, N Irish, NI 89 (37) Annetts, RDG 36 (15), STN 22 (13) Anning, Devon, EX 63 (23) Annis, WORC 19 (16), CLR 15 (9) Annison, NOR 32 (19) Ansari, LDN 30 (3) [Muslim] Anscombe, Sussex, BTN 34 (12) Ansell, W in SE and central England, BTN 114 (42), CANT 64 (22), LDN 150 (15), RDG 63 (26), BMTH 58 (27), BED 97 (39), SND 55 (25), OX 53 (24), BRM 63 (16), WOLV 55 (20) Ansley, CANT 22 (7) Anslow, Mainly Staffs, WOLV 135 (51), SHRW 29 (19), BRM 29 (7) Anson, WOLV 52 (19), LDS 34 (12) Anstee, BED 35 (14), CDF 23 (10) Anstey, Wiltshire, BRL 65 (35), BMTH 23 (10) Anstis, PLYM 26 (15) Antcliff, SHEF 30 (14) Antcliffe, SHEF 24 (11) Antell, BMTH 27 (12) Anthony, CW, esp. in Wales, SWN 161 (75), CDF 112 (53), DBY 85 (60), NOTT 75 (43), EDIN 55 (27), LDN 260 (26) Antill, WOLV 19 (7), LEIC 17 (6), [cf. Antell] Antoine, LDN 40 (4) Anton, DNDE 23 (20) Antoni, LDN 20 (2), [Greek?] Antoniades, LDN 40 (4), [Greek] Antoniou, LDN 160 (16), [Greek] Antony, LDN 20 (2) Antrobus, MCRS 33 (12), LPL 16 (7) Anwar, LDN 40 (4), BKBN 23 (11), MCRE 15 (7), BRM 18 (4), [Muslim] Anwyl, SHRW 17 (11), (Mid-Wales) Anyon, PSN 32 (12) Anzani, CDF 14 (6), [foreign. Muslim?] Aplin, Mainly Devon, EX 73 (27), BMTH 28 (13) Apostolou, LDN 30 (3), [Greek] Apperley, GLOS 25 (15), SHRW 19 (12), BRM 19 (5) Appiah, LDN 20 (2), [Muslim?] Appleby, CW, esp. in NE England, NCLE 174 (87), DUR 120 (75), NTHM 103 (91), SCAR 39 (72), YORK 28 (35), LDS 56 (19), SHEF 56 (27), DBY 60 (42), LEIC 64 (24), WOLV 96 (36), BRM 64 (17), BED 61 (24), CLR 60 (37), LDN 160 (16) Applegarth, DUR 25 (15) Applegate, NOR 35 (20), BATH 35 (24) Appleton, CW: esp. in Lancashire, PSN 98 (38), LPL 97 (42), MCRS 69 (25), MCRW 51 (22), MCRE 44 (20), YORK 36 (45), RDG 58 (24), SND 51 (23), LDN 90 (9) Applewhite, LINC 42 (27) Appleyard, Yorkshire, LDS 243 (86), BRAD 100 (44), YORK 29 (36), SCAR 16 (29) Applin, BMTH 21 (9), [cf. Aplin] Apps, Mainly Kent, CANT 111 (39), BTN 39 (14) Apsley, NI 15 (6) Aquilina, LDN 20 (2) Aram, NOTT 36 (20), DBY 18 (12) Arblaster, WOLV 46 (17) Arbon, CLR 30 (18) Arbuckle, Scottish, GLW 63 (17), EDIN 32 (15) Arbuthnot, N Irish, NI 33 (13) Arbuthnott, DNDE 14 (12), [cf. Arbuthnot] Arch, WOLV 15 (5) Archard, BATH 21 (14), LDN 30 (3) Archbold, Mainly NE England, NCLE 47 (23), DUR 33 (20), NTHM 32 (28), DUB 20 (11) Archdale, LDS 25 (8) Archer, CW: esp. in central and SE England, LEIC 224 (85), NOTT 136 (79), DBY 93 (66), BRM 211 (56), WOLV 150 (56), LDS 134 (47), BED 141 (57), CLR 120 (75), SND 132 (60), CANT 130 (45), LDN 370 (37) Archibald, Scottish (CW), EDIN 246 (121), GLW 132 (37), ABDN 67 (52), FIFE 66 (80), DNDE 60 (53) Arden, MCRS 32 (11), MCRE 26 (12), LDN 50 (5) Ardern, MCRS 77 (28), MCRE 35 (16), MCRW 14 (6) Ardis, N Irish, NI 32 (13) Ardley, LDN 20 (2) Ardron, S Yorkshire, SHEF 47 (23) Argent, W in SE England, SND 64 (29), CLR 30 (18), BED 20 (8), BTN 21 (7), LDN 60 (6) Argo, Scottish, ABDN 44 (34) Arguile, LEIC 15 (5) Argyle, LEIC 29 (11), NOTT 17 (9), LDS 23 (8), WOLV 22 (8), OX 17 (7) Aris, BED 19 (7), LEIC 18 (6) Arkell, GLOS 49 (30), BRM 30 (7) Arkinstall, WOLV 23 (8), SHRW 15 (9) Arkle, NTHM 30 (26), NCLE 20 (10) Arkless, NCLE 35 (17) Arkley, DUR 34 (21), NCLE 30 (15) Arkwright, Lancashire, PSN 69 (27), BKBN 29 (14) Arlow, N Irish, NI 21 (8) Arme, NOTT 17 (9) Armer, Cumbria and Lancashire, CUMB 62 (42), PSN 37 (14) Armes, Norfolk, NOR 63 (37) Armeson, SHEF 15 (7) Armistead, CUMB 43 (29) Armit, Scottish, FIFE 28 (34), EDIN 17 (8) Armitage, Yorkshire (C), LDS 534 (189), BRAD 488 (217), SHEF 165 (81), YORK 58 (73), SCAR 36 (66), MCRE 93 (43), MCRS 69 (25), MCRW 56 (24) Armitstead, CUMB 23 (15), [cf. Armistead] Armitt, MCRS 35 (13), STK 23 (19) Armour, Scottish, AYR 191 (138), GLW 156 (44) Armson, LEIC 34 (12) Armstead, MCRE 27 (12), MCRW 21 (9), LDS 24 (8), [cf. Armistead] Armstrong, CCW in N England (Borders) and N Ireland, NCLE 1014 (507), NTHM 532 (470), MBRO .., DUR 534 (335), CUMB 691 (473), NI 930 (394), [bar 500] Arnell, N Irish, NI 18 (7) Arnfield, S Lancashire, MCRS 40 (14), MCRE 19 (8) Arnison, CUMB 16 (10) Arnold, CW throughout England, CANT 280 (98), BTN 207 (77), LDN 640 (64), STN 123 (72), BMTH 245 (115), EX 153 (57), GLOS 104 (63), OX 120 (55), BED 239 (96), SND 170 (77), CLR 120 (75), NOR 112 (66), WOLV 218 (82), LEIC 232 (88), NOTT 134 (77), LDS 120 (42), YORK 34 (43), SCAR 25 (46), LPL 171 (75), MCRS 138 (51) Arnot, Scottish, EDIN 39 (19), DNDE 24 (21), CANT 20 (7) Arnott, Scottish, FIFE 106 (129), GLW 126 (35), EDIN 98 (48) Aron, LDN 20 (2) Arora, LDN 30 (3), [Indian] Arrand, LINC 24 (15) Arrandale, MCRS 21 (7), MCRE 19 (8) Arrowsmith, Mainly Staffordshire, WOLV 101 (38), STK 49 (40), SHRW 58 (38), MCRS 82 (30), MCRE 50 (23), MCRW 43 (18), PSN 60 (23), LPL 35 (15), BRM 72 (19), NCLE 36 (18) Arscott, Devon, EX 45 (16) Arstall, MCRW 23 (10), PSN 15 (5), [cf. Artingstall] Arter, LDN 20 (2) Arthey, CLR 18 (11) Arthur, CW: esp. in Scotland and Wales, GLW 173 (49), EDIN 120 (59), ABDN 60 (47), SHET 32 (400), CDF 111 (52), SWN 76 (35), PLYM 77 (45), LDN 180 (18) Arthurs, NI 39 (16), OX 23 (10) Arthurton, NOR 36 (21) Artingstall, S Lancashire, MCRE 32 (15), MCRS 24 (8) Artley, SCAR 16 (29) Artus, GLOS 21 (12) Arundale, YORK 18 (22), LDS 28 (9) Arundel, LDS 62 (21) Asbridge, CUMB 18 (12) Asbury, BRM 45 (11), WOLV 26 (9), LEIC 20 (7) Ascott, LDN 20 (2) Ascough, LDS 20 (7) Ascroft, PSN 66 (25) Asghar, LDN 20 (2), [Muslim] Ash, W in S and central England and S Wales, EX 95 (35), BMTH 56 (26), GLOS 56 (34), CDF 42 (20), WOLV 78 (29), STK 49 (40), BRM 66 (17), NOTT 47 (27), CANT 56 (19), LDN 160 (16), RDG 44 (18) Ashall, Lancashire, PSN 56 (22) Ashbridge, CUMB 33 (22) Ashbrook, S Lancashire, MCRS 40 (14) Ashburner, CUMB 30 (20) Ashby, W: esp. in SE England, CANT 132 (46), BTN 80 (29), LDN 230 (23), BED 111 (44), OX 98 (45), MCRS 24 (8), DBY 24 (17) Ashcroft, Lancashire, PSN 429 (168), LPL 249 (109), MCRW 113 (49) [bar 100] Ashdown, Kent and Sussex, CANT 78 (27), BTN 74 (27), LDN 70 (7) Ashe, Irish esp. N Irish, NI 47 (19), IRE 27 (12), DUB 26 (15) Ashenden, Kent, CANT 32 (11) Asher, NOTT 46 (26), DBY 31 (22), LEIC 38 (14), PBRO 26 (17), STN 26 (15), LDN 50 (5) Ashfield, RDG 52 (22), BRM 43 (11), WOLV 30 (11) Ashford, W: esp. in central and SW England, BRM 160 (42), EX 66 (24), BRL 47 (25), LDN 100 (10) Ashforth, SHEF 64 (31), DBY 28 (20) Ashley, Mainly W England, BATH 78 (53), BRL 70 (38), SHRW 99 (65), WOLV 96 (36), STK 62 (51), MCRS 107 (39), MCRW 32 (13), MCRE 42 (19), DBY 32 (22), BRM 65 (17), LDN 220 (22) Ashman, BATH 96 (66), BRL 49 (26), WOLV 52 (19), BRM 37 (9), CANT 43 (15), LDN 70 (7) Ashmead, GLOS 15 (9) Ashmore, SHEF 140 (68), BRM 101 (26), WOLV 58 (21), LEIC 55 (20), DBY 48 (34), NOTT 42 (24) Ashpole, BED 23 (9) Ashraf, BRAD 28 (12), BRM 21 (5), LDN 30 (3) [Muslim] Ashton, CW, esp. in Lancashire, PSN 472 (185), MCRE 376 (176), MCRS 305 (113), MCRW 252 (109), BKBN 298 (152), LPL 159 (69), SHEF 242 (119), LDS 170 (60), BRAD 131 (58), DBY 43 (30) Ashurst, Lancashire, PSN 187 (73), MCRW 68 (29) Ashwell, BED 43 (17), PBRO 19 (12), CLR 20 (12) Ashwood, GLW 18 (5), WOLV 17 (6) Ashworth, Lancashire (CW), BKBN 620 (317), MCRE 582 (273), MCRW 400 (173), MCRS 204 (75), PSN 319 (125), BRAD 131 (58), LDN 100 (10) Askew, Mainly N England, CUMB 102 (69), DUR 50 (31), NCLE 46 (23), SHEF 55 (27), PSN 47 (18), BKBN 41 (21), MCRS 37 (13), DBY 34 (24), PBRO 40 (27), CLR 40 (25), BED 37 (14) Askey, STK 40 (33), WOLV 24 (9), BRM 32 (8) Askham, Yorkshire, SHEF 83 (40), LDS 48 (17) Askin, LDS 27 (9) Askwith, SHEF 20 (9), [cf. Asquith] Aslam, BRAD 36 (16), MCRE 25 (11), BRM 39 (10), LDN 40 (4), [partly or wholly Muslim] Aslett, LDN 20 (2) Aspden, Lancashire, BKBN 127 (95), PSN 74 (29), MCRW 39 (16) Aspey, Lancashire, PSN 81 (31) Aspin, Lancashire, BKBN 165 (94), MCRE 33 (15), MCRW 24 (10), PSN 29 (11), LDS 24 (8) Aspinall, Lancashire, PSN 278 (109), BKBN 181 (92), MCRW 167 (72), MCRE 84 (39), MCRS 73 (27), LPL 117 (51) Aspinwall, Lancashire, PSN 30 (11), LPL 26 (11) Aspland, NOR 15 (8), SWN 12 (5) Asplin, PBRO 15 (10) Asprey, WOLV 37 (14) Asquith, Yorkshire, LDS 198 (70), BRAD 119 (53) Astbury, WOLV 72 (27), STK 24 (19), MCRS 51 (18), PSN 28 (11), LDS 38 (13), BRM 33 (8) Astell, LDN 20 (2) Astill, E Midlands, NOTT 67 (38), LEIC 62 (23) Astin, Mainly Lancashire, BKBN 80 (41), PSN 25 (9), BRAD 31 (13) Astle, E Midlands, DBY 67 (47), LEIC 41 (15), NOTT 33 (19) Astles, S Lancashire, MCRS 44 (16) Astley, W, esp. in NW England, SHRW 65 (43), MCRW 37 (16), MCRE 31 (14), MCRS 28 (10), PSN 72 (28), BRM 63 (16) Aston, Mainly W Midlands (CW), WOLV 358 (135), BRM 328 (87), WORC 92 (81) Atack, Yorkshire, LDS 88 (31) Atcha, BKBN 26 (13) Atcheson, N Irish, NI 39 (16), [cf. Acheson] Atchison, NI 22 (9) Atfield, BTN 14 (5), [cf. Attfield] Atha, LDS 58 (20) Atherley, NOTT 18 (10) Athersmith, WOLV 31 (11), CUMB 22 (15) Atherton, Lancashire (CW), PSN 463 (182), LPL 231 (101), BKBN 173 (88), MCRW 273 (118), MCRS 154 (57) [bar 150] Athey, SHEF 31 (15) Athorn, SHEF 16 (7) Atkin, CW in E central England, LINC 164 (106), SHEF 150 (73), NOTT 134 (77) Atkins, CW esp. in central and SE England, BRM 259 (68), LEIC 216 (82), WOLV 160 (60), RDG 151 (64), BED 160 (64), CANT 180 (63), BTN 134 (50), SND 120 (54), EX 122 (45), LDN 400 (40) Atkinson, CW in N England (esp. Borders), CUMB 725 (496), NCLE 606 (303), DUR 495 (311), YORK 289 (365), SCAR 165 (305), LDS 748 (265), BRAD 467 (208), PSN 475 (187), BKBN 336 (171), LDN 500 (50) Attard, LDN 30 (3) Attenborough, NOTT 79 (45), DBY 42 (30) Atter, PBRO 31 (20) Atterbury, BRM 25 (6) Attewell, NOTT 56 (32), DBY 25 (17) Attfield, Sussex, BTN 28 (10), LDN 30 (3) Attoe, NOR 21 (12) Atton, LEIC 23 (8) Attree, Sussex, BTN 25 (9) Attrell, Sussex, BTN 20 (7) Attridge, SND 25 (11), LDN 30 (3) Attrill, STN 15 (8), BTN 14 (5), [cf. Attrell] Attwater, Sussex, BTN 23 (8) Attwell, Kent, CANT 28 (9) Attwood, W in central England, WOLV 132 (50), BRM 95 (25), GLOS 70 (42), WORC 48 (42), CANT 61 (21), LDN 120 (12) Atwell, GWNT 17 (12), BATH 16 (11) Aubrey, Mainly S Wales, SWN 62 (29), CDF 41 (19) Auburn, BED 17 (6) Auchterlonie, Scottish, DNDE 35 (31), FIFE 25 (30) Auckland, BRAD 32 (14) Aucote, LEIC 17 (6) Aucott, LEIC 39 (14), BRM 20 (5) Audley, BRM 18 (4) Audsley, Yorkshire, LDS 55 (19) Audus, CAM 19 (11) Auerbach, LDN 20 (2), [German or Jewish] Auger, CAM 19 (11), SND 17 (7), LDN 30 (3) Aughton, PSN 36 (14), LPL 32 (14) Augustin, LDN 20 (2) Augustine, LDN 20 (2) Auld, Scottish, AYR 152 (110), GLW 115 (32), EDIN 87 (42) Ault, DBY 37 (26), WOLV 19 (7), LDN 30 (3) Aulton, WOLV 36 (13) Aust, RDG 18 (7) Austen, Mainly Kent in this spelling, CANT 160 (56), BTN 53 (19), LDN 90 (9), [cf. Austin] Austerfield, LDS 30 (10) Austin, CW, CANT 330 (116), BTN 199 (74), LDN 640 (64), CLR 180 (112), BED 194 (78), OX 157 (72), RDG 190 (80), BRM 222 (59), WOLV 151 (57), STK 175 (143), MCRS 114 (42), MCRW 94 (40) Austwick, LDS 20 (7) Auty, Yorkshire, LDS 160 (56), [bar 40] Avent, BRL 20 (10) Avery, CW in S England, EX 139 (52), CANT 110 (38), BTN 79 (29), BRM 93 (24), OX 82 (37), RDG 63 (26), PLYM 61 (35), BRL 53 (29), STN 55 (32), BMTH 51 (24), LDN 160 (16) Aves, E Anglian, CAM 38 (22), NOR 26 (15) Avey, BTN 15 (5) Aveyard, LDS 80 (28), BRAD 37 (16) Avill, SHEF 20 (9) Avis, W in SE England, BTN 45 (16), CANT 31 (10), CLR 30 (18), SND 30 (13), LDN 70 (7) Avison, Yorkshire, BRAD 32 (14), LDS 22 (7) Awcock, Sussex, BTN 30 (11) Axcell, SND 16 (7) Axe, SHEF 21 (10) Axford, BATH 29 (20), EX 28 (10) Axon, S Lancashire, MCRS 58 (21), MCRW 40 (17), MCRE 27 (12), NWAL 15 (11) Ayers, Mainly Norfolk, NOR 62 (36), OX 27 (12), SWN 24 (11) Ayland, GLOS 17 (10) Aylen, LDN 20 (2) Ayles, BMTH 44 (20) Aylett, SND 18 (8), LDN 40 (4) Ayliffe, BATH 15 (10) Ayling, Sussex, BTN 129 (48), LDN 90 (9) Aylott, BED 30 (12), LDN 60 (6) Aylward, IRE 38 (17), BTN 24 (8), CANT 21 (7), LDN 40 (4) Aynsley, NCLE 39 (19), NTHM 29 (25) Ayre, Mainly NE England, DUR 77 (48), NCLE 45 (22), DBY 19 (13), EX 67 (25) Ayres, W: esp. in S central England, OX 127 (58), BED 115 (46), CAM 64 (37), SND 61 (27), LDN 170 (17), LEIC 62 (23), NHANT 51 (42), EX 65 (24), GLOS 60 (36), CDF 47 (22), SWN 42 (19) Ayrton, BRAD 25 (11) Ayshford, EX 14 (5) Ayton, NOR 30 (17), DUR 18 (11), LDN 50 (5) Ayub, BRAD 17 (7) Azad, LDN 20 (2), [Muslim] Azam, BRM 19 (5), [Muslim] Aziz, BRAD 23 (10), LDN 80 (8), BRM 24 (6), [Muslim] Azzopardi, LDN 30 (3), [Italian]