Surnames (article library) Surnames Below are 5 articles with information on the topic of surnames, including the role of the surname in Y-DNA projects, and determining the population for your surname in England and Wales. There is a summary of each article, to help you decide which ones you want to read. The articles are standalone pdf files that can be downloaded or printed. For each article, there is also a list of anything that has changed since publication. DNA for family history research is a new discipline, and therefore changes and/or scientific advancements occur. The Role of the Surname Publication: Facts&Genes Author: Susan C. Meates Updated: January 20, 2017 This article explains the role of the surname in a DNA Project, and describes the discoveries that can be made. The role of the surname is critical since it determines the boundary in analyzing DNA results. Brief information is provided about the adoption of surnames, and matches with other surnames. The purpose of Surname Projects is explained, as well as documented trees vs genetic trees. The following has changed since publication: None Link: Surnames and DNA Publication: Guild Journal Published: January, 2014 Author: Susan C. Meates This article covers the approaches for selecting the surnames for your DNA Project, and then reviews why having a DNA Project is important. The following has changed since publication: None Link: Y DNA: No Matches With Your Surname? Publication: Facts&Genes Author: Susan C. Meates Updated: January 20, 2017 This article explores the reasons why a man wouldn’t have a match yet with his surname. The following has changed since publication: None Link: Surnames and Their Population in England and Wales Publication: Internet Genealogy Published: April 2008 Author: Susan C. Meates This article covers an online database that can be used to: estimate the population of your surname in England and Wales determine what surname forms exist in these countries today look for possible variant forms of the surname. The following has changed since publication: None Link: DNA and the Surname Meates in Australia and New Zealand Publication: Australian Family Tree Connections Published: January, 2006 Author: Susan C. Meates DNA testing enables you to make discoveries beyond the paper records. This article traces the origin of the Meates trees in Australia and New Zealand, back to their ancestral country, and then determines with DNA testing if the family trees are related. This article was published early in the progress of the Meates DNA project, though many fascinating discoveries had been made by this date. A step by step systematic approach is covered, and the DNA results are provided. Discoveries were made about the family trees, the surname, and surname evolution. An unknown variant was also discovered. The ancestral result is determined and then used to compare documented trees. The following has changed since publication: 111 Y-DNA markers are now available. 37 markers are needed for a genealogical time frame. was acquired by who later exited the Y-DNA market. was acquired by Family Tree DNA. The Family Tree DNA newsletter is no longer published and the online archive is gone. Link: