Surnames A-Z Surnames Registered with the Guild Each of the surnames listed is the subject of a one-name study carried out by a Guild member and links to our full search results for that study. If the results include a study profile, the link is shown with a light grey background. Select an initial letter to view our list of registered surnames:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z We have 379 registered surnames beginning with L. La Lane Laan Laban Lacey Lack Lackenby Lacks Lacy Lademan Laffley Laffling Laflin Lafontaine Laidman Lailey Lalean Laley Lamacraft Lamacroft Lambden Lambsden Lamcraft Lamecraft Lammacraft Lamming Langely Langhell Langhelt Langhilt Langley Langly Langmuir Langtree Langtry Lanion Lanktree Lantree Lantrey Lantry Lanyon Lapam Lapham Lapord Lappam Lappard Lapper Lapum Lapwood Lapworth Larle Larlee Larley Larlie Larly Larn Larne Larvey Lasenby Lashbroke Lashbrook Lashbrooke Last Laster Lathling Laughfline Laughlynne Laun Laund Laune Laurence Lavarack Laver Laverack Laverick Laverock Laverton Lavor Lavour Lawes Lawledge Lawless Lawlidge Lawn Lawne Lawrance Lawrence Laws Lawse Lax Lay Laydman Layley Layvor Lazenby Lazonby le Hore Le Lean Le Suer Le Sueur Lea Leabody Leadale Leadingham Leaming Learn Learoyd Leary Leatherdale Leatherday Leatherdown Leavers Leaverton Leavis Leaviss Leaworthy Leckenby Leckonbie Leckonby Ledeard Lediard Ledingham Lee Leebody Leedale Leemin Leeming Leevars Leeworthy Leffen Legrove Leigh Leivars Leivers Lelean Leming Lemynge Lennard Leonard Lercher Lerpiniere Lervey Lesuer Lesueur Letherdale Leutchford Leventon Leverick Levers Leverton Levingston Levingstone Levis Leviton Lewar Lewcock Lewer Lewery Lewett Lewir Lewis Lewit Lewitt Lewitte Leworthy Lewry Lewton Leywood Lherpiniere Libberton Libertine Liberton Libertone Libertoune Liberty Libeton Libody Lickas Lickass Lickerish Lickfield Lickfold Lickford Lickis Lickiss Lickorish Licquorice Licquorish Liddiard Lidiard Lidyard Liewood Liffen Liffin Liffiton Lifter Lighbody Lightboddie Lightbody Lightwing Lightwyn Lile Liles Lilleystone Lindesay Lindfield Lindsay Lindsey Linegar Linett Linfield Linge Lingewood Lingewoode Lingfield Lingo Lingwood Lingwoode Linington Linitt Linkfield Linnet Linnett Linnington Linnit Linter Linville Linzee Linzey Lipham Liptrot Liptrott Liquorice Liquorish Lisk Lisle Liston Litler Littlechild Littler Livermere Livermore Liverton Livingston Livingstone Liwood Loades Loadman Loads Loadsman Loban Lobban Lobbin Lobbley Loblay Lobley Lobly Locksford Lockwood Lockwoode Lockwoods Lodes Loftie Lofty Logan Loggie Loggy Logie Loiley Lokwood Lomas Lomax Lomcroft Longhurst Longmuir Looney Loony Looske Lopham Lorn Lorne Lorvey Losge Losk Lousvet Louwet Louwett Lovegrove Lovejoy Lovelage Loveledge Lovelee Lovelege Loveley Lovelidge Lovelly Lovely Loveman Loverick Loverock Lovlee Lovley Lovly Lovman Loweman Lowman Lown Lowne Lowney Lowny Lowrance Loyley Lubley Luckings Lucksford Lucock Lucop Lucsford Lucup Luddingten Luddington Luddinton Ludgrove Ludington Luer Luet Luetchford Luett Luetz Luffman Luggesford Lumax Lumisden Lumsdaine Lumsdale Lumsden Lumsdon Luna Lund Luney Lunn Lunt Lurvey Lusk Luske Lusty Lutchford Lutley Luttley Lutton Lutwich Lutwiche Lutwych Lutwyche Luxferd Luxford Lyall Lyas Lyddington Lydiard Lyell Lyewood Lyhood Lyle Lyles Lynam Lyne Lynge Lyngwood Lyngwoode Lynnett Lysle Lysles Lyson Lysons Lyston Lytler Lytwin Lyus Lywood Select an initial letter to view our list of registered surnames:A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z