Culture Religious Example: Christian The surname Christian is mainly IOM or coastal NW counties. Most spellings represent some form of ‘cristen’ rather than the Latin Christianus – e.g Mac Crysten. However the effect of Latinisation has influenced the spelling as Christian, since 1600s The forename was more frequent as a girls’ name in the 14th C, with vernacular spellings- Kyrstyan Kyrshen Kyrchyan Kyrchyn found in Yorkshire. (Redmonds, 2004, p113) The girls’ forename Christian was common in Scotland until the 19th Centurt when it was gradually replaced by Christina. Old Testament Mystery Plays (mainly OT) Abraham Absalom, Adam, Daniel, David, Isaac, Jacob, Jonah, Joseph, Noah, Samson, Tobias, Anna, Eve, Hester (Esther), Judith, Sarah, Susanna. (From Withycombe, cited in Redmonds, 2004, p 147) New Testament John’s rise from a low rank position in the twelfth century to co-equal status with William, within a 100 years, is remarkable. It became popular amongst all social groups. Presumably because of St John, and because other names in Jesus’s family were held to be sacrosanct. (Postles, 2006, Naming the people of England p 50) Saints’ Names – Non-Scriptural Female, e.g. Barbara, Ursula Male e.g. Austin, Basil, Benedict, Blase, Brice, Christopher, Clement, Cuthbert, Crispin, Denis, Fabian, Gervase, Hilary, Martin, Quentin, Theobald, Valentine, Viel. Also Jarvis (Gervase), Cobbald (Cuthbert), Tibbald (Theobald). Saints’ Names – Scriptural Female “The most important influence on girls’ names after the Conquest was that of the virgin Saints, Agnes, Margaret, Julian and Cecile, and these were popular in every part of the country.” (Redmonds, 2004a, p39) Also quite popular were the female saints Beatrice and Katherine. Metronymics derived from these names: The fullest development of the use of saints’ names for women seem to have been in the 13th C., but this did not precede the use of saints’ names for men which had existed by 1180. It does nevertheless seem that in the thirteenth century a greater proportion of women bore saints’ names than men. The stimuli to this association may have been first the greater recognition of women’s religious experiences in the twelth century and secondly the increase in the number of female saints canonised by the thirteenth century, associated with the particular qualities of nurturing, caring and virginity.” (Postles, Naming the People of England p85) Male Paul (> surnames Pawle, Polson, etc.). The name Paul is missing from most Poll Tax returns 1377-81. It remained an uncommon given name up to the late 18th century, though individual pockets of high concentration existed, e.g. Morley Wapentake, Yorkshire. (Redmonds, 2004a, p 149) Non-Religious Classical Names Redmonds argues that that names of classical antiquity were not adopted to any extent; there are very few in the poll tax returns. Surnames derived from classical names are therefore rare. Sabin < Sabina – limited to Oxfordshire (also variant Damesabine). (Source: McKinley, Banbury RDU, 1881 census) Cassandra > surnames Cass/Casson(?). Though Cass is strong in Yorkshire, Casson in Cumberland. Achilles and Hercules are very rare as surnames; Aurelius (S Wales), Julius (E Anglia), Caesar (Surrey); Hannibal more widespread (but variant of Honeyball?); Alexander very widespread. Postles has looked at female names in wills 1258-1300, and feels they are commoner than supposed, for women. He cites: Bona Felicia, Letitia (Letia), Idonea, Sibilla, Orabilla, Marsalia, Sabina, Floria, Cassandra, Constancia, Celestria, Claricia, Salerna, Tiffania, Meliora, Florenci, Amabilia, Castanea, Basilia, Dyamanda, Anastasia. (Postles Naming the people of England p 84-85)