Fabre, P. (1998). Les oms de personnes en France ("Que sais-je" P.U.F.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Faiguenboim, G., Valadares, P., & Campagnano, A. R. (2003). Dicionário sefaradi de sobrenomes : inclusive cristãos novos, conversos, marranos, italianos, berberes e sua história na Espanha, Portugal e Itália : including Christianized Jews, Conversos, Marranos, Italians, Berbers, and their history in Spain, Po. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Fraiha.
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Sephardic)
Fairman, T. (2006). Words in English Record Office documents of the early 1800s. in: M. Kyto (editor), Nineteenth-Century English: Stability and Change (pp. 56-88). Cambridge University Press.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- Linguistics
Fama, C. (1998). 1,000& (African) Òrì?sà/Yorùbá names. San Bernadino, Calif: Ilé ?Òrúnmìlà.
Classification: Africa (Western) -Nigeria [Orisa -Yoruba]
Fama, C. (1988). Yoruba names.
Classification: Africa (Western) -Nigeria [Yoruba]
Farghal, M., & Shakir Abdullah. (1995). Kin terms and titles of address as relational to honorifics in Jordanian Arabic. Anthropological Linguistics, 36(2), 240-253.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Jordan
Farrant, E. J. P. (1979). Identifying Manx surnames. Genealogists’ Magazine, 19(9), 322-324.
Classification: British Isles- Isle of Man
Faure, R., Asunción Ribes, M., & García, A. (2001). Diccionario de apellidos españoles. Madrid: Espasa.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Fauvel, D. (1984). Choix des prénoms et tradition familiale: Pays de Caux, 1600-1900. in: J. Dupâquier, A. Bideau, & M.-E. Ducreux Le prénom, mode et histoire: Entretiens de Malher, 1980 (pp. 99-108). Paris: Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Fayer, J. M. (1988). First names in Puerto Rico: a change in progress. Names, 36(1), 21-27.
Classification: America (Central) -Caribbean ~Puerto Rico
Federer, C. A. (1896). The genesis of English surnames. Bradford.
Classification: British Isles- England
Feilitzen, O. v. (1965). Notes on some Scandinavian personal names in English 12th-century records. Anthroponymica Suecana , 6 , 52-68 .
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Feilitzen, O. v. ( 1976 ). The personal names of the Winton Domesday. in: M. Biddle, & F. Barlow (editors), Winchester in the early Middle Ages, an edition and discussion of the Winton Domesday (pp. pp143-229).
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Feilitzen, O. v. (1937). The Pre-Conquest personal-names of Domesday Book (Nomina Germanica No. 3). Uppsala.
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Feixó Cid, X. G. (2003). Dicionario galego dos nomes. Vigo: Xerais.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Galicia
Feldblyum, B. (1998). Russian-Jewish given names and their variants. Teaneck, NY: Avotaynu.
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Russia)
Feldblyum, B. (1997). Understanding Russian-Jewish given names. Avotaynu, 13(2), 7-10.
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Russia)
Fellows-Jensen, G. (2003). In search of lost Danes : the Scandinavian element in English surnames. Della Hooke , & David Postles (editors), Names, time and place : essays in memory of Richard Mckinley (pp. 41-58). Leopard’s Head Press.
Classification: British Isles- England
Fellows-Jensen, G. (1975). The surnames of the tenants of the Bishop of Lincoln in nine English counties. in: T. Andersson ((ed.)), NORNA-Rapporter VIII : Binamn och Släktnamn, avgränsning och urspung (pp. 39-60). Uppsala.
Classification: British Isles- England
Fellows-Jensen, G. (1973). The names of the Lincolnshire tenants of the Bishop of Lincoln c 1225. in: F. Sandgren (editor), Otium et Negotium : Studies in Onamatology and Library Science presented to Olof von Feilitzen (pp. 86-95 ). Norsedt and Söner .
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Fellows-Jensen, G. (1985). On the identification of Domesday tenants in Lincolnshire. Nomina , 9 , 31-40 .
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Fenouillet, F. (1997). Les Noms de famille en Savoie : Origine, formation, étymologie, variations, dérivations, classification, etc (republished 1997 ed.).Editions Jean Laffitte.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Rhône-Alpes
Ferguson, R. (1858). English surnames, and their place in the Teutonic family. London: G. Routledge.
Classification: British Isles- England
Fernandez-Suarez, Y. (1990). Spanish personal names of Greek origin. Onomata, (13), 107-114.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Fernández-Pradel, P. X. (1930). Linajes vascos y montañeses en Chile. Santiago de Chile: Talleres gráficos San Rafael.
Classification: America (South) -Chile
Ferreira, M. (1990). The system of patronymic names in the Iberian peninsula. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS) (pp. 93-104).
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Ferreira, M. C. (1998). Dicionário poliglótico de sobrenomes. São Paulo, SP: Edicon.
Classification: America (South)
Ferreira, V. G. (2007). Seven surnames of Jews from the Iberian Peninsula. Names, 55(4), 473-480.
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Iberian)
Ferreira, V. (1990). Colectânia de fontes para o estudo da antroponimia portuguesa. in: D. Kremer Dictionnaire historique des noms de famille romans Actes du Ier Colloque, Trèves, 10-13 décembre 1987 (pp. 180-188). Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Portugal
Ferreira, V. G. (1993). Jewish names of the XVth century in the Iberian Peninsula. 18th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, Trier, April, 1993 .
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Iberian)
Figueras, L. To. (1996). Anthroponymie et pratiques successorales (À propos de la Catalogne Xe-XIIe siècle). Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne: L’anthroponymie document de l’histoire sociale des mondes Méditerranéans Médiévaux: Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française de Rome avec le concours du GDR 955 du C. N. R.S. (pp. 421-433).
Classification: Europe
Fine, A. (1984). Transmission des prénoms et parenté en Pays de Sault, 1740-1940. in: J. Dupâquier, A. Bideau, & M.-E. Ducreux Le prénom, mode et histoire: Entretiens de Malher, 1980 (pp. 109-125). Paris: Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Languedoc-Roussillon
Finlayson, J. (1863). Surnames and sirenames : the origin and history of certain family and historical names: with remarks on the ancient right of the Crown to sanction and veto the assumption of names, etc. London: Simpkin Marshall.
Classification: British Isles
Finnocchiaro, A. (2002). L’origine del cognome Svezi. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, 8, 23-27.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Finsterwalder, K. (1990). Tiroler Namenkunde :Sprach- und Kulturgeschichte von Personen-, Familien- und Hofnamen : mit einem Namenlexikon. Innsbruck: Universitätsverlag Wagner.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Austria ~3~region~ Tyrol
Fiorini, M. O. (1999). The silencing of the names: identity and alterity in an Amazonian society. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, New York University, NY.
Classification: America (South)
Fisher, R. A., & Vaughan, J. Surnames and blood groups. Nature, (144), 1047-1048.
Classification: British Isles- Wales -0-genetics
Fishwick, H. (1902). The distribution of surnames in Lancashire in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Chesire, 17, new series, 131-138.
Classification: British Isles- England-Lancashire
Fishwick, H. (1891). Rochdale surnames. Transactions of the Rochdale Literary and Scientific Society.
Classification: British Isles- England-Lancashire
Fleischer, W. (1964). Die deutschen Personennamen : Geschichte, Bildung und Bedeutung (Wissenschaftliche Taschenbücher No. 20). Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
Fleury, J.-P. (1998). Noms de familles de Brière. Cholet : Éd. Hérault.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Pays-de-la-Loire
Flores, G. (1999). Breve diccionario de nombres : orígenes y significados. Caracas: El Nacional.
Classification: America (South) -Venezuela
Florey, M. J., & Bolton, R. A. (1997). Personal Names, lexical replacement, and language shift in eastern Indonesia. Cakalele, (8), 27-.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Indonesia
Flynn, P. (1990). A local habitation and a name : some Clare surnames. The Other Clare, 14, 56-60.
Classification: Ireland -Eire County Clare
Flynn, P. (1995). Names to conjure with : a perspective on Clare surnames. The Other Clare, 19, 60-63.
Classification: Ireland -Eire County Clare
Foggan, L. A. (1983). Parents selection of children’s surnames. George Washington Law Review, 51(4), 583-599.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ sociological
Fordant, L. (2004). Noms et prénoms des pays de l’Est : histoires et anecdotes. Archives et Culture.
Classification: Europe (Eastern)
Fordant, L. (1999). Tous les noms de famille de France et leur localisation en 1900. Paris: Archives & culture.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Fordant, L., & Chevalier, M. (1999). Atlas des noms de famille en France. Paris: Archives et Culture.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Forde, G. A. (2003). Nicknames of Barbados. [Barbados]: Folklore Publications.
Classification: America (Central) -Caribbean -Barbados
Foroige National Youth Development Organisation . Newport Branch. ([1982]). Know your roots : Newport local surnames . [Newport, Mayo]: [Newport Foroige].
Classification: Ireland
Forsnner, T. (1916). Continental-Germanic Personal-Names in England in Old and Middle English Times . Uppsala.
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Forster, K. (1978). Englische familiennamen aus Ortsnamen : studien zu lautlichen stonderentwicklungen bei eigennamen. Nürnberg: Verlag Hans Carl.
Classification: British Isles- England
Forster, K. (1977). English family-names from places in England. Nomina, 1, 23-26.
Classification: British Isles- England
Forster, K. (1980). English locative surnames and the local pronunciation of place-names. Names, 28(4), 305-308.
Classification: British Isles- England
Fortes, M. (1955). Names among the Tallensi of the Gold Coast. in: J. Lukas (editor), Afrikanistische Studien, Diedrich Westermannzum 80. Geburtstag gewidment (pp. 337-349). Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Classification: Africa (Western) -Ghana
Foulon, M., & Poulain , M. (1984). Distributions statistiques de prénoms à Tournai au XIXe siècle. in: J. Dupâquier, A. Bideau, & M.-E. Ducreux Le prénom, mode et histoire: Entretiens de Malher, 1980 (pp. 127-143). Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Belgium
Foulon, M., & Poulain , M. (1998). Linguistic borders, migrations and the spatial distribution of surnames in Belgium. Espace Geographique, 27(1), 53-62.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Belgium
Fournier, D. (1993). Aux sources de l’anthroponymie normande: les noms de personnes attestés dans les Magnî Rotuli Scaccarii Normanniae (Xl°_XlI° siècles). Actes do XIX Congreso internacionai de Lingüistîca a Filoloxia (pp. 591-612.).
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Haute-Normandie/ Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Basse-Normandie
Fournier, D. (1992). Genèse et distribution des matronymes en Normandie. in: G. Taverdet Dictionnaire historigue des noms de famille romans (pp. 39-68). Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Basse-Normandie
Fournier, D. (1995). Morphosyntaxe des anthroponymes en Normandie (XI’-Xe siècles). L’exemple des noms de personnes composés. Parlure , 357-384.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Basse-Normandie/ Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Haute-Normandie
Fowkes, R. A. (1981). Welsh naming practices, with a comparative look at Cornish. Names, (29), 265-272.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Fowkes, R. A. (1994). Welsh surnames of occupational origin. Names, (41), 288-297.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Fox, J. R. (1963). Structure of personal names on Tory Island. Man, 63, 153-155.
Classification: Ireland -Ulster -County Donegal
Fox, W. R., & Lasker, G. W. (1983). The distribution of surname frequencies. International Statistical Review, (51), 81-87.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- statistics
Foyere, E. M. A. (2003). Personal names in Cameroon’s Awing tribe. Comments on Etymology, 32(8), 42-45.
Classification: Africa (Middle) -Cameroon
Fran’i´c, A. e. (2002). Me†imurska prezimena. Zagreb: Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Croatia
Franceschi, M. G., & Paoli, G. (1994). Isolation factors and kinship by isonymy in a group of parishes in northern Tuscany (Italy) : influence of within-parish similarity level on between-parish similarity pattern. Human Biology, 66(5), 905-916.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Francipane Michele. (1905). Dizionario ragionato dei cognomi italiani. 5.000 voci – 21.000 varianti – 2.100 cognomi stranieri comparati – etimologie, fonti storiche, curiosità antropiche. Milano, BUR 2.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Franco Mosino. (1998). Storie di cognomi italiani. 1. Reggio Calabria: Laruffa.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Frank, M. (1992). Jüdische namen in deutschsprachiger Dichtung. Nordisk Judaistik, 13(1), 12-22.
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Germany)
Frank, R. (1977). Zur Frage einer schichtenspezifischen Personennamengebung : namenkundl. Sammlung, Analyse u. Motivunters. über d. Kreis u.d. Stadt Segeberg. Neumünster: Wachholtz.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
Franklin, K. J. (1967). Names and aliases in Kewa. Journal of the Polynesian Society, 76, 76-81.
Classification: Oceania -Melanesia -Papua New Guinea
Franklin, P. (1986). Normans, Saints and politics : forename-choice among fourteenth-century Gloucestershire peasants. Local Population Studies , 36 .
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Fransson, G. (1935). Middle English surnames of occupation, 1100-1350 : with an excursus on toponymical surnames . London: Williams and Norgate.
Classification: British Isles- England
Fraser, C. (1994-1995). Tynedale surnames . Tyne and Tweed , (49), 39-53.
Classification: British Isles- England-Northumberland
Fredrickson, A. Phonological cues to gender in sex-typed and unisex names.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ Linguistics
Freedman, T. (1997). Wordsworth dictionary of surnames. Wordsworth Editions.
Classification: British Isles
Freeman, J. (1973). Discovering surnames. Aylesbury: Shire Publications.
Classification: British Isles
French, N. E. (1992). Surnames of county Meath. Irish Roots , 2, 14-15.
Classification: Ireland -Eire -County Meath
Fry, C. J. (1976). Onomastic influence of the Choctaw Indians in southeastern Oklahoma. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Academic Department: East Texas State University.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[native]
Fryer, R. G., & Levitt Steven D. (2004). The causes and consequences of distinctively Black names. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119(3), 767-805.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~3-region~ California
Fryer, R. G. Jr., & Fryer, S. D. (2004). The causes and consequences of distinctly black names. The Quarterly Journal of Economics , 3, 767-805.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ sociological
Fu, K. &. S. K. (1997). Two name formation systems in one country: Cantonese people’s attachment to names in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(2), 93-103.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China ~3-region~ Hong Kong
Fucilla, J. G. (1976). Office and occupational surnames in Spain. Names, 24(3), 144-164.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Fucilla, J. G. (1979). Italian surnames today. Names, 27, 256-260.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Fucilla, J. G. (1963). New surnames in the making of Italy. Orbis: Bulletin International De Documentation Linguistique, 12, 456-462.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Fucilla, J. G. (1976). Office and occupational surnames in Spain. Names, 24, 144-164.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Fucilla, J. G. (1998). Our Italian surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Fucilla, J. G. (1979). Portuguese nicknames as surnames. Names, 27, 73-105.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Portugal
Fucilla, J. G. (1979). Portuguese office and occupational names. Onoma, 23, 33-51.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Portugal
Fucilla, J. G. (1978). Spanish nicknames as surnames. Names, 26, 139-176.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Fuster, V. (1986). Relationship by isonymy and migration pattern in northwest Spain. Human Biology, (58), 391-406.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Fähndrich, T. (2000). Zuger Familiennamen : Entstehungsprozesse, Verfestigung, Bedeutungen /. Zug : Kalt-Zehnder.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Switzerland
Fêng, H. Y. (1936). Technonymy as a formative factor in the Chinese kinship system. American Anthropologist, (38), 59-66.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China
Galbi, D. A. (2002). Long term trends in the frequencies of given names. Names , 50(4), 275-288.
Classification: British Isles- 0- Statistics
Gallippi, A. F. (1996). Learning to recognize names across languages. 16th Coling-Conference 1996 (pp. 424-429).
Classification: 0- International
Gandhi, M., & Husain, O. (1994). The complete book of Muslim and Parsi names. New Delhi: Indus.
Classification: Asia
Gandhi, M., & Ozair, H. (2004). The complete book of Muslim and Parsi names. Delhi: Penguin.
Classification: Religion -Muslim
Ganiage, J. (1984). Le choix de prénoms au XVIIe siècle: L’exemple du Beauvaisis. in: J. Dupâquier, A. Bideau, & M.-E. Ducreux Le prénom, mode et histoire: Entretiens de Malher, 1980 (pp. 369-372). Paris: Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Picardie
García Gallarín, C. (1998). Los nombres de pila españoles. Madrid: Ediciones del Prado.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Gardiner, H. (1970). Second-generation Chinese in Thailand: a study of ethnic identification. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1(4), 333-344.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Thailand
Gardner, S. Anthroponymy and applied linguistics: personal names from Sudan and Botswana. 37th BAAL Annual Conference, September 2004 .
Classification: Africa (Southern) -Botswana / Africa (Northern) -Sudan
Gardner, S. (1988). Arabic personal names: Their meanings and significance. Linguistic Circle of Manitoba & North Dakota, (28), 15-17.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Arabic
Gardner, S. (1999). From Molelowakgotla through Michael to Mpho: the role of English from an onomastic perspective. Marang, (Special Issue), 16-29.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -Botswana
Gardner, S. (1992). Gender imbalance in Arabic personal names.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Arabic
Gardner, S. (1994). Generations of change in name-giving. in: Y. Suleiman Arabic sociolinguistics: Issues and perspectives (pp. 101-126). London: Curzon Press.
Classification: Africa (Northern) -Sudan
Gardner, S. (1995). Namesakes, euphony and linguistic meaning: Trends in their relative influence over name-giving. Onomastica Canadiana, 77(1), 1-17.
Classification: Africa (Northern) -Sudan
Gardner, S.The nature and extent of religious significance of urban male names in northern Sudan.
Classification: Africa (Northern) -Sudan
Gardner, S. (1999). Personal names as neglected sociolinguistic resource: Use of English in Botswana. Names, 47(2), 139-156.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -Botswana
Gardner, S. (2000). Religious significance among Sudanese urban personal names. in: Onomastik. Band II: Namensysteme im interkulturellen Vergleich (pp. 263-278). Max Niemeyer Verlag.
Classification: Africa (Northern) -Sudan
Garibova, J. (1998). Loyalty, bravery, and passion: Personal names from legendary heroes. Azerbaijan International, 6(3), 42-43.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Azerbaijan
Garibova, J., & Blair, B. (1996). Names: History in a nutshell: 20th century personal naming practices in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan International, 4(3), 54-59, 63, 82.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Azerbaijan
Garsoïan, N. G. (1996). Notes préliminaires sur l’anthroponymie arménienne du moyen âge. Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne: L’anthroponymie document de l’histoire sociale des mondes Méditerranéans Médiévaux: Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française de Rome avec le concours du GDR 955 du C. N. R.S. (pp. 227-239).
Classification: Asia (Western) -Armenia
Garzachapa, R., Davilarodriguez, M. I., Lealgarza, C. H., Gonzalezquiroga, G., & Rojasalvarado, M. D. (1995). Gene frequencies and admixture estimates for abo, rh-o(d), and mn blood-groups in persons with monophletic and polyphletic surnames in Monterrey, nl, Mexico. American Journal of Human Biology, 7(1), 65-75.
Classification: America (Central) ~1~ancillary- genetics
Garzachapa, R., & Rojasalvarado, M. D. (1996). Risk estimation of abo and rh-0(d) incompatibility in persons with monophyletic and polyphyletic surnames in Monterrey, Mexico : comparison with other Mexican populations. Archives of Medical Research, 27(2), 243-251.
Classification: America (Central) ~1~ancillary- genetics
Gaudart, H. (1999). The trouble with names : Forms of address in Asia. Singapore: SNP editions.
Classification: Asia
Gauk, R. Z. (1961). Ukrainian Christian names : a dictionaryOrma.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Ukraine
Geertz, C. (1996). Person, time and conduct in Bali: An essay in cultural analysis. New Haven: CT: Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University.
Classification: Asia (South-Eastern) -Indonesia -Bali
Geertz, C. (1964). Teknonymy in Bali: Parenthood age-grading and genealogical. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, (4(Jul-Dec)), 94-108.
Classification: Asia (South-Eastern) -Indonesia -Bali
Gelling, M. (2003). Habitation surnames : some notes on A Dictionary of British Surnames by Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges . Della Hooke , & David Postles (editors), Names, time and place : essays in memory of Richard Mckinley (pp. 59-66). Leopard’s Head Press.
Classification: British Isles- England
Gencosman, K. Z. (1975). Türk isimleri sözlü gü . Istanbul: HürYayin ve Ticaret A. ¸S.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Turkey
Gengenbach, H. (2000). Naming the past in a "scattered" land : memory and the powers of women’s naming practices in Southern Mozambique. International Journal of African Historical Studies, 33(3), 523-542.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Mozambique
Geo. (1891). Surnames in Gravesend . In: G. O. Howell (Editor), The Kentish notebook Vol. 1 (pp. 77-85). Gravesend.
Classification: British Isles- England-Kent
Geoffroy, Y. e. N. (2000). Le livre des prénoms arabeséditions Al Bouraq.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Arabic
Gerardi, R. J., & De Frank, R. (1982). Italian nicknames as surnames. ANS Bulletin, (70), 27-31.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Gerritzen, D. (1998-1999). Changes in the naming patterns for girls and boys in the Netherlands against the cultural background (XXth century). Onoma: Bibliographical & Information Bulletin, (34), 181-195.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Netherlands
Gerritzen, D. (1998). First Name Choices in the Netherlands 1992-1995. Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences August 4-11, 1996 (pp. 140-147).
Classification: Europe (Western) -Netherlands
Gerritzen, D. (2002). First names of immigrants in the Netherlands. Proceedings of the International Congress of Onomastic Sciences 21 SOFI (Språk- och folkminnesinstitutet, Institute for Dialectology, Onomastics and Folklore Research.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Netherlands
Gerritzen, D. (2002). Voornamen in Friesland. Over Friese namen, patroniemen en meernamigheid. It Beaken, (63), 179-189.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Netherlands -Friesian Islands
Gerritzen, D. (1998). Voornamen: Onderzoek naar een aantal aspecten van naamgeving in Nederland {First names: An inquiry into several aspects of naming in the Netherlands]. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Netherlands
Gerritzen, D., Bloothooft, G., Poppel , F. v., & Verduin, J. (1999). Naming for kin and the development of modern family structures: an analysis of a rural region in the Netherlands in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The History of the Family. An International Quarterly, 4, 261-295.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Netherlands
Gersuny, C. (1974). Occupations, occupational names and the development of society. Journal of Popular Culture, (8), 99-106.
Classification: Europe
Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache. 2006. (Beliebteste Vornamen [Web Page] [link no longer available].
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
Ghita El Khayat. (1998). Le livre des prénoms du monde arabe et musulmanEddif.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Arabic
Gibelin, G. (2000). Que signifie votre nom ? : étude onomastique des noms de famille originaires des pays d’Oc. Spéracèdes: Editions TAC motifs.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Languedoc-Roussillon
Gifford, E. W. (1985). Tongan society. Millwood, N.Y: Kraus Reprint.
Classification: Oceania -Polynesia -Tonga
Giger, M. (2007). Das slowakische Personennamensystem. in: S. Brendler, & A. Brendler (editors), Europäische Personennamensysteme: Ein Handbuch . Baar.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Slovak Republic
Giggs, J. A. (1994). Surname Geography: a study of the Giggs family name 1450-1989. East Midland Geographer, (17), 58-78.
Classification: British Isles- England -Leicestershire
Giller, A. (2001). A history of the surnames of Scarsdale Hundred. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Sheffield.
Classification: British Isles- England-Derbyshire
Gillis, I. V., & Pai, P.-C. (1940). Japanese personal names. Peking.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -Japan
Gillis, I. V., & Pai, P.-C. (1939). Japanese surnames. Peking, China: Hwaihsing Press.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -Japan
Gingerich, M. (1974). Mennonite family names in Iowa. Annals of Iowa, (42), 397-403.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Gippert-Fritz, S. (2007). Die Anthroponyme im Kabardinischen und Adygeischen. in: S. Brendler, & A. Brendler Handbuch Europäische Personennamensysteme : Ein handbuch von abasisch bis zentralladinisch . Baar.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Caucasus
Gippert-Fritz, S. (2007). Die Anthroponyme im Ossetischen. in: S. Brendler, & A. Brendler (editor), Handbuch Europäische Personennamensysteme : ein handbuch von abasisch bis zentralladinisch . Baar.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Georgia
Girvilas, K. A. (1978). Pre-Christian name giving in Lithuania. Lituanus, 24(3), 19-41.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Lithuania
Glanz, R. (1961). German-Jewish names in America. Jewish Social Studies, (23), 143-169.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Glasse, R. M. (1987). Huli names and naming. Ethnology, 26, 201-208.
Classification: Oceania -Melanesia -Papua New Guinea
Gocheva, P. (1988). Reforma, zabulena s mulchanie. Sofiia: Izd-vo na Otechestveniia front.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Turkey
Godoy, A. J. (1980). Ensayo histórico etimológico filológico sobre los apellidos castellanos. Barcelona: El Albir.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Castille-Leon
Godoy Alcántara, J. (1994). Ensayo histórico etimológico filológico sobre los apellidos castellanos. Salamanca: Librería Cervantes.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Castille-Leon
Goebl, H. (1996). The convergence between geo-linguistic and geo-genetic fragmentation in northern Italy. Revue De Linguistique Romane, 60(237-38), 25-49.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Goiteen, S. D. (1970). Nicknames as family names. Journal of the American Oriental Society, (90), 517-524.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Gold, D. L. (1991). Epistolae . Verbatim, 18(1), 9-10.
Classification: British Isles
Gold, D. (1971). Jewish surnames as a key to Jewish settlement history. Yugntruf, 23, 10-11.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Gold, D. L. (2003). Ever Fewer Family Names Are Now Describable as ‘Typically Jewish’: On Some Jewish Family Names Beginning Fitz-, Mac-, Mc-, and O’-. Beiträge Zur Namenforschung, 38(4), 435-438.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Goldberg, H. E. The social context of North African Jewish patronyms. in: I. Ben-Ami Folklore Research Center (Vol. 3pp. 245-257).
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Maghreb)
Goldin, C. &. S. M. (2004). Making a name: Women’s surnames at marriage and beyond. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(2), 143-160.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ sociological
Goldsberg, H. E. (1972). The social context of North African Jewish patronyms. in: I. Ben-Ami Folklore Research Centre Studies (Vol. 3pp. 245-257). Jerusalem: Magnes Press.
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Maghreb)
Gonthier J.-F. (1910). Origine des noms de famille savoisiens. Mém. Doc. Acad. Salés.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Rhône-Alpes
Gonzalez, P.-G. (1997). Dictionnaire des noms de famille en Auvergne et aux confins du Massif Central : origine, fréquence et localisation des patronymes traditionnels les plus répandus dans l’Allier, le Cantal, la Haute-LoiDe Borée.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Gonzalez, P.-G. (2001). Grand dictionnaire des noms de famille. Ambre Bleu.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Gonzalez, P.-G. (1996). Le livre d’or des noms de famillesMarabout.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
González Echegaray, M. d. C., & García de la Pedrosa, C. (2001). Diccionario de apellidos y escudos de Cantabria. Santander: Estvdio.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Cantabria
Gorden, R. L. (1968). Spanish personal names as barriers to communication betwen Latin Americans and North Americans. Yellow Springs, Ohio: Antioch College.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Gory, P. (1997). Surnames of County Wicklow. Irish Roots, 1, 22-24.
Classification: Ireland – Eire -County Wicklow
Gosnell, C. F. (1938). Spanish personal names : principles governing their formation and use which may be presented as a help for catalogers and bibliographers. New York: Wilson.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Gottlieb, K. (1983). Genetic demography of Denver, Colorado – Spanish surname as a marker of Mexican ancestry. Human Biology, 55(2), 227-234.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Spanish] –health
Gottschald, M. (2006). Deutsche Namenkunde (6th ed.).Walter de Gruyter.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
Gottschald, M. (1955). Die deutschen Personennamen . Berlin: W. de Gruyter.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
Goujard, P. (1984). Le stock de prénoms en Pays de Caux, 1686-1795. in: J. Dupâquier, A. Bideau, & M.-E. Ducreux Le prénom, mode et histoire: Entretiens de Malher, 1980 (pp. 203-207). Paris: Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Seine-Maritime
Gould, B. M. (1987). Rupert Brooke and Cambridge surnames : a centenary revelation. Cambridge: [s.n.].
Classification: British Isles- England-Cambridgeshire
Gourvil, F. (1970). Noms de famille bretons d’origine toponymique. Quimper: Société archéologique du Finistère.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Bretagne
Gourvil, F. (1951). Noms de famille bretons en Ab-, Ap-, "fils de…" . Louvain: Centre international.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Bretagne
Gourvil, F. (1966). Noms de famille de Basse-Bretagne: Materiaux pour servir a l’etude de l’anthroponymie bretonne. Paris: Eds. d’Artrey.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Bretagne
Graham, G. (1856). Family names in England and Wales. London:
Classification: British Isles- England -0- Leading names/ British Isles- Wales -0- Leading names
Graham, R. S. (1955). The anglicization of German family names in Western Canada. American Speech, (30), 260-264.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~2-ethnic~[German]
Gray, P. G. (1958). Initial letters of surnames. Applied Statistics 7(1), 58-59 , 7(1), 58-59.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- statistics
Greatex, J. (1998). The local origins of the monks of Worcester cathedral priory. Transactions of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society, 3rd Ser., 16, 143-53.
Classification: British Isles- England-Worcestershire
Grehan, I. (1997). Dictionary of Irish family names. Roberts Rinehart.
Classification: Ireland
Grehan, I. (1973). Irish family names : highlights of 50 family histories. London: Johnston and Bacon.
Classification: Ireland
Grehan, I. (1997). Little book of Irish family names. Appletree Press.
Classification: Ireland
Grehan, I. (1985). Pocket book to Irish family names. Belfast: Appletree.
Classification: Ireland
Grenham, J. (1997). Irish family names. London: Harper Collins.
Classification: Ireland
Gresset, M. (1984). Les prénoms dans le monde judiciaire comtois aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. in: J. Dupâquier, A. Bideau, & M.-E. Ducreux Le prénom, mode et histoire: Entretiens de Malher, 1980 (pp. 209-222). Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Griest, T. L. (1986). Scottish tartans and family names. Annapolis, Maryland: Harp & Lion Press.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Grosclaude, M. (1994). Dictionnaire étymologique des noms de famille gascons ; suivi de, Noms de baptême donnés au Moyen Age en Béarn et en BigRadio País.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Grosser, D. A bibliography of German personal names. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago, 1934.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany ~1~ancillary~ bibliographies
Grottanelli, V. L. (1977). Personal names as a reflection of social relations among the Nzema of Ghana. L’Uomo Società Tradizione Sviluppo
, 1(2), 149-175.
Classification: Africa (Western) -Ghana
Grüter, T. (2003). Hypocoristics: the case of U-formation in Bernese Swiss German. Journal of Germanic Linguistics, 15(1), 27-63.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Switzerland
Guemple, L. (1994). Born-again pagans: The Inuit cycle of spirits. in: A. Mills, & R. Slobodin Amerindian rebirth: Reincarnation belief among North American Indians and Inuit (pp. 107-122). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~2-ethnic~[Inuit]
Guerriero, A. J. (2002). Spanish Surnames in the Periphery of Naples. Geolinguistics: Journal of the American Society of Geolinguistics, 28, 34-47.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Campania/ Europe (Southern) -Spain
Guggenheimer, H. W., & Guggenheimer, E. H. (1992). Jewish family names and their origins an etymological dictionary. Hoboken N.J.: Ktav Pub. House.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Guglielmino, C. R., & De Silvestri, A. (1995). Surname sampling for the study of the genetic structure of an Italian province. Human Biology, 67(613-628).
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Guglielmino, C. R., Zei, G., & Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1991). Genetic and cultural transmission in Sicily as revealed by names and surnames. Human Biology, 63(5), 607-627.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Guillermou, A. (1993). Au jardin des noms de famille. Digne-les-Bains: Editions de Haute-Provence.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Guppy, H. B. (1890). Homes of Family names of Great Britain. London: Harrison and Sons.
Classification: British Isles- 0- Statistics
Gupta, S. (1992). Cataloging Ethiopian Personal Names . Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 14(2).
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Ethiopia
Gurbanov, A. (1988). Azarbaijan dilinin onomalogiiasy. Baky: "Maarif" N aashriiiaty.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Azerbaijan
Gusynina, E. B. (1982). ‘English surnames: their social and linguistic basis’ . Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta, Istoriya-Yazyk-Literatura, 37(4 (20)), 111-113.
Classification: British Isles- England
Gutman, H. G. (1976). The Black family in slavery and freedom 1750-1925. New York: Pantheon.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Guérios, R. F. M. (1973). Dicionário etimológico de nomes e sobrenomes. São Paulo: Ave Maria.
Classification: America (South) -Brazil
Gämlich, R. (2004). Haus- und Familiennamen in Allenbach, Grund, Lu¨tzel, Oechelhausen und Ruckersfeld . Hilchenbach : Hilchenbacher Geschichtsverein, Vorstand.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany~3-region~North Rhine-Westphalia
H., A. E. H. C. (1890). Peculiar use of surnames. Northern Notes and Queries (The Scottish Antiquary), 4(13), 29.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Haas, L. (1989). Social connections between parents and godparents in late Medieval Yorkshire. Medieval Prosopography , 10:(1 ), 1-21 .
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Habibi, N. (1992). Popularity of Islamic and Persian names in Iran before and after the Islamic revolution. International Journal of Middle East Studies, (24), 253-260.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -Iran
Habte-Sillasie, Z. (1998). What is your name? : book of Eritrean and Ethiopian names. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Eritrea/ Africa (Eastern) -Ethiopia
Hadamitzky, W. (1998). Japanese, Chinese, and Korean surnames and how to read them :125,947 Japanese, 594 Chinese, and 259 Korean surnames written with Kanji as they appear in Japanese texts. München: Saur.
Classification: Asia
Hajiyeva, A. (2000). Spelling standards: Azerbaijani male names, female names, family names and major place names. Azerbaijan International, 8(1 (Spring)), 42-45.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Azerbaijan
Hakim, R. (1995). A dictionary of Muslim names. Alexandria, Va: Al-Saadawi Publications.
Classification: Religion -Muslim
Halaby. (1983). Religion, politics and linguistics : a study of Lebanese personal names. ANS Bulletin, (71).
Classification: Asia (Western) -Lebanon
Hall, B. L., & Hall, R. M. R. (1969). Some apparent orthographic inconsistencies in American family names of Yiddish origin. Names, 17(4), 250-262.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Jewish]
Hallan, V. (1993). Asian names : a guide to assist understanding of the naming systems of people from the Indian Sub-continent. Walsall: Walsall Equal Opportunities Unit.
Classification: Asia
Hallen, C. L. (2007). The "Malachi’" given name pattern in a Swedish village, 1500-1800. Names, 55(4), 397-406.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Sweden
Halutiak-Hallick, S. P. (1994). Dictionary of Ukrainian surnames in the United States. Duluth, GA: Slavic Onomastic Group.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Ukrainian]
Hametz, M. E. (2002). ‘To have what was mine’: Reclaiming Surnames in Trieste. Names, 50(1), 3-22.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Hametz, M. E. (2002). "To have what was mine": reclaiming surnames in Trieste. Names , 50(1), 3-22.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Hammond, M. (2007). Ethnicity, personal names, and the nature of Scottish Europeanization . Thirteenth Century England, 11, 82-93.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Hammond, M. H. (2007). The use of the name Scot in the Central Middle Ages Part I: Scot as a by-name. The Journal of Scottish Name Studies, 1, 37-60.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Hamrock, J. (2007). Tracing Your Roscommon Ancestors . Flyleaf Press.
Classification: Ireland -Eire -County Roscommon
Handler, J. S., & Jacoby, J. (1996). Slave Names and naming in Barbados, 1650-1830 . The William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd Ser., 53(4), 685-728.
Classification: America (Central) -Caribbean -Barbados
Hanks, P. (2003). Dictionary of American family names. New York: Oxford University Press.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Hanks, P. (1992). The present day distribution of surnames in the British Isles. Nomina, 16, 79-98.
Classification: British Isles
Hanks, P., & Tucker, D. K. (2000). A diagnostic database of American personal names. Names , 48(1), 59-69.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ statistical
Hansen, T. B. (2006). Where names fall short: names as performances in contemporary urban South Africa. in: G. v. Bruck, & B. Bodenhorn An anthropology of names and naming . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa
Harder, K. B. (1986). Names & their varieties : a collection of essays in onomastics. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.
Classification: 0- International
Haron, M. (1999). Naming Peoples: The Formation of the South African Muslim Identity. Nomina Africana, 13(1/2), ??
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa [Muslim]
Harrison, H. (1912). Surnames of the United Kingdom : a concise etymological dictionary. London: Eaton Press.
Classification: British Isles
Harrison, K. D. (1999). Naming practices and ethnic identity in Tuva. Proceedings of the Chicago Linguistics Society, 35(2).
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russian Federation -Siberia
Harrison, S. (1990). Stealing people’s names : history and politics in a Sepik River cosmology. Cambridge [England]; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Classification: Oceania -Melanesia -Papua New Guinea
Hassall, W. O. (1967). History through surnames . London: Pergamon.
Classification: British Isles
Hayajneh, H. (1998). Die Personennamen in den qatabonischen Inschriften : lexikalische und grammatische Analyse im Kontext der semitischen Anthroponomastik. Hildesheim; New York: G. Olms.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Arabic
Head, K., & Mayer, T. (2008). Detection of local interactions from the spatial pattern of names in France. Journal of Regional Science, Volume 48, Number 1, February 2008 , Pp. 67-95, 48(1), 67-95.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Hedderson, J., & Daudistel, H. C. (1982). Infant-Mortality Of The Spanish Surname Population. Social Science Journal, 19(4), 67-78.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Spanish] –health
Hedinger, R., & Hedinger, S. (1994). Min me Akoose (Bakossi names). Yaoundé: Bakossi Language Committee.
Classification: Africa (Middle) -Cameroon
(1999). J. H. Heins How to translate proper names into Sena (Vol. 1pp. 49-71). Sociedade Internacional de Linguística, Programa de Moçambique.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Mozambique
Henry, K. A. "Exploring Population Structure and Migration with Surnames: Quebec, 1621-1900.".
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~3-region~ Quebec
Henry, L. (1984). Prénoms régionaux. in: J. Dupâquier, A. Bideau, & M.-E. Ducreux Le prénom, mode et histoire: Entretiens de Malher, 1980 (pp. 61-64).
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~Region~
Herbert, R. K. (1999). Anthroponymy and culture change in Southern Africa. Onoma, 14, 215-227.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa
Herbert, R. K. (1999). Personal names as social protest: The status of African political names. Names, 47(2), 109-124.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa ?
Herbert, R. K. Personal naming and social organization: the comparative anthroponymy of Southern Africa. Proceedings of the International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 187-194). Aberdeen.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa
Herbert, R. K. The politics of personal naming in South Africa. Names, 45, 3-17.
Herbert, R. K. (1997). The politics of personal naming in South Africa. Names, 45(1), 3-17.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa
Herbert, R. K. (1995). The sociolinguistics of personal names: Two South African case histories. South African Journal of African Languages, 15(1), 1-8.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa
Herbert, R. K., & Bogatsu, S. (1990). Changes in Northern Sotho and Tswana personal naming patterns. Nomina Africana, 4(2), 1-19.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -Botswana
Herbillon, J. (1996). Dictionnaire des noms de famille en Belgique romane. Bruxelles: Crédit communal.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Belgium
Herbillon, J. (1980). Un nouveau traité sur les noms de famille belges. Bulletin De La Societe Royale Le Vieux Liege, (9), 481-486, 502-510.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Belgium
Hermansen John. Advanced global name recognition technologyIBM.
Classification: 0- International
Herz, L. (1997). Dictionnaire étymologique des noms de famille français d’origine étrangère et régionaleL’Harmattan.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Herz, L. (1997). Dictionnaire étymologique de noms de famille français d’origine étrangere et régionale : avec l’étymologie de quelques noms étrangers célebresL’Harmattan.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Herzfeld, M. (1982). When exceptions define the rules: Greek baptismal names and the negotiation of identity. Journal of Anthropological Research, 38(3), 288-302.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Greece
Herzog, J. D. (1971). Fertility and cultural values: Kikuyu naming customs and preference for four or more children. Rural Africana , 14, 89-96.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Kenya
Hewsen, R. H. (1963). Armenian names in America. American Speech, (38), 214-219.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Armenia/ America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Armenian]
Hey, D. (2006). Continuity in local and regional identity: the evidence of family names . Devon Historian, (72), 2-6.
Classification: British Isles- England-Devon
Hey, D. (1998). The distinctive names of Staffordshire. Staffordshire Studies, 10.
Classification: British Isles- England-Staffordshire
Hey, D. (1987). Family history and local history in England. London: Longman.
Classification: British Isles- England
Hey, D. (2001). Family names and family history. London: Hambledon and London.
Classification: British Isles- England
Hey, D. (2001). History Today.
Classification: British Isles- England
Hey, D. (1997). The Local History of Family Names. Local Historian , 27(4), i-xx.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
. (1992). D. Hey (Editor), The origins of one hundred Sheffield surnames . Sheffield: The Division of Adult Continuing Education,The University of Sheffield.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Hey, D. (1993). The Oxford book of family history. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Classification: British Isles-England
Hey, D. (1997). Oxford dictionary of local and family history. Oxford: Oxford University Pres.
Classification: British Isles- England
Hey, D. (2003). Recent advances in the study of surnames. Historian, (80).
Classification: British Isles- England
Hey, D. (2003). Stable families in Tudor and Stuart England’ in . D. Hooke, & D. Postles (editors), Names, time and place : essays in memory of Richard McKinley (pp. 165-180). Leopard’s Head Press.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
Hey, D., & Redmonds, G. (2002). Yorkshire Surnames and the Hearth Tax Returns of 1672-73. York: Borthwick Institute of Historical Research.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Higgins, H. (1939). Welsh surnames. Proceedings of the Llandudno, Colwyn Bay & District Field Club, (19), 48-59.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Hilbig, F. W. (1968). Americanization of German surnames and the related process of changes in Europe. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Utah, Salt Lake City.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2~ethnic~ [German]
Hill, E. W., Jobling, M. A., & Brdaley, D. G. (2000). Y-chromosome variation and Irish origins. Nature, 404(6776), 351-352.
Classification: Ireland -genetics
Hill , F. J. (2000). Spanish first names. New York: Hippocrene Books.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Hiller, U. (2000). British family names: Their history – their meaning. Praxis Des Neusprachlichen Unterrichts, 47(4), 428-431.
Classification: British Isles
Hills, E. C. (1926). Spanish patronymics ending in -z. Revue Hispanique, (68), 161-173.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Himmelfarb, H. S., Loar, R. M., & Mott, S. H. (1983). Sampling by ethnic surnames :the case of American Jews. Public Opinion Quarterly, 47(2), 247-260.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~ [Jewish] –statistical/ Religion -Jewish
Hirsch, E. (1995). Local persons, metropolitan names: contending forms of simultaneity among the Fuyuge, Papua New Guinea. in: R. J. Foster Nation making: Emergent identities of Post-Colonial Melanesia (pp. 185-206). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Classification: Oceania -Melanesia -Papua New Guinea
Hitching, F. K. (1911). References to English surnames in 1602 : an index giving about 20,500 references to surnames contained in the printed registers of 964 English parishes during the second year of the XVII. century With an appendix indexing the surnames contained in 186 printed registers during 1601 (omitted from the volume for that year) . London: C.A. Bernau.
Classification: British Isles- England
Hjerstedt, I. (1987). Middle English nicknames in the lay subsidy rolls for Warwickshire. Uppsala.
Classification: British Isles- England-Warwickshire
Hodgson, G. M. (1997). Surname distribution : a reply. Family Tree Magazine, 13(8), 22.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
Hodgson, G. M. (1997). Surname history : a new technique. Family Tree Magazine , 13(4), 55-56.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
Hoffman, J. K. (1996). Dutch and Friesian first names anglicized: Names adopted in America by the Dutch immigrants.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2~ethnic~ [Dutch]
Hoffman, K. E. (2000). Administering identities: state decentralisation and local identification in Morocco. Journal of North African Studies., 5(3), 85-100.
Classification: Africa (Northern) -Morocco
Hoffman, W. F. (1997). Polish surnames : origins and meanings (2nd ed.). Chicago: Polish Genealogical Society of America.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Poland
Holding, D. (1995). What’s in a name? : an introduction to Lancashire parish registers and historical surnames:the text of a lecture given to the Friends of Smithills Hall,Bolton on 23rd September 1995 . Adlington, Lancashire: D H Publications.
Classification: British Isles- England-Lancashire
Hollenbach, B. E. (1980). Los nombres personales entre los triques de Copala. SIL Mexico Workpapers (Vol. 4pp. 9-14).
Classification: America (Central) -Mexico
Holt, J. C. (1982). What’s in a name? : family nomenclature and the Norman Conquest. Reading: University of Reading.
Classification: British Isles- England
Holutiak-Hallick, S. P. (1994). Dictionary of Ukrainian surnames in the United States. New York: Slavic Onomastic Research Group.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Ukrainian]/ Europe (Eastern) -Ukraine
Holutiak-Hallick, S. P. (1972). Orthographic variations of Ukrainian surnames in Western Pennsylvania. Names, (20), 193-199.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Ukraine
Holutiak-Hallick, S. P. Jr. (1972). Orthographic variations of Ukranian surnames in western Pennsylvania. Names , 20(3), 193-199.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Ukrainian]/ America (North) -Usa~3-region~ Pennsylvania
Hook, J. N. (1982). Family names : How our surnames came to America. New York: Macmillan.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Hooke, D. P. D. (2003). Names, time and place : essays in memory of Richard McKinley Leopard’s Head Press.
Classification: British Isles- England
Hooley, B. A. (1972). The Buang naming system. Journal of the Polynesian Society, 81, 500-506.
Classification: Oceania -Melanesia -Papua New Guinea
Hornby, R. (1951). Danske navne : Traek af navngivningens historie. Koebenhavn: Udvalget for Folkeoplysnings Fremme : i kommission hos G.E.C.Gad.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Denmark
Hornby, R. (1978). Dansk personnavne. Copenhagen: G. E. C. Gads Forlag.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Denmark
Hornby, R. (1951). Navnebog : vore fornavne, hvorfra de stammer og hvad de betyder. Naervaerende haefte skulle ved sine kortfatted oplysninger om navnenes herkomst og betydning give et lille indblik i dansk navneskiks historie og derigennem give foraeldre ideer og vejledning ved navnevalget. Kobenhavn: Grafisk Vorlag.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Denmark
Hornung, M. (1989). Lexikon österreichischer Familiennamen (Dictionary of Austrian family names). Vienna: ÖBV & HPT Verlags GmbH & Co.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Austria
Horvbth, V. (1997). Prepisovanie priezvisk pri poc-tacovom spracovan-. Slovenskb Archivistika , 32(2), 60-70.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Slovak Republic
Hoskins, W. G. (1972). The homes of family names. History Today, 22(3), 189-94.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal/ British Isles- England -0- statistics
Hoskins, W. G. (1974). Leicestershire yeoman families and their pedigreesLeicester Research Services.
Classification: British Isles- England -Leicestershire
Hotta, Y. (2001). Sendai-han ni okeru myoujino keihi, fuyo, baibai. Nihon Rekishi, (8), 71-82.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -Japan
Houdaille, J. (1984). De l’usage des prénoms dans quelques communes, d’après les listes nominatives de 1836. in: J. Dupâquier, A. Bideau, & M.-E. Ducreux Le prénom, mode et histoire: Entretiens de Malher, 1980 (pp. 333-339). Paris: Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Houdaille, J. (1996). Les prénoms des Protestants au XVIIe siècle. Population, (3), 775-778.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Hough, C. (2003). Scottish surnames. J. Corbett (editor), The Edinburgh companion to Scots . Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Houis, M. (1963). Les noms individuels chez les mossi. Dakar: IFAN.
Classification: Africa (Western) -Burkina Faso
Houissa, A. (1991). Arabic personal names : their components and rendering in catalog entries. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 13(2), 3-22.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Arabic
Howell, C. (1983). Land, family and inheritance in transition : Kibworth Harcourt 1280-1700. Cambridge University Press.
Classification: British Isles- England -Leicestershire
Howell, G. O. (1889). The humour of Gravesend surnames. Gravesend.
Classification: British Isles- England-Kent
Howell, G. R. (1894). The origin and meaning of English and Dutch surnames in New York State families. in: Collection of Drake Library . Brockport: State University of New York College.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Dutch & English]
Hoyez, S., & Ruffelard, A. (1984). Prénoms protestants au XVIIe en Brie et en Provence. in: J. Dupâquier, A. Bideau, & M.-E. Ducreux Le prénom, mode et histoire: Entretiens de Malher, 1980 (pp. 223-230). Paris: Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Hu, J. (2000). Transactional analysis: Problems in cataloging Chinese names. Illinois Libraries, 82(4), 251-250.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China
Hu, Q. (1994). How to distinguish and catalog Chinese personal names. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 19(1), 29-60.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China
Hubert, É. (1996). Structures urbaines et système anthroponymique (À propos de l’Italie centro-septentrionale, Xe-XIIIe siècle). in: Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne: L’anthroponymie document de l’histoire sociale des mondes Méditerranéans Médiévaux: Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française de Rome avec le concours du GDR 955 du C. N. R.S. (pp. 313-347).
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Hubrich-Messow, G. (1981). Personennamen in schleswig-holsteinischen Volksmärchen : (AT 300-AT 960). Neumünster: K. Wachholtz.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
Hucks, G. W. Y. (1937). Haya surnames. Tanganika Notes and Records , 7 , 72-74.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Tanzania
Huffman, F. E. (1968). Cambodian names and titles. [New Haven]: Dept. of East and South Asian Languages and Literature, Yale University.
Classification: Asia (South-Eastern) -Cambodia
Hugh-Jones, S. (2006). The substance of north-west Amazonian names. in: G. v. Bruck, & B. Bodenhorn The anthropology of names and naming .
Classification: America (South) -Brazil
Hughes, B. J. H. (1999). Hearth Tax 1670 : more names in the history of Pembrokeshire. [Pennar?]: [B.J.H. Hughes ?].
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Hughes, B. J. H. (1992). Land Tax, Castlemartin Hundred 1791/2.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Hughes, C. P. (1963). Scottish surnames. Scotland’s Magazine, (59), 44-45.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Hughes, J. P. (1961). How you got your name : The origin and meaning of surnames. London: Phoenix.
Classification: British Isles- England
Hughes, M. (1977-1979). The distribution of Welsh surnames. Genealogists’ Magazine, 19, 61-62.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Hui, D. (2007). The ‘hundred surnames’ of China run into thousands . Nature, 448(7153), 533.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China
Hume, A. (1858). Surnames in the county of Down. Ulster Journal of Archaelogy, First Series(6), 211-234.
Classification: Ireland -Ulster -County Down
Humphrey, C. (2006). On being named and not named: authority, persons and their names in Mongolia. in: G. v. Bruck, & B. Bodenhorn The anthropology of names and naming . Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -Mongolia
Hunnisett, R. F. (1980). Problems of medieval English surnames. Family History, 11(69-89).
Classification: British Isles- England
Huq, A. M. A. (1970). A study of Bengali Muslim personal names. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -Pakistan
Hursky, J. P. (1960). The origin of patronymic surnames in Ukrainian. Annals of the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the United States, (8), 169-190.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Ukraine
Hursky, J. P. (1971). Phonetic peculiarities in Ukrainian patronymic surnames of the fourteenth-seventeenth centuries. Names, (19), 262-267.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Ukraine
Huschka, D., Gerhards, J., & Wagner, G. G. (2005). Naming differences in divided Germany. Berlin: DIW.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
Hussar, A. (2000). The use of first names in the Estonian, Russian and Estonian-Russian families in Estonia. Congressus nonus internationalis fenno-ugristarum. Pars II, Summaria acroasium in sectionibus et symposiis factarum. Linguistica. Tartu (p. 82-).
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Estonia
Hussar, A. Changes of Estonian first names in the 19th century. XXII Congresso Internazionale di Scienze Onomastiche.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Estonia
Hussar, A. (2002). New Estonian names 100 years ago and their use nowadays. 21st International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Abstracts (p. 49-).
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Estonia
Hussar, A. (1999). The use of first name in the Russian and Estonian-Russian mixed families. XX Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Onom?sticas. Resumos. Santiago de Compostela, 1999 (pp. 97-98).
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Estonia
Hussar, A. (2002). The use of first names in the Estonian, Russian, and Estonian-Russian families in Estonia. Actas do XX Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Onomásticas (pp. 647-654).
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Estonia
Hussar, A. (2001). The use of first names in the Russian and Estonian-Russian mixed families in Estonia. Congressus nonus internationalis fenno-ugristarum 7.-13.8. Tartu (pp. 391-397).
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Estonia
Hussein, R. F. (1997). A Sociolinguistic Study of Family Names in Jordan. Grazer Linguistische Studien, (48), 25-40.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Jordan
Hvenekilde, A., Marak, C., & Burling, R. (2000). Personal Names in a Mande (Garo) Village. Names, 48(2), 83-104.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (NE States) -Garo Language
Hvoslef, E. H. (2001). The social use of personal names among the Kyrgyz. Central Asian Survey, 20(1), 85-95.
Classification: Asia (Central) -Kyrgyzstan / Asia (Central) -Uzbekhistan
Härtel, R. (1996). Ai confini del mondo tedesco. Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne: L’anthroponymie document de l’histoire sociale des mondes Méditerranéans Médiévaux: Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française de Rome avec le concours du GDR 955 du C. N. R.S. (pp. 203-225).
Classification: Europe
Ibemesi, F. N. (1988). Alias Okeome-Ochilozua: An analysis of the concept of assumed names in Igbo society. Africa Marburgensia, (21), 18-35.
Classification: Africa (Western) -Nigeria (Igbo)
IDESCAT. 2006. (Els Noms De La Població De Catalunya Per Nacionalitats [Web Page]. [link no longer available]
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Catalonia
Iglesisas, H. (2000). Noms de lieux et de personnes a Bayonne, Anglet, et Biarritz au XVIIIème Siécls. Baan.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Imaizumi, Y., & Kaneko, R. (1997). Surname and consanguineous marriages in Japan. Journal of Biosocial Science, 29(4), 401-413.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -Japan ~1~ancillary~genetics
Inal-ipa, Sh. D. S. D. (2002). Antroponimiia abkhazov. Maƒkop: Adygeia.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Georgia
Inebase. (The most frequent names and surnames of residents in Spain [Web Page]. [link no longer available].
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~1~ancillary~ statistical
Ingraham, H. (1996). People’s names : a cross-cultural reference guide to the proper use of over 40,000 personal and familial names in over 100 cultures. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland.
Classification: 0- International
Ingólfur Pálmason. (1987). Um ættarnöfn og erlend mannanöfn í íslensku. Reykjavík: I. Pálmason.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Iceland
Innes, C. (1860). Concerning some Scottish surnames. Edinburgh: Edmonston and Douglas.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
INSEE. (1985). Registre francais des noms patronymiquesINSEE.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Insley, J. (1982). Lancashire surnames, a review of Richard Mackinley’s ‘The surnames of Lancashire’. Nomina, 6, 93-98.
Classification: British Isles- England-Lancashire
Insley, J. (1985). The names of the tenants of the Bishop of Ely in 1251: a conflict of onomastic systems. Ortnamnssällskapets i Uppsala Årsskrift , 58-78 .
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Insley, J. (1993). Recent trends in research into English bynames and surnames, some critical remarks. Studia Neophilologica, 65(1), 57-71.
Classification: British Isles- England
Insley, J. (1993). Recent trends in the research into English bynames and surnames : some critical remarks. Studia Neophilologica, 65 , 57-71 .
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Insley, J. (1979). Regional variation in Scandinavian personal nomenclature in England. Nomina , 3, 52-60 .
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Insley, J. (1994). Scandinavian personal names in Norfolk : a survey based on medieval records and place-names (Acta Academiae Regiae Gustavi Adolphi, No. 62 )Uppsala.
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Insley, J. (2004). The Scandinavian personal names in the later part of the Durham Liber Vitae . in: D. Rollason et al. (editors), Durham Liber Vitae and its context . Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Insley, J. (1987). Some aspects of regional variation in Early Middle English personal nomenclature. in: T. Turville-Petre, & M. Gelling (editors), Studies in Honour of Kenneth Cameron (pp. 183-199 ).
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Insley, J. (1985). Some Scandinavian personal names in south-west England from post-Conquest records. Studia Anthroponymica Scandinavica , 3, 23-58 .
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Insley, J. (2002). The study of Old English personal names and anthroponymic lexica. in: D. Geuenich, W. Harbrichs, & J. Jarnut (editors), Person und Name. Methodische Probleme bei der Erstellung eines Personennamenbuches des Frühmittelalters (pp. 148-176 ). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Insley, J. Thoughts on the comparative study of European surnames : a review of Patrick Hanks and Flavia Hodges ‘A Dictionary of Surnames".
Classification: Europe
Institut de la Statistique Québec. (Family names [Web Page]. URL fulltext: link to website.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~3-region~ Quebec
Institut de la Statistique Québec. Les noms de famille au Québec : aspects statistiques et distribution spatiale.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~3-region~ Quebec
Instituto de Estadística de la Comunidad de Madrid. 2006. (Guía De Nombres Y Primer Apellido De Los Residentes En La Comunidad De Madrid 1998-2005 [Web Page]. URL link to website.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Madrid
Instituto de Estadística de Andalucía. (Statistics on first names and family names for Andalusians [Web Page]. [link no longer available]
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Andalusia
International Tracing Service. (1994). Repertoire des prenoms = Register of first names = Verzeichnis der Vornamen (4th ed.).Arolsen.
Classification: 0- International
Iordan, I. (1983). Dictionar al numelor de familie românesti (Dictionary of Romanian Families)Editura Stiintifica si Enciclopedica, Bucuresti.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Rumania
Irish Heritage Foundation. (1990). The prominent names in Co. Sligo today. Irish Heritage Links , 3(10), 31-36.
Classification: Ireland -Eire -County Sligo
Isa, Z. (1971). The Entry-Word in Indonesian Names and Titles. Library Resources and Technical Services, 15(3), 393-398.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Indonesia
Israel, S. of. C. B. o. S. D. o. I. (2001). Top 15 names of boys and of girls.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Israel
Iwundu, M. (1973). Igbo anthroponyms: linguistic evidence for reviewing the ibo culture. Names , 21(1), 46-47.
Classification: Africa (Western) -Nigeria [Igbo]
Jackson, S. K. (1962). Names of the VaShona. NADA Annual, 39, 55-59.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Zimbabwe
Jacob, J. E., & Horn, P. L. (1998). Comment vous appelez-vous? Why the French change their names. Names, 46(1), 3-28.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~1~ancillary~ Name Law
Jain, P. (2006). What’s in a name. Eye on Asia.
Classification: Oceania -Australasia -Australia (Asia)
Jäkel, O. (1999). Metonymy in onomastics. in: K.-U. Panther, & G. Radden Metonymy in language and thought (pp. 211-232). John Benjamins.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
James, W. R. (1978). Ephemeral names: The Uduk case. in: R. Thelwall Aspects of language in the Sudan. Occasional Papers in Linguistics and Language Learning (Vol. 5pp. 114-144). New University of Ulster.
Classification: Africa (Northern) -Sudan
Jamieson, G. C. (1937). Surnames in the North-East. Banffshire Field Club.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Jayaraman, R. (2005). Personal Identity in a Globalized World: Cultural Roots of Hindu Personal Names and Surnames. Journal of Popular Culture, 38(3), 476-490.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India ~2-ethnic~(Hindu)
Jephcott, J. (1997). "How common is your surname?" . The Journal of One-Name Studies , 6(2), 41.
Classification: British Isles- 0- Leading names
Jerphanion , M. d. et al. (2006). Les noms de famille des Alpes-Maritimes. Paris: Archives & culture.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Jeryan, P. (1981). Those unwieldy surnames. Ararat, 22(4), 41-41.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Armenia [Turkish]
Jhunghare, I. Y. (1975). Socio-psychological aspects and linguistic analysis of Marathi names. Names, 23, 31-43.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (W States) -Marathi
Jiga, C. T. (1975). The shepherd in Rumanian onomastics. Berichte des XII Internationaler Kongresses für Namenforshung (pp. 522-533).
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Rumania
Jiga, C. T. (1978). Some pastoral products and implements in Rumanian onomastics. Vol. 1978. Proceedings of the 13th Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 543-551).
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Rumania
Jin L, ?u.B., Xiao J. et al. (1999). Chinese surnames are polyphyletic in origin: Evidences based on 19 Y SNPs. American Journal of Human Genetics, 65(4), A206-A206.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Johansson, A. (2002). Aspects of the development of Faeroese personal names during 1000 years : a short overview. Onoma, (37), 251-266.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Denmark -Faroes
Johnson, A. F. (1981). A guide to the spelling and pronunciation of German names. Columbus: Ohio: The Copy Shop.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[German]
Johnson, E. D. (1955). Family names in Louisiana. Names, (3), 165-168.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Johnson, W. (1948). Lincolnshire ethnology. Lincolnshire Historian, 1(1), 62-68.
Classification: British Isles- England -Lincolnshire
Johnston, J. B. (1922). The Scottish Macs : their derivation and origin. Paisley: A. Gardner.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Johnston, R. J. (1971). Resistance to migration and the mover/stayer dichotomy : aspects of kinship and population stability in an English rural area. Geografiska Annaler, 53, 16-27.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Jones, G. (2006). German-American names. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[German]
Jones, G. P. (1973). Continuity and change in surnames in four northern parishes. Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society Transactions, (73), 143-147.
Classification: British Isles- England-Cumberland/ British Isles- England-Westmorland
Jones, H. (2006). Comparing historic name communities in Wales : some approaches and considerations. in: D. Postles, & J. T. Rosenthal (editors), Studies on the personal name in later medieval England and Wales (pp. 211-276). Kalamazoo, Mich.: Medieval Institute.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Jones, R. (1984). Chinese names : notes on the use of surnames & personal names by the Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore. Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia: Pelanduk Publications.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Singapore / Asia (South Eastern) -Malaysia
Jones, R. Chinese Names: The traditions surrounding the use of Chinese surnames and personal…
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China
Jones, R. (1991). Chinese names : the use and meanings of Chinese surnames and personal names in Singapore and MalasiaEureka Publications.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Malaysia/ Asia (South Eastern) -Singapore/ Asia (Eastern) -China
Jönsjö, J. (1979). Studies on Middle English nicknames : I. compounds. Lund : CWK Gleerup.
Classification: British Isles- England
Judson, A. S. (1898). A grammar of American surnames : being an introduction to the study of American nomenclature.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Jurko, J. (1999). Aké meno dávate svojmu diev’atku? Bardejov: Bens.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Slovak Republic
Just, P. (1987). Bimanese Personal Names : The View from Bima Town and Donggo. Ethnology, 26(4), 313-328.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Indonesia
Jørgensen, B. Stednavneordbog. Copenhagen: Gyldendal.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Denmark