Paddock, E. A. (1939). The evolution of surnames. Transactions of the Caradoc & Severn Valley Field Club, 10(4), 236-243.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Padel, O. J. (1985). Cornish surnames in 1327. Nomina, (9), 81-87.
Classification: British Isles- England-Cornwall
Padel, O. J. (1997). Locational surnames in fourteenth-century Denbighshire . In: A. R. Rumble Names, places and people: an onomastic miscellany . P Watkins.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Padel, O. J. (2003). Names in -kin in medieval Wales. D. P. D. Hooke (editors), Names, time and place : essays in memory of Richard McKinley (pp. 117-128). Leopard’s Head Press.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Paffard, M. (1989-1990). North Staffordshire names. Staffordshire Studies, 2.
Classification: British Isles- England-Staffordshire
Paikkala, J. (1985). Yleisimmät sukunimemme 1985. Sukuviesti, 1988(3), 22-23.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland
Paikkala, S. (2007). Das finnische Personennamensystem . A. Brendler, & S. Brendler Europäische Personennamensysteme. Ein Handbuch von Abasisch bis Zentralladinisch (pp. 200-214). Baar.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland
Paikkala, S. (1988). Finnische Familiennamen auf -(i)nen. Studia Anthroponymica Scandinavica , 6, 27-69.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland
Paikkala, S. Från olika namnsystem till ett enhetligt släktnamnssystem i Finland. NORNA-rapporter: Vol. 58. Slektsnamn i Norden. Rapport frå NORNAs tjueförste symposium (pp. 109-127). Uppsala: NORNA-förlaget.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland
Paikkala, S. (2002). Surnames in Finland on the threshold of the new millennium. Onoma, 37(1), 267-277.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland
Paikkala, S., & Paikkala, J. (1988:). Tilastotietoja suomalaisten sukunimistä. Sukuviesti , 1(22-25, 30).
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland
Paikkala, S., & Paikkala, J. (2000). Tilastotietoja suomalaisten sukunimistä 1998. in: P. Mikkonen, & S. Paikkala Sukunimet (pp. 31-45 ). Helsinki: Otava.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland
Paikkala, S. L. ( 2004). "Se Tavallinen Virtanen: Suomalaisen Sukunimikåytånn÷n Modernisoituminen 1850-Luvulta vuoteen 1921". Helsinki U. [Finland].
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland
Pakszys, T. Russian surnames of the 15th Century through the 17th Century.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russia
Palgrave, D. (2004). Many surname variants are really misspelt deviants" . Journal of One-Name Studies, 8(5), 6-9.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- Linguistics
Palmer, E. (1998). What’s in a Welsh name : how families in the principality got their surnames . Country Quest, 22.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Palmer, G. B., Connolly, T. E., & DaSilva, A. M. (1987). Khwi’ khwe gul schitsu’umsh = These are the Coeur d’Alene people: a book of Coeur d’Alene personal names. Las Vegas, NV: Plummer, ID: Coeur d’Alene Tribal Headquarters; Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Palmer, J. (1998). 8000 Derbyshire names from Wirksworth Parish, 1608-1837 : surnames, firstnames, placenames, variants, sources, gaps, occupations. Broadstone: J. Palmer.
Classification: British Isles- England-Derbyshire
Pama, C. (1992). British families in South Africa : their surnames and origins. Cape Town: Human and Rousseau.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa
Panaretos, J. (1989). On the evolution of surnames. International Statistical Review, 2(57), 161-167.
Classification: 0- International -statistical
Panchyk, R. (1995). Birth index for Buda Jewry covering the years 1820-52, 1968 for Neolog Jews in Buda (Budapest), Hungary; An alphabetical listing by father’s surname, with a cross-index of mother’s surnames . Teaneck, NY: Avotaynu (distributed by).
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Hungary ~2-ethnic~ [Jewish]/ Religion -Jewish
Panchyk, R. (1995). Given names and Hungarian Jews. Avotaynu, (11(Summer)), 24-25.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Hungary ~2-ethnic~ Jewish/ Religion -Jewish
Panchyk, R. Magyarization: A study of given names among Jews in Buda, 1820-95. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Masschusetts at Amherst.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Hungary ~2-ethnic~ Jewish/ Religion -Jewish
Panchyk, R. (1998). Variations and changes in Hungarian-Jewish names. Avotaynu, (14), 41-41.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Hungary ~2-ethnic~ Jewish/ Religion -Jewish
Paoli, C. (2003). Les noms de famille en Corse. Archives et Culture.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Corse
Paoli, G., Franceschi, M. G., & Taglioli, L. (1996). Kinship by isonymy and by gene-frequencies – a comparison of population structures at different hierarchical population levels. American Journal of Human Biology, 8(4), 445-455.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~genetics
. (1949). L. PapPortuguese-American speech : an outline of speech conditions among Portuguese immigrants in New England and elsewhere in the United States (pp. 2-4, 124-138). New York: King’s Crown Press.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Portuguese]
Paris, C. (1975). Basque Surnames. Bulletin De La Societe De Linguistique De Paris, 70(2), 325-326.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Basque
Parish, W. D. (1967). A dictionary of the Sussex dialect and collection of provincialisms in use in the county of Sussex. Boxhill: Gardners.
Classification: British Isles- England-Sussex
Park, T. (1994). Names and how they came about. Aberdare: Family History Club.
Classification: British Isles
Parodi, B. (2006). Cognomi siciliani : tra origini italiane e locali. Messina: A. Siciliano.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Sicily
Parsons, D. (2002). Anna, Dot, Thorir…counting Domesday personal names. Nomina , 25, 29-52 .
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Parzymies, A. (1985). Anthroponymie algérienne : noms de famille modernes d’origine turque. Varsovie: Editions scientifiques de Pologne.
Classification: Africa (Northern) -Algeria
Parzymies, A. (1975). Noms de famille en Algerie contemporaine. Africana Bulletin, (23), 125-137.
Classification: Africa (Northern) -Algeria
Pashley, R. (1855). English Surnames; their historical origins and development. Edinburgh Review.
Classification: British Isles- England
Paterson, J. (1866). Scottish surnames : contribution to genealogy. Edinburgh: James Stillie.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Patnaik, B. N. (1994). Some Observations on the Personal Names in Oriya. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 118-130). New Delhi: Rupa.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (NE States) -Orissa
Patricks, R. (2002). Tibongo netinanatelo temaSwati. Mbabane: Swaziland National Trust Commission; Natural History Society of Swaziland; Conservation Trust of Swaziland.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -Swaziland
Paul, P. (1993). On choosing a Chinese name: An event in cross-cultural communication. Multilingua, 12(3).
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China
Pauls, J. P. (1960). Surnames of Soviet Russian and other communist celebrities. Names, (8), 220-239.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russia
Pauls, J. P. (1969). Type, Structure and Usage of Surnames in the Brest-Litovsk Region. Onoma: Bibliographical & Information Bulletin, 14, 102-108.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Byelorussia
Paustian, P. R. (1978). The evolution of personal naming practices among American blacks. Names , 26(2), 177-191.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[African-American]
Pavlovi´c, T. (2001). Kosovo u srpskim imenima. Pri<stina: Narodna i univerzitetska biblioteka "Ivo Andri´c".
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Serbia
Pearce, K. (2002). Multicultural matters: Names and naming systems. London: Building Bridges.
Classification: 0- International
Pellegrini, G. B. I principali cognomi della provincia di Treviso. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, IX, (2,), 447-481.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Veneto
Pender, S. (1939). A census of Ireland, circa 1659 -with supplementary material from the poll money ordinances (1660-1661). Dublin: Stationery Office.
Classification: Ireland/ Ireland -0- Leading names
Pensabene, G. (1987). Cognomi e toponimi in Calabria. Roma/Reggio Calabria: Gangemi.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Calabria
Perekhval’skaja, E. (1989). Sovremennaja udegejskaja antroponimija. Vostok: prosloe i buduscee narodov. Tezisy VI Vsesojuznoj konferencii vostokovedov (Vol. 1pp. 104-107).
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russian Federation -Siberia
Perez-Stable, E. J., Hiatt, R. A., Sabogal, F., & Otero-Sabogal, R. (1995). Use of Spanish surnames to identify Latinos: Comparison to self-identification. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, (18), 11-15.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Spanish] –health
Perret, M. E. (1942). Surnames of Italian Swiss origin. Berkeley, CA.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Switzerland ~2~ethnic~ Italian
Person, H. A. (1967). The Swedes and their family names. Scandinavian Studies, (39), 209-248.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Sweden
Petersen, W. Surnames in US Population Records. Population and Development Review.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ statistical
Peterson, L. (2002). Lexikon över urnordiska personnamn: Presentation av ett forskningsprojekt. Studia Anthroponymica Scandinavica, (20), 125-129.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Sweden
Petley-Jones, D. (2000). The change from patronymics to surnames in rural Montgomeryshire. Genealogists Magazine, 26(12), 473-474.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Pfisterer, P. (1998). Dictionary of surnamesWalter de Gruyter.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
Pfukwa, C. (2003). Onomastic innovation in Zimbabwean noms de guerre. Language Matters.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Zimbabwe
Pharr, P. C. (1993). Onomastic divergence: A study of given-name trends among African Americans. American Speech, (68), 400-409.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Picard, J. (1990). Prenoms de naissance et prenoms de bapteme. Prenoms usuels: un aspect de la mentalite religieuse rurale au XIXe siecle. Annales De Démographie Historique, 345.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Ile-de-France
Picard, M. (2007). On the development of German surnames in French Canada. Names, 55(4), 379-386.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~2-ethnic~[German]
Picard, M. (2004). Explaining the ‘unexplained’ French surnames in the Dictionary of American Family Names. Onomastica Canadiana, 86(2), 75-106.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[French]
Pichler, F. (1987). Zur praxis der taufnamengebung im fr_hen 17. Jahrhundert: untersucht an den taufmatriken der pfarre bruck an der mur (1615-1622). Zeitschrift Des Historischen Vereines Fnr Steiermark [Austria] , 78, 151-179.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Austria
Picknicki, J. (1990). The origin and meaning of Ukrainian surnames. ((Spring)), 3-.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Ukraine
Pine, L. G. (1984). A dictionary of nicknames. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Classification: British Isles
Pine, L. G. (1965). The story of surnames. London: Country Life.
Classification: British Isles
Pinto, B. B. (2004). The Sephardic Onomasticon : an etymological research on Sephardic family names of the Jews living in Turkey . Istanbul: Gözlem Gazetecilik Basin Ve Yayin A.¸S.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Turkey/ Religion -Jewish (Sephardic)
Piper, A. J. (2004). The names of the Durham Monks . in: D. e. al. Rollason (editors), Durham Liber Vitae and its Context . Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Pittau, M. (2005-2006). Dizionario de cognomi della Sardegna. Cagliari: L’Unione Sarda.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Sardinia
Pittau, M. (1990). I cognomi della Sardegna. Sassari: Carlo Delfino Editore.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Sardinia
Plakans, A. (1986). Genealogies as evidence in historical kinship studies : a German example. in: R. S. Crandall Generations and Change : Genealogical perspectives in social history (pp. 133-137). Macon, Georgia: Mercer.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany ~1~ancillary~ statistical
Plakans, A. (1986). Genealogies as evidence in historical kinship studies : a German example. in: R. M. Taylor, & R. S. Crandall (editors), Generations and Change : Genealogical perspectives in social history (pp. 133-137 ). Macon,Georgia.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany ~1~ancillary~ statistical
Plakans, A., & Wetherell, C. (2000). Patrilines, surnames, and family identity: a case study from the Russian Baltic provinces in the nineteenth century. History of the Family, 5(2), 199-214.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russia
Plakis, J. (1936-1939). Latvijas vietu vardi un latviešu pavardi.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Latvia
Platt, L. D. (1995). Hispanic surnames and family history. Baltimore: Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co.
Classification: America (South) (Hispanic)
Plutschow, H. E. (1995). Japan’s name culture : the significance of names in a religious, political, and social context . Sandgate, Folkestone, Ken: Japan Library.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -Japan
Plöckinger, E. (1970). Beiträge zur entstehung und wandlung von familiennamen in Niederösterreich. Mitteilungen Des Kremser Stadtarchivs [Austria] , 10, 73-82.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Austria
Polednak, A. P. (1993). Estimating cervical-cancer incidence in the hispanic population of Connecticut by use of surnames. Cancer, 71(11), 3560-3564.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Spanish] –health
Pollard, F. H., & Banks, E. (1937). Teknonymy and other customs among the Kayans, Kenyahs, Kelamantans and others. Sarawak Museum Journal, 4(4), 396-409.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Malaysia
Poma, C. (1909). Antichi cognomi biellesi. Appunti filologici. Biella: Tip. G. Testa.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Piedmont
Poma, C. (1911). Cognomi biellesi. Torino.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Piedmont
Poma, C. (1913). I cognomi monosillabici in Italia. Archivio Glottologico Italiano, XVII(455-471).
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Pongweni, A. J. C. (1983). What’s in a name?: A study of Shona nomenclature. Gweru {Zimbabwe}: Mambo Press.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Zimbabwe [Shona]
Pontet, J. (1984). Les prénoms à Saint-Émilion, de la Révolution à la Restauration. in: J. Dupâquier, A. Bideau, & M.-E. Ducreux Le prénom, mode et histoire: Entretiens de Malher, 1980 (pp. 341-354). Editions de l’Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Aquitaine
Porcaro, J. W., & Yoshimoto, I. (1994). Surnames in international marriage [Letter]. Japan Quarterly, 41(4), 380-380.
Classification: xUnassigned
Porteous, J. D. (1982). English surname studies: a methodology. Genealogists’ Magazine , 20, 295-297.
Classification: British Isles- England
Porteous, J. D. (1987). Locating the place of origin of a surname. The Local Historian , 17(7).
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
Porteous, J. D. (1988). The Mells : surname geography, family history. Saturnalia, B.C., Canada: Saturna Island Thinktank Press.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
Porteous, J. D. Place loyalty. The Local Historian, 1985(16), 6.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
Porteous, J. D. (1982). Surname geography : a study of the Mell family name c. 1538-1980. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers , 7 (New Series) (4 ), 395-418.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
Postles, D. (1994). At Sørensen’s request : the formation and development of patronyms and metronyms in late medieval Leicestershire and Rutland. Nomina , 17 , 55-70 .
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Postles, D. (1994). At Sorenson’s request : the formation and development of patronyms and metronyms in late Medieval Leicestershire and Rutland. Nomina, (17), 55-70.
Classification: British Isles- England -Leicestershire
Postles, D. (1992). The baptismal name in thirteenth-century England: processes and patterns’. Medieval Prosopography , 13 , 1-52.
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Postles, D. The changing pattern of male forenames in medieval Leicestershire and Rutland to c.1350. Local Population Studies , 51, 54-61.
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Postles, D. Cultures of peasant naming in twelfth-century England. Medieval Prosopography , 18, 25-54.
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Postles, D. (2001). Defining the "North" : some linguistic evidence. Northern History, 38, 27-46.
Classification: British Isles- England
Postles, D. (1995). French Surnames in Medieval England . Moyen Age, 101(1), 7-21.
Classification: British Isles- England
Postles, D. (2006). Naming the people of England, c.1100-1350. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars.
Classification: British Isles- England
Postles, D. (1989). ‘Nomina Villanorum et Burgensium’: Oxfordshire Bynames before c. 1250′ . Oxoniensia , LIV.
Classification: British Isles- England-Oxfordshire
Postles, D. (1995). Noms de personnes en langue française dans l’Angleterre du moyen âge. Le Moyen Age , CI, 7-21.
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Postles, D. (1995). Notions of the family, lordship and the evolution of naming processes in medieval English rural society : a regional example. Continuity and Change , 10, 169-98.
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Postles, D. (1992). The pattern of migration in a Midlands county : Leics c.1270-1350. Continuity and Change, 7, 139-162.
Classification: British Isles- England -Leicestershire
Postles, D. (1991). Personal naming patterns of peasants and burgesses in late medieval England. Medieval Prosopography , 12(1), 29-56 .
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Postles, D. (1993). Surnames and the composition of local populations: Rutland, 13th to 17th centuries. East Midland Geographer, 16(2), 27-38.
Classification: British Isles- England -Leicestershire/ British Isles- England-Rutland
Postles, D. (1995). The surnames of Devon. Oxford: Leopards’ Head.
Classification: British Isles- England-Devon
Postles, D. (1999). Surnames of Leicestershire and Rutland. Leopard Head’s Press.
Classification: British Isles- England -Leicestershire/ British Isles- England-Rutland
Postles, D., & Rosenthal, J. T. (2006). Studies on the personal name in later medieval England and Wales (Studies in medieval culture No. 44)Medieval Institute Publications.
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Postles, S., & Postles, D. (2003). Surnames and stability : a detailed case study . in: D. Hooke, & D. Postles (editors), Names, time and place : essays in memory of Richard McKinley (pp. 194-208). Leopard’s Head Press.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
Potter, T. M. (1999). "Si Mohammed!": Names as address forms in Moroccan Arabic. Names, 47(2), 157-172.
Classification: Africa (Northern) -Morocco
Poulain, M., Foulon, M., Degioanni, A., & Darlu, P. (2000). Flemish immigration in Wallonia and in France: patronyms as data. History of the Family , 5(2), 227-241.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~1~ancillary~ migration/ Europe (Western) -Belgium
Powell, A. A. (1990). Monmouthshire surnames, 1754-1812. Gwent Family History Society Journal, (26), 6.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Powell, A. (1977-1979). The distribution of Welsh surnames. Genealogists’ Magazine, 19, 61.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Powellgriner, E., & Streck, D. (1982). A Closer Examination Of Neonatal-Mortality Rates Among The Texas Spanish Surname Population. American Journal of Public Health, 72(9), 993-999.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~genetics
Prabhakaran, V. (2002). Cultures in Contact – Changes in Hindu Tamil and Telegu Naming Patterns in South Africa. Nomina Africana, 16(1/2), ??
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa [Telugu]
Prabhakaran, V. (1998). Exploring Hindu Telugu surnames. Nomina Africana, 12(1 (April)).
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (S States) -Telugu
Prabhakaran, V. (1998). An introduction to Indian Hindu surnames. Nomina Africana, 12(1), ??
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India ~2-ethnic~(Hindu)
Prabhakaran, V. A sociolinguistic analysis of South African Telugu surnames. South African Journal of Linguistics, 17(2/3), 149-161.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa [Telugu]
Prabhakaran, V. (1999). A sociolinguistic analysis of South African Telugu surnames. South African Journal of Linguistics, 17(2/3 (May-Aug)), 149-160.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa [Telugu]
Prego-Vázquez, G. (2003). ‘¿De onde es? De quen es? : Local identities, discursive circulation, and manipulation of traditional Galician naming patterns. Estudios De Sociolingüística: Linguas, Sociedades e Culturas, 4(1), 229-253.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Galicia
Presciuttini, S., Poali, G., & Francheschi, M. (1990). Surname versus gene structure of a small isolate. Annals of Human Genetics, 54(Jan), 79-90.
Classification: xtra -genetics
Price, F. S.-L. (2007). Success with Asian names : a practical guide for business and everyday life. London : Nicholas Brealey.
Classification: Asia (Eastern)/ Asia (South-Eastern)
Prideaux, R. M. (Phillimore). Prideaux : a West Country clan. Chichester.
Classification: British Isles- England-Devon
Priest, A. (1966). Method of naming among the Siriono Indians. American Anthropologist, (68), 1245-.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[native]
Prijono. (1955). Indonesian names and titles. Indonesian Review, 2(1(Oct-Dec)).
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Indonesia
Prinz, J. (1966-1967). Zur Frage slavischer Ors- und Perssonnamen auf süddanischen Inseln. To the Question of Slavic Place- and Personal Names on South Danish Islands, (33), 79-131.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Denmark
Ptak, D. S. (1995). Surnames : determining origins with biographical and ethnic referencesDiane Snyder Ptak.
Classification: xtra- Surnames- General
Puckett, N. N. (1975). Black names in America: origin and usage. GK Hall.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[African-American]
Puckett, N. N. (1975). Black names in America, origins and usage. Boston: G.K. Hall.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Purvis, T. L. (1984). The European ancestry of the United States population, 1790. William and Mary Quarterly, (41), 85-101.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Pythian-Adams, C. Local history and societal history. Local Population Studies, (Details to add).
Classification: British Isles- England
Pálsson, H. (1952). Keltnesk Mannanöfn I islenzkum örnefnum. Skírnir, (126), 195-203.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Iceland
Pálsson, H. (1953). Um Íra-örnefni. Skírnir, (127), 105-111.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Iceland
Pérez Santarcieri, M. E. (2000). Nombres femeninos en el nomenclátor de Montevideo : recopilación legislativa y reseñas biográficas. Montevideo: Junta Departamental de Montevideo, Biblioteca "José Artigas".
Classification: America (South) -Uruguay
Pérouas, L. e. al. (1984). Léonard, Marie, Jean et les autres: Les prénoms en Limousin depuis un millénaire . Paris: Editions du CNRS.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Limousin
Pöyhönen, J. (1998). Suomalainen sukunimikartasto. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland
Pöyhönen, J. (1998). Suomalainen sukunimikkartasto = Atlas of Finnish surnames. Finalnd, Jyväskylä: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland
Quilliam, L. (1989). Surnames of the Manx. Peel, Isle of Man: Cashtal Books.
Classification: British Isles- Isle of Man
Quinn, S. E. Surnames in Ireland. Bray, Ireland: Irish Genealogy Press.
Classification: Ireland
Rabinovich, E. P. (1994). Nomes e nomeaçao na zona rural do Piauí. Names and Naming in a Rural Northeast Zone, Piauí, Brazil, (24), 321-.
Classification: America (South) -Brazil
Rabinovich, E. P., Dos Santos, N. G., De Oliveira, D. C., & De Siqueira, A. A. F. (1991). Atribuição de nomes próprios em neonatos. Naming of the newborn infants, (41), 23-30.
Classification: America (South) -Brazil ?
Rabinovich, E. P., Hulle Coser, A. C. P., Travaglini, D., & Esteves, E. N. &. D. S. N. G. (1993). Atribuição de nomes de crianças de nivel sócio-económico alto [Naming child of high socio-economic status]. Reunião Anual De Psicologia, 23, 340-.
Classification: America (South) -Brazil ?
Rabinovich, E. P., Hulle-Coser, A. P. C., Travaglini, D., Esteves, E. N., & Guaraciaba dos Santos, N. (1994). A comparative study of naming children from two socio-economic groups. Journal of Social Psychology, (134), 553-555.
Classification: America (South) -Brazil
Rabinowitsch, A. (1991). Structurelle Besonderheiten der Familiennamen der Juden in der Sowjetunion. Jiddistik Mittelungen, (6), 1-6.
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Russia)
Rader, K., & Schwibbe, M. H. (1983). Zur Bedeutung des "Pollyanna-Prinzips" bei der Attribuierung von Familiennamen . Zeitschrift Fur Experimentelle Und Angewandte Psychologie, 30(3), 448-457.
Classification: xtra
Radion, S. (1981). Dictionary of Ukrainian surnames in Australia. Melbourne: Academia Scientiarum Mohylo-Mazepiana Ukrainensis.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Ukraine/ Oceania -Australasia
Raglan, L. (1961). Welsh surnames. Man, (61), 42.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Rait, S. K. (1984). A dictionary of Punjabi name elements. Leeds: Leeds Polytechnic School of Librarianship.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (NE States) -Punjab
Rajasekharan Nair, N. (1994). Personal Names in Malayalam. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 171-180).
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (S States) -Malayam
Ramirez Sadaba, J. L. (1998-1999). The names of Cantabria. Onoma: Bibliographical & Information Bulletin, 34, 119-132.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Cantabria
Ramoniene, M. (2007). Language Planning and Personal Naming in Lithuania . Current Issues in Language Planning, 8(3), 422-436.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Lithuania
Ramírez Sádaba, J. L. (1998). Apellidos cantabros derivados de nombres celticos. Proceedings of the XIXth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 297-301).
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Cantabria
Rapelli, G. (1995). I cognomi di Verona e del Veronese. Panorama etimologico-storico. Vago di Lavagno: La Grafica Editrice.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Veneto
Raponda-Walker, A. (1993). Etymologie des noms propres gabonais. Versailles, France: Les Classiques africains.
Classification: Africa (Middle) -Gabon
Rapoo, C. K. (2002). Naming practices and gender bias in the Setswana language. Women and Language, 25(1), 41-43.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -Botswana
Rasonyi. (1976). The psychology and categories of name-giving among the Turkish people. Türk Dili Arasturmalari Yillgi: Belleten, (34).
Classification: Asia (Western) -Turkey
Reaney, P. H. (1997). A dictionary of British surnames (Revised 3rd edition ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Classification: British Isles
Reaney, P. H. (1952). Onomasticon Essexiense: a proposal for the systematic collection of the personal names and surnames of
Essex. Essex Review, 61 (1952), 133-42, 202-15. 61, 133-42, 202-15.
Classification: British Isles- England-Essex
Reaney, P. H. (1967). The origin of English surnames. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Classification: British Isles- England
Reay, B. (1996). Microhistories: Demography, society and culture in rural england, 1800-1930. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Classification: British Isles- England
Redin, M. (1919). Studies on Uncompounded Personal-Names in Old English . Uppsala: Uppsala Universitets Arsskrift.
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Redmonds, G. (1969). The development of West Riding surnames from the thirteenth to the twentieth centuries. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Leicester, Leicester.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (1976). English surnames research. In: H. Voitl, K. Forster, & J. InsleyThe study of the personal names of the British Isles (pp. 75-86). Erlangen: Institut für Anglistik & Amerikanistik.
Classification: British Isles- England
Redmonds, G. The history of Joseph. Ancestors , 23 .
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Redmonds, G. (1975). Lancashire surnames in Yorkshire. Genealogists’ Magazine, 18(1).
Classification: British Isles- England-Lancashire/ British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (1975). Lancashire surnames in Yorkshire [the distribution and development of Aspinall and Ridehalgh in the West Riding]. Genealogists’ Magazine, 18(1), 13-18.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (1980). Migration and the linguistic development of surnames. Family History, 11(77/78).
Classification: British Isles- England -0- Linguistics
Redmonds, G.The name game. (20).
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Redmonds, G. (2004). Name of the Game: George Redmonds explains the value of taking a historical approach to the study of names. History Today, 54.
Classification: British Isles
Redmonds, G. (2003). Names and history. London and Hambledon.
Classification: British Isles- England
Redmonds, G. (1971). Noms d’origine francaise dans le Yorkshire. Vie Et Langage, (235).
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (1981). The origins of Yorkshire "Royd" surnames. Old West Riding, 1(1).
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (1985). Personal names and surnames in some West Yorkshire ‘Royds’. Nomina, (9), 73-80.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (1972). Problems in the identification of some Yorkshire filial names. Genealogists’ Magazine, 17(4), 205-212.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (2004). Ranking order: popular male names 1377-1381. Vol. 24.
Classification: British Isles- 0- Statistics/ British Isles- z2- Medieval
Redmonds, G. (1972). Surname heredity in Yorkshire. Local Historian, 10(4), 171-177.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (2002). Surnames and genealogy: a new approach. Bury: Federation of Family History Societies.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- Linguistics
Redmonds, G. (1972). Surnames and place-names. Local Historian, 10(1), 3-7.
Classification: British Isles- England
Redmonds, G. (1985). Surnames and settlement. Old West Riding, (4), 7-10.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (1919). Surnames around Huddersfield : their origins, history & distribution. Huddersfield: Huddersfield Examiner.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (1990). Yorkshire surnames : 1- Bradford and District. Lepton, Huddersfield: G.R. Books.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (1992). Yorkshire surnames : 2- Huddersfield and District . Lepton, Huddersfield: G.R.Books.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (2002). Yorkshire surnames : 3- Halifax and District.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Redmonds, G. (1973). Yorkshire West Riding . (London): Phillimore.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Reed W.J., & Hughes B.D. (2003). On the distribution of family names. Physica A, 319, 579-590.
Classification: 0- International -statistical
Relethford, J. H. (1992). Analysis of marital structure in Massachusetts using repeating pairs of surnames. Human Biology, 64(1), 25-33.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~genetics
Rennick, R. M. (1984). On the right of exclusive possession of a family name. Names, 32(2), 138-155.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ sociological
Rennick, R. M. (1984). What’s in a ‘Jewish’ name : Don’t jump to conclusions. Bulletin of the Illinois Name Society, 2(4), 13-19.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Revazov, A. A., Paradeeva, G. A., & Rusakova, G. I. (1986). Usefulness of Russian surnames as a quasi-genetic marker. Genetika, 22(4), 699-704.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russia ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Rhode, H. (1996). More about Jewish family names: A cautionary tale. Avotaynu, 12(1), 17-.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Rhode, H. (1995). Using Litvak naming patterns to derive names of unknown ancestors. Avotaynu, 11(3), 22-23. Avotaynu, 11(3), 22-23.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Ricau, O. (2006). Histoire des noms de famille d’origine Gasconne. Pyremonde.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Aquitaine/ Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Midi-Pyrénées
Richard Price, & Sally Price. (1972). Saramaka Onomastics: An Afro-American Naming System . Ethnology, 11(4), 341-367.
Classification: America (South) -Suriname
Riggs, G. (1997). The 1881 Project – British surname distribution [Part 1]. Journal of One-Name Studies, 6(3), 55-58.
Classification: British Isles- 0- Statistics
Riggs, G. (1997). The 1881 Project – British surname distribution. Part 2: What happens to the data? The Journal of One-Name Studies, 6(4), 76-79.
Classification: British Isles- 0- Statistics
Rizaev, S., & Mirzaev, A. I. (1992). IAkhshi ism–insonga Šhusn = : Good name adornspeople = El nombre adorna al hombre. Toshkent: "Uqituvchi".
Classification: Asia (Central) -Uzbekhistan
Robb, H. A., & Chesler, A. (1995). Encyclopedia of American family names. New York: HarperCollins.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Robson, J. M. (1988). Surnames and status in victorian England. Queens Quarterly, 95(3), 642-661.
Classification: British Isles- England
Robson, M. (1998). Surnames and Clansmen : Border Family History in Earlier Days. Port of Ness, Isle of Lewis: M. Robson.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Robuchon, J. (1947). Les Noms de famille en Bas-Poitou : essai d’anthroponymie régionale. Fontenay-le-Comte: Lussaud frères.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Poitou-Charentes
Rode, Z. R. The origin of Jewish names. Names, (24), 165-179.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Rode, Z. R. (1976). The origin of Jewish family names. Names , 24(3), 165-179.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Rodriguez-Larralde, A. (1993). Genetic distance estimated through surname frequencies of 37 counties from the state of Lara, Venezuela. Journal of Biosocial Science, 25(1), 101-110.
Classification: America (South) -Venezuela ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Rodriguez Larralde, A. (1993). Microevolution in Perugia: isonymy 1890-1990. Annals of Human Biology, 20(3), 261-274.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Rodriguez-Larralde, A. (1989). Relationship between 17 Venezuelan counties estimated through communality of surnames. Human Biology, 61(1), 31-44.
Classification: America (South) -Venezuela ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Rodriguez-Larralde, A., & Barrai, I. (1997). Isonymy structure of Sucre and Tachira, two Venezuelan states. Human Biology, 69(5), 715-731.
Classification: America (South) -Venezuela ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Rodriguez-Larralde, A., Barrai, I., & Alfonzo, J. C. (1993). Isonymy structure of four Venezuelan states. Annals of Human Biology, 20(2), 131-145.
Classification: America (South) -Venezuela ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Rodriguez-Larralde, A., Barrai, I., Nesti, C., Mamolini, E., & Scapoli, C. (1998). Isonymy and isolation by distance in Germany. Human Biology, 70(6), 1041-1056.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Rodriguez-Larralde, A., Gonzales-Martin, A., Scapoli, C., & Barrai, I. (2003). The names of Spain: A study of the isonymy structure of Spain. American Journal Of Physical Anthropology, 121(3), 280-292.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Rodriguez Larralde A., Morales J., & Barrai I. (2000). Surname frequency and the isonymy structure of Venezuela. American Journal of Human Biology, 12(3), 352-362.
Classification: America (South) -Venezuela ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Rodriguez Larralde, A., Pavesi, A., Scapoli, C., Conterio, F., Siri, G., & Barrai, I. (1994). Isonymy and the genetic structure of Sicily. Journal of Biosocial Science, 26(1), 9-24.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Roff, W. R. (2007). Onomastics, and Taxonomies of Belonging in the Malay Muslim World. Journal of Islamic Studies, 18(3), 386-405.
Classification: Asia (South-Eastern)
Rogers, C. D. (1995). The surname detective: investigating surname distribution in England, 1086-present Day. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
Rogers, C. D., & Smith, J. H. (1991). Local family history in England, 1538-1914. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Classification: British Isles- England
Rogers, K. H. (1995). More Vikings & surnames. K.H. Rogers.
Classification: British Isles- England/ British Isles- Isle of Man
Rogers, K. H. (1991). Vikings & surnames. York: William Sessions.
Classification: British Isles- England/ British Isles- Isle of Man
Roguljic, D., Rudan, I., & Rudan, P. (1997). Estimation of inbreeding, kinship, genetic distances, and population structure from surnames: The island of Hvar, Croatia. American Journal of Human Biology, 9(5), 595-607.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Croatia ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Rohlfs, G. (1979). Dizionario dei cognomi e soprannomi in Calabria: Repertorio storico e filologico (Dictionary of names and surnames in Calabria). Ravenna: Longo.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Calabria
Rohlfs, G. (1985). Dizionario storico dei cognomi in Lucania : repertorio onomastico e filologico. Ravenna: Longo.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Basilicata
Rohlfs, G. (1982). Dizionario storico dei cognomi salentini. Galatini: Congedo.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Apulia
Rohlfs, G. (1982). Dizionario storico dei cognomi salentini, terra d’OtrantoCongedo.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Apulia
Rohlfs, G. Dizionario toponomastico del Salento : prontuario geografico, storico e filologico.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Apulia
Rohlfs, G. (1974). Dizionario toponomastico e onomastico della Calabria : prontuario filologico-geografico della Calabria. Ravenna: Longo.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Calabria
Rohrbach. (1995). Swiss surnames : a complete register.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Switzerland
Rojasalvarado, M. D., & Garzachapa, R. (1994). Relationships by isonymy between persons with monophyletic and polyphyletic surnames from the Monterrey metropolitan area, Mexico. Human Biology, 66(6), 1021-1036.
Classification: America (Central) ~1~ancillary- genetics
Rollason, L. (2004). The late medieval non-monastic entries in the Durham Liber Vitae . in: D. Rollason et al. (editors), Durham Liber Vitae and its Context . Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer .
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Rony, A. K. (1968). An analysis of Indonesian name pattern: A preliminary investigation into the problem of establishing an international code for Indonesian names to be used by international libraries. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Catholic University of America.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Indonesia
Rony, A. K. (1970). Indonesian names: a guide to bibliographic listings. Indonesia, 10, 27-36.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Indonesia
Room, A. (1983). Russian personal names since the Revolution. Journal of Russian Studies, (45 : 46), 19-24 : 13-18.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russia
Rosenberg. (1976). Shaaban Robert or Rober Shaaban? Some thoughts on the entry word in Tanzanian personal names. Someni.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Tanzania
Rosenhouse, J. (2002). Personal names in Hebrew and Arabic: Modern trends compared to the past. Journal of Semitic Studies, 47(1), 97-114.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Rosenhouse, J. (2003). Shemot pratiyim ba’ivrit bat zemanenu: netiot chadashot behashva’ah le’avar [Proper names in contemporary Hebrew: New trends in comparison with the past]. in: D. Sivan, & P.-I. Halevy-Kirtchuk Research Papers in Hebrew Linguistics, Hebrew Literature and Jewish Languages
Yaakov Bentolila Jubilee Volume (pp. 341-357). Beer-Sheva: Ben Gurion University of the Negev Press.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Israel
Rosenthal, E. (1965). South African surnames. Cape Town: Howard Timmins.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa
Rosenwaike, I. (1992). Estimates Of The Jewish Old Old Population In The United-States. Research On Aging, 14(1), 92-109.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Jewish] -statistical
Rosenwaike, I. (1990). Leading surnames among American Jews. Names, 38, 31-38.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Jewish] / Religion -Jewish (Usa)
Rosenwaike, I. (1990). Mortality patterns among elderly American Jews. Journal of Aging and Judaism, 4, 289-303.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Jewish] –health/ Religion -Jewish (Usa)
Rosenwaike, I. (1991). The most common Spanish surname in the United States : some new data sources. Names, (39), 325-331.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Spanish] –health
Rosenwaike, I. (1994). Surname analysis as a means of estimating minority elderly – an application using Asian surnames. Research on Aging, 16(2), 212-227.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- Health
Rosenwaike, I., & Bradshaw, B. S. (1989). Mortality of the Spanish surname population of the Southwest – 1980. Social Science Quarterly, 70(3), 631-641.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Rossebastiano Alda, & Papa, E. (2005). I nomi degli italiani : dizionario storico ed etimologico. Torino.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Rossi, A. S. (1965). Naming children in middle-class families. American Sociological Review, 30, 499-513.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ sociological
Rothschild, J. (1991). Jewish Family Names And Surnames [Letter]. Verbatim, 18(2), 24-24.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Rottenberg, D. (1977). Finding our fathers : a guidebook to Jewish genealogy. New York: Random House.
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Rousseau, J. (1983). Kayan personal names. Sarawak Museum Journal, 32(53), 251-272.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Malaysia
Rowlands, J., & Rowlands, S. (2006). The distribution of surnames in Wales. Nomina , 29, 97-113.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Rowlands, J., & Rowlands, S. (1996). Surnames of Wales for family historians and others. Birmingham: Federation of Family History Societies.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Rowlands, J., & Rowlands, S. (2005). The transition from patronymic names to settled surnames in Wales. Nomina , 28, 55-68.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Roy, S., & Rizvi, S. H. M. (2002). Encyclopaedia of Indian surnames. Delhi: B.R. Pub Corp.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India
Ruckdeschel, G. (1980). Secondary motivation in English family names. Nomina, (4), 64-66.
Classification: British Isles- England
Ruckdeschel, G. (1980). Studien zur sekundären motivation bei Englischen famialiennamen. West Germany.
Classification: British Isles- England
Rudnycky, J. B. (1961). Anthroponymic changes in Canada and the USA. VI Internationaler Kongress für Namenforschung [VIth International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 663-671).
Classification: America (North) -Canada
Rudnyts’kyi, Y. B. (1982). An etymological dictionary of the Ukrainian language. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Ukraine
Rule, L. R., & Hammond, W. K. (1973). What’s in a name? : Surnames of America. New York: Jove (Harcourt Brace Johanovic).
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Ruofu, D. (1986). Surnames in China. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 14(2), 15-27, 317-327.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China
Ruofu, D., Yuan, Y., Hwang, J., Mountain, J., & Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1992). Chinese surnames and the genetic differences between north and south China. Berkeley, California: University of California, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Project on Linguistic Analysis.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Rybakin, A. I. (1986). Slovar angliiskikh familii = A dictionary of English surnames. Moskva: Ruskii iazyk.
Classification: British Isles- England
Rybatzki, V. (2004). Nestorian personal names from Central Asia. Studia Orientalia, 99, 269-292.
Classification: Asia (Central)/ Religion -Nestorian
Rydving, H. (2002). Saami Place-Names and Personal Names in the Nordic Countries. Onoma, 37, 69-79.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland [Lappish]
Ryman, L. (2003). Salanus, Tunström och Sporrong: Tillnamnsbruk och framväxten av släktnamn i Uppland (Salanus, Tunström and Sporrong: Byname Practice and the Rise of Surname Use in Uppland). Dissertation Abstracts International, Section C: Worldwide, 64(2), 286-286.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Sweden
Rymut, K. (1999). Nazwiska Polaków: Slownik historyczno-etymologiczny. Krakow.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Poland
Rymut, K. (1990-1994). Slownik nazwisk wspólcze’snie w Polsce uzywanych.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Poland
Rzetelska-Feleszko, E. (1975). A subsystem of family names in north Polish dialects. Vol. Bern. Berichte des XII. Internationaler Kongresses für Namenforschung (pp. 261-287).
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Poland
Saarelma-Maunumaa, M. (2003). Edhina Ekogidho : Names as links: the encounter between African and European anthroponymic systems among the Ambo people in NamibiaSuomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -Namibia [Ambo]
Saarelma-Maunumaa, M. (1999). Name Sharing in the Naming System of the Ovambos in Namibia. Nomina Africana, 13(1/2), ??
Classification: Africa (Southern) -Namibia [Ambo]
Saarelma-Maunumaa, M. (2001). Ndalikokule – I was far away: Personal Names of Ovambo Origin in Namibia. Nomina Africana, 15(1/2), ??
Classification: Africa (Southern) -Namibia [Ambo]
Saarelma-Maunumaa, M. (1996). Personal Names and Naming Practices in Northern Malawi. Nomina Africana, 10(1/2), ??
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Malawi
Sabar, Y. (1974). First names, nicknames and family names among the Jews of Kurdistan. Jewish Quarterly Review, (65), 43-51.
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Kurdistan)
Sahu, N. S. (1978). Linguistic study of surnames in the placenames of Chhattisgarh and the adjoining district of Balaghat in Madhya Pradesh. Psycho-Lingua, 8(1), 15-24.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (Central States) -Madhya Pradesh
Saitoh, N. (1983). An attempt to estimate the migration pattern in Japan by surname data. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon, 91(3), 309-322.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -Japan ~1~ancillary~sociological
Sakaoglu, S. (2001). Türk ad bilimi. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Turkey
Salazar-Acha, J. (1991). Génesis y evolución histórica del apellido en España . Madrid: Real Academia Matritense de Heráldica y Genealogía.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Salih, H. H., & Bader , Y. T. (1999). Personal names of Jordanian Arab Christians: A sociocultural study. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, (140), 29-43.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Jordan
Salomon, F., & Grosboll, S. (1986). Names and peoples in Incaic Quito: retrieving undocumented historic processes through anthroponymy and statistics. American Anthropologist , 88(2), 387-399.
Classification: America (South) ~Ecuador
Sanabria, H. (2001). Exploring kinship in anthropology and history : Surnames and Social Transformations in the Bolivian Andes. Latin American Research Review, 36(2), 137-156.
Classification: America (South) -Bolivia ~2-ethnic~ [Matatco]
Sandercock, G. (2002). The Cornish Language. Cornwall Family History Society Journal.
Classification: British Isles- England-Cornwall
Sangoï, J.-C. (1988). La prenomination en Bas-Quercy (XVIIIe-XIXe siecle). Bulletin D’Information De La Société De Démographie Historique, (51), 22-37.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Midi-Pyrénées
Santos, R. G. (1981). Origin of Spanish names : cómo te llamas y por que te llamas así. [San Antonio?, Texas]: R.G. Santos.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Sapkidis, O. (1998). "To whom do you belong?". in: P. H. Stahl Names and social structure: Examples from Southeast Europe (pp. 73-88).
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Greece ~3~region~ Cyclades
Sarramea, J. (2007). Spanish Family Names in Italy . Historiens Et Geographes, (398), 61-64.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Sato, K., & Oguri, A. (2007). Effect of the finite size of population on the distribution of family names. Japanese Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 24(1), 119-130.
Classification: 0- International -statistical
Sauri Colomer, R., & Hanks, P.Iberian names in North America: the case of Asturian.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Spanish]/ America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~ [Portuguese]
Savitz, D. A. (1986). Changes in Spanish surname cancer rates relative to other Whites, Denver Area, 1969-71 to 1979-81. American Journal of Public Health, 76(10), 1210-1215.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Spanish] –health
Savk, U.-C. (2002). Karakalpak kisi adlari uzerine bir inceleme. Milli-Folklor, 7(54), 62-67.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Turkey
Savvidou, C. (2002). Understanding Chinese names: Cross-cultural awareness in the EFL classroom. The Internet TESL Journal, 8(9).
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China
Scapoli, C., Goebl, H., Sobota , S., Mamolini, E., Rodriguez-Larralde, A., & Barrai, I. (2005). Surnames and dialects in France: Population structure and cultural evolution. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 237(1), 75-86.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Scapoli, C., Mamolini, E., Carrieri, A., Rodriguez Larralde, A., ., & Barrai, I. (2007). Surnames in Western Europe: A comparison of the subcontinental populations through isonymy . Theoretical Population Biology, 71(1), 37-48.
Classification: Europe (Western)
Scassa, T. (1996). National Identity, Ethnic Surnames and the State. Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 11(2), 167-191.
Classification: America (North) -Canada / America (North) -Usa
Scheuble, L. K., Klingemann, K., & Johnson, D. R. (2000). Trends in women’s marital name choices: 1966-1996. Names, 48(2), 105-114.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ sociological
Schimmel, A. (1995). Islamic names. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Classification: Religion -Muslim
Schimmel, A. (1998). Noms de personne en IslamPUF.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Arabic
Schlebecker, J. T. (1989). The many names of country people : an historical dictionary from the twelfth century onwards. New York: Greenwood.
Classification: British Isles
Schmalstieg, W. R. (1982). Lithuanian names. Lituanus, 28(3), 5-10.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Lithuania
Schmid, B. (2007). Das katalanische Personennamensystem. in: A. Brendler, & S. Brendler (editors), Europäische Personennamensysteme. Ein Handbuch von Abasisch bis Zentralladinisch (pp. 387-398). Baar.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain ~3-region~ Catalonia
Schoen, R. N. V. E. (1981). Mortality by cause among Spanish surnamed Californians, 1969-71. Social Science Quarterly, 62(2), 259-274.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Spanish] –health
Schofield, R. (?). A list of peculiar surnames in England and Wales. Local Population Studies, ?(?), 68-69.
Classification: British Isles
Schorman, S. (1996). Surnames of county Clare. Irish Roots, 3, 22-23.
Classification: Ireland -Eire County Clare
Schottman, W. (2000). Baatonu Personal Names from Birth to Death . Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 70(1), 79-106.
Classification: Africa (Western) -Benin
Schottman, W. (2000). Changing names How individual Bariba names vary through life. Africa, 70(1).
Classification: Africa (Western) -Benin
Schurer, K., & Dillon, L. (2003). What’s in a name? Victorias in Canada and Great Britain in 1881. Local Population Studies, (70).
Classification: British Isles- z4- Victorian
Schwarz, A. (1965). Familiennamen. Montfort [Austria] , 17(3), 232-242.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Austria ~3~region~ Mellen Valley
Schweickard, W. (2002). Il nome degli Svedesi e la sua storia in italiano. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, 8(1), 9-22.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy
Schweitzer, P. P., & Golovko, E. V. Local identities and travelling names: interethnic aspects of personal naming in the Bering Strait area. 34(1), 167-180.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~3-region~ Bering Straits
Schweitzer, P. P., & Golovko, E. V. (1997). Local identities and traveling names: Interethnic aspects of personal naming in the Bering Strait Area. Arctic Anthropology, 34(1), 167-180.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~3-region~ Bering Straits
Schöffl, S. A. (1993). Die Limburger Familiennamen von 1200 bis 1500 . Frankfurt am Main : Lang.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Belgium
Schürer, K. (Spring 2004) pp). Surnames and the search for regions. Local Population Studies , (72 ), 50-76 .
Classification: British Isles- 0- Statistics
Sciberras, L., Magri, V., & Xuereb, P. (1988). Authority list of Maltese names for libraries using AACR2. Msida; University of Malta Library.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Malta
Scott, F. S. (1986). Personal names of students and other Auckland onomastics. Auckland: [University of Auckland].
Classification: Oceania -Australasia
Scott, J. (1969). Notes on Kintyre surnames and families. Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Inverness, 45, 284-318.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland -Argyll
Scott-Smith, D. (1984). Child-naming practices as cultural and familial indicators’. Local Population Studies, 32, 17-27.
Classification: British Isles- z3- Early Modern
Searle, W. G. (1897). Onomasticon Anglo-Saxonicum . Cambridge.
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Seary, E. R. (1976). Family names of the island of Newfoundland. St. John’s: Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~3-region~Newfoundland
Sebag, P. (2002). Les noms des juifs de Tunisie : origines et significations. Paris: Harmattan.
Classification: Africa (Northern) -Tunisia [Jewish]
Seibicke, W. (1999). Das Namenglied DIET in deutschen Vornamen. P. Wagener (editor), Sprachformen : Deutsch und Niederdeutsch in europäischen Bezügen. Festschrift für Dieter Stellmacher zum 60. Geburtstag . Stuttgart: Steiner.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
Seibicke, W. (1977). Vornamen. Wiesbaden: Verlag für dt. Sprache.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
Seibicke, W. v. (996). Historisches Deutsches Vornamenbuch. Berlin; New York: De Gruyter.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Germany
Selby, M. L., Lee, E. S., Tuttle, D. M., & Loe, H. D. (1984). A validity of the Spanish surname infant-mortality rate as a health status indicator for the Mexican-American population. American Journal of Public Health, (74), 998-1002.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Spanish] –genetics
Selishchev, A. M. (1979). Changes in surnames and given names. Soviet Anthropology and Archeology, 17(4), 46-60.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russia
Seltén, B. (1972). The Anglo-Saxon heritage in Middle English Personal Names: East Anglia 1100-1399 : Part 1. Lund.
Classification: British Isles- z- Pre-Conquest names
Semenova, M. F. (1987). Iz istorii russkoi antroponimii goroda Rigi. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu Akademijas Vestis [USSR] , (4), 83-88.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Latvia
Senior, A. (1951). Local place-names and surnames. Transactions of the Halifax Antiquarian Society, 15-35.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Senn, A. (1962). Notes on Swiss personal names. Names, (10), 149-158.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Switzerland
Senn, A. (1948). Swiss names. Swiss Record, (1), 71-82.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Switzerland
Seror, S. (1989). Les Noms de Juifs de France au Moyen Âge. Paris: Editions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France
Seror, S. (1989). Les noms des juifs de France au Moyen Age. Paris: Diffusion, Presses du CNRS.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~2~ethnic~ Jewish/ Religion -Jewish
Seror, S. (1997). Les noms des juifs du comtat du XVIe au XVIIIe siecle. Revue Des Etudes Juives, 156(3), 305-372.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~2~ethnic~ Jewish/ Religion -Jewish (France)
Seror, S. (1992). Onomastique juive du Comtat Venaissin. Provence Historique, 42(169), 537-547.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
Sharada, B. A., & Chetana, M. (2005). Authority list of writers in Telugu language. SRELS Journal of Information Management, 42(1), 13-50.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (S States) -Telugu
Share, B. (2001). Naming names : who, what, where in Irish nomenclature . Dublin: Gill & Macmillan.
Classification: Ireland
Sharma, M. L. (1969). Origin and meaning of some Indian names. Names, 17, 199-207.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India
Shaw, D. H. (1978). Surnames in Bedfordshire : Parts 1-VII. Bedfordshire Magazine, 16, 296-297: 16, 342-347; 17, 35-37 ; 17, 73-79; 17, 108,113-117; 17, 165-170; 17, 250-255; 17, 297-302.
Classification: British Isles- England-Bedfordshire
Shaw, R. F. (1960). An index of consanguity based on the use of the surname in Spanish-speaking countries. Journal of Heredity, (51), 221-230.
Classification: America (South) (Hispanic) ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Shin, E.-H., & Yu, E.-Y. (1984). Use of surnames in ethnic research : The case of the Kims in the Korean-American population. Demography, (21), 347-360.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Korean] -statistical
Sholan, A. (1999). Frauennamen in den altsüdarabischen Inschriften . Hildesheim; New York: Olms.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Saudi Arabia -historic
Shpuza, J. (1998). Vëzhgim për emrat familjarë të shqiptarëve. Shkodër: Shtëpia Botuese "Idromeno".
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Albania
Shrestha, U. (2000). Changing patterns of personal names among the Maharjans of Katmandu. Names, 48(1), 27-48.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -Nepal [Newar language]
Sicat, R. M. (2003). The Kapampangans : speakers, surnames, and identity. Tarlac: Center for Tarlacqueño Studies, TSU.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Phillippines
Sigmundsson, S. (1992). [New Icelandic Personal Names Act]. Studia Anthroponymica Scandinavica , (10), 81-90.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Iceland
Silinš, K. (1990). Latviešu personvardu vardnica. Riga : Zinatne.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Latvia
Simayl, E. S. (2004). Mêjûy nasnaw u nawî mirovî Kurd. Hewlêr: Wezaretî Ro¸sinbîrî.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Kurd
Simmonds, F. N. (1998). Naming and Identity. in: D. Cameron The Feminist Critique of Language: A Reader (pp. 33-37). London: Routledge.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Zambia
Sims, C. (1968). The origin and signification of Scottish surnames, with a vocabulary of Christian names. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Simunovic, P. (1985). Na<sa prezimena : porijeklo, zna’enje, rasprostranjenost. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Croatia
Simunovi´c, P. (1995). Hrvatska prezimena : podrijetlo, zna’enje, rasprostranjenost. Zagreb ,Hrvatska: Golden Marketing.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Croatia
Singerman, R. (2001). Jewish given names and family names: A new bibliography. Leiden: Brill.
Classification: Religion -Jewish -bibliography
Singh, K. S. (1996). Communities, segments, synonyms, surnames and titles. Delhi: Anthropological Survey of India [in association with] Oxford University Press.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India
Singhan, E. V. (1982). Tamil, Hindu, Indian names. Singapore: EVS Enterprises.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India
Sinolungan, A. E. (2002). Glosari nama fam orang Minahasa. Tondano: [Universitas Negeri Manado].
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Indonesia [Minahasa]
Sircar, A. (1994). Personal Names in Bengali: A Selective Indexing. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 108-117). New Delhi: Rupa.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (NE States) -Bengal
Sisneros, F. (1982). Nombres–nombres de pila en Nuevo Mexico = Spanish given names in New Mexico. Bernalillo, N.M.: Las Campanas Publications.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~3-region~New Mexico
Sjafiroeddin, D. S. (1972). The Aspect of Culture through the Teaching of Bahasa Indonesia.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Indonesia
Sjoberg, A. F. Telugu personal names: a structural analysis. In: (Krishnamurti, Bh.), Studies in Indian linguistics (pp. 313-321). Poona and Annamalainagar: Centres in Advanced Study in Linguistics. 313-321.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (S States) -Telugu
Sjoberg, A. F. (1994). Telugu Personal Names: A Structural Analysis. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 147-160).
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (S States) -Telugu
Skeat, W. (1907). On the survival of Anglo-Saxon names as modern surnames. Transactions of the Philological Society, 57-85.
Classification: British Isles- England
Skhosana, P. B. (2002). Names and Naming Practices amongst Southern Ndebele Male Persons. Nomina Africana, 16(1/2), ??
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Zimbabwe [Matabele]/ Africa (Southern) -South Africa [Matabele]
Skipper, J. K. Jr., & Leslie, P. L. (1988). Women, nicknames, and blues singers. Names , 36(3), 193-202.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ sociological
Skipper, J. K. J. (1968). Family names and social class as a teaching technique. American Sociologist, (3), 37-38.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ sociological
Skowronek, K. (2001). Wspóczesne nazwisko polskie : studium statystyczno-kognitywne. Kraków: DWN.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Poland
Slater, A. S., & Feinman, S. (1985). Gender and the phonology of North American first names. Sex Roles , 13, 429-440.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ Linguistics
Slavutych, Y. (1962). Ukrainian surnames in -enko. Names, (10), 181-186.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Ukraine
Smets, J. (1998). Demographie, vornamen und mentalität in den Cévennen und dem Nieder-Languedoc, 19. Jahrhundert. Historical Social Research [Germany] , 23(1), 179-201.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~3~region~ Languedoc-Roussillon
Smith, A. H. Early Northern nicknames and surnames. Saga-Book of the Viking Society for Northern Research, 11, 30-60.
Classification: British Isles- England
Smith-Bannister, S. (1997). Names and naming patterns in England 1538-1700 . Oxford: Clarendon.
Classification: British Isles- z3- Early Modern
Smith, D. S. (1994). Continuity and discontinuity in Puritan naming. William & Mary Quarterly, (51), 67-91.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Smith, E. L. (1968). Amish names. Names , 16(2), 105-110.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Amish]
Smith, E. L. (1968). Amish names. Names, (16), 105-110.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Smith, E. C. American surnames. Philadelphia: Chilton Book Company.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Smith, E. C. (1978). The book of Smith. New York: Nellen.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~Leading names
Smith, E. C. (1973). New dictionary of American family names. New York: Harper and Row.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Smith, E. C. (1965). Personal names : a bibliography. Detroit: Gale.
Classification: 0- International
Smith, E. C. (1944). Popular names. American Magazine, 137, 8-8.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Smith, E. C. (1950). The story of our names. New York: Harper ; H. Hamilton.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Smith, E. C. (1967). Treasury of name lore. New York: Harper & Row.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Smith, E. C. (1956). West North versus East South. Names, (4), 166-167.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Smith, G. (1982). The geography and demography of South Asian languages in England: some methodological problems. London: University of London, Institute of Education.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- Health
Smith, K. D. (1969). The phonology of Sedang personal names. Anthropological Linguistics, 11(6), 187-198.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Vietnam
Smith, L. A. (1996). Unique names and naming practices among African American families. Families in Society, 77(5), 290-297.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[African American]
Smith, M., & MacRaild. DonPaddy and Biddy no more: Naming practices among second-generation Irish in England and Wales inferred from the 1881 census.
Classification: British Isles- England (Irish)
Social Security Administration. (1974). Report of the distribution of surnames in the Social Security Number File. Washington, D.C.: Social Security Administration.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~Leading names
Sokal, R. R. a. o. (1992). A spatial analysis of 100 Surnames in England and Wales. Annals of Human Biology, 19(5), 445-76.
Classification: British Isles- England -0- Leading names
Solís Miranda, J. A. (2000). Guía de todos los apellidos : sus orígenes, su historia, como es su escudo familiar, antepasados destacados, etc. [Sada, La Coruña, España]; Arca de Papel Editores.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Somte, M. (2004). Les noms propres en Ngam, parler Sara du Tchad – Republique Centrafricaine [Proper names in Ngam]. Annales Aequatoria, 25, 433-450.
Classification: Africa (Middle) -Chad
Sopena, P. M. (1996). L’anthroponymie de l’Éspagne chrétienne entre le IXe et le XIIe siècle {The anthroponymy of Christian Spain between the 9th and the 12th centuries). in: Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne: L’anthroponymie document de l’histoire sociale des mondes Méditerranéans Médiévaux: Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française de Rome avec le concours du GDR 955 du C. N. R.S. (pp. 63-85).
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Soranzo, D. (1996). Cognomi dei Veneti. Padova: Finegil.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Veneto
Sorenson, J. K. (1977). Patronymics in Denmark and England. London: Viking Society for Northern Research.
Classification: British Isles- England
Sousa, M. d. (2001). As origens dos apelidos das famílias portuguesas. Mem-Martins, Portugal: SporPress.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Portugal
Souto Feijoo, A. (1957). Apellidos hispanoamericanos. Madrid: Siler.
Classification: America (South) (Hispanic)
Spears, A. (1995). Surnames of county Donegal. Irish Roots , 2, 27-28.
Classification: Ireland -Ulster- County Donegal
Spencer, R. F. (1961). The social context of modern Turkish names. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, (17), 205-218.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Turkey
Spiegelhalter, C. (1936). Surnames of Devon. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 68, 397-410.
Classification: British Isles- England-Devon
Spiegelhalter, C. (1937). Surnames of Devon. II. The Saxon element. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 69, 471-477.
Classification: British Isles- England-Devon
Spiegelhalter, C. (1938). Surnames of Devon. III. Occupative names : old trades and crafts. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 70, 277-296.
Classification: British Isles- England-Devon
Spiegelhalter, C. (1939). Surnames of Devon. IV. Locative surnames. Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association, 71, 283-287.
Classification: British Isles- England-Devon
Spiegelhalter, C. (1940). Surnames of Devon : V, Descriptive names : Nicknames. Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art. Report and Transactions, (72), 273-281.
Classification: British Isles- England-Devon
Spiegelhalter, C. (1947). Surnames of Devon : VI, French placenames and Devon family names. Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art. Report and Transactions, (79), 197-201.
Classification: British Isles- England-Devon
Stahl, A. (1994). The imposition of Hebrew names on new immigrants to Israel: Past and present. Names, (42), 279-288.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Israel
Stahl, H. H. (1998). The onomastic system of the village of Dr|gus (Transylvania, Romania; – 1934). in: P. H. Stahl Names and social structure: Examples from Southeast Europe (pp. 89-94).
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Rumania
Stahl, P. H. (1998). Classification of names and identities. in: P. H. Stahl Names and social structure: Examples from Southeast Europe (pp. 193-214).
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Rumania
Stahl, P. H. (1998). Names and social structure : examples from Southeast Europe. Boulder, Colo: East European Monographs.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Albania / Europe (Southern) -Greece
Stahl, P. H. (1998). Names of princes, names of peasants in Romania. in: P. H. Stahl Names and social structure: Examples from Southeast Europe (pp. 95-138). Boulder, Co.: East European Monographs.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Rumania
Stankiewicz, E. (1969). The derivational pattern in Yiddish personal (given) names. in: M. Herzog, W. Ravid, & U. Weinreich The field of Yiddish (Vol. 3pp. 267-283).
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Germany)
Stannard, U. (1984). Manners make laws : Married women’s names in the United States. Names, (32), 114-128.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Stapleton, B. (1999). Family strategies : patterns of inheritance in Odiham, Hampshire 1525-1850. Continuity and Change, (14), 385-402.
Classification: British Isles- England-Hampshire
Stark, J. (1864). Nomenclature in Scotland. Sixth detailed annual report of the Registrar-General of births, deaths and marriages in Scotland (p. liv-lx). Edinburgh.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Stark, J. (1869). Nomenclature in Scotland. In: Twelth detailed annual report of the Registrar-General of births, deaths and marriages in Scotland (p. xliii-li).
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Starr, C. K. (2007). Compass points in English surnames. Names, 55(4), 343-348.
Classification: British Isles- England
Starr, P. D. (1978). Ethnic Categories and Identification in Lebanon. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, (7), 111-142.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Lebanon
Startseva, E. A., Elchinova, G. I., Mamedova, R. A., & Ginter, E. K. (1994). The use of the migration index, the parameter of surname diversity, and the values of entropy and redundancy of surname distribution for description of population structure. Genetika, 30(7), 978-981.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russia ~1~ancillary~ genetics
Stasch, R. (2002). Joking Avoidance: A Korowai Pragmatics of Being Two . American Ethnologist, 29(2), 335-365.
Classification: Oceania -Melanesia -Papua New Guinea
Statbel. (Noms de famille les plus fréquents -Belgique et régions [Web Page] [link no longer available].
Classification: Europe (Western) -Belgium
Statistics Iceland. (2006) Forenames in the National Register of Persons [Web Page]. URL link to website.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Iceland
Statistics Norway. (Web-servers at statistical Agencies [Web Page]. URL link to website.
Classification: 0- International
Statistiska centralbyran . (Name statistics [Web Page]. URL link to website.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Sweden
Steiner, M. F. F. (1953). An etymological study of old Spanish personal names. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Northwestern University.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Stell, P. M. (1999). Forenames in thirteenth- and fourteenth-century Yorkshire : a study based on a biographical database generated by computer. Medieval Prosopography, 20, 95-128.
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Stemshaug, O. (1982). Norsk personnamnleksikon. Oslo: Norske samlaget.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Norway
Stern, W. (1974). On the fascination of Jewish surnames. in: Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook (Vol. 19pp. 219-235).
Classification: Religion -Jewish
Stevenson, J. C., Brown, R. J., & Schanfield, M. S. (1983). Surname analysis as a sampling method for recovering genetic information. Human Biology, 55(2), 219-225.
Classification: xtra -genetics
Stewart, A. I. B. (1986). The evolution of Gaelics in surnames in Kintyre. Scottish Genealogist, (33), 188-191.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland -Argyll
Stewart, J. (1996). 1,001 African names : first and last names from the African continent. New York: Carol Pub. Group.
Classification: Africa
Stieger, C. (1980). The relationship between the oligarchy of the Novgorod aristocracy and the formation of surnames. Jahrbucher Fur Geschichte Osteuropas, 28(3), 355-367.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russia
Stoate, T. L. (1973). Single family surnames in Devon. Devon Historian, 6, 13-16.
Classification: British Isles- England-Devon
Stocklin, P. (1985). Village surnames in the Basel region. Schweizerisches Archiv Fur Volkskunde, 85(1/2), 259-270.
Classification: Europe (Western) -Switzerland
Stodder, J. (1998). Double-surnames and gender equality : a proposition and the Spanish case. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 29(3), 585-593.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Stodder, J. (1998). Double-surnames and gender equality: A proposition and the Spanish case. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 29(3 (Autumn)), 585-593.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Spain
Stoevski, A. (2006). Za niakoi proiavi na angloezichno vliianie v domashnata sreda na sofiiantsi. Supostavitelno Ezikoznanie/Sopostavitel’Noe Jazykoznanie/Contrastive Linguistics, 31(1), 62-74.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Bulgaria
Stopes, C. C. (1901). Patronymics in Essex. The Athenaeum, (3850), 191-192.
Classification: British Isles- England-Essex
Streatfield, G. S. (1884). Personal names in Lincolnshire. In his: Lincolnshire and the Danes (pp. 298-313 [Appendix III]). London: K. Paul, Trench & co.
Classification: British Isles- England -Lincolnshire
Struminskkyj, B. (1977). Surnames in -kevic, -xevic, -gevic. Names, 25, 119-123.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Lithuania/ Europe (Eastern) -Russia/ Europe (Eastern) -Ukraine
Struminskyj, B. (1977). Surnames in —kevic//—xevic//—gevic. Names, 25(3), 119-123.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russia/ Europe (Northern) -Lithuania/ Europe (Eastern) -Poland
Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Taalkommissie. (1977). Afrikaanse voorname. Pretoria: Die Akademie.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa
Sumbwa, N. (2002). African Personal Name Derivatives from Animals and Plants: The Lozi Experience. Nomina Africana, 16(1/2), ??
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Zambia [Lozi]
Sumbwa, N. (1997). Some Zambian names as sources of diversified knowledge: The Barotse and other examples. Nomina Africana, 11(2), 47-66.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Zambia [Lozi]
Sung, M. (1981). Chinese personal naming. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association, (16), 67-90b.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China
Superanskoj, A. V. (1970). Spravochnik lichnykh imyon narody RSFSR. Moscow: Russkij Yazyk.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Russia
Suprapto, S. D., & Crowe, M. J. (1998). Khmer personal names: Suggestions for forms of entry. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 26(1).
Classification: Asia (South-Eastern) -Cambodia
Supuk, A. (1981). O prezimenima, imenima i jeziku starog <Sibenika . – <Sibenik; Muzej grada <Sibenika. <Sibenik: Muzej grada <Sibenika.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Croatia
Sutton, D. E. (1997). Local names, foreign claims: Family inheritance and national heritage of a Greek island. American Ethnologist, (24), 415-437.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Greece
Suzman, S. M. (1994). Names as pointers: Zulu personal naming practices. Language in Society, 23(2), 253-272.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa [Zulu]
Suzman, S. M. (2002). Zulu Names and Family Histories. Nomina Africana, 16(1/2), ??
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa [Zulu]
Swanson, R. W. (1928). The Swedish surname in America. American Speech, 3(6 (August)), 468-477.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Swedish]
Symposium, St. M. C. (1963). Changing of Polish names in America. Polish American Studies, (20), 1-16.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Polish]
Szongott, K. (1898). A magyarhoni örmény családok genealogiája : tekintettel ezeknek egymás között levo rokonságára, s a vezeték- és keresztnevek etymologiai értelmére. Szamosújvárt : Aurora.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Armenia
Sármányová, J. (1994). Nácrt vzniku a vývoja zidovských mien a priezvisk. Slovenská Archivistika [Slovakia] , 29(2), 54-63.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Slovak Republic/ Religion -Jewish (Slovakia)
Söndergaard, G. (1990). Computer databank of Danish names. Names, (38), 21-30.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Denmark
Söndergaard, G. (1986). Egnskarakteristiske slaegtsnavne i Danmark [Danish names with local associations]. Studia Anthroponymica Scandinavica, (4), 103-123.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Denmark
Tagger, M. A. (2003). The Jews of Bulgaria: Their surnames as a mirror of their history. Sharsheret Hadorot: Journal of Jewish Genealogy, 17(3/4), 2-10.
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Bulgaria)
Taieb, J. (2004). Juifs du Maghreb; Noms de famille et Societe [North African Jewish Surnames and Society]. Paris: Cercle de Genealogie Juive.
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Maghreb)
Tait, C. (2006). Namesakes and nicknames: naming practices in early modern Ireland, 1540-1700. Continuity and Change, 21(2), 313-340.
Classification: Ireland
Takhirov, M. (2004). Rechnik na turskite lichni imena v B?ulgariia. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Bulgaria
Talve, I. (1966). Namens- und Geburtstagstraditionen in Finnland. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Finland
Tan, P. K. W. (2001). Englished names? An analysis of naming patterns among ethnic- Chinese Singaporeans. English Today, 17(4), 45-54.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Singapore
Tanaka, Y. (1984). On the frequency of the same family and personal names. XV, Internationaler Kongress Für Namenforschung, (3), 269-280.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -Japan
Tango, M. (1980). Surnoms et sobriquets yansi (Rép. du Zaïre). Bandundu, République du Zaïre: Ceeba.
Classification: Africa (Middle) -Democratic Republic of the Congo
Tarnawecka, I. (Leipzig). Canadian Ukrainian anthroponymy in language contract. Vol. 1984. XV Internationaler Kongress für Namenforshung (pp. 223-226).
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~2-ethnic~[Ukrainian]
Tasso, M., Lucchetti, E., Pizzetti, P., Vidovic, M., & Caravello, G. (2005). Distribution of surnames and linguistic-cultural identities in Western Slovenia. Collegium Antropologicum, 29(1), 327-336.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Slovenia
Tasso, M., Lucchetti, E., & Pizzetti, P. C. G. (2004). Distribution of surnames and and linguistic-cultural identities of the Slovenian and German minorities of north-eastern Italy. Anthrpologischer Anzeiger, (62), 1-18.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Italy ~3~region~ Friuli-Venezia Giulia / Europe (Southern) -Slovenia
Tato Plaza, F. R. Personal Names in Rianxo (Galicia) in the 15th Century. in: D. Kremer, & R. Srámek Onomastik, Band II : Namensysteme im interkulturellen Vergleich (pp. 136-142). Tübingen, Germany: Niemeyer.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Portugal -Galician
Taylor, A. B. (1966). Personal names in Orkney. In: J. Shearer, W. Groundwater, & J. Mackay (Editors), The new Orkney book (pp. 58-62). London: Nelson.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland -Orkney
Taylor, R. (1994). Naming customs on a Croatian island. Families {Ontario], (33), 43-46.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Croatia
Taïeb, J. (2004). Juifs du Maghreb : noms de famille et société. Paris: Cercle de généalogie juive.
Classification: Religion -Jewish (Maghreb)
Tebbenhoff, E. H. (1985). Tacit Rules and Hidden Family Structures: Naming Practices and Godparentage in Schenectady, New York 1680-1800 . Journal of Social History, 18(4), 567-585.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~3~region~ New York
Tegner, E. (1882). Om svenska familjenamnNordisk Tidskrift.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Sweden
Tembo, M. S. (2006). Zambian traditional names : the meaning of Tumbuka, Chewa, Nsenga, Ngoni, and Tonga names. Lusaka: Julubbi Enterprises Limited.
Classification: Africa (Eastern) -Zambia
Temple, R. C. (1883). A dissertation on the proper names of Panjabis, with special reference to the proper names of villagers in the Eastern Panjab. Bombay: Education Socretes Press.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (NE States) -Punjab
Temple, R. C. (1883). A dissertation on the proper names of the Panjabis. Lahore: Panjabi Adabi Laihr.
Classification: Asia (Southern) -India (NE States) -Punjab
Tengvik, G. (1938). Old English bynames … Uppsala: Almquist & Wiksells.
Classification: British Isles- England
Tesnière, M. (1975). Frequence des noms de famille. Journal De La Societé De Statistique De Paris, 116(1), 24-33.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~1~ancillary~ statistical
Tesnière, M. (1979). Vie et mort des noms de famille. Paris.
Classification: Europe (Western) -France ~1~ancillary~ statistical
The Slovak Heritage &.Folklore Society International. (1996). Slovak pride : family names & ancestral villages. Rochester, NY: The Slovak Heritage & Folklore Society International.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Slovak Republic
Thomas, C. (1973). Irish colonists in south-west Britain. World Archaeology, 5(1).
Classification: British Isles- England/ Ireland
Thomas, D. (1987). Early Welsh settlement in the Usa : the surname evidence. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, (29), 53-63.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~ [Welsh]
Thomas, D. (1987). Early Welsh settlement in the Usa : the surname evidence. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, (29), 53-63.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Thomas, D. (1978). The Welsh connection. Geographical Magazine [London], (50), 489.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Thomas, D. (1979). Welsh emigration to the United States : a note on surname evidence. Cambria, (6), 1-9.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~ [Welsh]
Thomas, D. (1979). Welsh emigration to the United States : a note on surname evidence. Cambria, (6), 1-9.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Thomas, D. D. (1974). A note on "Yuan". Journal of the American Oriental Society, 94, 123.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Vietnam
Thomas, G. (1986). French family names on the Port-au-Prince Peninsula, Newfoundland. Onomastica Canadiana, 68(1), 21-31.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~2-ethnic~[French]
Thomas, G. (1982). Some Acadian names in western Newfoundland. Onomastica Canadiana, (62), 23-34.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~3-region~Newfoundland
Thomas, G. (1999). French family names of Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s, Newfoundland: Harry Cuff Publications Limited.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~2-ethnic~[French]
Thomas, P. W. (1985). The distribution of Welsh surnames – I . Cardiff Working Papers in Welsh Linguistics , (4), 135-147.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Thomas, P. W. (1987). The geographical distribution of Welsh surnames – II. Cardiff Working Papers in Welsh Linguistics , (5), 129-49.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Thomas, P. W. (1987-1989). A quantative analysis of the geographical distribution of AP surnames in Wales. Onoma, (29), 26-38.
Classification: British Isles- Wales
Thomas, R. (1989). The First Three Hundred Years of the Two Hundred Most Common Surnames in America and Their Frequency. Genealogy Times and Seasons, 2(6), 18-18.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Thomas, R. (1990). The First Three Hundred Years of Two Thousand Most Common Surnames in America and Their Frequency. Genealogy Times and Seasons, 3(1), 15-15.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Thompson, R. (2006). Bilingual, Bicultural, and Binominal Identities: Personal Name Investment and the Imagination in the Lives of Korean Americans . Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 5(3), 179-208.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Korean]
Thomson, R. L. (1985). Manx surnames. Nomina, (9), 89-92.
Classification: British Isles- Isle of Man
Thonus, T. (1992). Anderson, Maicon and Thyago: English names in Brazil. American Speech, (67), 175-189.
Classification: America (South) -Brazil
Thornton, D., & Keats-Rohan, K. (1977). Domesday names. Boydell Press.
Classification: British Isles- England
Thornton, J. (1993). Central African names and African-American naming patterns. William and Mary Quarterly, (50), 727-742.
Classification: America (North) -Usa
Throndardottir, S. (1994). Name construction in Mediæval Japan. Carlsbad, New Mexico: Outlaw Press.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -Japan
Thuresson, B. (1950). Middle English occupational terms. Lund: Gleerup.
Classification: British Isles- England
Tibón, G. (1988). Diccionario etimológico comparado de los apellidos españoles, hispanoamericanos y filipinosEditorial Diana.
Classification: America (South) (Hispanic)/ Europe (Southern) -Spain / Asia (South Eastern) -Phillippines
Tie, K. L. (1962). Malay names. Majallah Perpustakaan Singapura, 2(1(April)), 29-34.
Classification: Asia (South Eastern) -Malaysia
Timm, E., & Beckmann, G. A. (1999). Matronymika in aschkenasischen kulturbereich : Ein Beitrag Zur Mentalitats- Und Sozialgeschichte Der Europaischen Juden (Studia anthroponymica Scandinavica No. 18). Niemayer: Tübingen.
Classification: Religion -Jewish -Ashkenazi
Titford, J. (2002). Searching for surnames. Newbury: Countryside.
Classification: British Isles
Titterton, J. (1990). Pinpointing the origin of a surname. The Local Historian , 20(1).
Classification: British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
Titterton, J. (2002). Pinpointing the origin of your surname with median area theory. Journal of One-Name Studies, 7(12), 6-8.
Tiérou, A. (1977). Le nom africain : ou,Langage des traditionsG.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose.
Classification: Africa (Western) -Ivory Coast
Tlas, M. (1990). Mu jam al-asma al-Arabiyah. Dar Tlas lil-Dirasat wa-al-Tarjamah wa-al-Nashr.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Arabic
Tocher, J. F., & Gray, J. (1901). The frequency and pigmentation value of surnames of school children in East Aberdeenshire. Man, (1), 153-154.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland -0-genetics
Todd, A. (1996). Shadows of ancestors : surnames and practical family history research. Bury: Allen & Todd.
Classification: British Isles- England
Tomasson, R. F. (1975). The continuity of Icelandic names and naming patterns. Names, 23, 281-289.
Classification: Europe (Northern) -Iceland
Tomczak, L. (2003). Slownik odapelatywnych nazwisk Polaków. Wroc"aw: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wroc"awskiego.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Poland
Tompkins, M. Emerging pays and peasant migration in Buckinghamshire c1332-1522: the evidence from surnames
. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Leicester.
Classification: British Isles- England-Buckinghamshire
Tong, L., & Wei, C. J. (1999). 500 Chinese namesTimes Books International.
Classification: Asia (Eastern) -China
Tooth, E. E. (2004). Distinctive surnames of North Staffordshire -Vol ume 3. Leek: Churnet Valley Books.
Classification: British Isles- England-Staffordshire
Tooth, E. E. (2002). Distinctive surnames of North Staffordshire – Volume 2 : surnames derived from occupations, trades, position and rank. Leek: Churnet Valley Books.
Classification: British Isles- England-Staffordshire
Tooth, E. E. (1997). Local dialect and its relevance to the study of place-names and
surnames in Staffordshire. Staffordshire Studies, 9.
Classification: British Isles- England-Staffordshire
Tooth, E. E. (2000). The surnames of North Staffordshire – Volume 1. Leek: Churnet Valley Books.
Classification: British Isles- England-Staffordshire
Tooth, E. E. (2000). The survival of Scandinavian personal names in Staffordshire names. Staffordshire Studies, 12.
Classification: British Isles- England-Staffordshire
Topalli, K. (2000). Lashtësia e krishterimit ndër shqiptarë sipas dëshmive të gjuhës shqipe. Studime Filologjike, 54(3-4), 109-117.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Albania
Torrance, D. R. (1992). Scottish personal names and place names. Scottish Genealogy.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Torrington, M., & Brink, P. A. (1990). Relevance of ancestral surname identification in pedigrees of Afrikaner families with familial hypercholesterolemia. South African Medical Journal, 77(6), 289-292.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa ~1~ancillary- genetics
Toundassakis, I. (1998). Naming and family relationship in the Arvanite village of Vourkoti (Andros, Greece). in: P. H. Stahl Names and social structure: Examples from Southeast Europe (pp. 139-166).
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Greece ~3~region~ Andros
Toury, G. (1988). Hebraicizing family names in the land of Israel as ‘cultural translation.’. in: N. Gertz Viewpoints: Culture and society in the Land of Israel . Tel Aviv.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Israel
Toury, G. (1988). Surnames and their substitutes. in: L. Melazzo Semiotic theory and practice II (pp. 1143-52). Amsterdam : Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Classification: xtra- Surnames- General
Travers, J. (1980). Analysing personal names. Management Services in Government, (35), 149-154.
Classification: British Isles- Scotland
Triandafyllidis, M. (1981). Ta Oikogeneiaka-mas OnomataAristoteleio Panepistemio Thessalonikes.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Greece
Trigoso, M. (2004). Práticas de nomeação pessoal entre os portadores de nome chinês em Lisboa: a influência do contexto notexto. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal.
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Portugal
Triiniak, I. I. I. I. (2005). Slovnyk ukraïnskykh imenVyd-vo "Dovira".
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Ukraine
Tsenoglou, E. (1998). Names and nicknames of the residents of Kastellorizo (Dodecanese, Greece). in: P. H. Stahl Names and social structure: Examples from Southeast Europe (pp. 167-178).
Classification: Europe (Southern) -Greece ~3~region~ Dodecanese
Tsofack, J.-B. (2000). (Dé)nominations et constructions identitaires au Cameroun. In: Noms et re-noms : la dénomination des personnes, des populations, des langues et des territoires . Rouen: Université de Rouen.
Classification: Africa (Middle) -Cameroon
Tsushima, J. Impact : some reactions to foreign surnames – or, the art of getting it wrong. Nomina, (14), 25-40.
Classification: 0- International
Tucker, D. K. (2006). A Comparison Of Irish Surnames In The United States With Those Of Eire . Names, 2006, Vol. 54, No. 1, Pp. 55-76, 54(1), 55-76.
Classification: Ireland
Tucker, D. K. (2002). Distribution of Forenames, Surnames, and Forename-Surname Pairs in Canada. Names, 50(2), 105-132.
Classification: America (North) -Canada ~1-ancillary~ statistical
Tucker, D. K. (2001). Distribution of Forenames, Surnames, and Forename-Surname Pairs in the United States. Names, 49(2), 69-96.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~1-ancillary~ statistical
Tucker, D. K. (2006). A Comparison Of Irish Surnames In The United States With Those Of Eire. Names, 54(1), 55-76.
Classification: America (North) -Usa ~2-ethnic~[Irish]
Turner, B. (1990). Family names : notes and queries on Derry’s top ten. Templemore, 3, 46-48.
Classification: Ireland -Ulster -County Derry
Turner, B. S. (2002). Surname landscape in the County of Fermanagh. Turner Circle.
Classification: Ireland -Ulster -County Fermanagh
Surname landscape in the County of Fermanagh. (2002). Turner Circle.
Turner, C., & Turner, B. (1993). The role of Mestizaje of surnames in Paraguay in the creation of a distinct New World ethnicity. Ethnohistory, 41(1), 139-165.
Classification: America (South) -Paraguay
Turner, C. B., & Turner, B. (1994). The role of mestizaje of surnames in Paraguay in the creation of a distinct new world ethnicity. Ethnohistory , 41(1), 139-165.
Classification: America (South) -Paraguay
Turner, E. A. (1956). The Welsh element in Shropshire surnames. Transactions of the Caradoc & Severn Valley Field Club [Shropshire], 1947-1950(13), 89-96.
Classification: British Isles- England-Shropshire
Turner, M. (1995). Distribution and persistence of surnames in a Yorkshire dale 1500-1700. Local Population Studies, 54, 28-39.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire/ British Isles- England -0- stability\dispersal
Turner, M. (1995). Kith and Kin: Nidderdale Families 1500-1750. Ripon: Summerbridge Tutorial Group.
Classification: British Isles- England-Yorkshire
Turner, N. S. (2000). Zulu Names and indirect expression. Names, 48(2), 127-138.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa [Zulu]
Turner, N. (2001). ‘Humorous names, verbal weapon’. South African Journal of African Languages, 4, 449-458.
Classification: Africa (Southern) -South Africa [Zulu]
Turville-Petre, J. (1998). Patronymics in the late thirteenth century. Nomina, 21, 5-13.
Classification: British Isles- z2- Medieval
Tushyeh, H. Y. (1989). Palestinian First Names: An Introduction. Names, 37(3), 245-.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Palestine
Tushyeh, H. Y., & Hamdallah, R. W. (1993). Palestinian surnames derived from nicknames. Names, 40(4), 237-252.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Palestine
Tye, J. (1971). The origin of Polish surnames.
Classification: Europe (Eastern) -Poland
Tîgrîs, A. (1990). Navên Kurdî. Stockholm: Apec-Tryck & Förlag.
Classification: Asia (Western) -Kurd
Tôrres, A. d. A. (1961). Vocabulário ortográfico de nomes própriosEditora Fundo de Cultura.
Classification: America (South) -Brazil
Tôrres, A. d. A., & Jota , é. d. S. (1961). Vocabulário ortográfico de nomes próprios. Rio de Janerio: Editôra Fundo de Cultura.
Classification: America (South) -Brazil
Türköz, M. F. "The Social Life of the State’s Fantasy: Memories and Documents on Turkey’s 1934 Surname Law.".
Classification: Asia (Western) -Turkey