Source language English Longfellow Welsh Gough, Gwynn, Lloyd Gaelic Campbell (Crooked mouth) Cameron (Crooked nose) Norman French Were nickname bynames of French derivation of local origin or a result of code-switching by clerks? Normally sexual content is absent from French compounded nicknames (though Peverel and Levelaunce may be exceptions). Stricture without the use of ‘low’ language. Possibly ironic: Parlebien, Jevousdy, Saunfayl, Bonefey, Purquei, Certeyn, Bonjour Directly demonstrative: Baret (aggressive, boisterous speech), Unsocial behaviour = Cachepayn, Cachevacche Cachemort, Sanscor Unneighbourlinness= Mauuesyn, Prentut (Postles, 2006, Naming the People of England p118) Code switching Firebrace (fier bras), Pettifer (pied de fer)