Charles Robert Hagger Posted 11 February 2014 by Peter HaggerCharles Robert Hagger – Killed in action, 26 May 1915, France & Flanders. Commemorated on Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial Private, Service No.: 1318, Enlisted Place: Stepney. Awarded 1914/15 Star, Victory and British War medals. Regiment: Household Cavalry Calvary of Line (incl Yeoman.) 16th Lancers (Queens) Battalion. Birth Place: Chelmsford, [Click to continue…]
Bert William Greathead Posted 28 November 2013 by Jan CooperBert’s parents were Henry Percy and Eliza Greathead née Hunt both born in England. They married on 3 March 1889 and in April they set off on the Steam Ship Lusitania in April 1889 on an unassisted passage arriving in Sydney on 4 May 1889 to set up home in Australia. Their first son was born on 28 January 1890 but died shortly after. Bert William [Click to continue…]
William Newham Drake Posted 5 December 2014 by Departed MemberWilliam Newham Drake was born in 1899 in Bradford, the son of Henry Drake and Sarah (formerly Newham) of Undercliffe, Bradford, and descendant of a long-established Bradford Drake family. William was an Ordinary Seaman aged 18 aboard H M S Louvain when she was torpedoed died 20 Jan 1918. His name is to be found on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial (Reference [Click to continue…]
Stephen Bertrand Penfold Posted 30 December 2013 by Departed MemberStephen Bertrand Penfold was born in Haywards Heath, Sussex and on leaving school became a carpenter. He joined the Territorial Army on 20th March 1912 and served with the Royal Warwickshire Regiment in France for 62 days before being wounded in his right wrist, most probably in the action at Fromelles. He was discharged from military service on [Click to continue…]