America AMERICA (CENTRAL) ~1~ANCILLARY- GENETICS Garzachapa, R., Davilarodriguez, M. I., Lealgarza, C. H., Gonzalezquiroga, G., & Rojasalvarado, M. D. (1995). Gene frequencies and admixture estimates for abo, rh-o(d), and mn blood-groups in persons with monophletic and polyphletic surnames in Monterrey, nl, Mexico. American Journal of Human Biology, 7(1), 65-75. Notes: Author abstract "A sample of 3,211 males and females insured by the Institute Mexicano del Seguro Social (I.M.S.S.) residing in the MonterreyMetropolitan Area (MMA), northeastern Mexico, were selected by their monophyletic or polyphyletic surnames. ABO, Rh-o(D), and MN blood groups were determined, and phenotype and gene frequencies were estimated to study the genetic variation amongpopulations with these surnames, to estimate the genetic contribution from their most important ancestral populations, both Spanish and Mexican Indians." Garzachapa, R., & Rojasalvarado, M. D. (1996). Risk estimation of abo and rh-0(d) incompatibility in persons with monophyletic and polyphyletic surnames in Monterrey, Mexico : comparison with other Mexican populations. Archives of Medical Research, 27(2), 243-251. Abstract: Author abstract "ABO and Rh-o(D) blood groups were determined in 3813 males and females affiliated with the Institute Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) who are residents of the Monterrey Metropolitan Area (MMA) in northeastern Mexico, They were selected by their monophyletic or polyphyletic surnames" Rojasalvarado, M. D., & Garzachapa, R. (1994). Relationships by isonymy between persons with monophyletic and polyphyletic surnames from the Monterrey metropolitan area, Mexico. Human Biology, 66(6), 1021-1036. Abstract: Author abstract "Three thousand two hundred eleven males and females who residedand were interviewed in the Monterrey metropolitan area in northeastern Mexico were selected for having 1 of 10 common selected surnames as either their patronymic or matronymic name. Five of the names are considered monophyletic and five are considered polyphyletic" AMERICA (CENTRAL) -CARIBBEAN Aceto, M. (2002). Ethnic Personal Names and Multiple Identities in Anglophone Caribbean speech communities in Latin A,merica. Language in Society, 31(4), 577-608. Notes: Caribbean English Creole languages; Panama;Bastimentos; Sands-O Connor, K. (2008). After Midnight: Naming, West Indians, and British Children’s Literature . Names, 56(1), 41-46. AMERICA (CENTRAL) -CARIBBEAN -BARBADOS Forde, G. A. (2003). Nicknames of Barbados. [Barbados]: Folklore Publications. Handler, J. S., & Jacoby, J. (1996). Slave Names and naming in Barbados, 1650-1830 . The William and Mary Quarterly, 3rd Ser., 53(4), 685-728. AMERICA (CENTRAL) -CARIBBEAN ~CUBA Díaz Gámez, M. E., Sánchez Gutiérrez, M. H., & García Ibáñez, H. M. (1985). Tendencias en los nombres propios de personas en Santa Clara 1977-81. Islas [Cuba], (81), 137-166. Notes: [Trends in the proper names of people in Santa Clara, 1977-81]. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Analyzes the naming of offspring in Santa Clara, Cuba, by parents who were born after the 1959 revolution. Notes the nontraditional tendency to name children using uncommon or invented names. " AMERICA (CENTRAL) -CARIBBEAN ~JAMAICA DeCamp, D. (1967). African Day-Names in Jamaica . Language, 43(1), 139-149. Abstract: "A system of day-names, indicating the sex and the day of the week on which a child was born, was carried from Africa to Jamaica in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. As personal names, they are now obsolete and almost extinct" AMERICA (CENTRAL) -CARIBBEAN -MARTINIQUE Durand, G. (2002). Les noms de famille d’origine africaine de la population martiniquaise d’ascendance servile. Paris: L’Harmattan. AMERICA (CENTRAL) -CARIBBEAN ~PUERTO RICO Apellidos Familiares. (1999). (2nd ed.).Puerto Rican Hispanic Genealogical Society . Fayer, J. M. (1988). First names in Puerto Rico: a change in progress. Names, 36(1), 21-27. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " A survey of the first-name choices of four generations of Puerto Rican families reveals an increasing preference for English names over Spanish names. This gradual but definite switch in the naming pattern reflects the island’s sustained contact with the United States. " AMERICA (CENTRAL) -CARIBBEAN -ST LUCIA Crowley, D. J. (1956). Naming customs in St Lucia. Social & Economic Studies, (5), 87-92. AMERICA (CENTRAL) -CARIBBEAN ~VIRGIN ISLANDS Dillard, J. L. (1972). Afro-American, Spanglish, and something else: St. Cruzan naming patterns. Names , 20(4), 225-230. Notes: (St. Croix) 1962-72. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract AMERICA (CENTRAL) -GUATEMALA Casaverde, J. (1975). Personal names and alternate generations in Jacaltenango, Guatemala. Proceedings of the Central States Anthropological Society Selected Papers , 1, 41-46. Cuz Mucú, A. (1985). Apellidos kˆekchiˆ : Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Guatemala: Ministerio de Educación, Programa de Educación Bilingüe. AMERICA (CENTRAL) -HONDURAS Barrios de Molina, F. (1992). Origen de los apellidos hondureños más frecuentes en la actualidad. Tegucigalpa, D.C,.: Universidad José Cecilio del Valle. Notes: Honduras (statistical) AMERICA (CENTRAL) -MEXICO Elson, B. F. (1948). Sierra Popoluca personal names. International Journal of American Linguistics, 14, 191-193. Hollenbach, B. E. (1980). Los nombres personales entre los triques de Copala. SIL Mexico Workpapers (Vol. 4pp. 9-14). Jones, R. C. (1948). Ethnic Family Patterns: The Mexican Family in the United States . The American Journal of Sociology, 53(6), 450-452. Mateos, P. El estudio de migraciones y minorías étnicas a través del análisis geográfico de nombres y apellidos. Congreso de Poblacion Española. Notes: Online: link to article Pablo Mateos, Paul Longley, and Richard Webber Mateos, P. (2007?). El análisis geográfico de nombres y apellidos en México . Papeles De Población . Notes: =Geographic analysis of forenames and surnames in Mexico/ submitted paper Waterhouse, V. G. (1981). Mexican Spanish nicknames. In: A. Gonzalez , & D. Thomas Linguistics across continents: Studies in honor of Richard S. Pittman (pp. 19-23). Manila: Summer Institute of Linguistics and Linguistic Society of the Philippines. AMERICA (CENTRAL) -MEXICO ~1-ANCILLARY~ GENETICS McCullough, J. M., Giles, E., & Thompson, R. A. (1985). Evidence for assortative mating and selection in surnames – a case from Yucatan, Mexico. Human Biology, 57(3), 375-386. Notes: Mexico AMERICA (CENTRAL) -MEXICO ~4-ANCIENT~ MAYAN Roys, R. L. (1940). Personal names of the Maya of Yucatan. Washington, D.C. Notes: LC Control Number: 43004345 AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA Casselman, B. (2000). What’s in a Canadian name? The origins and meanings of Canadian surnames. Toronto, ON: McArthur & Co. Rudnycky, J. B. (1961). Anthroponymic changes in Canada and the USA. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 663-671). Scassa, T. (1996). National Identity, Ethnic Surnames and the State. Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 11(2), 167-191. Abstract: Publishers abstract: ‘Because surnames tend to be indicators of linguistic or ethnic background, many states have adopted surname policies that reflect national identity objectives: to assimilate or to segregate particular ethnic communities, or to engage in nation-building exercises around a shared ethnic identity. These surname policies are -particularly interesting in the context of ethnically diverse countries, e.g. the US and Canada, from which examples are drawn to illustrate how attitudes towards surnames reflect the inclusion or exclusion of particular communities AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~1-ANCILLARY~ STATISTICAL Tucker, D. K. (2002). Distribution of Forenames, Surnames, and Forename-Surname Pairs in Canada. Names, 50(2), 105-132. AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~2-ETHNIC~[ACADIANS] Mengarduque, R. (1992). Origine geographique de patronymes Acadiens. Gaspésie [Canada], 30(2), 40-47. Notes: [Geographic origin of Acadian surnames]. 17c-20c. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Chronicles the historic events that have hampered Acadian record keeping, discusses current attempts to research and reclaim Acadian heritage, and provides a listing of and information about approximately 35 Acadian surnames. " AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~2-ETHNIC~[AFRICAN] Dillard, J. L. (1971). The West African day-names in Nova-Scotia. Names , 19(4), 257-261. Notes: 1750-1971. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " A study of day-names as developed from slaves in Nova Scotia since the 18th century. " AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~2-ETHNIC~[FRENCH] Brisebois, R. (1982). The most common family names in French-Canada. Historia, 430(4), 4-. Thomas, G. (1986). French family names on the Port-au-Prince Peninsula, Newfoundland. Onomastica Canadiana, 68(1), 21-31. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Using oral data from Frech-speaking Newfoundlanders, the author surveyed metropolitan French surnames in areas of current French settlement. Over 50 surnames (with variations) are individually described with current listings of holders of that surname in telephone directories. Names included are: Dubois, Felix, Perrier" Thomas, G. (1999). French family names of Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John’s, Newfoundland: Harry Cuff Publications Limited. Notes: [141pp] Abstract: "describes 800 family names and shows the influence of Acadians and the French on this province" – source of abstract- ed lawson AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~2-ETHNIC~[GERMAN] Graham, R. S. (1955). The anglicization of German family names in Western Canada. American Speech, (30), 260-264. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Relates how a number of German surnames in West Central Saskatchewan kept their spelling but changed their pronunciation. Thus, Hauk became Hook; Heidt, Hyde; Wierhacke, Wierhockey. Analysis of the patterns of vowel, consonant, spirant and other changes." Picard, M. (2007). On the development of German surnames in French Canada. Names, 55(4), 379-386. AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~2-ETHNIC~[ITALIAN] Chiarelli, B. (0). The use of family names in the study of human migration during the last two centuries. Mankind, 33(1), 69-77. Notes: Refs. Tables. Map Abstract: "Family names listed in telephone book were used to trace the regional origins of Italians who emigrated to Toronto, Canada. To date only three regions (Tuscany, Abruzzi, and Campania) have been considered. . . . the greatest flow of migration to Toronto has come from Campania. This approach appears to be capable of providing more detailed data concerning immigration than is customarily found." Author abstract AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-CREE] Braroe, N. W. B. E. E. (1977). Who’s in a name : identity misapprehension on the Northern Plains. Diogenes [Italy], 98, 71-92. Abstract: Cree Indian community in Western Canada AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-INUIT] Guemple, L. (1994). Born-again pagans: The Inuit cycle of spirits. in: A. Mills, & R. Slobodin Amerindian rebirth: Reincarnation belief among North American Indians and Inuit (pp. 107-122). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Notes: Sponsored by the Canadian Anthropology Society. refs. pp. 357-389 Abstract: "Reports on the naming practices of the Qiqiqtamiut of Qiqirtait (the Belcher Islands) in southeastern Hudson Bay. The name and naming practice are closely tied in with the concept of reincarnation. The child is given a name held by a living relative and a deceased relative. Sometimes a name is changed when the child is sick or fussy. There is a description of practices with other Inuit."Source of abstract -ed lawson Nuttall. Mark. (1994). The name never dies: Greenland Inuit ideas of the Person. in: A. Mills, & R. Slobodin Amerindian rebirth: Reincarnation belief among North American Indians and Inuit (pp. 123-135). Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Notes: refs. pp. 357-389 Abstract: "The subject of this research is the significance of the name among the West Greenland Inuit based upon the village of Kangersuatsiaq in the Upnavik district. Names continue after the death of a person and are given to a new-born child. A person may have more than one child of the same sex named after him/her." Abstract source : ed lawson Williamson, R. G. (1998). Some aspects of the history of the Eskimo naming system : name change and network loss. Folk, (30), 245-263. Abstract: history of the cultural conttact with European society AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-NUNAVUT] Alia, V. Names and Nunavut: aboriginal rights and cultural revival in Canada. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences . Alia, V. (2006). Names and Nunavut culture and identity in Arctic Canada. New York: Berghahn Books. AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-WEAGAMOW OJIBWA] Rogers, E. S., & Rogers, M. B. (1978). Method for resonstructing patterns of change : surname adoption by the Weagamow Ojibwa 1870-1950. Ethnohistory, 25, 319-345. Rogers, E. S., & Rogers, M. B. (1978). Method for Reconstructing Patterns of Change: Surname Adoption by the Weagamow Ojibwa, 1870-1950 . Ethnohistory, 254, 319-345. AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~2-ETHNIC~[SLAVIC] Klymasz, R. B. (1963). The Canadianization of Slavic surnames : Part 1 -A study in language contact; Part 2; Part 3. Names, (11), 81-105, 182-195, 229-25. Abstract: Part 1 outlines the background of Canadianization of Slavic surnames. Part 2 is a systematic exposotion of the phonological changes with many examples, as Sutoff to Sutton, Jentke to Jenkins, Przednovak to Novak. Part 3 is a classification with comment of morphological changes, as Dobroskin to Ruskin, Dzarow to Arrow, Worobec to Worobeg" abstract source: ed lawson AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~2-ETHNIC~[UKRAINIAN] Bogdan, F. (1974). Dictionary of Ukrainian surnames in Canada. Winnipeg: Onomastic Commission of UVAN and Canadian Insitute of Onomastic Sciences. Abstract: ‘Includes over 30,000 names with transliteration and stress… 50 + refs." abstract source : ed lawson Klymasz, R. B. (1961). A classified dictionary of Slavic surname changes in Canada. Winnipeg: Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences. Notes: ‘Excerpted from the … writer’s unpublished master’s thesis, The Canadianization of Slavic surnames: a study in language contact …University of Manitoba … 1960." Tarnawecka, I. (Leipzig). Canadian Ukrainian anthroponymy in language contract. Vol. 1984. XV Internationaler Kongress für Namenforshung (pp. 223-226). Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Pattern of name change by Ukrainian immigrants in Western Canada from 1972 to 1982. Some changes were voluntary; some involuntary. Voluntary changes show several patterns: Entire, Yamchuk to Cooper; Translation, Czornij to Black; Hybridization, Baryliuk to Barlock; and others. An involuntary change is a distortion often by others (officials), as Onyschuk to Onyzsycuk. A nw phenomenon is that of a reverse name change where some people change their non-Ukrainian names back to Ukrainian, Jordan to Bayko. 3 refs." AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~3-REGION~ BERING STRAITS Schweitzer, P. P., & Golovko, E. V. Local identities and travelling names: interethnic aspects of personal naming in the Bering Strait area. 34(1), 167-180. Notes: -Chukchi Abstract: "The Native communities closest to the narrowest (northern) part of the Bering Strait – Naukan, Big Diomede, and Uelen on the Russian side, and Little Diomede, Wales, and King Island on the Alaskan side – have a long history of interaction, forcibly interrupted by the Cold War in 1948. Personal names, although an important part of localized identities, have played a significant role in these networks of contacts, by traveling as far as their human carriers do. The communities of the region were characterized, on the one hand, by three different, mutually unintelligible languages – Naukan Yupik, Inupiaq, and Chukchi – and, on the other hand, by two distinct systems of personal name bestowal-Eskimo and Chukchi. The interaction of these two different naming systems has necessitated various forms of social and linguistic adaptation. Among the most visible outcomes of this interaction is the high incidence of Chukchi names among the Naukan people, as well as the adoption of other features of Chukchi naming. The authors conclude that this Chukchi expansion into the realm of Naukan Yupik naming practices is less the result of Chukchi social or political dominance than of the structural properties of Chukchi and Yupik naming systems, which are distinct but compatible. Finally, the encounter of Bering Strait naming practices with those introduced by Russians and U.S. Americans is examined. In this case, Euro-American social and political dominance clearly shapes the interaction of these incompatible naming systems. While Native naming practices continue to persist throughout the Bering Strait area, they are relegated to unofficial status." (Author abstract) Schweitzer, P. P., & Golovko, E. V. (1997). Local identities and traveling names: Interethnic aspects of personal naming in the Bering Strait Area. Arctic Anthropology, 34(1), 167-180. Abstract: "Analysis of the naming patterns of Native communities in the narrowest part of the Bering Strait-Naukan, Big Diomede, and Uelen on the Russian side, and Little Diomede, Wales, and King Island on the Alaskan. Area has three mutually unintelligible languages and two systems of personal name bestowal." (Abstract source: ed lawson) AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~3-REGION~NEWFOUNDLAND Kirwin, W. J. (1998). Family names of the Island of Newfoundland-Corrected Edition. St. John’s, Newfoundland ; Montreal and Kingston: Memorial University of Newfoundland; McGill-Queen’s University Press. Seary, E. R. (1976). Family names of the island of Newfoundland. St. John’s: Memorial University of Newfoundland. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘The surnames are drawn from a 1955 list of electors (voters). The introduction gives background information on surnames. The main part of the work consists of a comprehensive dictionary of over 3,700 surnames with important information on meaning, prominent holders of the name, location, along with appropriate citations. The appendix includes 816 surnames with 50 entries or more" Thomas, G. (1982). Some Acadian names in western Newfoundland. Onomastica Canadiana, (62), 23-34. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Information and comments on Acadian French surnames in western Newfoundland" AMERICA (NORTH) -CANADA ~3-REGION~QUEBEC Dickinson B. (2000). What’s in a name? Using the Web to study Quebec place names and surnames. Canadian Modern Language Review, 56(4 (June)), 697-701. Abstract: By studying Québec place names and surnames through the World Wide Web, your students can learn about Québec’s geography, history, and cultural diversity and, at the same time, improve their French language skills. Two main sites, the Toile du Québec ( and that of the government of Québec (, offer extensive menus and numerous links to other sites. Up-to-date authentic documents – texts, visuals, and audio – are easily accessible for use in a content-centred approach to second language learning. You can assign tasks and select Web sites that are appropriate for your own students’ age, second language skills, and knowledge of Québec. Since your students must explore the Web on their own or with a partner, the approach is student-centred, interactive, and cooperative. The activities suggested in this article are suitable for students of junior high school age or older and for students with intermediate- or advanced-level language skills. Besides improving students’ knowledge and understanding of Québec, the activities will develop their French reading skills. Many of the sites suggested exist in bilingual French-English or even trilingual (e.g., French-English-Spanish) versions that allow students to switch instantly from one language to the other as necessary for comprehension. Assign specific tasks such as filling in missing words, listing names or places in categories, finding word meanings, locating places on blank maps, answering questions, or summarizing findings and reporting them orally or in writing. If all students in your class have ready access to the Web, either individually or by sharing computers, activities can be done online. Alternatively, you may download materials to a disk for use without an Internet connection. If necessary, you can print out selected materials – although in this case the important interactive aspect of the Web is lost. Once students have completed their tasks, have them discuss their findings with other students. Duchesne, L. (2000). The choice of surname for children in Quebec -Part 1. Vital News, (1), 1-4. Duchesne, L. (2000). The choice of surname for children in Quebec -Part 2. (2), 2-4. Duchesne, L. (2006). Les noms de famille au Québec : aspects statistiques et distribution spatiale. Québec : Institut de la statistique du Québec. Notes: 169p. Duchesne, L. (2006). Une grande diversité régionale dans les noms de famille. Donnees Sociodemographiques En Bref , 10(3). Henry, K. A. "Exploring Population Structure and Migration with Surnames: Quebec, 1621-1900.". Notes: Book Volume: [‘DAI 2006 67(2): 669-A. <i>DANR12855</i>’] McGill U. [Canada] 2005. 230 pp. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract Institut de la Statistique Québec. (Family names [Web Page]. Abstract: includes The 1st 1000 names by rank, places with the maximun occurrence of names Institut de la Statistique Québec. Les noms de famille au Québec : aspects statistiques et distribution spatiale. Notes: ISBN 2-551-22858-1 Jacob, R. (2006). Votre nom et son histoire : les noms de famille au Québec . [Saint-Laurent] : Édition du Club Québec loisirs. Notes: Bibliogr.: p. [371]-374 AMERICA (NORTH) -USA American Council of Learned Societies. (1971). Surnames In The United States Census of 1790: An Analysis of National Origins of the Population. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. Brandon, E. (1964). Nicknames. in: R. Dorson Buying the wind: Regional folklore in the United States (pp. 272-273). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Abstract: "Description of over 20 nicknames in French Louisiana. Examples include: Suc’ (Sugar), Tit Doux (Little Sweetheart), Big Liar, and Cou de Canard (Duck’s Neck). Mention also of families who used classical names like Ovide and Ulysse and of families whose members had names beginning with the same letter" Source of abstract -ed lawson Callary, E. (2006). Surnames, nicknames, placenames and epithets in America :Essays in the theory of names. Dellquest, A. W. (1938). These names of ours : a book of surnamesThomas Y Crowell. Diament, H. (1981). Ethonyms in American usage : The story of a partial breakdown in communication. Names, (29), 197-215. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Discussion of some of the ambiguities of ethonyms (an ethonym is a term which generally refers to a person who is a citizen of a country, as French, meaning the person is from France). In some usage, (French, Spanish) the term may refer to an individual who is only of that descent but has no direct connection with the country. 6 refs." Hanks, P. (2003). Dictionary of American family names. New York: Oxford University Press. Notes: [SET ISBN 0195081374] Abstract: The result of 10 years of research and 30 consulting editors, this massive undertaking documents 72,000 surnames of Americans across the country. A directory like no other, it surveys each surname giving its meaning, nationality, alternate spellings, common forenames associated with it, and the frequency of each surname and forename. Hook, J. N. (1982). Family names : How our surnames came to America. New York: Macmillan. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Gives a world of information on 2,800 surnames of the many cultural groups that came into the U.S. 30 plus ethnic groups represented. 30 refs." Judson, A. S. (1898). A grammar of American surnames : being an introduction to the study of American nomenclature. Notes: republished: Kessenger,2007 Kolb, A. E. (1974). The grand-families of America, 1776-1976. Baltimore: Gateway Press. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Discussion of the cultural background and geographic distribution of the top 50 names in frequency in 1776 and the most common names in each state. Comparisons made with 1976. Results indicate that of the top 50 surnames in 1776, 44 are still in the top group. Tables of names for leading cities. Maps. 27 refs." Lambert, E., & Pei, M. (1960). Our names: where they came from and what they mean. New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘a general book in popular style including family names" McDonald, F., & McDonald, E. S. (1980). The ethnic origins of the America people, 1790. William and Mary Quarterly, (37), 179-199. Abstract: Lawson2: ‘extensive discussion of the methodological flaws in the work of Barker and Hansen" McWhinney, G., & McDonald, F. (1983). Celtic names in the antebellum United States. Names, (31), 89-102. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘After evaluation of a great deal of material and application of statistics involving surname analysis, concludes that the Celts were about 60% of the pre-Civil War Southern population of British extraction, and the English 40%. In New York and New England, the ratio was reversed. 95 refs." Purvis, T. L. (1984). The European ancestry of the United States population, 1790. William and Mary Quarterly, (41), 85-101. Robb, H. A., & Chesler, A. (1995). Encyclopedia of American family names. New York: HarperCollins. Rule, L. R., & Hammond, W. K. (1973). What’s in a name? : Surnames of America. New York: Jove (Harcourt Brace Johanovic). Abstract: "Contains 5000+ entries for surnames and a number of variations" Scassa, T. (1996). National Identity, Ethnic Surnames and the State. Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 11(2), 167-191. Abstract: Publishers abstract: ‘Because surnames tend to be indicators of linguistic or ethnic background, many states have adopted surname policies that reflect national identity objectives: to assimilate or to segregate particular ethnic communities, or to engage in nation-building exercises around a shared ethnic identity. These surname policies are -particularly interesting in the context of ethnically diverse countries, e.g. the US and Canada, from which examples are drawn to illustrate how attitudes towards surnames reflect the inclusion or exclusion of particular communities Smith, D. S. (1994). Continuity and discontinuity in Puritan naming. William & Mary Quarterly, (51), 67-91. Smith, E. C. American surnames. Philadelphia: Chilton Book Company. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Introduction to surnames followed by a treatment of names developed as patronyms, from occupations, from nicknmaes, and from other sources. Listing of the 2000 most common surnames from records of the SSA. Approximately, 7,500 names covered. 47 refs." Smith, E. C. (1944). Popular names. American Magazine, 137, 8-8. Abstract: Smith: ‘Common surnames with estimated number of each. Fair" Smith, E. C. (1950). The story of our names. New York: Harper ; H. Hamilton. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘general introduction to first names, surnames and nicknames. Also includes names in other countries’ Smith, E. C. (1952). Personal names a bibliography. New York: New York Public Library. Smith, E. C. (1956). West North versus East South. Names, (4), 166-167. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Explains that the names West and North are more common than East and South because migration in England was more likely to be toward the more heavily populated areas in the South and East. 1 ref." Smith, E. C. (1967). Treasury of name lore. New York: Harper & Row. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘covers about 175 categories of the social aspects of names and naming" Smith, E. C. (1973). New dictionary of American family names. New York: Harper and Row. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Introduction. A comprehensive alphabetical listing of approximately 25,000 surnames with information on nationality of origin and meaning. 2 specific references. " Weyl, N. (1961). Ethnic and national characteristics of the U.S. Elite. Mankind Quarterly, (1), 242-247. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Surnames were used to categorise 13 ethnic groups. Scores were than derived for each group based upon performance scores of eminence based upon listings in Who’s Who in America and other sources. There are also 2 special groups: English clerical and Special English occupations. 1 ref." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~1-ANCILLARY~GENETICS Allen, G. (1988). Random genetic drift inferred from surnames in old colony Mennonites. Human Biology, 60(4), 639-653. Barrai, I., Rodriguez-Larralde, A., Mamolini, E., Manni, F., & Scapoli, G. (2001). Isonymy structure of USA population. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 114(2), 109-123. Abstract: The isonymy structure of the 48 states of the continental United States of America was studied using the surname distributions of 18 million telephone users, distributed in 247 towns. The shortest linear distance between nearest neighbor towns included in the sample was 12.0 km. The largest distance was 4,577 km. The number of different surnames found in the whole analysis was 899,585. Lasker’s distance was found to be significantly but weakly correlated with the geographic distance, with r = 0.21 +/- 0.01. A dendrogram of the 48 states was built from the matrix of isonymy distances: it divides the US into several clusters, in general correlated with geography. A notable exception is California and New Jersey, which cluster together. Wisconsin is separated from Chakraborty, R., & Schwartz, R. J. (1990). Selective neutrality of surname distribution in an immigrant Indian community of Houston, Texas. American Journal of Human Biology, 2(1), 1-15. Paoli, G., Franceschi, M. G., & Taglioli, L. (1996). Kinship by isonymy and by gene-frequencies – a comparison of population structures at different hierarchical population levels. American Journal of Human Biology, 8(4), 445-455. Abstract: A comparison of population structures based on isonymy Powellgriner, E., & Streck, D. (1982). A Closer Examination Of Neonatal-Mortality Rates Among The Texas Spanish Surname Population. American Journal of Public Health, 72(9), 993-999. Relethford, J. H. (1992). Analysis of marital structure in Massachusetts using repeating pairs of surnames. Human Biology, 64(1), 25-33. Abstract: Analysis of surnames from marriages is now a well-established method in the study of marital and genetic structure. Traditional methods of partitioning inbreeding into random and non-random components rely on the total number of isonymous marriages. Because this number is often low, standard errors of inbreeding estimates tend to be high. Lasker and Kaplan (1985) devised a method that circumvents this problem by focusing on the total number of repeating pairs (RP) of surnames among marriages. The observed value of RP can be compared with the value expected at random (RP(r)) to assess patterns of subdivision within a population. The RP method is applied here to data from 3431 marriages that took place from 1800 to 1849 in 4 Massachusetts towns AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~1-ANCILLARY~LEADING NAMES The first three hundred years of the 2000 most common surnames in America and their frequency. (1990). Ages. Brown, S. L. (1967). Surnames are the fossils of speech. The author. Abstract: Abstract: Lawson1: "Lists about 7,500 commom American surnames with their derivations. Name list was derived from vital statistic records in 5 daily newspapers." Smith, E. C. (1978). The book of Smith. New York: Nellen. Abstract: Lawson1: "Incidence of Smith in various forms worldwide. Glossary of Smith surnames." Social Security Administration. (1974). Report of the distribution of surnames in the Social Security Number File. Washington, D.C.: Social Security Administration. Abstract: Lawson1: "Used over 239 million records to identify those surnames with a frequency of 10,000 or more. A second listing is given in alphabetical order." Thomas, R. (1989). The First Three Hundred Years of the Two Hundred Most Common Surnames in America and Their Frequency. Genealogy Times and Seasons, 2(6), 18-18. Thomas, R. (1990). The First Three Hundred Years of Two Thousand Most Common Surnames in America and Their Frequency. Genealogy Times and Seasons, 3(1), 15-15. United States Social Security Administration. (2006) Popular baby names [Web Page]. URL link to webpage. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~1-ANCILLARY~LINGUISTICS Slater, A. S., & Feinman, S. (1985). Gender and the phonology of North American first names. Sex Roles , 13, 429-440. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~1-ANCILLARY~ SOCIOLOGICAL Barry, H. B., & Harper, A. S. (1982). Evolution of unisex names. Names , 30, 15-22. Barry Herbert B., & Harper, A. S. (2007). Feminization of unisex names from 1960 to 1990. E. Callary (Editor), Surnames, nicknames, placenames and epithets in America: essays in the theory of names (pp. 193-202). Mellen Press. Notes: originally published in Names (1993) 41, 228-238 Barry, H. I., & Harper, A. S. (1993). Feminization of unisex names from 1960 to 1990. Names, 41(4), 228-238. Notes: Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " A study of the frequency of use of unisex names given to Pennsylvania babies in 1960 and 1990 supports previous research that shows a tendency of names to evolve from masculine to unisex to feminine. " Barry, H. I., & Harper, A. S. (2001). Research on first names by two psychologists. Names, 49(4), 259-262. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Summarizes research by two psychologists that focuses on the differences between male and female first names used between 1875 and 1995. " Boxer, D., & Gritsenko, E. (2005). Women and surnames across cultures: reconstituting identity in marriage. Women and Language, 28(2 (Fall)), 1-11. Notes: Refs. Tables Abstract: Abstract: This study assesses the current state of affairs in women’s naming choices across two speech communities in two languages. Through questionnaire and ethnographic data we study how women in the US and Russia address the surname issue when faced with marriage or partnership. The analysis is carried out from the perspective of cross-cultural anthropological linguistics. Our data lend insights into how naming choices affect one’s individual, social and professional identity; moreover, our findings indicate that even more critical than the identity issue is the question of what such social labeling choices mean in terms of reflecting and perpetuating the gendered power hierarchy of a society Busse, T. V. (1983). Nickname usage in an American high school. Names , 31(4), 300-306. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Presents results of a questionnaire given at a suburban public high school in the Northeast to determine the number of students with nicknames and the students’ feelings about them. " Duffy, J. C., & Ridinger, B. (1981). Stereotyped connotations of masculine and feminine names. Sex Roles , 7, 25-33. Duggan, D. A., Cota, A. A., & Dion, K. L. (1993). Taking thy husband’s name: what might it mean? Names , 41(2), 87-102. Notes: 1976-92. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Notes the dearth of studies on issues related to North American women’s marital names and suggests several directions for further empirical and conceptual research. " Evans, C. K. (2007). The tsunami curve and popular culture influences on given names. Names, 55(4), 335-342. Evans, C. K. (2008). A Note on US Immigrants’ Choice of Baby Names . Names, 56(1), 38-39. Foggan, L. A. (1983). Parents selection of children’s surnames. George Washington Law Review, 51(4), 583-599. Fryer, R. G. Jr., & Fryer, S. D. (2004). The causes and consequences of distinctly black names. The Quarterly Journal of Economics , 3, 767-805. Goldin, C., & Shim Maria. (2004). Making a name: Women’s surnames at marriage and beyond. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 18(2), 143-160. Abstract: based on NYT wedding announcements, Harvard alumni records, Massachusetts birth recordsthose retaining maiden names rose sharply in the 1970’s and 1980’s, but declined slightly in the 1990’s Lawson, E. D. (1973). Men’s first names, nicknames, and short names: a semantic differential analysis. Names, 21(1), 22-27. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Different names are often related to social stereotypes, especially consequential in the formation of a self-image. " Lieberson, S. L., & Bell, E. O. (1992). Children’s first names: an empirical study of social taste. The American Ournal of Sociology , 98, 511-554. Lieberson, S. L., Dumais, S., & Bauman, S. (2000). The instability of androgynous names. The American Journal of Sociology , 105, 1249-1287. Lombard, F. K. (1984). The law on naming children: past, present and occasionally future. Names , 32(2), 129-137. Notes: 1971-82. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Children have customarily been given the surname of their father, but recent changes in the legal status of women raise questions of law and practice concerning the name of babies. " Rennick, R. M. (1984). On the right of exclusive possession of a family name. Names, 32(2), 138-155. Notes: 1465-1983. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Discusses legislation and judicial rulings in Great Britain and the United States regarding personal names. Lawson1: ‘Discussion on name-changing (apparently mostly in reference to a surname) under English Common Law, the right of property in a name, and appropriating the name of another…. 37 refs.", " Rossi, A. S. (1965). Naming children in middle-class families. American Sociological Review, 30, 499-513. Rossi , A. S. (1965). Naming Children in Middle-Class Families . American Sociological Review, 30(4), 499-513. Abstract: "Data on the relatives children were named after are analyzed … in a sample of 347 urban middle-class mothers." Scheuble, L. K., Klingemann, K., & Johnson, D. R. (2000). Trends in women’s marital name choices: 1966-1996. Names, 48(2), 105-114. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "A study of New York Times wedding announcements during 1966-96 shows a decided increase in the number of women who chose nonconventional last names at marriage." Skipper, J. K. Jr., & Leslie, P. L. (1988). Women, nicknames, and blues singers. Names , 36(3), 193-202. Notes: 1890-1975. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "An analysis of nicknames among 28 female blues singers shows that women are given nicknames less often than are men and suggests the need for further investigations into the assignment of nicknames in general and the use of substitute names for women in particular. " Skipper, J. K. J. (1968). Family names and social class as a teaching technique. American Sociologist, (3), 37-38. Abstract: Lawson2 Stannard, U. (1984). Manners make laws : Married women’s names in the United States. Names, (32), 114-128. Abstract: Lawson1 ‘Traces the fight for women to keep their surnames at marriage from Lucy Stone in 1856 to the present when most states now allow this right. 42 refs." Waters, M. C. (1989). The everyday use of surname to determine ethnic ancestry . Journal of Qualitative Sociology, 12(3), 303-324. Abstract: Author abstract "This paper examines the influence of surname on how descendants of white European immigrants to the United States, who are of mixed ethnic ancestry, determine their ethnic identification. It is based on 60 in-depth interviews about ethnic identity and family history, conducted with Catholic, suburban later-generation residents of Santa Clara County California and Montgomery County, Pennsylvania (suburbs of San Jose and Philadelphia, respectively)." Wayda, D. S. (1975). Parental name selection and family ideology. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Millersville State College, Millersville, PA. Notes: Unpublished master’s thesis AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~1-ANCILLARY~STATISTICAL Administration,Social Security. Report of the distribution of surnames in the Social Security Number File. Washington, D.C.: Social Security Administration. Abstract: ‘Used over 239 million records to identify those surnames with a frequency of 10,000 or more. A second listing is given in alphabetical order." Source: Lawson1 Boltinghouse, L. (1962). Tabulation of common names and surnames. Baltimore, Maryland: Llyle Boltinghouse, Room 315, Administration Building, Social Security Administration. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Lists the frequencies of the 10 most common surnames and the 10 most common first names (male, female and both) associated with each of these of these 10 surnames as found in [U.S.] Social Security records. These 10 most common surnames account for 6,634,000 records out of a total of 117,358,000. 40 refs plus tables." Chakraborty, R. a. o. (1981). Distribution of last names : a stochastic model for likelihood determination in record linkage. in: B. Dyke, & W. T. Morrill (Editors), Genealogical Demography (pp. 63-69). New York: Academic Press. Notes: Notes: Abstract in American Journal of Physical Anthropology 1979 No 50 p426-427 Abstract: Lawson1: "Develops a statistical model for the distribution of surnames from records in Laredo, Texas and Guam from 1829-1977. 10 refs." Hanks, P., & Tucker, D. K. (2000). A diagnostic database of American personal names. Names , 48(1), 59-69. Notes: 1997. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "A database representing 35% of the US population provides a tool for computational analysis useful in the geographical, historical, cultural, and genealogical study of surnames and forenames." Petersen, W. Surnames in US Population Records. Population and Development Review. Tucker, D. K. (2001). Distribution of Forenames, Surnames, and Forename-Surname Pairs in the United States. Names, 49(2), 69-96. Notes: reprinted in ‘ Surnames, Nicknames, Placenames and Epithets in America: Essays in the Theory of Names’ Edited by Edward Callary (Mellen Press, 2007, pp51-80) Abstract: Extensive analysis of 100 million names in the United States and Canada identifies common surname forename pairs. Extensive tables "Prints graphic and tabular presentations of the frequency of distribution of individual forenames and surnames, as well as listings of the most popular names, using data from a large CD-based telephone directory." Weiss, K. M., Rossman, D. L., Chakraborty, R., & Norton, S. L. (1980). Wherefore art thou Romeo? Name frequency patterns and their use in automated genealogy assembly. in: B. Dyke, & W. T. Morrill (editors), Genealogical Demography (pp. 41-61). New York. Notes: "a characteristic feature of these distributions is that the total number of forenames or surnames appearing once exceeds what would be expected on the basis of standard statistical distributions" AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[AFRICAN AMERICAN] Barker, H. F. (1939). The Family Names of American Negroes. American Speech , 14(3), 163-174. Black, K. (1996). Afro-American personal naming traditions. Names, 44, 105-125. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract Brown, B. W., & M., R. J. (1980). Black roots in southeastern Connecticut, 1650-1900. Detroit: Gale Research. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘approximately 8500 persons are listed, some without surnames. Approx 1500 surnames are included. This is a reference for those interested in slave names and genealogy" Chappell, N. C. (1929). Negro Names . American Speech, 4(4), 272-275 . Cohen, H. (1952). Slave Names in Colonial South Carolina . American Speech, 27(2), 102-107. Fryer, R., & Levitt, S. (2004). The causes and consequences of distinctively black names. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119(3 ), 767-805. Gutman, H. G. (1976). The Black family in slavery and freedom 1750-1925. New York: Pantheon. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘extensive discussion with documentation of naming practices for first names and surnames" Inscoe, J. C. (1983). Carolina Slave Names: An Index to Acculturation . The Journal of Southern History, 49(4), 527-554. Jeffreys, M. D. W. (1948). Names of American Negro Slaves . American Anthropologist, 50 [new series](3 -part 1), 571-573. Khatib, S. M. (1995). Personal names and name changes . Journal of Black Studies , 25(3), 349-353. Lee, M. (2007). African American naming patterns. in: M. Montgomery, & E. Johnson (editors), The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture (Vol. 5, Chap. Language volume, ). Abstract: The article is an historical perspective on African American names and naming practices in the United States Lieberson, S., & Mikelson, K. S. (1995). Distinctive African American names: An experimental, historical and linguistic analysis of innovation. American Sociological Review, 60, 928-946. Notes: also "Erratum: Distinctive African American Names: An Experimental, Historical, and Linguistic Analysis of Innovation " American Sociological Review -Vol. 61, No. 6 (Dec., 1996), p. 1116 Martin, B. L. (1991). From Negro to Black to African American: The Power of Names and Naming . Political Science Quarterly, 106(1), 83-107. Mphande, L. (2006). Naming and Linguistic Africanisms in African American Culture. Selected Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on African Linguistics: African Languages and Linguistics in Broad Perspectives Somerville, MA, USA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. Notes: fulltext : Abstract: author’s abstract "Among the various endeavors that African slaves made in becoming African American in culture, orientation, and identity was the formation of a culture of resistance involving the process of renaming themselves and their environment. Rebellious slaves constantly reverted to their African cultural forms, such as spirituality, burial rites, and the naming system for inspiration and guidance, and as a way of reasserting themselves and reaffirming their humanity in a hostile world. This paper is framed and motivated by the recent trend among African Americans to adopt African names (e.g., Kwesi Mfume, former president of the NAACP), or coin distinctly African American names (e.g., Lashandra), and to discuss the process of naming as part of the continuous African American culture of resistance, and also as a way of explaining and accounting for the predominance of names of animals, plants, musical items and proper names among the Africanisms in African American culture today. As a way of helping young people involved in cultural deconstruction and desirous of coining African names for themselves, the paper also discusses the linguistic process of name construction in Nguni, a branch of Bantu language from which many of the slaves originated. The aim of the paper is to make a significant contribution to the continuing process of cultural identity formulations, and further motivate African Americans (and others) in reclaiming their complex African roots in the continuing process of redefining themselves and dismantling the paradigm that kept them mentally chained for centuries." Paustian, P. R. (1978). The evolution of personal naming practices among American blacks. Names , 26(2), 177-191. Notes: 18c-20c. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Gives the history of black American personal names, tracing naming practices to those popular in West Africa. " Pharr, P. C. (1993). Onomastic divergence: A study of given-name trends among African Americans. American Speech, (68), 400-409. Abstract: "Evaluating data from North South for Whites and Blacks concludes the pattern to coin African-American names will continue for some time" Puckett, N. N. (1938). American Negro Names . The Journal of Negro History , 23(1), 35-48. Puckett, N. N. (1975). Black names in America, origins and usage. Boston: G.K. Hall. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘a presentation of specialised lists of names based upon a collection of 340,000 black and 160,000 white names from 1619 to the mid 1940’s. Includes surname source list." Smith, L. A. (1996). Unique names and naming practices among African American families. Families in Society, 77(5), 290-297. Thornton, J. (1993). Central African names and African-American naming patterns. William and Mary Quarterly, (50), 727-742. Vogel, V. J. (1986). Indian Names in Michigan . University of Michigan Press. Notes: 244 Abstract: chapters on Ojibwa,Ottawa, Potawatomi personal names, also Tecumseh, Tenskwatawa, Osceola County, BUT only as preserved in place-names today Williams, M. E. ([c1992]). Black names in Louisiana. [Louisiana?] : M.E. Williams. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[AMISH] Cross, J. A. (2003). Amish surnames, settlement patterns, and migration. Names , 51(3), 193-214. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Uses listings of Wisconsin’s licensed dairy producers between 1989 and 2001 to chart and examine the growth and decline of various settlements of Amish dairymen. Growth far exceeded decline, illustrating the significance of Amish settlement and migration. " Enninger, W. (1985). Amish by-names. Names, 33(4), 243-258. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Traditional discussions largely ignore the pragmatic, cognitive, and emotional meanings of Amish bynames, concentrating on their referential and vocative functions." Mook, M. A. (1967). Nicknames among the Amish. Names , 15(2), 111-118. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract Smith, E. L. (1968). Amish names. Names , 16(2), 105-110. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Amish family genealogies are almost inextricably intertwined after more than 250 years of intermarriage among members of the sect. This is due to the restriction of the selection of a mate to within the sect and to the lack of missionary and evangelical activities which would bring in converts and, therefore, new names. Discusses the problems caused by the limited number of given names for men and women. Middle names are generally the mother’s maiden name. To attempt to remedy this, the father’s first name is often used in conjunction with the first name of his child for identification purposes, or nicknames are adopted. 8 notes." Lawson1: ‘The Amish, because of the rule of marrying within the group, have as few as 14 surnames, which account for 90% of the names used" AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[ARMENIAN] Hewsen, R. H. (1963). Armenian names in America. American Speech, (38), 214-219. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Armenians appear to have had less change than might have been expected" AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[ASIAN] Lauderdale, D. S., & Kestenbaum, B. (2000). Asian American Ethnic Identification by Surname. Population Research and Policy Review, 19(3), 283-300. Abstract: Few data sources include ethnicity-level classification for Asian Americans. However, it is often more informative to study the ethnic groups separately than to use an aggregate Asian American category, because of differences in immigration history, socioeconomic status, health, and culture. Many types of records that include surnames of persons offer the potential for inferential ethnic classification. This paper describes the development of surname lists for six major Asian American ethnic groups: Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Korean, Asian Indian, and Vietnamese. The lists were based on Social Security Administration records that include country of birth. After they were compiled, the lists were evaluated using an independent file of census records. The surname lists have a variety of applications Wu, E. D. (1999). "They call me Bruce, but they won’t call me Bruce Jones": Asian American naming preferences and patterns. Names, 47(1), 21-50. Notes: 1920’s-90’s. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Traces changing trends in the creation, modification, and maintenance of the personal and family names of Asian Americans, illustrating how they reflect larger cultural issues of identity and assimilation during the 20th century." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~(CHINESE) Louie, E. W. (1985-1986). A New Perspective on surnames among Chinese Americans. Amerasia Journal, 12(1), 1-22. Louie, E. W. (1991). Name styles and structure of Chinese American personal names. Names , 39(3), 225-237. Notes: 1850-1990. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The unique synthesis of history and languages shown in the styles of personal names used by Chinese Americans reveals some details about acculturation in this ethnic group." Louie, E. W. (1998). Chinese American Names : Tradition and Transition. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland and Co. Abstract: Publisher’s flyer: ‘For the early Chinese immigrants to America, the Western practice of placing the family name last was in direct contrast to Confucian teachings about the family’s being the basic unit of society, its importnace stressed by the placement of the family name first. Though these immigrants followed American conventional naming practices in most cases and allowed their names to be anglicized, many maintained the traditional Chinese practices in their own community. In recent years, some Chinese and other easterm immigrants have retained the naming practice of their own culture, resulting in some confusion on the proper way to use Chinese names. Louie, E. W. (2007). Two worldviews regarding Chinese American names. Names, 55(4), 363-371. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~ [CHINESE] -HEALTH Choi, B. C. K., Hanley, A. J. G., Holowaty, E. J., & Dale, D. (1993). Use of surnames to identify individuals of Chinese ancestry. American Journal of Epidemiology, 138(9), 723-734. Abstract: The objectives of this study were to develop and test surname lists for identifying Chinese ancestry. The Ontario all-cause mortality database for the period 1982-1989 was randomly split into source and test data sets. Frequencies by birthplace were compiled for each surname in the source data set, by sex, and the surnames were weighted based on their positive likelihood ratios AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[CZECH] Dudek, J. B. (1925). The Americanization of Czech Given Names . American Speech , 1(1), 18-22. Dudek, J. B. (1925). The Americanization of Czech Surnames . American Speech, 1(3), 161-166. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[DUTCH] Bailey, R. F. (1954). Dutch systems in family naming, New York-New Jersey. Washington, D.C.: National Genealogical Society. Notes: Reprinted 1978 Abstract: ‘The Dutch system of naming in America was different to that of the English. The dominant system was the patronymic (Jansen, ‘Jan’s son’, Abrahamszen ‘Abraham’s son’). Other surname origins were placename (Opdyck, ‘on the dike’, Hoogland, ‘highland’), occupation (Bleecker, ‘bleacher’, Cuyler , ‘archer’) and personal characteristics (de Grout , ‘big man’, Vroom ‘pious’). 51 refs. Source: Lawson1 Hoffman, J. K. (1996). Dutch and Friesian first names anglicized: Names adopted in America by the Dutch immigrants. Notes: check ref Abstract: ed lawson "Has approx. 1400 entries listing the Dutch name with its anglicized equivalent. There are sources for some of the names as well as references. Apparently some names come from Holland, Illinois and some from Holland, Michigan. Thus, the Dutch Baart, Bouke, Douke, Arigje, Bartha, Daatje became Brad, Bernard, Duncan, Anita, Bertha, Adelina/Alida respectively" Zabriskie, G. O. (1962). Genealogist gives help on early Dutch American names. The Genealogical Helper, (16), 251-251. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Some of the problems of tracing early Dutch names involving patronyms and surnames from places" AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[DUTCH & ENGLISH] Howell, G. R. (1894). The origin and meaning of English and Dutch surnames in New York State families. in: Collection of Drake Library . Brockport: State University of New York College. Notes: Paper read before the Albany Insitute, May 15, 1894 Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Background material on origin and meaning of surnames. Lisitng of about 100 names of Dutch origin; 100 British." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2~ETHNIC~ [FINNISH] Blomqvist, M. (1983). Finland-Swedish surnames in America. Finnish Americana: A Journal of Finnish American History and Culture, (6), 40-43. Kolehmainen , J. (1939). A note on Finnish given names in America. The Modern Language Journal, 24(3), 179-180. Kolehmainen, J. (1939). Finnish surnames in America. American Speech, 14, 33-39. Notes: available online: Larmouth, D. W. (1967). Finnish surname change in Minnesota. American Speech, (42), 31-37. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘First, gives the general rationale of Finnish names; examples being, Seppala (Smithy), Saarinen (island), and Makinen (hill). Then, gives a description of patterns of phonological and morphological surname change in Northern Minnesota." Larmouth, D. W. (1967). Finnish surname change in northern Minnesota. American Speech, 62(1), 31-37. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " In Northern Minnesota, many Finns have not been assimilated into American life. Finnish is still widely spoken, and only half of those interviewed had changed their surnames. Finnish surnames often consist of an adjective plus a noun. Several patterns of change were found. The adjective or a derivational ending is often dropped. Translating the name into English is not common. Often the spelling may be changed (especially the letters "j" and "w") or a similar sounding English name adopted ("Warren" from "Wuorinen"). Based on the author’s knowledge of Finnish and interviews with Northern Minnesota Finns. Undocumented." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[FRENCH] Mayrant, D. (1958). French Huguenot names and their mispronunciation. Names in South Carolina, (7 (Winter)), 51-51. Abstract: Lawson1 ‘Explains how about 14 French Huguenot surnames and their pronunciation modified as the bearers lived first in England, and then in South Carolina. Examples, Dupre to Dupree, Gourdin to Gur-dine." Picard, M. (2004). Explaining the ‘unexplained’ French surnames in the Dictionary of American Family Names. Onomastica Canadiana, 86(2), 75-106. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2~ETHNIC~ [GERMAN] Droege, G. B. (1979). Czech and German background material from Moravia on first Pennsylvania Herrnhuters and their family names. The Palatine Immigrant/ Quarterly Journal of Palatines to America, (5), 15-21. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Herrnhuters take their name from Herrnhut (‘the Lord’s lookout’) mountain in N.E. Moravia. Concludes that tjheir Slavic family names show more Esat Middle High German influence than Czech. Many names listed including Neiszer, Demuth and Quitt. 2 refs." Eichhoff, J. Types of German surname changes in America. Notes: unpublished article cited in DAFN v 1 Hilbig, F. W. (1968). Americanization of German surnames and the related process of changes in Europe. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Notes: Unpublished Masters Thesis Johnson, A. F. (1981). A guide to the spelling and pronunciation of German names. Columbus: Ohio: The Copy Shop. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘describes patterns of how German names came to be respelled in the U.S. e.g. Kühle to Keeley, Eberle to Everle, Dresch to Tresh, Hund to Hunt Jones, G. (2006). German-American names. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co. Leighly, J. (1984). German family names in Kentucky place names (American Name Studies monograph No. 2)American Name Society. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA~2-ETHNIC~ [GREEK] Alatis, J. E. The Americanization of Greek names. Names, (3), 137-156. Notes: check vol Abstract: "Comprehensive presentation on the patterns of Greek surname changes. Data were obtained in Columbus, Ohio. Translations; Chrysoulos to Golding; modifications, Balasopoulos to Wallace" Source: Lawson1 AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2~ETHNIC~[HUNGARIAN] Kontra, M. (1990). Changing names: Onomastic remarks on Hungarian-Americans. Journal of English Linguistics, (23), 114-122. Notes: refs Abstract: ed lawson "Results from 34 interviews of Hungarian-Americans and an examination of the telephone directory in South Bend, Indiana. Analysis of the approx. 5,000 Hungarian-Americans shows that 715 have a surname identical with the 10 most frequent surnames in Budapest. Further analyses were directed at the patterns of surname and first name changes " AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[ICELANDIC] Bessasson, H. (1967). A few specimens of North American-Icelandic. Scandinavian Studies, (39), 115-146. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘pp132-144 descibes Icelandic surnames. most immigrants kept their Icelandic surnames (example Svein Grimsson) within the Icelandic community but used a name such as John Anderson in the general community. Listings of surnames derived from Icelandic names such as Hofteig from Hofteigur and Benson from Benediktsson. 50+ surnames mentioned." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[IRANIAN] Blair, B. A. (1991). Iranian immigrant name changes in Los Angeles. in: S. Stern, & J. A. Cicala (editors), Creative ethnicity: Symbols and strategies of contemporary ethnic life (pp. 122-136). Utah State University Press. Blair, B. A. (1991). Personal name changes among Iranian immigrants in the USA. in: A. Fathi Iranian refugees and exiles since Khomeini (pp. 145-160). Mazda Pub. Notes: Usa (Iranian) AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[IRISH] McWhiney, G., & McDonald, F. (1983). Celtic names in the antebellum southern United States. Names , 31(2), 89-102. Notes: 18c-1850. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The belief that whites in the South are of Anglo-Saxon heritage is misleading; about half of the population was of Celtic descent by 1850." Tucker, D. K. (2006). A Comparison Of Irish Surnames In The United States With Those Of Eire. Names, 54(1), 55-76. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[ITALIAN] Fucilla, J. G. (1943). The Anglicization of Italian Surnames in the United States . American Speech, 18(1), 26-32. Watkins, S. C., & London, A. S. (1994). Personal names and cultural change: A study of the naming patterns of Italians and Jews in the United States in 1910. Social Science History, (18), 169-209. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[JEWISH] Hall, B. L., & Hall, R. M. R. (1969). Some apparent orthographic inconsistencies in American family names of Yiddish origin. Names, 17(4), 250-262. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Lists reasons for and examples of the Germanicization of Jewish family names of East European origin." Rosenwaike, I. (1990). Leading surnames among American Jews. Names, 38, 31-38. Abstract: "uses data from a large sample of Americans to identify the 25 most common Jewish surnames. The top 5 are: Cohen, Miller, Schwartz, Friedman and Levine" Abstract source: ed lawson "Uses data from a 1982 nationwide American Cancer Society survey to determine the most common surnames among American Jews and to compare the US rankings with those for surnames among Israeli Jews." Watkins, S. C., & London, A. S. (1994). Personal names and cultural change: A study of the naming patterns of Italians and Jews in the United States in 1910. Social Science History, (18), 169-209. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[JEWISH] –HEALTH Rosenwaike, I. (1990). Mortality patterns among elderly American Jews. Journal of Aging and Judaism, 4, 289-303. Abstract: "uses 22 distinctive surnames to evaluate the mortality patterns of a sample of more than 100,000 individuals to predict the morstlity patterns of the total population of American Jews" source-ed lawson) AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~ [JEWISH] –STATISTICAL Himmelfarb, H. S., Loar, R. M., & Mott, S. H. (1983). Sampling by ethnic surnames :the case of American Jews. Public Opinion Quarterly, 47(2), 247-260. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘on the basis of a nationwide sample, concludes (with some reservations) that the use of distinctive Jewish surnames is a good way of selecting a Jewish sample." Rosenwaike, I. (1992). Estimates Of The Jewish Old Old Population In The United-States. Research On Aging, 14(1), 92-109. Abstract: The well-known aging of the American Jewish population has continued during the 1980s, and at a more rapid rate than that described by recent projections. Data for Medicare enrollees, in combination with a surname technique, are used to construct estimates that reveal a substantially higher proportion of America’s Jews were 75 years or older in 1990 than was true for the general population. The methodology developed for this study also permits the construction of estimates of the old old in state and local areas. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[KOREAN] Thompson, R. (2006). Bilingual, Bicultural, and Binominal Identities: Personal Name Investment and the Imagination in the Lives of Korean Americans. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 5(3), 179-208. Abstract: author abstract "Through interviews with three Korean American women of various levels of bilingualism, drawing on poststructuralist (Weedon, 1987), investment (Heller, 1987; Peirce, 1995), and imagination (Wenger, 1998) theories of language and identity, this study raises questions about the impact of personal names on immigrants as they negotiate bilingual, bicultural, and binominal identities" AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~ [KOREAN] -HEALTH Lee S. K. , Sobal J. , & Frongillo E. A. (2000). Acculturation and health in Korean Americans. Social Science and Medicine, 51(2), 159-173. Abstract: Despite increasing research on the relationships between acculturation and health, it is unclear whether (1) ethnic group variation occurs in acculturation-health relationships, (2) acculturation components vary differently in relationship to health, (3) biculturalism has beneficial effects on health and (4) multidimensional health relationships occur with acculturation. This study examined the Korean American ethnic group, considering how acculturation was related with five dimensions of health: smoking, physical activity, fat intake, body weight, and reported health. Pretested questionnaires were mailed to a national sample with Korean American surnames, and 55% of the deliverable sample responded, producing 356 usable questionnaires. Acculturation was measured using a two-culture matrix model and Gordon’s theoretical work, and showed three distinct groups (acculturated, bicultural and traditional) and four components (American structural, American cultural, Korean structural and Korean cultural). Bicultural men were least likely to smoke, while acculturated and bicultural women were more likely to smoke than traditional women. Korean structural and cultural components were related to men’s smoking. Higher acculturation was related to light physical activity, but not to vigorous physical activity. Fat intake did not differ by acculturation status. Higher acculturation was associated with higher body weight and better self-reported health only in men. Higher American cultural component scores were associated with better self-reported health in men. Among Korean Americans, acculturation components varied in their relationships with health, beneficial effects of being bicultural on health were not found, and acculturation-health relationships were multidimensional. Overall, ethnic group variation in health occurred, with Korean Americans similar to some ethnic groups but different than others. Future health research and practice can benefit by acknowledging the complexity of acculturation and its multidimensional effects on health AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[KOREAN] -STATISTICAL Shin, E.-H., & Yu, E.-Y. (1984). Use of surnames in ethnic research : The case of the Kims in the Korean-American population. Demography, (21), 347-360. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Develops a method of estimating the size of the Korean-American population by extrapolation from the percentage of Kims (about 22%) in several samples from Chicago, New York, and other places." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[LATINO] Jones, R. C. (1948). Ethnic Family Patterns: The Mexican Family in the United States . The American Journal of Sociology, 53(6), 450-452. Pacheco, Y. M. C. (1992). Latino surnames: Formal and informal forces in the United States affecting the retention and use of the maternal surname. Thurgood Marshall Law Review, 18(1), 1-. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE] Cannell, M. (1935). Indian personal names from the Nebraska and Dakota regions . American Speech, 10(3), 184-187. Dorsey, J. O. (1890). Indian Personal Names . American Anthropologist, 3(3), 263-268. Dorsey, J. O. (1886). Indian personal names (Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science . Salem, Mass: Printed at the Salem Press. Nelson, W. (1904). Personal names of Indians of New Jersey: being a list of six hundred and fifty such names gleaned mostly from Indian deeds of the seventeenth century. Paterson, N.J: The Paterson history club. Read, W. A. (2004). Florida place names of Indian origin and Seminole personal names. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press. Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. [80]) and index AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-ALGONQUIN] Chaput, D. (1966). From Indian to French : a female name curiosity : Algonquian. Names, (14), 143-149. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Indian women ,especially Algonquian, who married Frenchmen in the 17th century, assumed new first names and surnames. Common surnames were Panis (‘slave’) and Sauvegesse (‘savage’) Weslager, C. A. (1959). European personal names given to the Eastern Indians. Names, 7, 54-56. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-APACHE] Dabbs, J. A. Spanish treatment of names of the Apache Indians. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 32-41). Abstract: explores he ways in which Apaches might have acquired Spanish names Dubois, B. L. (1976). Mescalero Apache personal names in the early period of United States domination (1846-1880). Names, (24), 327-328. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘5 types of Spanish names were used by Mescalero males; 1) Christian 2) Surnames 3) Double names 4) Nicknames 5) Names of objects AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-ARIZONA] Parsons, E. C. (1937). Naming Practises in Arizona . American Anthropologist , New Series 39(3 Part 1), 561-562 . Abstract: Hopi, Yuman and Maricopa of Arizona AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-CHEYENNE] Moore, J. H. (1984). Cheyenne names and cosmology. American Ethnologist, 11, 291-312. Notes: evaluation of Cheyenne neames from the 1880 Census AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-CHICKASAW] Swanton, J. R. (2006). Chickasaw society and religion. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Notes: includes a section on personal names AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-CHIPPEWA] Hilger, M. I. (1958). Naming a Chippewa Indian child. Winconsin Archaelogist, 39, 120-126. Ritzenthaler, R. (1945). The acquisition of surnames by the Chippewa Indians. American Anthropologist, 45, 175-177. Ritzenthaler, R. (1945). The Acquisition of surnames by the Chippewa Indians . American Anthropologist, New Series 47(1), 175-177. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-CHOCTAW] Fry, C. J. (1976). Onomastic influence of the Choctaw Indians in southeastern Oklahoma. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Academic Department: East Texas State University. Vickers, O. (1983). Mississippi Choctaw names and naming: a diachronic view. Names , 31(2), 117-122. Notes: 17c-19c. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Prior to 1830, despite many contacts with other cultures, the Mississippi Choctaw naming traditions did not show change; Choctaw names are usually connotative, reflecting a characteristic or an attribute of an animal." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-COEUR D’ALENE] Palmer, G. B., Connolly, T. E., & DaSilva, A. M. (1987). Khwi’ khwe gul schitsu’umsh = These are the Coeur d’Alene people: a book of Coeur d’Alene personal names. Las Vegas, NV: Plummer, ID: Coeur d’Alene Tribal Headquarters; Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-COMANCHE] Casagrande, J. B. (1955). Comanche linguistic acculturation III. International Journal of American Linguistics, 21, 8-25. Notes: pp12-20 descibes the system of personal names AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-DELAWARE] Akinnaso, N. (1981). Names and naming principles in cross-cultural perspective. Names, 29, 37-63. Abstract: compares the naming systems of the Delaware Indians with the Yoruba Weslager, C. A. (1971). Name-giving among the Delaware Indians. Names , 19(4), 268-283. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "From a Delaware Indian descendant who is also a name-giver, the ancient Delaware name-giving customs have been learned. The name-giving process was part of the Delaware Indian cosmology, and names were given in a ceremony having deep religious connotations. The name-giving was linked to the name-giver’s visions, because a belief in dreams and visions was a vital part of Delaware religion. The ceremony is described, as is the practice of giving nicknames." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-FOX ] Markey, T. L. (1983). Totemic typology. Quaderni Di Semantica, 4, 367-394. Notes: The Fox Indians of Iowa AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-HIDATSA] Barnes, R. H. (1980). Hidatsa personal names : an interpretation. Plains Anthropologist, 25, 311-331. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-IROQUOIS] Cooke, C. A. (1952). Iroquois personal names, their classification. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 96(4), 427-438. Notes: available on JSTOR AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-KAROK] Bright, W. (1958). Karok names. Names, 6, 172-177. Abstract: a tribe along the Klamath river, California AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-MOHAVE] Pearce, T. M. (1963). Naming customs among Southwestern Indians. New Mexican Folklore Record, 11, 33-37. Abstract: covers Navaho, Pueblo and Mohave AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-MVSKOKE] Moore, J. H. (1995). Mvskoke personal names. Names, 43(3), 187-212. Notes: 19c-20c. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "A variety of name transformations reflecting acculturation rates can be traced through census records of the Mvskoke (Creek or Seminole) tribes (in Oklahoma)" AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-NAVAHO ] Fiske, S. (1978). Rules of address : Navaho women in Los Angeles. Journal of Anthropological Reseach, 34, 72-91. Pearce, T. M. (1963). Naming customs among Southwestern Indians. New Mexican Folklore Record, 11, 33-37. Abstract: covers Navaho, Pueblo and Mohave AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-PUEBLO ] Bodine, J. J. (1968). Taos names : a clue to linguistic acculturation. Anthropological Linguistics, 10, 23-27. Abstract: Taos Pueblo of New Mexico. This study shows a shist in first names from Spanish to English Pearce, T. M. (1963). Naming customs among Southwestern Indians. New Mexican Folklore Record, 11, 33-37. Abstract: covers Navaho, Pueblo and Mohave AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-SEMINOLE] Read, W. A. (1934). Florida place-names of Indian origin and Seminole personal names. Baton Rouge: Louisiana state university press. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-SIRIONO] Priest, A. (1966). Method of naming among the Siriono Indians. American Anthropologist, (68), 1245-. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-TLINGIT] de Laguna, F. (1954). Tlingit ideas about the individual. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 10, 172-191. Abstract: Naming customs of the tribe of Alaska AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-YAKIMA] Weeks, T. E. (1971). Child-naming customs among the Yakima Indians. Names , 19(4), 252-257. Notes: 1858-1971. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Before 1858, when they were moved onto an Indian reservation, the Yakimas had just one name – an individual Indian name. The government in 1858 required the Yakimas to have two names; however, the old custom has persisted and many Yakimas have an Indian name as well as the two names, which are used only in the English-speaking community or when dealing with the government. The Indian name is given a child at a name-giving ceremony, which is described. It is concluded that most of the Yakimas who continue the custom are very proud of their culture and cling to their Indian heritage." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE-ZUNI] Parsons, E. C. (1923). Zuñi names and naming practices. The Journal of American Folklore, 36(140), 171-176. Abstract: "…are a Native American tribe, one of the Pueblo peoples, most of whom live in the Pueblo of Zuni on the Zuni River, a tributary of the Little Colorado River, in western New Mexico," AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[NORWEGIAN] Kimmerle, M. M. (1942). Norwegian-American Surnames in Transition . American Speech, 17(3), 158-165. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[POLISH] Borkowski, T. S. (1963). Some patterns in Polish surname changes. Polish American Studies, (20), 14-16. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Examination of 2513 cases show 6 patterns of change. Thses are: substitution (complete change as Czarnecki to Scott) 62%; combination (keeping part of the old name and adding a few letters) to the revised name as Barzyk to Barr, 14%; and subtraction (Bolanowski to Bolan), 14%. The other patterns are phonetic transcription (Gladysz to Gladys), 20%; translation (biskup to Bishop), 10%; and addition (Szabla to Szablack), less than 1%." Brzezinski, J. A. (1963). History of Polish name changes in America. Polish American Studies, (20), 4-7. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Poles first came to America in 1608 at amestown. Many Polish surnames were changed. Among them are Zabriskie which is traced to Albert Zaborowski and Sandusky which is traced to Anthony Sadowski" Kotlarz, R. J. (1963). Writings about the changing of Polish names in America. Polish American Studies, (20), 1-4. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Description of some materials to aid research" Lyra, F. (1966). Polish names in the United States. American Speech, (41), 39-44. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Categorises several patterns of Polish surname change including: transliteration, Dulac to Dulak; contraction, Kozlowski to Kozol; translation, Czarnecki to Black; and change, Urbanik to Michaels" Symposium, St. M. C. (1963). Changing of Polish names in America. Polish American Studies, (20), 1-16. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Contains abstracts of 7 papers presented by undergraduates at a symposium" AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~ [PORTUGUESE] Monteiro, G. (1961). Alcunhas among the Portuguese in Southern New England. Western Folklore, (20), 103-107. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘The term Alcunhas can refer to either nicknames or substitute surnames…." . (1949). L. PapPortuguese-American speech : an outline of speech conditions among Portuguese immigrants in New England and elsewhere in the United States (pp. 2-4, 124-138). New York: King’s Crown Press. Notes: check ref (pages) Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Describes the pattern of anglicisation of Portuguese first names and surnames in the United States, as Pereira to Perry, Barros to Barrows. A number of examples are listed. Some statistics on Portuguese names are given from telephone directories in New Bedford, Massachussetts and Oakland, California. Portuguese Jewish names are also covered very briefly." Sauri Colomer, R., & Hanks, P.Iberian names in North America: the case of Asturian. Notes: AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[SCOTTISH] McWhiney, G., & McDonald, F. (1983). Celtic names in the antebellum southern United States. Names , 31(2), 89-102. Notes: 18c-1850. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The belief that whites in the South are of Anglo-Saxon heritage is misleading; about half of the population was of Celtic descent by 1850." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[SPANISH] Buechley, R. (1967). Characteristic name sets of Spanish populations. Names, (15), 53-69. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘The use of Spanish surnames is important for demographic aspects of medical and other research. Different subsets are appropriately used in different parts of the United States. Examples of data are presented on the proprtions of Spanish-surnamed persons in the labor unions and in medicine. 5 refs" Buechley, R. (1971). Spanish surnames among the 2,000 most common United States surnames. Names, 19, 137-140. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Discussion of the 10 most frequent Spanish surnames in California and the United Staes as a whole. Further information on Spanish surnames in Puerto Rico, New Mexico, and South Texas. 3 refs." Coltharp, L. H. (1981). Dual influences on Chicano naming practices. Names, 29(4), 297-302. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Studies the preferences of members of the El Paso, Texas, community for naming children to determine the influence of English and Spanish on Mexican Americans." Lavender, A. D. (1992). The distinctive Hispanic names (DHN) technique: a method for selecting a sample or estimating population size. Names, 40(1), 1-16. Abstract: To address the problem of determining total numbers of a population from a limited sampling, I derived a distinctive Hispanic names (DHN) technique, based on 8455 US voters born in Spanish-speaking countries (and Puerto Rico) and classified as Hispanic. I offer suggestions of how many surnames and which surnames to use, and how to adjust the DHN list for Hispanic communities of diverse nationality background. The DHN technique allows an estimate of the total number of Hispanic voters in Miami Beach, Florida, including US-born Hispanics Sauri Colomer, R., & Hanks, P.Iberian names in North America: the case of Asturian. Notes: Woods, R. D., & Alvarez-Altman, G. (1978). Spanish surnames in the southwestern United States : a dictionary. Boston: G.K. Hall. (1996). Washington, D.C.: Population Division, U.S. Bureau of the Census. Notes: Fulltext: link to article. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[SPANISH] –GENETICS Selby, M. L., Lee, E. S., Tuttle, D. M., & Loe, H. D. (1984). A validity of the Spanish surname infant-mortality rate as a health status indicator for the Mexican-American population. American Journal of Public Health, (74), 998-1002. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Indicates that in Harris County, Texas, the Spanish surname mortality rate is not a valid indiator for the Mormon-American population. 16 refs." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[SPANISH] –HEALTH Abrahamse, A. F., Morrison, P. A., & Bolton, N. M. (1994). Surname analysis for estimating local concentration of Hispanics and Asians. Population Research and Policy Review, 13(4), 383-398. Abstract: Surname analysis is a potentially useful technique for identifying members of particular racial, ethnic, or language communities within a population. This article reviews the existing state of the art for identifying persons of Hispanic or Asian origin in the US, based on surnames distinctive of each group. We describe the logic of surname analysis, profile several available surname dictionaries, and illustrate their applications in local redistricting. Results of our ongoing validation studies suggest promising future directions for improving accuracy and broadening applications Buechley, R. (1961). A reproducible method of counting persons of Spanish surnames. Journal of the American Statistical Association, (56), 88-97. Enstrom, J. E., & Operskalski, E. A. (1978). Cancer and other mortality among Spanish-surnamed Californians. American Journal of Epidemiology, (108), 235-235. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Use of surnames to develop comparisons on standardised mortality ratios" Gottlieb, K. (1983). Genetic demography of Denver, Colorado – Spanish surname as a marker of Mexican ancestry. Human Biology, 55(2), 227-234. Hedderson, J., & Daudistel, H. C. (1982). Infant-Mortality Of The Spanish Surname Population. Social Science Journal, 19(4), 67-78. Kautz, J. A., Bradshaw, B. S., & Fonner, E. (1981). Trends in cardiovascular mortality in Spanish-surnamed, other white, and black persons in Texas, 1970-1975. Circulation, 64(4), 730-735. Perez-Stable, E. J., Hiatt, R. A., Sabogal, F., & Otero-Sabogal, R. (1995). Use of Spanish surnames to identify Latinos: Comparison to self-identification. Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, (18), 11-15. Polednak, A. P. (1993). Estimating cervical-cancer incidence in the hispanic population of Connecticut by use of surnames. Cancer, 71(11), 3560-3564. Abstract: The problem of estimating cancer incidence in the growing population of Hispanic women in the Northeastern United Rosenwaike, I. (1991). The most common Spanish surname in the United States : some new data sources. Names, (39), 325-331. Rosenwaike, I., & Bradshaw, B. S. (1989). Mortality of the Spanish surname population of the Southwest – 1980. Social Science Quarterly, 70(3), 631-641. Savitz, D. A. (1986). Changes in Spanish surname cancer rates relative to other Whites, Denver Area, 1969-71 to 1979-81. American Journal of Public Health, 76(10), 1210-1215. Schoen, R. N. V. E. (1981). Mortality by cause among Spanish surnamed Californians, 1969-71. Social Science Quarterly, 62(2), 259-274. Abstract: ‘Surnames were used to examine the demographic characteristics of Mexican-Americans by using Spanish surnames for comparisons with other whites and blacks in California. 33 refs." abstrat source : ed lawson Williams, R. L., Binkin, N. J., & Clingman, E. J. (1986). Pregnancy outcomes among Spanish-surname women in California. American Journal of Public Health, 76(4), 387-391. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[SWEDISH] Swanson, R. W. (1928). The Swedish surname in America. American Speech, 3(6 (August)), 468-477. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~[UKRAINIAN] Halutiak-Hallick, S. P. (1994). Dictionary of Ukrainian surnames in the United States. Duluth, GA: Slavic Onomastic Group. Holutiak-Hallick, S. P. (1994). Dictionary of Ukrainian surnames in the United States. New York: Slavic Onomastic Research Group. Notes: [493pp] Abstract: ed lawson "analyzes 12,351 surnames with 15,427 variations in American English" Holutiak-Hallick, S. P. Jr. (1972). Orthographic variations of Ukranian surnames in western Pennsylvania. Names , 20(3), 193-199. Notes: 1907-70. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~2-ETHNIC~ [WELSH] Davis, W. R. (2001). Welsh bynames on the Allegheny. Names, 49(3), 137-210. Notes: 1796-1918. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "A previously unreported – and possibly unique – naming system was developed in the Welsh immigrant settlements of Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, during the 19th century. By adding bynames to an existing name (in the case of males) or by replacing a surname (in the case of females), these distinctive names were a mechanism that allowed the adults of the community to cope with the traditional dearth of Welsh personal and family names. Ebensburg’s intricate naming system reflected the social structure and cultural self-image of the group that created it." McWhiney, G., & McDonald, F. (1983). Celtic names in the antebellum southern United States. Names , 31(2), 89-102. Notes: 18c-1850. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The belief that whites in the South are of Anglo-Saxon heritage is misleading; about half of the population was of Celtic descent by 1850." Thomas, D. (1979). Welsh emigration to the United States : a note on surname evidence. Cambria, (6), 1-9. Abstract: Lawson2: ‘Expansion of 1978 article" Thomas, D. (1987). Early Welsh settlement in the Usa : the surname evidence. Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, (29), 53-63. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~3~REGION~ ALASKA Bodenhorn, B. (2006). Calling into being: naming and speaking names on Alaska’s North Slope. in: G. v. Bruck, & B. Bodenhorn The anthropology of names and naming (, Chap. ). Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~3-REGION~ CALIFORNIA Fryer, R. G., & Levitt Steven D. (2004). The causes and consequences of distinctively Black names. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 119(3), 767-805. Notes: Refs. Tables. Figures Abstract: "Based upon data from California of every child born over a 40 year period, analyzes the naming patterns of Blacks and Whites. Concludes that Blacks and Whites chose relatively similar first names for their children in the 1960s but beginning in the early 1970s Blacks (especially those in racially isolated neighborhoods) changed to distinctive names. Further that having a Black name is ". . .primarily a consequence rather than a cause of poverty and segregation." Source of abstract -ed lawson AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~3-REGION~ CONNECTICUT Brown, B. W., & M., R. J. (1980). Black roots in southeastern Connecticut, 1650-1900. Detroit: Gale Research. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘approximately 8500 persons are listed, some without surnames. Approx 1500 surnames are included. This is a reference for those interested in slave names and genealogy" AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~3-REGION~ GEORGIA Baird, K. E., & Twining, M. A. (1994). Names and naming in the Sea Islands. M. B. Montgomery (editor), The crucible of Carolina: Essays in the development of Gullah language and literature (pp. 23-37). Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press. Bateman, R. (2002). Naming Patterns in Black Seminole Ethnogenesis. Ethnohistory, 49(2), 227-257. Abstract: "This article examines naming patterns in relation to the origins of the Black Seminoles, or Seminole Maroons. It argues that the data on Black Seminole naming represent substantial evidence for the existence of African-derived naming practices with features similar to those of a Kongo-Angolan system" AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~3-REGION~ IOWA Gingerich, M. (1974). Mennonite family names in Iowa. Annals of Iowa, (42), 397-403. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘General historial description of the Mennonites followed by a description of their communities in Iowa. Included are a number of surnames in over a dozen countries. 4 refs." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA~3-REGION~KENTUCKY Wilson, G. Sr. (1973). Origins of the people of the Mammoth Cave region as shown by their surnames and regional words. Kentucky Folklore Record , 17(1), 10-18. Notes: 1775-1971. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Part I. A linguistic study of the Mammoth Cave region and a classification of language area origins based on taped interviews and the use of Linguistic Atlas and Wisconsin tests. Article to be continued." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~3-REGION~ LOUISIANA Johnson, E. D. (1955). Family names in Louisiana. Names, (3), 165-168. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘While French surnames have persisted well, there have been pressures to simplify (Americanize?) French surnames as Geaux > Joe, Rousseau > Russo Meigs, P. (1941). An ethno-telephonic survey of French Louisiana. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, (31), 243-250. Abstract: Lawson2: ‘the author used 115 Louisiana and 6 Texas telephone directories to identify the 10 most common surnames in each district, and used these as samples to locate the French area" West, R. C. (1986). Atlas of Louisiana surnames of French and Spanish originGeoscience Publications LSU. Williams, M. E. ([c1992]). Black names in Louisiana. [Louisiana?] : M.E. Williams. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA~3-REGION~MASSACHUSSETS Bowditch, N. I. (1861). Suffolk surnames. London: Boston (USA): Trubner and Co.; Boston : Ticknor and Fields. Notes: Suffolk County, Massachussets AMERICA (NORTH) -USA~3-REGION~MINNESOTA Larmouth, D. W. (1967). Finnish surname change in northern Minnesota. American Speech, 62(1), 31-37. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "In Northern Minnesota, many Finns have not been assimilated into American life. Finnish is still widely spoken, and only half of those interviewed had changed their surnames. Finnish surnames often consist of an adjective plus a noun. Several patterns of change were found. The adjective or a derivational ending is often dropped. Translating the name into English is not common. Often the spelling may be changed (especially the letters "j" and "w") or a similar sounding English name adopted ("Warren" from "Wuorinen"). Based on the author’s knowledge of Finnish and interviews with Northern Minnesota Finns. Undocumented." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA~3-REGION~ MISSISSIPPI Vickers, O. (1983). Mississippi Choctaw names and naming: a diachronic view. Names , 31(2), 117-122. Notes: 17c-19c. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Prior to 1830, despite many contacts with other cultures, the Mississippi Choctaw naming traditions did not show change; Choctaw names are usually connotative, reflecting a characteristic or an attribute of an animal." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~3~REGION~ NEW ENGLAND Main, G. L. (1996). Naming children in early New England. Journal of Interdisciplinary History, (27), 1-27. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~3-REGION~NEW MEXICO Sisneros, F. (1982). Nombres–nombres de pila en Nuevo Mexico = Spanish given names in New Mexico. Bernalillo, N.M.: Las Campanas Publications. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~3~REGION~ NEW YORK Tebbenhoff, E. H. (1985). Tacit Rules and Hidden Family Structures: Naming Practices and Godparentage in Schenectady, New York 1680-1800 . Journal of Social History, 18(4), 567-585. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA~3-REGION~OHIO Davies, P. G. (1987). Names in the Wesl enclave in Jackson, Ohio (1880-1908). Journal of the North Central Name Society, 28-35. Abstract: Lawson2 Kent, R.-B., & Neugebauer, R. J. (1990). Identification of ethnic settlement regions: Amish-Mennonites in Ohio. Rural Sociology, 55(3), 425-441. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA~3-REGION~ PENNSYLVANIA Barry, H. I., & Harper, A. S. (1993). Feminization of unisex names from 1960 to 1990. Names, 41(4), 228-238. Notes: Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "A study of the frequency of use of unisex names given to Pennsylvania babies in 1960 and 1990 supports previous research that shows a tendency of names to evolve from masculine to unisex to feminine." Davis, W. R. (2001). Welsh bynames on the Allegheny. Names, 49(3), 137-210. Notes: 1796-1918. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " A previously unreported – and possibly unique – naming system was developed in the Welsh immigrant settlements of Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, during the 19th century. By adding bynames to an existing name (in the case of males) or by replacing a surname (in the case of females), these distinctive names were a mechanism that allowed the adults of the community to cope with the traditional dearth of Welsh personal and family names. Ebensburg’s intricate naming system reflected the social structure and cultural self-image of the group that created it." Holutiak-Hallick, S. P. Jr. (1972). Orthographic variations of Ukranian surnames in western Pennsylvania. Names , 20(3), 193-199. Notes: 1907-70. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract Yuhas, B. M. (1991). Surnames in Berks countyBerks County Genealogical Society. AMERICA (NORTH) -USA~3-REGION~ SOUTH CAROLINA Baird, K. E., & Twining, M. A. (1994). Names and naming in the Sea Islands. M. B. Montgomery (editor), The crucible of Carolina: Essays in the development of Gullah language and literature (pp. 23-37). Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press. Bateman, R. (2002). Naming Patterns in Black Seminole Ethnogenesis. Ethnohistory, 49(2), 227-257. Abstract: "This article examines naming patterns in relation to the origins of the Black Seminoles, or Seminole Maroons. It argues that the data on Black Seminole naming represent substantial evidence for the existence of African-derived naming practices with features similar to those of a Kongo-Angolan system" AMERICA (NORTH) -USA~3-REGION~TEXAS Coltharp, L. H. (1981). Dual influences on Chicano naming practices. Names, 29(4), 297-302. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Studies the preferences of members of the El Paso, Texas, community for naming children to determine the influence of English and Spanish on Mexican Americans." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA ~3-REGION~ THE EASTERN STATES Zelinsky, W. (1970). Cultural variation in personal name patterns in the eastern United States. Annals of the Association of American Geographers , 60(4), 743-769. Notes: 1790-1968. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The hypothesis that patterns in choice of given-names nay prove to be the single most nearly ideal measure for analyzing spatial and temporal variation in total cultural systems has been explored through the statistical manipulation of sample data on frequency of principal male names in sixteen counties in the Eastern United States in 1790 and 1968. This material appears to meet quite admirably at least five of the criteria for such a measure: ubiquity, durability, simplicity, purity (freedom from contamination by noncultural factors), and accessibility. Regionalization of the sample counties by numerical taxonomy and the use of factor analysis confirmed and extended previous published statements about the existence of three basic early American culture areas: New England, the Midland, and the South. Factor analysis of personal name variance also indicated a number of structural elements – temporal, ethnic, religious, and residential – in addition to the regional, and the possibility that their further study might be geographically rewarding. The problem of whether different American places are becoming more or less alike culturally was tested, and the results lean toward the convergence hypothesis although the findings are still ambiguous." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA~3-REGION~THE SOUTH Lorenz, B. E. (1989). Origins of unusual given names from the southern United States. Names, 37(3), 201-230. Notes: 1840-1986. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Given names in the South have evolved from a variety of sources – some outside the standard American given-name pool – by a number of different linguistic mechanisms including clipping, blending, and compounding." McWhiney, G., & McDonald, F. (1983). Celtic names in the antebellum southern United States. Names , 31(2), 89-102. Notes: 18c-1850. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The belief that whites in the South are of Anglo-Saxon heritage is misleading; about half of the population was of Celtic descent by 1850." AMERICA (NORTH) -USA~3-REGION~VIRGINIA Burwell, R. (1956). Changes in Virginia names. American Speech, (31), 21-24. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Analysis of a number of Old Virginia surnames that have changed their pronunciation. Thus Woodward has changed from WOOD-ard to WOOD-Ward; Meahger, MAHR T. MEAGHR; Monroe, Mon-ROE to MON-roe. Concludes that Virginia is just catching up with the 20th century. 1 ref." Currer-Briggs, N. (1970). Similarity of surnames in York County, Virginia, and County Norfolk, England. Virginia Magazine of History and Biography , 78(4), 442-446. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Lists 70 surnames in common and familiar in the two counties, and emphasizes the desirability of knowing where an ancestor settled in order to aid genealogical research." Laversuch, I. M. (2006). Runaway slave names recaptured: an investigation of the personal first names of fugitive slaves advertised in the Virginia Gazette between 1736 and 1776. Names , 54(4), 331-362. Notes: 1736-76. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Analyzes 251 personal names found in fugitive slave ads in the Virginia Gazette between 1736 and 1776. The article classifies the names into eight categories: plants and animals, locations, the Bible, classical Greco-Roman mythology and/or antiquity, British aristocracy, traditional African society, occupations, and surnames. " Mockler, W. E. (1956). Surnames of the Trans-Allegheny Virginia : 1750-1800. I. Names, (4), 1-17. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Analysis of documents from the Monongalia region of West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania. Evaluation serves several purposes; helps to identify modern surnames, indicates the regions in England the families came from; philology, lexicography, and the value of surnames in placename study. Tables. Map. 32 refs." Mockler, W. E. (1973). West Virginia surnames : The pioneers. Parsons, West Virginia: McClain Printing; for West Virginia Dialect Society. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘The introduction gives background material on history of the region, transitions of names, and their pronunciation. The main section is devoted to entries concerning about 500 surnames plus varians which were recorded in West Virginia during the period 1750-1800 of individuals who were from English, Irish, Scottish, or other European stock. A few of the names are Claypool, Lefevors, Lewis and Stirling. 100+ refs." Sizer, M. M. (1933). Christian Names in the Blue Ridge of Virginia . American Speech, 8(2), 34-37. AMERICA (SOUTH) de Granda Gutiérrez, G. (1971). Onomastica y procedencia Africana de esclavos negros den las minas del sur de la gobernation de Popayán (Siglo XVIII). Revista Española De Antropologia Americana, 6, 381-422. Ferreira, M. C. (1998). Dicionário poliglótico de sobrenomes. São Paulo, SP: Edicon. Notes: Brazil Fiorini, M. O. (1999). The silencing of the names: identity and alterity in an Amazonian society. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, New York University, NY. Gorden, R. L. (1968). Spanish personal names as barriers to communication between Latin Americans and North Americans. Yellow Springs, Ohio: Antioch College. Notes: Includes bibliographical references AMERICA(SOUTH) -ARGENTINA Ianes Vera, R. (1983). Diccionario de nombres. San Juan, República Argentina : Universidad Nacional de San Juan, Facultad de Filosofi´a, Humanidades y Artes, Biblioteca Dr. Juan José Nissen. Notes: 162p. Luca, R. M. d. (1997). Historia de los apellidos argentinos. República Argentina: Editorial Skorpios. Mario de Luca, R. (1997). Historia de los apellidos argentinos. Editorial Skorpios. Notes: 419pp AMERICA (SOUTH) -ARGENTINA ~1~ANCILLARY- GENETICS Dipierri, J. E., Alfaro, E. L., Scapoli, C., Mamolini, E. R.-L. A., & & Barrai, I. (2005). Surnames in Argentina: A population study through isonymy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 128(1), 199-209. Notes: Refs. Tables. Figures Dipierri, J. E., Ocampo, S. B., & Russo, A. (1991). An estimation of inbreeding from isonymy in the historical (1734-1810) population of the Quebrada-De-Humahuaca (Jujuy, Argentina). Journal of Biosocial Science, 23(1), 23-31. Abstract: The method of isonymy to estimate inbreeding is applied to the historical population of the Quebrada de Humahuaca (Province de Jujuy, Republic of Argentina). Data from the baptismal records of the Parochial Church of Humahuaca from 1734 to 1810 were grouped into two periods, 1734-72 and 1773-1810. The analysis was carried out twice: (a) using the surnames exactly as they were registered; (b) combining homonymous surnames which were pronounced or spelt in a similar way Dipierri , J. E., Rodríguez-Larralde, A., Alfaro, E. L., & Barrai, I. (2007). Isonymic structure of the Argentine Northwest. Annals of Human Biology , 34(4), 498-503. Abstract: "…Surname distribution of 2,576,548 voters (year 2001) in the 117 departments of the region was analysed.." AMERICA(SOUTH) -ARGENTINA ~2~ETHNIC Lafone y Quevedo, S. A. (1927). Tesoro de catamarqueñismos; nombres de lugares y apellidos indios con etimologias y eslabones aislados de la lengua cacana. Buenos Aires : Imprenta y casa editora "Coni". Notes: 375p. re-issued San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca : Universidad Nacional de Catamarca, 1999. isbn-9507460225 388p. Abstract: Quechua language/ Catamarca province Martin, E. H. ([1963]). Apellidos indigenas documentados en los archivos provinciales del noroeste argentino. [Buenos Aires]: [Departamento de Lingüistica, Facultad de Filosofi´a y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires]. Notes: 93p. AMERICA(SOUTH) -ARGENTINA ~2~ETHNIC~ [MATACO] Barúa, G. (2001). "Semillas de estrellas" : los nombres entre los wichi´ . Buenos Aires : Editorial Dunken. Notes: "The Mataco (Mataguayo) are an American Indian ethnic group located in the western part of the Argentine-Bolivian Gran Chaco, between the Rio Pilcomayo and the Rio Bermejo." Abstract: Personal names of the Mataco indians–Bermejo River Valley (Bolivia and Argentina) AMERICA (SOUTH) -BOLIVIA ~2-ETHNIC~ [MATACO] Barúa, G. (2001). "Semillas de estrellas" : los nombres entre los wichi´ . Buenos Aires : Editorial Dunken. Notes: "The Mataco (Mataguayo) are an American Indian ethnic group located in the western part of the Argentine-Bolivian Gran Chaco, between the Rio Pilcomayo and the Rio Bermejo." Abstract: Personal names of the Mataco indians–Bermejo River Valley (Bolivia and Argentina) Sanabria, H. (2001). Exploring kinship in anthropology and history : Surnames and Social Transformations in the Bolivian Andes. Latin American Research Review, 36(2), 137-156. AMERICA (SOUTH) -BRAZIL Azevedo, E. S. (1980). The anthropological and cultural meaning of names in Bahia, Brazil. Current Anthropology, (21), 360-363. Abstract: ‘This investigation focussed on aspects of the racial ancestry of names. Black, Indian and White surnames were evaluated. Results indicate that Blacks tend to take devotional surnames; Indians take plant/animl surnames; Whites, other types of names. Concludes that surnames are useful as racial and cultural markers. 23 refs." Source: Lawson1 Azevedo, E. S., & Fortuna, C. M. M. (1983). The reconstruction of cultural history and racial mixing from the meaning of family names in Bahia, Brazil. Quaderni Di Semantica: Rivista Internazionale Di Semantica Teorica e Applicata, 4(1), 209-211. Barata, C. E., & Cunha Bueno, A. H. d. (1999). Dicionário das famílias brasileiras. São Paulo, SP: Brasil; Originis-X. Notes: Brazil Barbosa, O. (1986). Dicionário de nomes próprios, indígenas e afro-brasileiros. (Rio de Janeiro-RJ): EDIOURO, Grupo Coquetel. Notes: Brazil Coelho de Senna, N. (1937). Alguns estudos brasileiros. Bello Horizonte [Imprensa official do estado]. Dick, M. V. d. P. d. A. (1986). Toponímia e antroponímia no Brasil : coletânea de estudos. São Paulo: Serviço de Artes Gráficas da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas/USP). Guérios, R. F. M. (1973). Dicionário etimológico de nomes e sobrenomes. São Paulo: Ave Maria. Hugh-Jones, S. (2006). The substance of north-west Amazonian names. in: G. v. Bruck, & B. Bodenhorn The anthropology of names and naming. Lea, V. (1992). Mebengokre (Kayapo) Onomastics: A Facet of Houses as Total Social Facts in Central Brazil. Man (New Series), 27(1), 129-153. Abstract: "This article re-examines Mebengokre (Kayapo) onomastics and its relation to social organization. It is argued that personal names are linked to Houses (as distinct from dwellings) which entail an ideology of uterine descent. Names, along with heritable prerogatives, constitute the patrimony of immaterial wealth which defines the distinctive identity of each House" author’s abstract Maria, L. (1948). Nomes brasileiros um problema na catalogação. São Paulo: Escola de Biblioteconomia. Notes: 16p. Abstract: cataloguing Brazilian names Rabinovich, E. P. (1994). Nomes e nomeaçao na zona rural do Piauí. Names and Naming in a Rural Northeast Zone, Piauí, Brazil, (24), 321-. Rabinovich, E. P., Dos Santos, N. G., De Oliveira, D. C., & De Siqueira, A. A. F. (1991). Atribuição de nomes próprios em neonatos. Naming of the newborn infants, (41), 23-30. Notes: Refs. Tables Abstract: ed lawson "Parents of 50 newborns responded to questions of who named the child and why. Responses indicated different levels of emotional involvement of the parents and their expectations. Concludes that first name study can be an important auxiliary tool in clinical diagnosis or in understanding parental desires for the child." Rabinovich, E. P., Hulle Coser, A. C. P., Travaglini, D., & Esteves, E. N. &. D. S. N. G. (1993). Atribuição de nomes de crianças de nivel sócio-económico alto [Naming child of high socio-economic status]. Reunião Anual De Psicologia, 23, 340-. Rabinovich, E. P., Hulle-Coser, A. P. C., Travaglini, D., Esteves, E. N., & Guaraciaba dos Santos, N. (1994). A comparative study of naming children from two socio-economic groups. Journal of Social Psychology, (134), 553-555. Abstract: ed lawson "Reports on an investigation Sao Paulo, Brazil where high socio-economic status parents and low socio-economic status were interviewed on their bases for naming their children. High status parents considered the child more as an individual. Dynamics of the naming process in the two groups discussed." Souto Maior, M. (1992). Nomes próprios pouco comuns : contribuição ao estudo da antroponimia brasileira. Recife : [s.n.]: Recife, PE : Cia. Editora de Pernambuco. Notes: 3rd ed, 111p Thonus, T. (1992). Anderson, Maicon and Thyago: English names in Brazil. American Speech, (67), 175-189. Tôrres, A. d. A., & Jota , é. d. S. (1961). Vocabulário ortográfico de nomes próprios. Rio de Janerio: Editôra Fundo de Cultura. Notes: Brazil Wiesemann, U. (1960). Semantic categories of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ in relation to Kaingang personal names. Revista Do Museu Paulista, 12, 177-184. AMERICA (SOUTH) -BRAZIL ~1~ANCILLARY~ GENETICS Barbosa, A. A. L., Cavalli, I. J., Abe, K., Santos, M. G., & Azvedo, E. S. (1997). Family names and the length of the Y chromosome in Brazilian blacks. Brazilian Journal of Genetics, 20(1), 93-96. Abstract: Findings are in agreement with previous reports of a higher percentage of black ancestry in blacks carrying devotional surnames than those carrying non-devotional ones. AMERICA (SOUTH) -BRAZIL ~2-ETHNIC~[NATIVE TRIBES] Bamberger, J. Naming and the transmission of status in a Central Brazilian society. Ethnology, 13(4), 363-378. Cavalcanti, M. I. (1989). Nomes indígenas brasileiros : seus significados, lendas e rituais . Recife : Programa Editorial SAC/SPD. Notes: 43p. Lave, J. (1979). Cycles and trends in Kr"kati naming practices. in: D. Maybury-Lewis Dialectical societies: The Gê and Bororo of Central Brazil . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Lea, V. (1992). Mebengokre (Kayapo) onomastics: A facet of houses as total social facts in central Brazil. Man, 27, 129-153. Maybury-Lewis, D. (1984). Name, Person, and Ideology in Central Brazil. E. Tooker (editor), Naming Systems (pp. 1-10). Washington, DC: American Ethnological Society. Viertler, R. B. (1976). Greeting, Hospitality, and Naming among the Bororo of Central Brazil. Abstract: "Hospitality patterns of the Bororo Indians are illustrated in two examples: the etiquette due to a visiting chief from another Bororo village, and the etiquette due any common visitor from another Bororo village. Formal hospitality differs greatly from the usual etiquette. At a visiting chief’s arrival, he enters as the last of his group and waits in a central location until the village chief arrives…… In naming a child the Bororo attempt not to "lose names." A hierarchy of social prestige is expressed in kin terms. However, naming practices do not reflect any formal kinship system–kinship is a secondary effect of naming practices." ERIC abstract AMERICA (SOUTH) -CHILE Fernández-Pradel, P. X. (1930). Linajes vascos y montañeses en Chile. Santiago de Chile: Talleres gráficos San Rafael. Oroz, R. (1968). Sobre apellidos Chilenos de origen hispanico. Atenea [Chile] , 45(419), 159-180. Notes: [On Chilean surnames of Hispanic origin] 1968. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "After some general considerations on anthroponymy, studies Hispanic surnames and such matters as their formation by means of suffixes, and their classification in various groups; names which indicate the origins of the family, names of professions and trades, and nicknames. Collected from various sources, including telephone books and lists of students at the university." Thayer Ojeda, L. ([1989]). Origenes de Chile : elementos étnicos, apellidos, familias . Santiago de Chile : Editorial Andre´s Bello. Notes: 374p Ulloa Eugenín, G. (1992). Apellidos aborígenes chilotes. Ediciones Olimpho. Wilhelm de Moesbach, E., & Meyer Rusca, W. (1953). Los huilliches a través de sus apellidos : estudio etimológico de los patronímicos aborígenes sureños. Osorno: W. Meyer Rusca. Notes: Chile AMERICA (SOUTH) -COLOMBIA Kerexeta, J., & Abrisqueta, F. d. (1985). Vascos en Colombia. Editorial Oveja Negra. Notes: 761 pp AMERICA (SOUTH) ~ECUADOR Salomon, F., & Grosboll, S. (1986). Names and peoples in Incaic Quito: retrieving undocumented historic processes through anthroponymy and statistics. American Anthropologist , 88(2), 387-399. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Study of the uses of personal names and their parts in the text from a 1559 administrative field study of six Incaic villages in highland Ecuador suggests that a statistical analysis of the distribution of verbal elements in written sources can be as revealing of the structure of reality for the people under study as the study of the overt intention of their discourse itself." AMERICA (SOUTH) (HISPANIC) Platt, L. D. (1995). Hispanic surnames and family history. Baltimore: Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co. Souto Feijoo, A. (1957). Apellidos hispanoamericanos. Madrid: Siler. Tibón, G. (1988). Diccionario etimológico comparado de los apellidos españoles, hispanoamericanos y filipinosEditorial Diana. Notes: reprinted 1995? Vallejo Ruiz, J. M. (2005). Antroponimia indígena de la Lusitania romana. Vitoria [Spain]: Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco. AMERICA (SOUTH) (HISPANIC) ~1~ANCILLARY~ GENETICS Shaw, R. F. (1960). An index of consanguity based on the use of the surname in Spanish-speaking countries. Journal of Heredity, (51), 221-230. AMERICA (SOUTH) -PARAGUAY Turner, C., & Turner, B. (1993). The role of Mestizaje of surnames in Paraguay in the creation of a distinct New World ethnicity. Ethnohistory, 41(1), 139-165. Abstract: While the majority of residents are Hispanized, nearly 90% of the population speak an indigenous language, Guaraní. There is a review of the political and social reasons for the change to the current Spanish surnames. The table shows over 120 surnames. Field reseaeach on the peasant community of Caazapá showed 133 different surnames for only 313 individuals. Examples of surnames are Cababayu ("Yellow wasp"), Mboc ("Shotgun"), and Tatus ("Armadillo"). There is also some discussion of nicknames. About fifteen are listed including Mbarakaja ("Cat"), Macu (a diminutive of Immaculada and also a form of Chamacoco), and Tuni (a form of Saturnino. Turner, C. B., & Turner, B. (1994). The role of mestizaje of surnames in Paraguay in the creation of a distinct new world ethnicity. Ethnohistory , 41(1), 139-165. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Most Paraguayans have Spanish, rather than indigenous, surnames. This article suggests that GuaranÆ surnames have not simply been replaced, but have been incorporated into a mestizo naming system that is recognized as part of a distinct Paraguayan national ethnicity. The process by which surnames changed drew upon both the indigenous naming system and Paraguayan history and social structure to create a specific marker of ethnicity and social class." Zubizarreta, H. (2002). Apellidos vascos en Paraguay : sus significados. Lambaré, Paraguay: H.Zubizarreta. Notes: basque names in paraguay AMERICA (SOUTH) -PERU- 1~ANCILLARY~ GENETICS Pettener D., P. S., & Tarazona-Santos E. (1998). Surnames and genetic structure of a high-altitude Quechua community from the Ichu River Valley, Peruvian Central Andes, 1825-1914. Human Biology, 70(5), 865-87. AMERICA (SOUTH) -SURINAME Richard Price, & Sally Price. (1972). Saramaka Onomastics: An Afro-American Naming System . Ethnology, 11(4), 341-367. Abstract: An analysis of the system of personal names of the Saramaka Maroons of Suriname AMERICA (SOUTH) -URUGUAY Pérez Santarcieri, M. E. (2000). Nombres femeninos en el nomenclátor de Montevideo : recopilación legislativa y reseñas biográficas. Montevideo: Junta Departamental de Montevideo, Biblioteca "José Artigas". Notes: Uruguay AMERICA (SOUTH) -VENEZUELA Flores, G. (1999). Breve diccionario de nombres : orígenes y significados. Caracas: El Nacional. AMERICA (SOUTH) -VENEZUELA ~1~ANCILLARY~ GENETICS Rodriguez-Larralde, A. (1989). Relationship between 17 Venezuelan counties estimated through communality of surnames. Human Biology, 61(1), 31-44. Rodriguez-Larralde, A. (1992). Distribucion de los apellidos en Venezuela y su uso en estudios de estructura de genetica de poblaciones: El caso de los Estados Falcon, Merida, Nueva Esparta y Yaracuy. A. Falcon de Vargas, V. Rodriguez Lemoine, & O. Arenas (editors), Avances en Genetica: Memorias del IV Congreso Venezolano de Genetica (pp. 75-81). Caracas, Venezuela: Sociedad Venezolana de Genetica. Rodriguez-Larralde, A. (1993). Genetic distance estimated through surname frequencies of 37 counties from the state of Lara, Venezuela. Journal of Biosocial Science, 25(1), 101-110. Abstract: Genetic distances between all possible pairs of counties (n = 37) in the state of Lara, Venezuela were calculated using… Rodriguez-Larralde, A., & Barrai, I. (1997). Isonymy structure of Sucre and Tachira, two Venezuelan states. Human Biology, 69(5), 715-731. Abstract: The isonymy structure of two Venezuelan states, Sucre and Tachira, is described using the surnames of the Register of… Rodriguez-Larralde, A., Barrai, I., & Alfonzo, J. C. (1993). Isonymy structure of four Venezuelan states. Annals of Human Biology, 20(2), 131-145. Abstract: The isonymy structure of four Venezuelan states – Falcon, Merida, Nueva Esparta and Yaracuy was studied using the surnames of the Venezuelan register of electors updated in 1984. The surname distributions of 155 counties were obtained and, for each county, estimates of consanguinity due to random isonymy and Fisher’s alpha were calculated Rodríguez Larralde A., & Casique, J. (1993). Estructura genético demográfica del estado de Aragua, Venezuela: Estimada a traves de apellidos. Acta Cient Venez. 44(4), 225-33. Notes: [Genetic and demographic structure of the State of Aragua, Venezuela, estimated through the surnames] Spanish. Rodriguez Larralde A., Morales J., & Barrai I. (2000). Surname frequency and the isonymy structure of Venezuela. American Journal of Human Biology, 12(3), 352-362. Abstract: Isonymy in Venezuela was studied analyzing the surnames of 3.9 million adults 40 years and older, selected from the register of electors updated in 1991. The electors were not differentiated by sex and represented all 22 states of Venezuela and its Federal District. The states of Nueva Esparta, an island, and Merida, in the Venezuelan Andes, have the highest coefficients of microdifferentiation (R(ST)) and of inbreeding due to random isonymy. The states of Miranda, Aragua, Carabobo, and the Federal District, which includes the capital, Caracas, or are very close to it, had the lowest R(ST) values. The weighted averages of Fisher’s alpha, a measure of surname abundance, varied by state from 43 in Nueva Esparta to 226 in Miranda, with a value of 210 for the entire country, much smaller than those observed in Switzerland, Germany, or Italy (2,396, 2,855, and 5,855, respectively). The fact that 32% of the total Venezuelan sample has only 40 surnames easily accounts for this small alpha. The correlation between the Euclidean distance and the log of geographic distance between the capital cities of states in km is high and significant (r = 0.78). The dendrogram built with the Euclidean distance matrix indicates the presence of three main clusters. One is formed by 10 states located in the western-central part of the country. The states of Zulia and Falcon join this cluster at a distance of 0.54 Euclidean units. A second cluster is formed by Barinas and the three Andean states. After combining these two, a third cluster joins them, formed by six Eastern states. Finally, the state of Amazonas enters the dendrogram at a distance of 0.66 units [page last updated: July 25, 2008]