Asia ASIA – GENERAL Akhtar, N. (2007). Asian names. Indexer. Notes: Centrepiece 3 : Indexing personal names 3 Chilana, R. S. (2001). Dictionary of Sikh names. New Delhi: UBSPD. Gandhi, M., & Husain, O. (1994). The complete book of Muslim and Parsi names. New Delhi: Indus. Gaudart, H. (1999). The trouble with names : Forms of address in Asia. Singapore: SNP editions. Hadamitzky, W. (1998). Japanese, Chinese, and Korean surnames and how to read them :125,947 Japanese, 594 Chinese, and 259 Korean surnames written with Kanji as they appear in Japanese texts. München: Saur. Notes: Vol. 1. From characters to readings (2 pts.) — vol. 2. From readings to characters. Hallan, V. (1993). Asian names : a guide to assist understanding of the naming systems of people from the Indian Sub-continent. Walsall: Walsall Equal Opportunities Unit. Zheng, Y. (2008). Personal names in Asia : history, culture and identity. National University of Singapore Press: University of Hawaii Press. Abstract: "..examines the relationship between Asian naming practices and colonization, state formation, and globalization. " ASIA (CENTRAL) Aslanov, V. I. (1998). The Turkic naming process and religious belief. in: Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 28-32). Aberdeen {Scotland]: Department of English , University of Aberdeeen. Kim, G. N. (2002). Traditions and innovations in the names of Koreans in the Central Asia. in: Embracing the Other: The Interaction of Korean and Foreign Cultures: Proceedings of the 1st World Congress of Korean Studies, II. Songnam . Republic of Korea: The Academy of Korean Studies. Rybatzki, V. (2004). Nestorian personal names from Central Asia. Studia Orientalia, 99, 269-292. Rásonyi, L., & Baski, I. (2007). Onomasticon Turcicum = Turkic personal names (Indiana University Uralic and Altaic series: Uralic and Altaic series No. v. 172). Bloomington, Ind: Indiana University, Denis Sinor Institute for Inner Asian Studies. Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. [lxxxix]-cxxxi) ASIA (CENTRAL) -KAZAKHSTAN Kim, G. N. (1999). The names of Koreans living in Kazakhstan: tradition and innovations in their anthroponymy. Izvestiia Natsional’Noi Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia Obshchestvennykh Nauk), 220(2), 29-36. ASIA (CENTRAL) -KYRGYZSTAN Hvoslef, E. H. (2001). The social use of personal names among the Kyrgyz. Central Asian Survey, 20(1), 85-95. ASIA (CENTRAL) -TURKMENISTAN Annaklychev, S. (1969). Turkmenlerde at dakylyshy. Ashgabat; Turkmenistan. Notes: 62pp Abstract: Personal Names: Turkoman Central Eurasia Project, O. S. I. s. T. P. (2005). Comments for Consideration by the UN Committee on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (CERD) related to the initial report of the Government of Turkmenistan. Abstract: Pp. 7-10 give some descriptions of naming practices. Preferences for given and family names vary from region to region, although it is common for women in Turkmenistan to keep their birth family name at marriage, women with non-ethnic Turkmen family names adopting their Turkmen husband’s surname, and Uzbek family names such as Orazbayev being changed to their Turkmen equivalents (Orazov). ASIA (CENTRAL) -UZBEKHISTAN Begmatov, E. A. (1991). Uzbek ismlari. Toshkent: Qomuslar BoshtaŠhririiati. Notes: Uzbekistan diacritics Begmatov, E. A. (1998). Uzbek ismlari manosi : [izoŠhli lughat]. Toshkent: Uzbekiston millii entsiklopediiasi" davlat ilmi nashriëti. Notes: [ISBN 5898901493]diacritics check Hvoslef, E. H. (2001). The social use of personal names among the Kyrgyz. Central Asian Survey, 20(1), 85-95. Rizaev, S., & Mirzaev, A. I. (1992). IAkhshi ism–insonga Šhusn = : Good name adornspeople = El nombre adorna al hombre. Toshkent: "Uqituvchi". Notes: Uzbekhistan diacritics ASIA (EASTERN) Agin , R. L. et al. (1993). Guide to the pronunciation of Asian Pacific names. Hayward: Asian American Educators’ Council, California State University. Notes: Afghanistan, Cambodia, China ,Phillippines, Vietnam Price, F. S.-L. (2007). Success with Asian names : a practical guide for business and everyday life. London : Nicholas Brealey. Notes: [ISBN 1857883780] Abstract: excellent introduction to the chief naming systems of the Far East ASIA (EASTERN) -CHINA Xingshi renming yongzi fenxi tongji. Beijing: Yuwen chubansha. Abstract: This book provides statistics on the incidence of various surname Manual of Chinese-Manchurian personal and place names. (1943). Ann Arbor, Mich. Edwards Brothers. Chinese personal names. (1961). O rare John Smith. (1995). Economist, (335), 32-32. Abstract: "There are only 3,100 surnames now in use of China which has a population of 1.2 billion people. This is a serious problem according to Du Ruofu of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. However, people are reluctant to change or add new names". Source of abstract -ed lawson Alleton, V. Les Chinois et la passion des noms. Notes: China review : Blum, Susan D. (1995). The Journal of Asian Studies, 54(4), 1087-1088 Arlington, L. C. (1923). The Chinese Female Names. China Journal of Science and Arts, 1(4), 316-325. Berlitz, C. F. (1972). Hwang it all which Wong are you. Horizon, (14), 236-236. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘explains that in Chinese a name can be pronounced in one way yet spelled differently (and with different meanings). Several examples of how American names such as Nixon, Reagan can be translated into Chinese" Blum, S. D. (1997). Naming practices and the power of words in China. Language in Society, 26(3), 357-379. Abstract: "Extensive analysis of the role of naming in Chinese society. Discusses the role of kinship terms, introductions, and the roles of participants in a conversation. Many references" Source of abstract -ed lawson Brown, B., & Lonsdale, D. (2006). Assessing geo-location and gender information in Han Chinese personal names. Brigham Young University. Central Intelligence Agency. (1961). Chinese personal names. Washington. Central Intelligence Agency. (1964). Czech personal names. Washington. Ch`en, N. i., & Yang, C. (1951). Li tai jên wu pieh shu chü ch`u ming t`ung chien. Notes: Added Title: Pieh shu chü ch`u ming t`ung chien Abstract: Chinese Personal Names,anonyms and pseudonyms Ch’en, N. (1982). Shih ming pieh hao so yin (Ti 2 pan, tsêng ting pên ed.). Pei-ching: Chung hua shu chü. Hsing hua shu tien Pe-ching fa hsing so fa hsing. Notes: Chinese Anonyms and pseudonyms, Chinese Personal Names Chang, L. (1987). Wai kuo jen ti hsing ming (Ti 1 pan ed.). Peking: Chung-kuo she hui k`o hsüeh ch`u pan she. Hsin hua shu tien ching hsiao. Notes: Includes bibliographical references Added Title: Foreign names Added Title: Waiguoren de xingming Chang, T. T. (1960). Pi ming yin te (Ch`u pan ed.). T`ai-pei: Wen hai ch`u pan she. Notes: Anonyms and pseudonyms and personal names Chao, Y. R. (1956). Chinese terms of address. Language, 32(1), 217-241. Notes: reprinted in ‘Aspects of Chinese sociolinguistics : Essays by Yuen Ren Chao, (Anwar S. Dil, Ed.). Refs. Tables. Figs. Stanford, CA: Stanford Abstract: describe the types of Chinese name: surname, milk name [baby-name], school name, formal name, and appellation. Examples given. Titles also discussed. Chen, Z. (1973). Bai jia xing: Bai jia xing (Zhongguo wen hua ji ben cong shu . Taibei Shi: Shi ji shu ju. Cheng, S.-L., & Wong, M.-Y. (1993). Naming and nicknaming in Chinese society : gender, person and the group. Hong Kong Anthropologist, (5), 1-18. Chên, C. (1972). A standard romanized dictionary of Chinese and Japanese popular surnames (Oriental publications . Hanover, New Hampshire: Oriental Society. Abstract: Lawson1: ‘Contains 3 main sections. Part 1 is a listing of romanized Chinese surnames in 700 patterns. Part 2 lists about 11,000 Chinese surnames in oriental stroke order. Part 3 lists about 10,000 Japanese names in oriental stroke order. Meanings of names are not included" Cook, S. (1997 March). China’s identity crisis : many people, few names. Christian Science Monitor. Notes: Vol. 89, Issue 69 Abstract: If you ask a Chinese person what his or her family name is, there is a good chance that he or she will answer Lin, Chen, Wang, or Zhang. Dai, L. (2006). Chinese personal names . Indexer. Notes: Centrepiece 1 (October 2006): Indexing personal names 1 Dai, L. (2006). The hundred surnames: a Pinyin index . Indexer. Notes: Centrepiece 1 : Indexing personal names 1 Dien, A. E. (1977). The bestowal of surnames under the Western Wei-Northern Chou : A case of counter-acculturation. Revue Internationale De Sinologie, 63, 137-177. Du, R., & Yuan, Y. (1995). The evolution of Chinese surnames and surname frequency in different dialect zones. Social Sciences in China, 16(2), 171. Ebrey, P. (2002). Surnames and Han Chinese identity. in: P. Ebrey Women and the Family in Chinese History (pp. 165-176). Routledge. Fêng, H. Y. (1936). Technonymy as a formative factor in the Chinese kinship system. American Anthropologist, (38), 59-66. Hu, J. (2000). Transactional analysis: Problems in cataloging Chinese names. Illinois Libraries, 82(4), 251-250. Hu, Q. (1994). How to distinguish and catalog Chinese personal names. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 19(1), 29-60. Abstract: This paper provides the easiest methods to distinguish and catalog Chinese personal names for American librarians, especially to those who know nothing about Chinese personal names. It briefly introduces how Chinese names are formed. It examines different formats of Chinese personal names in the different countries and areas. Appendix 1 and 2 present the list of popular Chinese last names in Chinese, Pinyin, Wade-Giles, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore formats. It is sorted alphabetically for Pinyin. Appendix 3 provides the list of Hanyu Pinyin with Zhuyin Zimu, which may help people from Taiwan or other areas to learn Hanyu Pinyin. The paper also makes some suggestions and comments on Chinese personal names for AACR2. Huang, Y. Y., & Fan, K. The grammar of Chinese personal names. 3rd International Conference Chinese Linguistics. Hui, D. (2007). The ‘hundred surnames’ of China run into thousands . Nature, 448(7153), 533. Jones, R. Chinese Names: The traditions surrounding the use of Chinese surnames and personal… Jones, R. (1991). Chinese names : the use and meanings of Chinese surnames and personal names in Singapore and MalasiaEureka Publications. Jones, R. (1997). Chinese names : the traditions surrounding the use of Chinese surnames and personal names. Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia: Pelanduk Publications. Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 207-212) and indexes Kang-Hu, K. On Chinese studies. Shanghai: Commercial Press [Hyperion Press, 1977]. Abstract: Lawson: ‘pp 126-144 give a systematic presentation of the various types of Chinese names" Kehl, F. (1971). Chinese nicknaming behaviour: sociolinguistic pilot study . Journal of Oriental Studies, 9(1), 149-172. Notes: [examples taken from Cantonese]. Lan, L. (2002). English polymorphs of Chinese personal names. English Today, (70), 51-57. Lawson, E., & Li, Z. (2002). Generation names in China : past, present and future. Names, 50(3), 163-172. Lee, W. S. (1998). In the names of Chinese women. The Quarterly Journal of Speech, 84(3), 283-302. Notes: Refs. Figs Li, Z. (2005). Given names in China: one character or two character given names. Onomastica Canadiana, (87), 19-32. Notes: Refs. Figures Li, Z., & Lawson, E. D. (2002). Generation names in China: past, present, and future. Names , 50(3), 163-172. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Considers the changing use of generation names – that part of a traditional Chinese name marking the position of the bearer in the sequence of generations within a clan – in four time periods between 1940 and 1983." Louie, E. W. (1986). A new perspective on surnames among Chinese Americans. Amerasia Journal, 12(1), 1-22. Louie, E. W. (1991). Surnames as clues to family history. in: Chinese America : History and perspectives . San Francisco: Chinese Historical Society of America and Asian American Studies Department, San Fransco State University. Lu, Z., & Millward, C. (1989). Chinese given names since the Cultural Revolution. Names, 37(3), 265-280. Notes: 1966-81. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Differences between the names selected for both males and females reflect changes in political, social, and cultural conditions at different stages of the Chinese Cultural Revolution." Moore, R. L. (1993). Nicknames in urban China: a two-tiered model. Names, 41(2), 67-. Myall, C., & Wang, Y. (2000). A Look into Chinese Persons’ Names in Bibliography Practice. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 31(1), 51-81. Abstract: "Many Chinese persons active in different languages have redundant or inappropriate name headings in databases. This paper invents a "Sheep-Fox Method" visually describing various forms of Chinese persons’ names in different languages and in transliteration, conceptually and factually clarifying complicated relations between the names, name forms, and gives typical examples to indicate appropriate choices in bibliography practice. It also suggests improvements for the practice. The paper discusses matters in Chinese persons’ names with the understanding that its method could be universally applied to persons’ names in other languages of scripts in general as well." Abstract source – ed lawson Paul, P. (1993). On choosing a Chinese name: An event in cross-cultural communication. Multilingua, 12(3). Notes: 247 Piao, H. (1993). The revival of non-Han surnames as well as Han and non-Han system during the Western Wei and Northern Zhou Dynasties . Wen Shih Che, 3, 17. Ruofu, D. (1986). Surnames in China. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 14(2), 15-27, 317-327. Savvidou, C. (2002). Understanding Chinese names: Cross-cultural awareness in the EFL classroom. The Internet TESL Journal, 8(9). Notes: link to article Senda, M., Takahashi, S., & Horiuchi, M. (1964). Kan’yaku kammel seiyo jimmei jiten. Notes: Added Title: Seiyo jimmei jiten Abstract: personal names -China and Japan Sheng , Y., & Huang, J. (2003). A Cross-cultural Study: Semantic Orientations of English and Chinese Surnames Journal of Zhejiang University. Sung, M. (1981). Chinese personal naming. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association, (16), 67-90b. Abstract: includes surnames Tong, L., & Wei, C. J. (1999). 500 Chinese namesTimes Books International. Abstract: Description of the names of 500 of China’s most prominent personalities throughout history. These include artists, emperors and kings, generals and warriors, officials, scholars, writers, and others. Each name is listed with ideographs and English form(s) along with associated meaning, legends, superstitions, and anecdotes. Among those listed are: Ye Sheng Tao, Yu Wen, and Zheng Yi Mei. For those who wish to choose an auspicious Chinese name, the appendices give directions. Wang, C. (1997). Bai Jia Xing: 100 most common Chinese surnames. Notes: in Chinese Wang, Y. (2000). A look into Chinese persons’ names in bibliographic practice. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 31(1), 51-82. Abstract: "Many Chinese persons active in different languages have redundant or inappropriate name headings in databases. This paper invents a ‘Sheep-Fox Method’ visually describing various forms of Chinese persons’ names in different languages and in transliteration, conceptually and factually clarifying complicated relations between the names, name forms, and gives typical examples to indicate appropriate choices in bibliography practice. It also suggests improvements for the practice. The paper discusses matters in Chinese persons’ names with the understanding that its method could be universally applied to persons’ names in other languages of scripts in general as well." Article abstract Wang, Z., & Micklin, M. (1996). The transformation of naming practices in Chinese families: some linguistic clues to social change. International Sociology, 11(2), 187-212. Abstract: Chinese family organization has undergone significant change, first as a result of the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949 and more recently as a consequence of the one-child policy initiated in 1979 and the declining influence of patriarchy. These changes have created dilemmas regarding appropriate forms for central family values and practices. The problems inherent in this situation are illustrated through the choice of family and given names for newborns. Traditionally, family names have been the principal symbolic means of reflecting the continuity of kinship and the immortality of the ancestral family. Chinese given names also serve social functions as generation markers, as a projection of personal identity, a gender indicator and indirect reflection of social change. Evidence suggests considerable ambiguity and debate among contemporary Chinese regarding the cultural guidelines for selection of family and given names for newborns. These microsocial conflicts are consistent with observed structural discontinuities in family organization, illustrating the reciprocal relationship between institutional conditions and behavior. Watson, R. S. (1986). The named and the nameless : gender and person in Chinese society. American Ethnologist, 13(4), 619-631. Notes: JSTOR Online: link to article Abstract: "Personal naming provides an insight into the construction of gender and person in Chinese society. The process of naming marks important social transitions for Chinese men; the more names a man has the more socialized and also, in a sense, the more individuated he becomes. By contrast, married women in rural China are essentially nameless. If personhood is a process of social growth, judged against the standard of men, the evidence presented here suggests that Chinese women do not, indeed cannot, attain full personhood. [naming, gender, person, literacy, China] Author abstract Wilkinson, H. P. (1926). The family in classical China. Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh. Abstract: Describes the system of naming in classical China. Draws on Chinese classics and European writers. The origin, bestowal, avoidance of names of the dead and those of the living, and concealment of names along with the lifting of taboos. Figure shows a diagram of kindred in Chinese nomenclature. Wren, C. A problem for the Chinese : Millions of namesakes. New York Times, p. A20-A20. Abstract: Lawson: ‘China has a limited number of surnames. In Shanghai, there are only 408 surnames- most common are Zhang, Wang, Liu and Li Xu, Z. (1990). A discussion on the romanization of Chinese personal names. Guihaia, 10(1), 87-91. Xu, Z., & Nicolson, D. H. (1992). Don’t abbreviate Chinese names. Taxon, 41(3), 499-504. Abstract: Chinese have limited number of family names, but many given names. Suggests how to treat Chinese names in a western bibliographic context. Xudong, H. (2005). The use of personal ‘names’ in ancient China and its meanings: Social status, domination-subordination and responsibilities. Li Shi Yan Jiu, 5(297), 3-21. Notes: refs. Zheng, Y. (2008). From Live Righteously to Small Orchid and Construct China: a Systematic Inquiry into Chinese Naming Practice. Y. Zheng (editor), Personal names in Asia : history, culture and identity . University of Hawaii Press. Zhongti, L. (1989). Chinese given names since the Cultural Revolution. Names, 37(3), 265-. Zhou, D. (2007). On the Reconstruction and Identification of Ethnic Groups from "Han Assimilation" to "She Assimilation": A Case Study of the She People in Southern Jiangxi Province . Journal of Chinese Sociology & Anthropology, 40(1), 72-82. Abstract: Author abstract "On the basis of related literature and the author’s field research in Jiangxi province, the present article discusses the process of ethnic group reconstruction and identification of the She people with the family names of Lan, Lei, and Zhong in the Gannan region of Jiangxi province, who were restored as members of the She ethnic group from their original Han ethnic group after ethnic policies were carried out in 1985. The author puts forward his personal opinions on the factors of ethnic identity and the two schools of theory on ethnic identification, namely primordialism and circumstantialism.” Zhu, B., & Millward, C. (1987). Personal names in Chinese. Names, (35), 8-21. Abstract: Lawson2: "Comprehensive description of Chinese naming practices. Surnames have a very long history in China, but there are only 930 surnames in current use. One surname -Zhang- is the most common and is held by 70 million people" ASIA (EASTERN) -CHINA ~1~ANCILLARY~ GENETICS Choi, B. C. K., Hanley, A. J. G., Holowaty, E. J., & Dale, D. (1993). Telephone directory listing of presumptive Chinese surnames : an appropriate sampling frame for a dispersed population with characteristic surnames. Epidemiology, 4(1), 86-86. Notes: Letter Jin L, ?u.B., Xiao J. et al. (1999). Chinese surnames are polyphyletic in origin: Evidences based on 19 Y SNPs. American Journal of Human Genetics, 65(4), A206-A206. Notes: check author Ruofu, D., Yuan, Y., Hwang, J., Mountain, J., & Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1992). Chinese surnames and the genetic differences between north and south China. Berkeley, California: University of California, Journal of Chinese Linguistics, Project on Linguistic Analysis. Tu, J. (1992). Chinese surnames and genetic differences between north and south China (Journal of Chinese linguistics. Monograph series No. 5). Berkeley: Journal of Chinese Linguistics. Notes: 93p ASIA (EASTERN) -CHINA ~3-REGION~ HONG KONG Fan, K., & Ng, J. S. J. A study of Cantonese names of Hong Kong youths: tonal patterns. 4th International Conference on Cantonese and Other Yue Dialects. Fu, K., & Kataoka, S. (1997). Two name formation systems in one country: Cantonese people’s attachment to names in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2(2), 93-103. ASIA (EASTERN) -CHINA ~3~REGION~ TIBET Lindegger, P. (1976). Onomasticon Tibetanum : namen und namengebung der Tibeter. Rikon/Zürich: Tibet-Institut/Vertrieb, Libresso. Marazzi, A. (1979). Personal names among Tibetans: the relevance of spiritual bonds in a social context. Uomo, 3(2), 319-332. Searight, E. E. G. L. (2007). Tibetan names: some suggestions. Indexer. Notes: Centrepiece 3 : Indexing personal names 3 ASIA (EASTERN) -JAPAN Arichi, M. (1999). Is it radical? : Women’s right to keep their own surnames after marriage. Womens Studies International Forum, 22(4), 411-415. Abstract: "In Japan, as elsewhere, socio-economic changes have impacted upon women’s employment patterns. This article demonstrates that despite these changes and the existence of Equal Opportunities legislation, women’s traditional position within the family prevails and is reflected in wider society. By exploring the surname issue, the effects of tensions between change and tradition at a local level are revealed. Globally, women in many countries have already won the right to keep their own surname upon marriage, but the surname issue is still significant for Japanese women. The issues discussed here demonstrate that rights which are often taken for granted elsewhere are still being fought in certain contexts, and different women in different localities may therefore bring different priorities to the global arena. There are, however, commonalities between localities, and this article illustrates some common threads in the interconnected ways that social and cultural changes are often resisted, and patriarchal traditions perpetuated." Chên, C. (1972). A standard romanized dictionary of Chinese and Japanese popular surnames (Oriental publications . Hanover, New Hampshire: Oriental Society. Abstract: Lawson1: "Contains 3 main sections. Part 1 is a listing of romanized Chinese surnames in 700 patterns. Part 2 lists about 11,000 Chinese surnames in oriental stroke order. Part 3 lists about 10,000 Japanese names in oriental stroke order. Meanings of names are not included" Gillis, I. V., & Pai, P.-C. (1939). Japanese surnames. Peking, China: Hwaihsing Press. Abstract: Lawson1: "Part 1 lists 9173 Japanese surnames arranged by number of strokes in Japanese script. The number of strokes varies from 1-27. Part 2 lists the names by English transliteration. The names are also coded with 4 digit numbers so that telegrams (?) can be sent." Gillis, I. V., & Pai, P.-C. (1940). Japanese personal names. Peking. Abstract: Lawson1: "This seems to be a companion to Gillis and Pai (1939). Part 1 has 3511 names which are grouped in order of the number of strokes in Japanese script which range from 1-33. Part 2 has the names transliterated into English alphabetic order." Hotta, Y. (2001). Sendai-han ni okeru myoujino keihi, fuyo, baibai. Nihon Rekishi, (8), 71-82. Notes: [Polite avoidance, granting, and the selling and buying of surnames in the Sendai clan].14c-18c. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Studies the daimyo tradition of passing on family names, noting how the concept of continuing the family changed after the Kamakura period." Kiley, C. J. (1969). A note on the surnames of immigrant officials in Nara Japan. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, (29), 177-189. Abstract: Lawson1: "The officials referred to were officials of non-Japanese origin of this important center in 8th century Japan. Prestige of a name was indicated by the final element of a name called a kabane. Some officials changed their names to get the kabane and the prestige." Kitabayashi. (2004). Naming as a source of identity in the Japanese language. in: L. Ashley, & W. Finke Language and Identity : Selected Papers (from the American Society of Geolinguistics International Conference, October 2-5, 2002 . East Rockaway, New York: Cummings and Hathaway. Notes: check author Naito, E. (2004). Names of the Far East: Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Authority Control. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 38(3/4), 251-268. Nichigai Asoshietsu. (1983). Jinmei yomikata jiten (Dai 1-han ed.). Tokyo: Nichigai Asoshietsu. Hatsubaimoto Kinokuniya Shoten. Notes: Japanese personal names dictionary O’Neill, P. G. (1972). Japanese names : a comprehensive index by characters and readings (1st ed. ed.). New York: John Weatherhill. Notes: Added Title: Nihon jimmei chimei jiten Abstract: Lawson1: "Refers to over 36,000 names including 11,000 personal names, 13,500 surnames and 6,800 literary, historical, and artistic names. Names are indexed by number of strokes in Japanese and by romanization." Ono, S., & Fujita, Y. (1977). Nandoku seishi jiten. Notes: Japanese personal name dictionary Plutschow, H. E. (1995). Japan’s name culture : the significance of names in a religious, political, and social context . Sandgate, Folkestone, Ken: Japan Library. Power, J. (2008). Japanese names. Indexer. Notes: Centrepiece: Indexing personal names 4 Sakamaki, S. (1964). Ryukyuan names : monographs on and lists of personal and place names in the Ryukyus . Honolulu : East-West Center Press. Senda, M., Takahashi, S., & Horiuchi, M. (1964). Kan’yaku kammel seiyo jimmei jiten. Notes: Added Title: Seiyo jimmei jiten Abstract: personal names -China and Japan Shinozaki, T. (1961). Jitsuyo nandoku kisei jiten (Zoho shinpan ed.). Tokyo: Nihon Kajo Shuppan. Notes: Bibliography: p. 5-6 (1st group) Added Title: Nandoku kisei jiten Shinozaki, T. (1967). Jitsuyo nandoku kisei jiten. Notes: Added Title: Nandoku kisei jiten Suzuki, T. (1960). Tsumei gijinmei jiten (Shohan ed.). Tokyo: Tokyodo Shuppan. Notes: Dictionary of personal names,nicknames -Characters and characteristics in literature Tanaka, Y. (1984). On the frequency of the same family and personal names. XV, Internationaler Kongress Für Namenforschung, (3), 269-280. Abstract: Lawson1: "Empirical results in Japan with large samples indicates there are a number of individuals who have identical first names and surnames….suggests adding 1 or 2 digits for additional information." Throndardottir, S. (1994). Name construction in Mediæval Japan. Carlsbad, New Mexico: Outlaw Press. Uhlenbeck, E. M. (1969). Systematic features of Japanese personal names. Word, 25, 321-335. Watanabe, N. (2005). Poetics of Japanese naming practice. Names, 53(1/2 (March/June)), 21-48. Wu, J. (1984). Riben xingshi renming dacidian . Taipei, Taiwan: Mingshan Chubanshe. ASIA (EASTERN) -JAPAN ~1~ANCILLARY~GENETICS Imaizumi, Y., & Kaneko, R. (1997). Surname and consanguineous marriages in Japan. Journal of Biosocial Science, 29(4), 401-413. ASIA (EASTERN) -JAPAN ~1~ANCILLARY~LINGUISTICAL Zamma, H. (2005). The Correlation between Accentuation and Rendaku in Japanese Surnames: a Morphological Account, . Weijer J. van de et al. Voicing in Japanese (pp. 157-176). Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter. ASIA (EASTERN) -JAPAN ~1~ANCILLARY~SOCIOLOGICAL Saitoh, N. (1983). An attempt to estimate the migration pattern in Japan by surname data. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon, 91(3), 309-322. Notes: In Japanese? ASIA (EASTERN) -JAPAN ~1~ANCILLARY~STATISTICAL Mase, S. (1992). Approximations to the birthday problem with unequal occurrence probabilities and their application to the surname problem in Japan. Annals Of The Institute Of Statistical Mathematics, 44(3), 479-499. Abstract: authors "Finally we will give two applications. The first is the estimation of the coincidence probability of surnames in Japan. For this purpose, we will fit a generalized zeta distribution to a frequency data of surnames in Japan" Miyazima, S., Lee Y., Nagamine, T., & Miyajima, H. Power-law distribution of family names in Japanese societies. Physica A, 278(1-2), 282-288. ima, S., Lee, Y., Nagamine, T., & Miyajima, H. (1999). Family Name Distribution in Japanese Societies. Journal- Physical Society of Japan, 68(10), 3244-3247. ASIA (EASTERN) -KOREA Baker, M. (1997 August). South Korea ends a taboo, strikes blow for true love. Christian Science Monitor, pp. 6-1c-. Notes: Korea, South Abstract: Notes that the Constitutional Court of South Korea overturned a centuries-oldtaboo which prohibited so-called same-name/same-place marriages, or marriages between descendants of the same family. The relatively small number of surnames in South Korea and the large number of people with each surname; Number of couples that the decision affected; How most Koreans are reacting to the decision; How the taboo came about and was continued. Central Intelligence Agency. (1962). Korean personal names. Washington. Kim, G. N. (2002). Traditions and innovations in the names of Koreans in the Central Asia. in: Embracing the Other: The Interaction of Korean and Foreign Cultures: Proceedings of the 1st World Congress of Korean Studies, II. Songnam . Republic of Korea: The Academy of Korean Studies. Kim, G. N. (1999). The names of Koreans living in Kazakhstan: tradition and innovations in their anthroponymy. Izvestiia Natsional’Noi Akademii Nauk Respubliki Kazakhstan (Seriia Obshchestvennykh Nauk), 220(2), 29-36. Kontsevich L.R. (2001). Korean Studies. Selected Works. Moscow: Izdatelski dom "Murave-Gad". Notes: 640pp/ check isbn matches title Abstract: "The fourth section presents for the first time extensive series of documents on Latin transliteration of Korean writing, as well as a newly written part on broad transcription and transcription spelling correspondences of Korean words in Russian, amplified by a systematized essay on Korean anthroponymy and toponymy" Oh, S. (1996). Hanmal kyonggi do chibang ui hoju gusong ui yangsang e kwanhan il siron: t’ukhi s+nggwan punp’o wa kwallyonhayo. Yoksa Hakbo (The Korean Historical Review) [South Korea] , (152), 1-32. Notes: [A study on the characteristics of heads of households in Kyonggi Province in the late Yi dynasty: with special emphasis on the distribution of surnames and ancestral homes] Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Examines heads of households in urban and rural localities within the cities of Kaesong, Inch’on, and Kwangju, and the counties of Yongin and Yangju in Kyonggi Province in the years 1898-1900. The study covers a total of 1,689 households numbering 6,922 persons and 10,653 buildings, of which 559 were thatched and 10,094 were tiled dwellings. The distribution of family names and ancestral homes is the primary focus, and there were five major family groups: the Kimhae Kim, Chonju Yi, Milyang Pak, Chongju Han, and Kyongju Kim clans. The distribution of these family names was found to be similar to their prevalence in the capital Seoul. Nevertheless, close examination shows that the distribution in Kyonggi was not even but varied greatly according to locality, particularly between urban and rural regions." Yong-shik, C. (Surnames : microcosmic icon of Korea’s Confucian order [Web Page]. URL [2007, July 4]. Notes: Riddles of Korean Culture :5 – What’s in a name? 3 page article ASIA (EASTERN) -KOREA ~1~ANCILLARY~STATISTICAL Kiet, H. A. T., Baek, S. K., & Kim, B. J. (2007). Korean family name distribution in the past. Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 51(5), 1812-1816. Kim, B. J., & Park, S. M. (2005). Distribution of Korean family names. Physica A ; Statistical and Theretical Physics, 347, 683-694. Abstract: Author: "The family name distribution in Korea is investigated in comparison with previous studies in other countries. In Korea, both the family name and its birthplace, where the ancestor of the family originated, are commonly used to distinguish one family name from the others. The family name distributions with and without the information of the regional origins are analyzed by using different data sets of various sizes, and compared with previous studies performed in other countries. The growth rate of the family is empirically obtained. Contrary to commonly used assumptions, the growth rate is found to be higher for the smaller family." ASIA (EASTERN) -MONGOLIA Central Intelligence Agency. (1966). Mongolian personal names. Washington. Humphrey, C. (2006). On being named and not named: authority, persons and their names in Mongolia. in: G. v. Bruck, & B. Bodenhorn The anthropology of names and naming . Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press. Krueger, J. (1962). Mongolian personal names. Names, 10(2), 82-83. Serzhee, Zh. (1991). Mongol khunii neriin lavlakh tol’. Ulaanbaatar : Bolovsrolyn Khureelen "Asral" Bulgem. Notes: 52p; In Mongolian (Cyrillic and vertical script) Abstract: List of Mongolian personal names Serzhee, Z., & Batumagnay, S. (1993). Mongol khunii neriin khadmal tol. Ulaanbaatar: Shinzhlekh Ukhaan, Bolovsrolyn IìAamny Mongol Bichig Surgaltyn Aguulga, Arga Zui, Zokhion Baiguulaltyn Tov. Abstract: List of Mongolian personal names ASIA (EASTERN) -TAIWAN Chen, S. H., & Fried, M. H. (1968). The distribution of family names in Taiwan. Taipei, Taiwan: Chinese Materials and Research Aids Service Center, Inc. Notes: Taiwan Liao, C. (2000). A Sociolinguistic Study of Taiwan-Chinese Personal Names, Nicknames, and English Names/T’ai-wan tao nei ko jen ming tzu, ch’uo hao, Ying wen ming tzu ti she hui yü yen hsüeh yen chiu. Taipei, Taiwan: Crane. Notes: Chinese languages; and English language (Modern); Taiwan; anthroponymy; sociolinguistic approach. Liao, C. (2003). English names of Taiwanese university students. in: L. Ashley, & F. W. A Garland of Names . Liao, Z. (2000). A Sociolinguistic study of Taiwan-Chinese personal names, nicknames, and English names. Taibei Shi: Crane Pub. Co. Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 267-276) ASIA (EASTERN) -TAIWAN ~1~ANCILLARY~GENETICS Chen, K.-H., & Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1983). Surnames in Taiwan : interpretation based on geography and history. Human Biology, 55(2), 367-374. ASIA (SOUTH) Emeneau, M. B. (1978). Towards an onomastics of South Asia. Journal of the Amencan Onental Society , 98(2), 113-130. ASIA (SOUTH-EASTERN) Macdonald, C. J.-H. (1999). De l’anonymat au renom. Systèmes du nom personnel dans quelques sociétés d’Asie du Sud-Est (notes comparatives). J. Massard-Vincent, & S. Pauwels (editors), D’un nom à l’autre en Asie du Sud-Est. Approches ethnologiques (pp. 105-128). Paris: Karthala. Price, F. S.-L. (2007). Success with Asian names : a practical guide for business and everyday life. London : Nicholas Brealey. Notes: [ISBN 1857883780] Abstract: excellent introduction to the chief naming systems of the Far East Roff, W. R. (2007). Onomastics, and Taxonomies of Belonging in the Malay Muslim World. Journal of Islamic Studies, 18(3), 386-405. Abstract: "SoutheastAsia possesses no such convenient repertoire of biographicaland onomastic data for either early or later periods. The paper therefore discusses other possible ways of studying systematically the giving, adoption and deployment of Islamic personal names in the Malay world and of using data so derived to add to our knowledge of the history and sociology of Muslim communities in the region." ASIA (SOUTH-EASTERN) -BURMA Burmese personal names: a critical survey of choice, types and some functions of names. (1982). Rangoon: Department of Religious Affairs. Central Intelligence Agency. (1961). Burmese personal names. Washington. Notes: Bibliography: leaf 39 ASIA (SOUTH-EASTERN) -CAMBODIA Antelme, M. (2001). A study of naming systems from ancient to modern Cambodia. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, School of Oriental and African Studies, London. Abstract: "Anthroponyms represent a very important proportion of words in Khmer inscriptions since pre-Angkorian times and some researchers in Khmer studies have called attention for the interest and the necessity of their study. This work is an attempt to provide an insight on this point, and extends to the Modern period to see how naming systems in Khmer society evolved." Huffman, F. E. (1968). Cambodian names and titles. [New Haven]: Dept. of East and South Asian Languages and Literature, Yale University. Khmer InstituteCommon Khmer names. Notes: link to website Suprapto, S. D., & Crowe, M. J. (1998). Khmer personal names: Suggestions for forms of entry. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 26(1). ASIA (SOUTH EASTERN) -INDONESIA Indonesian personal names. (1971). Smithsonian Institution. Brewer, J. D. (1981). Bimanese personal names : meaning and use. Ethnology, 20(3), 203-215. Dahlan, A. (1962). The long and short of Indonesian names. Asian Student, (March). Florey, M. J., & Bolton, R. A. (1997). Personal Names, lexical replacement, and language shift in eastern Indonesia. Cakalele, (8), 27-. Isa, Z. (1971). The Entry-Word in Indonesian Names and Titles. Library Resources and Technical Services, 15(3), 393-398. Abstract: Indonesian multiple-element personal names cause problems to catalogers who have to establish these names. Research results showed that the inverted last element entries are to be preferred. (12 references) (Author/NH) Just, P. (1987). Bimanese Personal Names : The View from Bima Town and Donggo. Ethnology, 26(4), 313-328. Kim, E. J. (1988). Elopi names. Irian , 16, 114-132. Notes: Online : link to article Kuipers, J. (2008). Personal Names and Changing Modes of Inscribing Identity in Sumba, Eastern Indonesia: “Bloody Thursday” in Linguistic and Social Context. Y. Zheng (editors), Personal Names in Asia : History, culture and identity . Seattle: University of Washington Press : National University of Singapore. Miehle, H. L. (1985). What’s in a name? A descriptive study of Iau personal names. Irian , 13, 67-84. Prijono. (1955). Indonesian names and titles. Indonesian Review, 2(1(Oct-Dec)). Rony, A. K. (1968). An analysis of Indonesian name pattern: A preliminary investigation into the problem of establishing an international code for Indonesian names to be used by international libraries. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Catholic University of America. Notes: Academic Department: Faculty of Library Science Rony, A. K. (1970). Indonesian names: a guide to bibliographic listings. Indonesia, 10, 27-36. Sinulingga, J. (1999). Sistem dan proses penamaan dalam masyarakat Batak Pakpak Dairi laporan penelitian. Medan: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan R.I., Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Universitas Sumatera Utara. Notes: Includes bibliographical references (leaves 40-42) Sjafiroeddin, D. S. (1972). The Aspect of Culture through the Teaching of Bahasa Indonesia. Abstract: "The significance of language in the teaching of Indonesian culture is illustrated in a lengthy discussion of pronouns, personal names, and titles." ERIC abstract ASIA (SOUTH-EASTERN) -INDONESIA -BALI Geertz, C. (1964). Teknonymy in Bali: Parenthood age-grading and genealogical. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, (4(Jul-Dec)), 94-108. Geertz, C. (1996). Person, time and conduct in Bali: An essay in cultural analysis. New Haven: CT: Southeast Asia Studies, Yale University. ASIA (SOUTH EASTERN) -INDONESIA [CHINESE] Kwee, J. B. (2003). The many implications of name change for Indonesian-born Chinese. in: C. Wang, & G. Wang The Chinese Diaspora, Selected Essays (Vol. 2pp. 50-54). Singapore: Eastern Universities Press. Notes: Isbn: 9812102639. 1st pub 1998 Swisher, E. (1953). Directory of Chinese personal names in Indonesia. Washington: Reproduced and distributed by External Research Staff, Office of Intelligence Research, Dept. of State. Notes: Added Title: Chinese personal names in Indonesia ASIA (SOUTH-EASTERN) -INDONESIA -JAVA Adi. (2001). Bentuk dan arti nama dalam masyarakat Jawa sebuah kajian antropolinguistik : laporan penelitian. Surabaya: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Republik Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Lembaga Penelitian. ASIA (SOUTH EASTERN) -INDONESIA [MINAHASA] Sinolungan, A. E. (2002). Glosari nama fam orang Minahasa. Tondano: [Universitas Negeri Manado]. ASIA (SOUTH EASTERN) -MALAYSIA Cheng, K. K. Y. (2008). Names in Multilingual-Multicultural Malaysia. Names, 56(1), 47-53. Cheng, K. K. Y. (2008). Names in Multilingual-Multicultural Malaysia. Names, 56(1). Jones, R. (1984). Chinese names : notes on the use of surnames & personal names by the Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore. Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia: Pelanduk Publications. Jones, R. (1991). Chinese names : the use and meanings of Chinese surnames and personal names in Singapore and MalasiaEureka Publications. Pollard, F. H., & Banks, E. (1937). Teknonymy and other customs among the Kayans, Kenyahs, Kelamantans and others. Sarawak Museum Journal, 4(4), 396-409. Notes: Tables. Map Rousseau, J. (1983). Kayan personal names. Sarawak Museum Journal, 32(53), 251-272. Tie, K. L. (1962). Malay names. Majallah Perpustakaan Singapura, 2(1(April)), 29-34. Notes: Singapore Library Journal ASIA (SOUTH EASTERN) -PHILLIPPINES Philippine name headings. (1980-). Quezon City: Library, University of the Philippines. Notes: Contents: pt. 1. Personal names Sicat, R. M. (2003). The Kapampangans : speakers, surnames, and identity. Tarlac: Center for Tarlacqueño Studies, TSU. Notes: The Kapampangans are the seventh largest Filipino ethnic group Tibón, G. (1988). Diccionario etimológico comparado de los apellidos españoles, hispanoamericanos y filipinosEditorial Diana. Notes: reprinted 1995? ASIA (SOUTH EASTERN) -PHILLIPPINES ~[CHINESE] Swisher, E. (1953). Directory of Chinese personal names in the Philippines. Washington: Reproduced and distributed by External Research Staff, Office of Intelligence Resear. Dept. of State. ASIA (SOUTH EASTERN) -SINGAPORE Jones, R. (1984). Chinese names : notes on the use of surnames & personal names by the Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore. Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia: Pelanduk Publications. Jones, R. (1991). Chinese names : the use and meanings of Chinese surnames and personal names in Singapore and MalasiaEureka Publications. Tan, P. K. W. (2001). Englished names? An analysis of naming patterns among ethnic- Chinese Singaporeans. English Today, 17(4), 45-54. ASIA (SOUTH EASTERN) -SINGAPORE ~[CHINESE] Jones, R. (1984). Chinese names notes on the use of surnames & personal names by the Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore. Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia: Pelanduk Publications. Notes: Bibliography: p. 81 Ning, Y., & Ning, Y. (1995). Chinese personal names. Singapore : Federal Publications. Notes: 184p Ning, Y., Ning, Y., & Tang, B. (1995). Chinese personal names. Singapore: Federal Publications. ASIA (SOUTH EASTERN) -THAILAND `Anek Liangpras¶t. (2515). Wisamanyanam. Nakhåon Luang Krung Thep Thon Buri: Phrµ Phitthaya. Abstract: Glossary of geographic and personal names in English, accompanied by proper Thai equivalents; for writers and translators. Central Intelligence Agency. (1964). Thai personal names. Washington. Couper, D. (45,665 Thai names : examining passlist.96 [Web Page]. Gardiner, H. (1970). Second-generation Chinese in Thailand: a study of ethnic identification. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1(4), 333-344. Abstract: This study investigated the ethnic identification of second-generation Chinese in Thailand. One hundred and seventy-six adolescents 14-18 years of age (92 male, 84 female) were separated into (1) those who used Chinese family names and those who used Thai family names and (2) those who had attended Chinese schools and those who had not attended such schools. The following measures were employed: Behavioral Differential Scale, Assimilation-Orientation Inventory, California Fascism Scale, Conformity Scale, and the Gough-Sanford Rigidity Scale. It was hypothesized that (1) second-generation Chinese who used Chinese family names would have a higher degree of identification with Chinese than those who used Thai family names; (2) those who had attended Chinese schools would identify more closely with Chinese than those who had not attended such schools; and (3) scores on the F-scale, C-scale, and R-scale would be positively correlated with the degree of Chinese identification. Analysis of results indicates support for the first two hypotheses but not for the third. Possible areas of future research are suggested. Håosamut hµng Chat (Thailand). (2516). Nam praphan khåong nakkhian Thai thi chai nai batraikan khåong Håosamut hµng Chat (Phim khrang thi 2 kµkhai ph¶mt¶m ed.). (Khum½ kantham batraikan . Bangkok: Nuai Chat Mu Nangs½ læ Tham Batraikan, Håosamut hµng Chat, Krom Sinlapakåon. Notes: check diacritics Abstract: List of personal names of Thai authors and how they are entered on catalog cards of Thailand’s National Library. Håosamut hµng Chat (Thailand), & Nuai Chat Mu Nangs½ læ Tham Batraikan. (2519). Nam praphan khåong nakkhian Thai thi chai nai batraikan khåong Håosamut hµng Chat (Phim khrang thi 3 kµkhai ph¶mt¶m ed.). (Khum½ kantham batraikan . Bangkok: Nuai Chat Mu Nangs½ læ Tham Batraikan, Kåong Håosamut hµng Chat. Abstract: List of personal names of Thai authors and how they are entered on catalog cards of Thailand’s National Library. Linpisal, K. (1985). Nam bukkhon, suan yai luak chak nangsu ngan sop thi mi yu nai Hongsamut haeng Chat Prathet `Otsatrelia (BISA special projects No. 18). [Sydney] : BISA (Bibliographic Information on Southeast Asia), University of Sydney. Notes: In English and Thai. xPrasit. (2533). Thritsadi kantangch½ (Tiphim khrang rµk ed.). Bangkok: Mahachulalongkåonratchawitthayalai. Notes: personal names and the law Includes bibliographical references (p. 241) diacritics need checking Yada Arunwet. (2001). Laklai chu nai chiwit. Krung Thep : Akson Sophon. ASIA (SOUTH EASTERN) -THAILAND ~[CHINESE] Bunsak. (1992?). S½p kamn¶t 225 sµ thaothi phop hen nai M½ang Thai = T’ai-kuo Hua jen hsing shih hui chi. Kåothåomåo. i.e. Krung Thep Maha Nakhåon: Samnakphim `Aksåonrawatthana. Notes: diacritics correction needed Added Title: S½p kamn¶t såong råoi yisip ha sµ thaothi phop hen nai M½ang Thai Added Title: T’ai-kuo Hua jen hsing shih hui chi Abstract: Compilation of personal names of Chinese in Thailand, alphabetically arranged. Suksan. (1992?). Råoi sµ phan mangkåon. Krung Thep: Samnakphim Phuchatkan. Notes: Added Title: Chung-hua hsing shih Abstract: Historical account of Chinese personal names in Thailand and other countries. Swisher, E. (1952). Key to romanization of Chinese personal names in Bangkok. S.l.: Reproduced and distributed by External Research Staff, Office of Intelligence Research, Dept. of State. ASIA (SOUTH EASTERN) -VIETNAM Central Intelligence Agency. (1961). Vietnamese personal names. Washington. Notes: Bibliography Phan Quang Loc. (1985). Vietnamese personal names : an introduction to popular and library usage in Vietnam (BISA special projects No. 17). [Sydney]: BISA, University of Sydney. Notes: 89p Smith, K. D. (1969). The phonology of Sedang personal names. Anthropological Linguistics, 11(6), 187-198. Thomas, D. D. (1974). A note on ‘Yuan’. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 94, 123. >Watson, R. L. (1969). Pacoh names. Mon-Khmer Studies, 3, 77-89. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -AFGHANISTAN Centlivres, P. (1972). Noms, surnoms et termes d’adresse dans le nord afghan. Studia Iranica, (1), 89-101. Miran, M. A. (1975). Naming and address in Afghan society. Abstract: Forms of address in Afghan society reflect the relationships between the speakers as well as the society’s structure. In Afghan Persian, or Dari, first, second, and last names have different semantic dimensions. Boys’ first names usually consist of two parts or morphemes, of which one may be part of the father’s name. Girls’ names usually consist of only one part, but sometimes two. Where the actual first name is considered to consist of a subordinate, or common, name plus a proper given name, the proper name is used. In cases where both parts are considered important, both must be used. Ox-names or nicknames may also be used in place of the given name. In some cases an honorific or a patronymic name may be used. A teknonymous name (a kinship name plus the relative’s first name) is used when the addressee is older than the addressor. Married parents address each other with the eldest child’s name; childless couple uses /o:/ ("hey!") or a kinship pattern. Younger family members use a kinship term rather than a name to address older members. Diminutives are used between peers and by older members in speaking to younger ones. Generally, the use of titles must include the first name and may or may not include the last name; and the majority of people in Afghanistan do not have a last name. Like the use of names, kinship terms, and titles, Dari pronouns of address reflect varying degrees of respect, power, education, and age. (AM) Parvaneh, S. (2008). Persian Baby Name Book. Ibex. Abstract: "Includes about 3000 girls and boys names used in Iran and Afghanistan. The names and meanings are given in English " publisher’s abstract ASIA (SOUTHERN) -AFGHANISTAN (UZBEK) Nabizoda, M. h. h. (2003). Ismlarimiz khosiiati. Toshkent: Ghafur Ghulom nomidagi nashriët-matbaa izhodif ufi. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -BANGLADESH (BENGALI) Ashrafi, Md. F. R. (1999). Islame shishuder adhunik namkaran. Dhaka: Emdadiya. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA Ao, N. (1994). Personal Names of Ao Nagas. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 131-140). New Delhi: Rupa. Notes: India (Ao language) Kamath, M. V. &. K. R. (2002). Indian names : from classical to contemporary, for people, places & products. Mumbai: Arkansh. Karve, I. (1947). Personal names in India. In: G. S. Ghurye Papers in sociology . Bombay: Popular Prakashan. Khera, K. L. (2002). Directory of personal names in the Indian history : from the earliest to 1947 : based on the ‘History and culture of the Indian people’ by Dr. R.C. Majumdar and A.D. Pusalker et al. New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers. Koul, R. K. R. K. (1982). Sociology of names and nicknames of India with special reference to Kashmir. Srinigar, Kashmir: Utpal Publications. Manoharan, S. (1989). Personal names among some Indian tribes. International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, 18(2), 27-. Masani, R. P. (1966). Folk culture reflected in names. Bombay: Popular Prakashan. Mehrota, R. R. (1994). The Book of Indian names. New Delhi: Rupa & Co. Muller, E. Glossary of Pali NamesSri Satguru Publications. Roy, S., & Rizvi, S. H. M. (2002). Encyclopaedia of Indian surnames. Delhi: B.R. Pub Corp. Sharma, D. D. (2005). Panorama of Indian anthroponomy : (an historical, socio-cultural & linguistic analysis of Indian personal names). New Delhi, India: Mittal Publications. Notes: 306p Sharma, M. L. (1969). Origin and meaning of some Indian names. Names, 17, 199-207. Abstract: "Introduction to Indian names. Explanation of names of some prominent people, as Lal (‘precious stone’) and Nehru (‘one who lives near a canal’). Treatment of Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, ..and feminine names." source of abstarct: ed lawson Singh, K. S. (1996). Communities, segments, synonyms, surnames and titles. Delhi: Anthropological Survey of India [in association with] Oxford University Press. Singh, K. S., & Place Names Society of India. (1986). Place names and personal names : an anthropo-historical perspective. Mysore: Place Names Society of India. Notes: Includes bibliographical references Singhan, E. V. (1982). Tamil, Hindu, Indian names. Singapore: EVS Enterprises. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA~2~ETHNIC~ (CHRISTIANS) Vasanthakumari, T. (1994). Personal Names of Indian Christians. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 181-203). ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA ~2-ETHNIC~(HINDU) Bhatnagar, S., & Agrawal, S. (2002). Surname Endogamy among the Brahmin of India. Current Sociology, 50(11), 853-861. Abstract: Endogamy has been a strong influence on Hindu society over the centuries and most of the 75,000 subcastes or subgroups of India’s complex social stratification system practise endogamy, while the further divisions within these subcastes, called gotras, are required to marry exogamously. The present study focuses on three socioculturally isolated, highly endogamous groups, to study the effect of endogamy on genetic microdifferentiation. The groups are all subdivisions or classes of the Brahmin or priest caste, namely Bhargavas and Chaturvedis and Kanyakubja and Sanadhaya Brahmin, and all groups practise patrilineal surname endogamy. Two-generation pedigrees were drawn up and microdifferentiation was estimated using parameters like mean concordance, i.e. within-gotra marriages in Bhargavas and Chaturvedis, FIT (the inbreeding coefficient or inbreeding-like effect due to endogamy), FST (within-group a priori kinship) and RST (reduced variance of the mean value of within-group a priori kinship). Our results indicate that there is an increase in same-gotra marriage showing that these groups are in fact not following the strict rule of exogamy. This is highest among Chaturvedis (17.1 percent) as compared to Bhargavas (11.2 percent), Kanykubja Brahmins (13.4 percent) and Sanadhaya Brahmin (16.92 percent). The FST is almost the same in all the populations over two generations; however, it is slightly lower among Bhargavas and highest in Brahmin indicating that although these populations follow endogamy at surname level they are exogamous at gotra/kuldevi level. The same is indicated by FIS, which shows that in spite of strict endogamy there is no inbreeding-like effect in these populations. RST measures variance among populations and our results reveal that these populations are distinct from one another. Central Intelligence Agency. (1964). Hindi personal names. Washington. Dogra, R. C. (1992). A dictionary of Hindu names. New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan. Gaura, R. (1986?). Nama ko sa. Nai Dilli, Dilli: Dayamanda Pôketa Buksa. Vitaraka Pañjabi Pustaka Bhandara. Abstract: Dictionary of Hindu personal names Jayaraman, R. (2005). Personal Identity in a Globalized World: Cultural Roots of Hindu Personal Names and Surnames. Journal of Popular Culture, 38(3), 476-490. Prabhakaran, V. (1998). An introduction to Indian Hindu surnames. Nomina Africana, 12(1), ?? Tewari, S. P. (1982). Cultural heritage of personal names and Sanskrit literature. Delhi: Agam Kala Prakashan. Notes: Bibliography: p. [101]-108 Abstract: personal names in Sanskrit literature ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA ~2-ETHNIC~ [KHASI LANGUAGE] Miri, S. (1994). Personal Names among the Khasi Pnars. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 141-145). ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA ~2-ETHNIC~-PALI Malalasekera, G. P. G. P. (1937). Dictionary of Pali proper names. London: J. Murray. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (CENTRAL STATES) -MADHYA PRADESH Sahu, N. S. (1978). Linguistic study of surnames in the placenames of Chhattisgarh and the adjoining district of Balaghat in Madhya Pradesh. Psycho-Lingua, 8(1), 15-24. Abstract: "A linguistic analysis of 368 Indian surnames in the place names of 5 districts of the state of Madhya Pradesh (central India) to determine morphology and derivation" ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (N CENTRAL STATES) ~2-ETHNIC~ [HINDI] Mehrotra, R. R. (1994). Hindi Personal Names and Nicknames. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 23-62). New Delhi: Rupa. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (NE STATES) -ASSAM Chandra Das, T. (1939). Clan-Monopoly of Personal Names Among the Purum Kukis . Man, 39, 3-7. Abstract: "The Purums form a branch of the Tibeto-Burman-speaking ‘Old Kuki’ group of Assam" Nishit, S. R. (2003). A study of Assamese Hindu personal names. Language in India, 3(4). Notes: online: link to article Abstract: 1 page ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (NE STATES) -BENGAL Datta, B. (1981). A linguistic study of personal names and surnames in Bengali. Calcutta: University of Calcutta. Notes: Revision of the author’s thesis (D. Phil.–University of Calcutta, 1966 Dil. (1975). A comparative study of the personal names and nicknames of the Bengali-speaking Hindus and Muslims. in: Studies on Bengal: Papers Presented at the Seventh Annual Bengal Studies Conference East Lansing, MI: Asian Studies Center, Michigan State University. Notes: re-check author for full name Sircar, A. (1994). Personal Names in Bengali: A Selective Indexing. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 108-117). New Delhi: Rupa. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (NE STATES) -GARO LANGUAGE Hvenekilde, A., Marak, C., & Burling, R. (2000). Personal Names in a Mande (Garo) Village. Names, 48(2), 83-104. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (NE STATES) -MEITHEI Chelliah, S. L. (2005). Asserting nationhood through personal name choice: the case of the Meithei of northEast India. Anthropological Linguistics, 47(2), 169-216. Abstract: author abstract: "Three styles of personal names are attested for the Meithei (Tibeto-Burman, Manipur State in northeast India): a native-Meithei style, a Hindu style introduced with the eighteenth-century adoption of Hinduism by the Meithei, and a "resistance" style typified by previously unattested structures and clan names. This article shows that those who espouse a clean break with Indian political and religious hegemony use resistance-style names, whereas those who favor strengthened ties between Manipur and India, while still cherishing pre-Hindu identity, move fluidly between use of Hindu and resistance-style names." ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (NE STATES) -MIZORAM Shakespear, J., & J. L. M. (1900). Note on Some Tribal and Family Names Employed in Speaking of the Inhabitants of the Lushai Hills . The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland , 30, 68. Notes: wikipedia "The Lushai Hills (or Mizo Hills) are part of the Patkai range in Mizoram and partially in Tripura, India." ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (NE STATES) -ORISSA Patnaik, B. N. (1994). Some Observations on the Personal Names in Oriya. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 118-130). New Delhi: Rupa. Notes: 292pp ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (NE STATES) -PUNJAB Dua, H. R. (1984). Personal names in Panjabi: an ethnographic study. Man-in-India, 64(3), 243-262. Rait, S. K. (1984). A dictionary of Punjabi name elements. Leeds: Leeds Polytechnic School of Librarianship. Temple, R. C. (1883). A dissertation on the proper names of Panjabis, with special reference to the proper names of villagers in the Eastern Panjab. Bombay: Education Socretes Press. Temple, R. C. (1883). A dissertation on the proper names of the Panjabis. Lahore: Panjabi Adabi Laihr. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (NW STATES) -KASHMIR Kachru, B. B.Naming in the Kashmiri Pandit Community : Sociolinguistics and Anthroponymy. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (S STATES) -KARNATAKA Arke. (1989). Hesarinallenide? sthula mattu suksmanamavaijñanika barehagala sangraha. Bengaluru: Nyu Star Pablike sans. Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 170) Abstract: etymology of personal and geographical names in South Kanara Murigeppa, A. (1994). Personal Names of Karnataka. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names . New Delhi: Rupa. Notes: Marathi language; Karnataka ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (S STATES) -KERALA Marykutty, A. M. (1997). Personal names of Kerala Christians. Edamattom, Kerala: Indian Institute of Christian Studies. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (S STATES) -KODAGU Emeneau, M. B. (1976). Personal Names of the Coorgs. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 96, 7-14. Abstract: Kin terms and personal names ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (S STATES) -MALAYAM Rajasekharan Nair, N. (1994). Personal Names in Malayalam. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 171-180). ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (S STATES) -TAMIL Britto, F. (1986). Personal names in Tamil society. Anthropological Linguistics, 28(3), 349-365. Notes: Ref Caktivel, C. (1987). Makkat peyar ayvu (1. patippu ed.). Citamparam: Manivacakar Patippakam. Kitaikkumitam, Manivacakar Nulakam. Notes: Bibliography: p. 164-165 Abstract: Study of Tamil personal names Caravanattamilan, T. (1987). Nallatamil collalaku. Tiruvarur: Tamilan Patippakam. Abstract: Glossary of Tamil terms; includes list of personal names Emeneau, M. B. (1938). Personal Names of the Todas . American Anthropologist, 40 [new series](2), 205-223 . Abstract: wikipedia "The Toda people are a small pastoral community who live on the isolated Nilgiri plateau of Southern India [Tamil Nadu]" Manoharan, S. (1981). Personal names in Tamil. Journal of Tamil Studies (Madras), 19, 42-54. Tamilila Vitutalaippulikal (Association). (2004). Tamilppeyark kaiyetu makkatpeyar 46000 (3. patippu ed.). Sri Lanka: Vitutalaip Pulikalin Tamil Valarccik Kalakam. Abstract: Handbook of Tamil personal names ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (S STATES) -TELUGU Balagangadhara Rao, Y. Surnames of the Telugu people. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 157-166). The University of Helsinki : The Finnish Research Centre for Domestic Languages. Balagangadhararavu, Y. (2001). Inti perlu. Mangalagiri: Nirmala Pablikesansu. Abstract: Study on personal names in Telugu language (Andhra Pradesh) Central Intelligence Agency. (1964). Telugu personal names. Washington. Narsimhareddi, P. C. Telugu Personal Reference: A Sociolinguistic Study. Osmania Papers in. Linguistics, 7-8, 65-90. Prabhakaran, V. (1998). Exploring Hindu Telugu surnames. Nomina Africana, 12(1 (April)). Satyavati, T. (1987). Teluguvari yintiperlu = Socio-linguistic study of surnames in Telugu. Gunturu: Ji. Ar. Pablikesans. Notes: Bibliography: p. [548]-556 Abstract: On personal names of the Telugus Sharada, B. A., & Chetana, M. (2005). Authority list of writers in Telugu language. SRELS Journal of Information Management, 42(1), 13-50. Abstract: cataloging problems of the Indic names of writers in Telugu Sjoberg, A. F. Telugu personal names: a structural analysis. In: (Krishnamurti, Bh.), Studies in Indian linguistics (pp. 313-321). Poona and Annamalainagar: Centres in Advanced Study in Linguistics. 313-321. Sjoberg, A. F. (1994). Telugu Personal Names: A Structural Analysis. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 147-160). ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (W STATES) -GUJARATI Central Intelligence Agency. (1965). Gujerati personal names. Washington. Mistry, P. J. (1994). Personal Names: Their Structure, Variation and Grammar in Gujarati. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian Names (pp. 63-85). New Delhi: Rupa. Nilakantha, V. (1942). Gujarati atakono itihasa (Avrtti 1 ed.). (Gujarata Varnakyulara Sosayati sam sodhana granthamala: SAMP early 20th-century Indian books project No. granthanka 14. item 15214). Amadavada: Gujarata Varnakyulara Sosayati. Notes: LC Control Number: 96908469 Abstract: History of personal names in Gujarat ASIA (SOUTHERN) -INDIA (W STATES) -MARATHI Dhongde, R. V. (1994). Personal Names in Marathi. in: R. R. Mehrotra The Book of Indian names . New Delhi: Rupa. Jhunghare, I. Y. (1975). Socio-psychological aspects and linguistic analysis of Marathi names. Names, 23, 31-43. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -IRAN The book of Persian names. (2006). Ibex Publishers. Notes: [ISBN 1588140032] / 128pp Abstract: Guide to names used in Iran in both English and Persian script with meaning, linguistic origin , pronunciation, advice on appropriateness of names Azini far, Q. (1384-). Parsah majmu`ah-i asami-i dukhtaran va pisaran-i Iran-i bastan (Chap-i 1 ed.). Tehran: Arvij. Notes: Includes bibliographical references (v. 1, p. 128-130) Abstract: Dictionary of classical Iranian and personal names Habibi, N. (1992). Popularity of Islamic and Persian names in Iran before and after the Islamic revolution. International Journal of Middle East Studies, (24), 253-260. Abstract: "Examination of the naming pattern for children at 5 intervals between 1963 and 1988 in Hamadan, Iran. Names were classified as Persian, Islamic, and Arabic non-Islamic. Results indicate that when it comes to naming." "people resist the official cultural propaganda of the state in periods when the social policies of the ruling regime have been unpopular." Source of abstract -ed lawson Kiyadahi, M. (2002). Farhang-i nam hamrah ba asami-i a’immah va athar (Chap-i 1 ed.). Tihran: Nazir. Notes: includes bibliographical references (p. [217]) Abstract: Dictionary of Islamic personal names of Iran Markaz-i Khadamat-i Kitabdari. Fihrist-i mustanad-i asami-i mashahir va muallifan . Tihran: Markaz. Notes: Other Title: Name authority list of authors and famous people Preface in English and Persian Nader Habibi. (1992). Popularity of Islamic and Persian names in Iran before and after the Islamic revolution. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 24(2 ), 253-260. Parvaneh, S. (2008). Persian Baby Name Book. Ibex. Abstract: "Includes about 3000 girls and boys names used in Iran and Afghanistan. The names and meanings are given in English " publisher’s abstract Saadi, Z. (2007). What’s in a Persian Name? Basis Technology Corporation. Notes: presentation at Basis Technology’s Government Users Conference in Washington D.C. on June 7, 2007 van ‘t Hoff, K. (1999). Iranian names. Abstract: Lists approx 280 male and 315 female names along with meanings for most. For many the origin (Arabic, Kurdish, Turkish, or Indian) is given. Reference is also made to ShahnAmeh by the epic poet Ferdousi as name source. Women’s names include Aghigh "name of a precious stone"; Ashraf < Arabic, "nobler" or "noblest"; and Shiva < Indian-based, "charming." Men’s names include Adel < Arabic, "righteous"; Fardin "glorious"; and Jamshid, a character in ShahnAmeh, a king. Zadok, R. (1997). Some Iranian Anthroponyms and Toponyms. Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brèves Et Utilitaires , 7. ASIA (SOUTHERN) -NEPAL [NEWAR LANGUAGE] Shrestha, U. (2000). Changing patterns of personal names among the Maharjans of Katmandu. Names, 48(1), 27-48. Abstract: ed lawson "a multi-generational analysis of personal names of the Maharjans (farmers)…shows significant differences between traditional names and contemporary names" ASIA (SOUTHERN) -PAKISTAN Badalkhan, S. (2003). Language contact in Balochistan and Its Impact on Balochi Personal Names. in: V. Hachard, C. Jahani, & A. Korn The Baloch and their neighbours: ethnic and linguistic contact in Balochistan in historical and modern times . Wiesbaden: Reichert. Notes: link to article Huq, A. M. A. (1970). A study of Bengali Muslim personal names. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. Notes: PhD Jaitali, K. S. (1986). Sindhi nalanimem Sindhiyataji sugandhi (Pushpu / A. Bha. Sindhi Sahitya Parishada: Pushp (A.B. Sindhi Sahity Parishad (Pune, India)) No. 6). Pune: A. Bha. Sindhi Sahitya Parishada. Notes: Bibliography: p. 57 Abstract: Etymology of Sindhi personal names Kurshid, A. (1997). Cataloguing of Pakistani names (Revised edition ed.). Karachi: University of Karachi. Abstract: Lawson1: "Pakistan has special problems in cataloguing since it has a number of languages and culture groups. The structure of a person’s name varies considerably. A name can appear as Mir Alam, Mir Taqi; Mir; S.M. Mir or Syed Mohammed Mir Soz. In adition, libraries in different parts of the world use 6 ways of grouping Muslim names. Reccommendations are made for guiding principles in cataloguing Muslim names." ASIA (WESTERN) ~1~ANCILLARY~ HEALTH Nasseri, K. (2007). Construction and validation of a list of common Middle Eastern surnames for epidemiological research. Cancer Detection and Prevention, 31(5), 424-429. ASIA (WESTERN) -ARABIC Al-Zubair, M. (1991). Dictionary of Arab names. Sultan Qaboos University : Librarie du Liban. Beeston, A. F. L. (1971). Arabic nomenclature : a summary guide for beginners. Oxford: Oriental Institute. Central Intelligence Agency. (1964). Arabic personal names. Washington. Notes: Bibliographical footnotes Gardner, S. (1988). Arabic personal names: Their meanings and significance. Linguistic Circle of Manitoba & North Dakota, (28), 15-17. Abstract: "Reports on research on first names over a three year period at the University of Gezira, Sudan. Sets up three major categories: (1) significance of circumstances at birth, (2) religious significance, and (3) cultural significance. Compares sex ratios of types of name. Points out there are more new female than male name. This reflects the changing nature of the society." Source of abstract -ed lawson Gardner, S. (1992). Gender imbalance in Arabic personal names. Notes: paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the study of names Geoffroy, Y. e. N. (2000). Le livre des prénoms arabeséditions Al Bouraq. Ghita El Khayat. (1998). Le livre des prénoms du monde arabe et musulmanEddif. Hasan, B. A. A.-R. T. S. A. A. (1991). Kayfa takhtarina ism waladik . Bayrut, Lubnan : Dar al-Qalam. Hayajneh, H. (1998). Die Personennamen in den qatabonischen Inschriften : lexikalische und grammatische Analyse im Kontext der semitischen Anthroponomastik. Hildesheim; New York: G. Olms. Notes: Arabic -south Hedden, H. (2007). Arabic names. Indexer. Notes: Centrepiece 2 : Indexing personal names 2 Houissa, A. (1991). Arabic personal names : their components and rendering in catalog entries. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 13(2), 3-22. Khalifah, S. b. A. a. A., & `Ayidi, M. A. (1996). Madakhil al-asma’ al-`Arabiyah al-qadimah qa’imat istinad lil-maktabat wa-marakiz al-ma`lumat (al-Tab`ah 1 ed.). al-Duqqi, al-Qahirah: al-Maktabah al-Akadimiyah. Notes: Includes bibliographical references (v. 1, p. 25-42) Abstract: Dictionary List of classical Arabic personal names for the librarians Malti-Douglas, F. (1982). The interrelationship of onomastic elements: Isms, Din-names and Kunyas in the ninth century A.H. J. Sublet (editor), Cahiers d’onomastique arabe 1981 (pp. 27-55). Paris: CNRS. Salih, R. (2001). al-Muwassa` fi al-asmaʼ al-`Arabiyah wa-ma`aniha dalil al-abaʼ fi tasmiyat al-abnaʼ (al-Tab`ah al-`Arabiyah 1 ed.). `Amman: al-Ahliyah. Notes: LC Control Number: 2001303189 check title diacritics Abstract: Personal names; Arab countries; dictionaries Schimmel, A. (1998). Noms de personne en IslamPUF. Tlas, M. (1990). Mu jam al-asma al-Arabiyah. Dar Tlas lil-Dirasat wa-al-Tarjamah wa-al-Nashr. Notes: Arabic An encyclopedia of modern and old Arabic names ASIA (WESTERN) -ARMENIA Acharean, H. e. (2006). Hayots` andznanunneri bararan (3. tpagrutiwn ed.). (Haykakan matenashar Galust Kiwlpenkean Himnarkut`ean . Aleppo, Syria: Kilikia Gratun hratarakch`atun. Notes: Includes bibliographical references Contents: 1. Hator A-G — 2. Hator D-K — 3. Hator H-H — 4. Hator N-S — 5. Hator V-F Abstract: Armenian personal names dictionary in five volumes Avakian, A. M. (1982). Armenian name changes. ANS Bulletin, (67), 32-38. Abstract: "lists about 140 Armenian surnames in original and adapted forms, such as Cassian to Cass" Source: Lawson1 Avetisyan, T. M. (1986). Haykakan azganuneri dzevavorume. Patma-Banasirakan Handes. Istoriko-Filologicheskii Zhurnal, (4), 117-124. Notes: : [The formation of Armenian surnames] Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Discusses the development of Armenian family surnames in various regions from the 5th to the 19th century." Avetisyan, T. M. (2000). Hayots azganunneri ba• raran : 17051 azganun. Erevan: "Van Aryan". Notes: check diacritics Awde, N. (1999). Armenian first names. New York: Hippocrene. Notes: Armenia Central Intelligence Agency. (1965). Armenian personal names (CIA Papers . Washington [District of Columbia] : U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Djahukian, G. B. (1992). Armenian words and proper names in Urartian inscriptions. Proceedings of the International Conference of Armenian Linguistics, 4th (pp. 49-60). Ekmedjian, M. (1992). Les Prénoms arméniens. Marseille: Editions Parenthèses. Notes: préface de Jean-Pierre Mahé Garsoïan, N. G. (1996). Notes préliminaires sur l’anthroponymie arménienne du moyen âge. Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne: L’anthroponymie document de l’histoire sociale des mondes Méditerranéans Médiévaux: Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française de Rome avec le concours du GDR 955 du C. N. R.S. (pp. 227-239). Hannessian, O. (1990). Dictionary of Armenian names . Los Angeles: Shirak Pub. House. Notes: bilingual / = Bararan Hayots anunneru : erklezu 157p. Hewsen, R. H. (1963). Armenian names in America. American Speech, (38), 214-219. Abstract: Lawson1: "Armenians appear to have had less change than might have been expected" Szongott, K. (1898). A magyarhoni örmény családok genealogiája : tekintettel ezeknek egymás között levo rokonságára, s a vezeték- és keresztnevek etymologiai értelmére. Szamosújvárt : Aurora. Notes: Development of Hungarian Armenian names. Includes some coats of arms. Weitenberg, J. J. S. (2007). Das armenische Personennamensystem. A. Brendler, & S. Brendler Europäische Personennamensysteme. Ein Handbuch von Abasisch bis Zentralladinisch (pp. 57-66). Baar. ASIA (WESTERN) -ARMENIA [TURKISH] Jeryan, P. (1981). Those unwieldy surnames. Ararat, 22(4), 41-41. Abstract: Lawson1: "Armenians from Turkey bear names derived from Turkish expressions" ASIA (WESTERN) -AZERBAIJAN Garibova, J. (1998). Loyalty, bravery, and passion: Personal names from legendary heroes. Azerbaijan International, 6(3), 42-43. Garibova, J., & Blair, B. (1996). Names: History in a nutshell: 20th century personal naming practices in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan International, 4(3), 54-59, 63, 82. Notes: link to article Gurbanov, A. (1988). Azarbaijan dilinin onomalogiiasy. Baky: "Maarif" N aashriiiaty. Hajiyeva, A. (2000). Spelling standards: Azerbaijani male names, female names, family names and major place names. Azerbaijan International, 8(1 (Spring)), 42-45. Abstract: "The Russian influence has been very strong in Azerbaijan. This has led to confusion when spelling names in English. To promote standardization, the staff at Azerbaijan International has set up general principles. To demonstrate this, there are four tablesSfor male first names, for female first names, for family names, and for place names. Each personal name table has about 100 entries each entry showing three formsSAzeri Latin, English through Azeri, and English through Russian. The name which is Hüseyn in Azeri using the Latin alphabet becomes Huseyn in translating from Azeri into English. It would have become Guseyn when translating from Russian into English." Source of abstract -ed lawson Lawson, E. D. Religious, patriotic, ethnic factors and names. in: A. I. Boullón (editor), Novi te ex nomine : estudos filolóxicos ofrecidos ao Prof. Dr. Dieter Kremer (pp. 203-212). Santiago de Compestela, Galicia (Spain): Biblioteca Filolóxica Galega. Abstract: "Names from Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Azerbaijan reflect political changes since the Czars. Russian occupation produced more patriotic names in the Baltics" -source of abstract : ed lawson Mirzaiev, O. (1986). Adlarymyz. Baky; Azarbaijan: Azarbaijan Dovlat Nashriiiaty. Zuercher, K. (2007). Personal Names in Azerbaijan: A Quantitative Analysis . Names, 55(2), 87-192. ASIA (WESTERN) -CAUCASUS Gippert-Fritz, S. (2007). Die Anthroponyme im Kabardinischen und Adygeischen. in: S. Brendler, & A. Brendler Handbuch Europäische Personennamensysteme : Ein handbuch von abasisch bis zentralladinisch . Baar. ASIA (WESTERN) -GEORGIA Apridonidze, S. (1990). The structure of Georgian personal names. Abstracts, 17th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (p. 13). University of Helsinki: The Finnish Research Centre for Domestic Languages. Axua<svili, I. (1994). Kartuli gvar-saxelebi : masalebi kartuli gvarebis istoriisatvis. Tbilisi: Ganatleba. Notes: Georgia Gippert-Fritz, S. (2007). Die Anthroponyme im Ossetischen. in: S. Brendler, & A. Brendler (editor), Handbuch Europäische Personennamensysteme : ein handbuch von abasisch bis zentralladinisch . Baar. Inal-ipa, Sh. D. S. D. (2002). Antroponimiia abkhazov. Maƒkop: Adygeia. Lawson, E. D., & Glushkovskaya, I. (1999). Naming patterns of recent immigrants from former Soviet Georgia to Israel. in: A. Demsky (editor), These are the names : Studies in Jewish onomastics (Vol. 2pp. 137-157). Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press. Abstract: "investigates names of those born 1890-1991 from families who came to Israel. The traditional (memorial) naming pattern persists but parental liking of a name is emerging" abstract source-: ed lawson Nikolov, V. A. (1983). Geografiia familii – istochnik etnicheskoi istorii gruzin. Sovetskaia Etnografiia , (1), 23-33. Notes: : [Geography of surnames: a source for Georgia’s ethnic history].1866-1982. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The suffixes used in Georgian surnames serve as a distinct indication of their region of origin, and this has aided studies of the ethnic history of the Georgian people." ASIA (WESTERN) -ISRAEL Adler, C. (1954). Name changes in Israel. Names, (2), 38-39. Notes: Israel Abstract: ‘Brief desciption of the pattern of Jews immigrating to Israel shedding their Diaspora names and choosing new ones with a Hebrew root, as Golden to Sahavy (from the Hebrew for ‘golden’) Source: Lawson1 Arazy, A. (1982). Ve-eleh shemot bene Yísra’el (ha-yada`ta mekor shimkha?). Tel-Aviv: Hotsa’at la-Shorashim. Notes: Bibliography: p. [187] Added Title: Personal names of the Jews and the Israelis check title diacritics Borg, A., & Kressel, G. (1996). Personal names, surnames and nicknames among the Azazmeh Bedouin in the Negev highlands : anthropological and linguistic aspects. Archív Orientální, (63), 478-487. Borg, A., & Kressel Gideon M. (2001). Bedouin personal names in the Negev and Sinai. Zeitschrift Fur Arabische Linguistik, (40), 32-70. Eliassaf, N. (1981). Names survey in the Population Administration : State of Israel. Names, (29), 273-284. Notes: Translated by Edwin P Lawson and Batsheva Taube Abstract: Lawson1: "Analysis of the name records of over 4 million individuals in Israel. Statistical tables show distributions of first names and surnames by number of letters and frequency. Also includes the 100 most frequent names in various categories. Arab names are also included." Israel, S. of. C. B. o. S. D. o. I. (2001). Top 15 names of boys and of girls. Abstract: ed lawson "Top male: Daniel, David, Eti, Ido, Roi, Noam, Moshe, Yosef, Amit, Abraham, Uri, Ariel, Gai, Yubal; Female, Noa, Shira, Adi, Mayah, Adin, Joel, Yubal, Noam, Mical, Shira, Hodiyah, Shir, Tamar, Sachar, Roni" Kormos, C., Lawson, E. D., & Ben Brit, J. (1992). Most common surnames in Israel : Arabic and Jewish. Part 1. OnoCan, (74), 23-38. Abstract: Lawson2: "Evaluation of the 200 most common surnames in Israel -these 200 and their variants account for 50% to 70% of the surnames in the country" Lawson, E. (1991). Most common Jewish first names in Israel. Names, (39), 103-124. Lawson, E. (1992). Most common surnames in Israel : Arabic and Jewish -Part 1. Onomastica Canadiana, 74(1), 23-38. Lawson, E. (1992). Most common surnames in Israel : Arabic and Jewish -Part 2. Onomastica Canadiana, 74(2), 75-92. Lawson, E. D. (2002). Most common Jewish first names in Israel. in: M. Bourin, W. F. H. Nicolaisen, W. Seibicke, & D. Kremer Namenforschungund Geschichtschaften Literarische Onomastik Namenrecht Ausgewählte Beiträge (Vol. Band VIpp. 509-521). Lawson, E. D., & Glushkovskaya, I. (1994). Naming patterns of recent immigrants from the former Soviet Union to Israel. Names , 42(3), 157-180. Notes: 1886-1992. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "A sampling of the first names of immigrant Jews from Ukraine, European Russia, Uzbekistan, and Tadzhikistan shows that over three generations, the traditional practice of naming a child after a deceased relative is declining somewhat." Lawson, E. D., & Glushkovskaya, I. (1999). Naming patterns of recent immigrants from former Soviet Georgia to Israel. in: A. Demsky (editor), These are the names : Studies in Jewish onomastics (Vol. 2pp. 137-157). Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press. Abstract: "investigates names of those born 1890-1991 from families who came to Israel. The traditional (memorial) naming pattern persists but parental liking of a name is emerging" -abstract source-: ed lawson Rosenhouse, J. (2003). Shemot pratiyim ba’ivrit bat zemanenu: netiot chadashot behashva’ah le’avar [Proper names in contemporary Hebrew: New trends in comparison with the past]. in: D. Sivan, & P.-I. Halevy-Kirtchuk Research Papers in Hebrew Linguistics, Hebrew Literature and Jewish Languages Yaakov Bentolila Jubilee Volume (pp. 341-357). Beer-Sheva: Ben Gurion University of the Negev Press. Abstract: "Hebrew proper names today include personal names, surnames and nicknames. Comparisons between students and staff members’ personal names at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology and Tel Aviv University show differences in types of names (traditional/modern), in variability (less tokens in the Technion than in Tel-Aviv and years. Traditional names do not seem to be dwindling, but the number of modern names is increasing (although often there are less modern tokens-per-patterns than traditional tokens-per-patterns). Certain Biblical names are more popular (evidenced in the larger number of tokens) than modern names, and there are certain "revived" Biblical names. Biblical names are also preferred to names of Aramaic origin, probably because of the language background. Modern personal names include novel nouns, adjectives (human characteristics) and verbs (mainly in the active future 3rd person masculine singular form)." Abstract source : ed lawson Stahl, A. (1994). The imposition of Hebrew names on new immigrants to Israel: Past and present. Names, (42), 279-288. Notes: 1950’s-90’s. Abstract: Israeli authorities now demonstrate greater tolerance for foreign names than they did during the great wave of European and Arab immigration in the 1950’s, when officially imposed Hebraization of individual names was an accepted practice. Toury, G. (1988). The Hebraization of Surnames in Palestine as "Cultural Translation": A Skeletal Exercise in Cultural Semiotics. in: N. Gertz Points of view: Culture and society in Eretz-Yisrael (pp. 152-171). Tel Aviv: Open University. Weil, S. Names and identity among the Bene Israel. Ethnic Groups, (1), 201-219. Abstract: Lawson1: "The term Bene Israel refers to Indian Jews who settled originally on the Konkan coast and more recently were concentrated in the Bombay area. Now, the majority live in Israel. Indian Jews have first (personal) names, second names (patronyms or andronyms (husbands patronyms), and -kar (village surnames). Although there has been much name -changing in Israel, Bene Israel maintain their village surnames in religious rituals as ,for example, Michael ben Josef Thralkar." ASIA (WESTERN) -JORDAN Abdel-Jawad, H. R. (1986). A linguistic and sociocultural study of personal names in Jordan. Anthropological Linguistics, 28(1), 80-94. Bader, Y., & Salih, M. H. (1997). A Diachronic Analysis of Personal Names in Jordan. Interface: Journal of Applied Linguistics, 12(1), 3-13. Abstract: Arabic language (Modern); Jordanian Arabic dialect; anthroponymy; relationship to age. Farghal, M., & Shakir Abdullah. (1995). Kin terms and titles of address as relational to honorifics in Jordanian Arabic. Anthropological Linguistics, 36(2), 240-253. Notes: Refs Abstract: "Discussion and analysis of the forms of address. Kin terms and titles both shows distant and affectionate honorifics. Distant honorifics are used among strangers. Affectionate honorifics are used among friends and relatives and, in some case, strangers. Many examples are given in transliterated Arabic with English translation" Source of abstract -ed lawson Hussein, R. F. (1997). A Sociolinguistic Study of Family Names in Jordan. Grazer Linguistische Studien, (48), 25-40. Notes: Arabic language (Modern); Jordanian Arabic dialect;anthroponymy; surnames; sociolinguistic approach. Kayed, I., & Lance, D. M. (2001). Personal names in Palestine and Jordan, 1850-1996. Onoma, (36), 25-48. Salih, H. H., & Bader , Y. T. (1999). Personal names of Jordanian Arab Christians: A sociocultural study. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, (140), 29-43. Abstract: "The present paper studies personal names used by Christians in Jordan with a view to discovering their socioeultural implications. As an initial step, it proceeds to a sociolinguistic classification and dist inguishes several categories of names, such as Arabic and Arabicized versus foreign and non-Arabicized names; names used in their Arabic and foreign forms; and names used 6y Christians only versus names used by both Christians and Muslims. Then the paper attempts to uncover the social, temporal, environmental, and religious implications of names. It comes to the conclusion that names used by Christians in Jordan convey a variety of meanings and associations. These range from desirable social values and concepts like honor, chastity, and courage, to names of precious stones and beautiful plants and flowers, to names of strong or beautiful animals and birds, and to names denoting religious feelings and sympathies. In general, it appears that Jordanian Christians, by using both Arabic names shared with Muslims and names used only by themselves, try to strike a balance between their loyalty to their Arab country of Jordan and their attachment to their faith and churches." Abstract source : ed lawson Wardat, M. (1997). Nicknaming in Jordanian Arabic: A Sociolinguistic Perspective. Interface: Journal of Applied Linguistics, 12(1), 45-58. Zawaydeh, B. A., & Davis, S. (1999). Hypocoristic Formation in Ammani-Jordanian Arabic. in: E. Benmamoun Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics (Vol. 12pp. 113-139). ASIA (WESTERN) -KURD Kartal, H. (1992). Navên Kurdî. Osnabrück, Germany: We¸sanên Kurdistan. Mukriyanî, G. (2002). Nawî kiç u ku¯ranî Kurdî. [Kurdistan, Iraq; s.n.]: Hewlêr. Notes: amadekirdin u pêdaçûnewey Kurdistan Mukriyanî (check ref) Simayl, E. S. (2004). Mêjûy nasnaw u nawî mirovî Kurd. Hewlêr: Wezaretî Ro¸sinbîrî. Tîgrîs, A. (1990). Navên Kurdî. Stockholm: Apec-Tryck & Förlag. ASIA (WESTERN) -KUWAIT Yassin, M., & Azziz, F. (1978). Personal Names of Address in Kuwaiti Arabic. Anthropological Linguistics, 20(2), 53-63. ASIA (WESTERN) -LEBANON Halaby. (1983). Religion, politics and linguistics : a study of Lebanese personal names. ANS Bulletin, (71). Notes: check ref Starr, P. D. (1978). Ethnic Categories and Identification in Lebanon. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, (7), 111-142. Notes: also in Urban Life ASIA (WESTERN) -OMAN Oman, G. (1980). Personal names in the Southern Region (Zufar) of the Sultanate of Oman. Oriente Moderno, (60), 181-195. Abstract: Lawson1: "lists of names from the telephone directory in alphabetical order by Arabic roots and by frequency. Mostly male names" Oman, G. (1981). Personal names in the capital area of the Sultanate of Oman. in: J. Sublet Cahiers d’onomastique Arab (pp. 95-113). Paris: CNRS. Abstract: "analysis of Arabic personal names from the telehone directory. Listing includes English spelling, phonetic spelling and the frequency of the names. Only a few female names" Abstract source: ed lawson Oman, G. (1982). Personal names in the regional areas of the Sultanate of Oman: Materials for the study of arabic anthroponymy. Annali. Istituto Orientale Di Napoli Roma, 42(4), 527-564. ASIA (WESTERN) -PALESTINE Atawneh, A. (2005). Family Names in Palestine: a reflection of culture and life. Names, 53(3), 147-168. Kayed, I., & Lance, D. M. (2001). Personal names in Palestine and Jordan, 1850-1996. Onoma, (36), 25-48. Toury, G., & Toury, J. (1991). Namensänderungen deutschsprachiger Einwanderer in Palästina bis 1942. J. H. Schoeps, A. Herzig, & H. O. Horch (editors), Menora, Jahrbuch für deutsch-jüdische Geschichte (Vol. 2pp. 185-212). München-Zürich: Piper. Notes: =Changes of name of German-speaking immigrants in Palestine until 1942. in German, Refs Tushyeh, H. Y. (1989). Palestinian First Names: An Introduction. Names, 37(3), 245-. Tushyeh, H. Y., & Hamdallah, R. W. (1993). Palestinian surnames derived from nicknames. Names, 40(4), 237-252. Abstract: A corpus of 413 Palestinian surnames was collected from several cities, towns, villages and refugee camps on the West Bank and classified into twelve categories: animals, birds andinsects,occupations,instruments, personal characteristics, plants, food, natural phenomena, historical, places, religious,foreign(non-Arabic), and unknown. Zadok, R. (1996). Notes on Syro-Palestinian toponymy and anthroponymy. Ugarit-Forschungen : Internationales Jahrbuch Für Die Altertumskunde Syrien-Palästinas, 27, 627-640. Notes: Refs. ASIA (WESTERN) -SAUDI ARABIA Asserti, A. M. (2001). Majallat al-ul um al-ijtim a iyah . Journal of the Social Sciences [Kuwait], 29(1), 135-164. Notes: =Social and cultural factors associated with personal names in Saudi society: An analytic comparative study Abstract: "Discussion of 12 social and cultural factors on naming in general and with special emphasis on examples from Saudi society. Among these factors are: (1) Interaction among cultures as shown by the names pattern in the Hijaz area with those in the inner parts of the peninsula, and those near the Syrian border with Syrian names, (2) Environmental factors showing the power and fierceness of Bedouins contrasted with docile names of city dwellers, (3) Religious beliefs as shown by contrast of Muslim and Christian names, (4) Cultural origin as shown by those with Indian origin v. those of Persian origin, (5) Social status where the more affluent tend to use titles and family designations compared with the less affluent who tend to use simple son-father-grandfather patterns of naming, and (6) Cultural changes over time." Borg, A., & Kressel Gideon M. (2001). Bedouin personal names in the Negev and Sinai. Zeitschrift Fur Arabische Linguistik, (40), 32-70. Qash`ami, M. A. A.-R. (2004). al-Asmaʼ al-musta`arah lil-kuttab al-Sa`udiyin. al-Riyad: Nadi Abha al-Adabi. Notes: Includes bibliographical references (P. 135-136) check title diacritics Abstract: Nicknames; personal names; Arab writers Yassin, M. A. F. (1986). The Arabian way with names : a sociolinguistic approach. Linguist, 25(2), 77-82. ASIA (WESTERN) -SAUDI ARABIA -HISTORIC Avanzini, A. (1991). Alcune osservazioni sull’onomastica dell’arabia medionale preislamica . Studi Epigrafica e Linguistica Sui Vicino Oriente Antico [Verona], 8, 47-57. Notes: [Certain observations on the names of Pre-Islamic South Arabia.] Refs. Abstract: "Description of some of the major problems in the actual historical and linguistic research. One example is chronology, such as the time when the Semitic population settled in the area, as well as the relative and absolute chronology of the different states of South Arabia. Another problem is the lack of epigraphic documention. Then there is a list of important points in the name system of South Arabia. This includes the phonetic phenomena in the linguistic system, formal structure of anthroponymy, the deonminational system. and composed names." source-ed lawson Sholan, A. (1999). Frauennamen in den altsüdarabischen Inschriften . Hildesheim; New York: Olms. ASIA (WESTERN) -SYRIA -ANCIENT Stark, J. K. (1971). Personal names in Palmyrene inscriptions. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Notes: Bibliography: p. 145-152 ASIA (WESTERN) -TURKEY Abdurrahman, V. (2004). Turklerin ad koyma gelenekleri uzerine bir inceleme. Milli Folklor. 8(61), 124-133. Notes: An inquiry on the name giving traditions among Turkish people Acikel, A. (2003). "Turkish Personal Names in the District Of Artukabad 1455-1520" (Artukabad Kazasinda Turk Kisi Adlari). Journal of Social Sciences [Firat University in Elazig] . Agirgan, Ö. (2004). Dünden bügüne Edirne isimler sözlügü. Edirne [Turkey]: Ulusal Bellek. Notes: Turkish personal names dictionary Aksan, D. (1998). Her Yönüyle Dil : Ana Çizgileriyle Dilbilim. Ankara: TDK Yayinlari, 2. Baski. Notes: fuller details needed Aksu, I. (2006). The story of Turkish surnames : an onomastic study of Turkish family names, their origins, and related matters. Çanakkale, Turkey: Olay Gazetesi. Notes: ISBN 9944516309 Abstract: "In Ottoman times, everyone in Turkey was identified by titles, nicknames, birthplace, and parentage. Then, in 1934, a new law was issued. Everyone had to take a surname. Why did one family choose this surname and another family take that surname? This book relates the circumstances in anecdotal form as remembered by the family itself." (back cover). Alakus, M. (2007). Turkish names . Indexer. Notes: Centrepiece 2 : Indexing personal names 2 Basgöz, I. The name and society : a case study of personal names in Turkey. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikviteks Akademiens Konferensar 12 (pp. 1-14). Birnbaum, E. (1968). Ottoman Turkish Names: The Choice of Entry Words for Alphabetical Listing . Journal of the American Oriental Society, 88(2), 228-238. Bozyi git, E. (1995). Türk adbilimi bibliyografyasi : Türkiye’de yay‡mlanan çali¸smalar : deneme . Ankara: Ayyildiz Yayinlari. Notes: Bibliography Bulliet, R. W. (1978). First Names and Political Change in Modern Turkey . International Journal of Middle East Studies , 9(4), 489-495. Cem, H. (1990). Ke’lalaka : Osmanlilar’da lakaplar ve hikayeleri . Istanbul: Yilmaz Yayinlan. Notes: 178pp Central Intelligence Agency. (1961). Turkish personal names. Washington. Notes: Bibliography: p. 21-22 Choi, H.-W. (1990). The names of Türk and T’ou-kiue. 32nd Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference, 1989, June (pp. 65-74). Universitets Forlaget. Notes: Turkey Develliglu, F. (1993). Osmanlica-Türkçe Ansiklopedik Lugat. Istanbul: Aydin Kitabevi. Notes: Ottoman-Turkish encyclopedic dictionary. Includes Ottoman script and Latin alphabet. Duman, D. (2004). A characterization of Turkish personal name inventory. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, (165), 155-177. Gencosman, K. Z. (1975). Türk isimleri sözlü gü . Istanbul: HürYayin ve Ticaret A. ¸S. Notes: Dictionary Gocheva, P. (1988). Reforma, zabulena s mulchanie. Sofiia: Izd-vo na Otechestveniia front. Abstract: Names-legal status Köksal, A. (1980). Dil ve Ekin. Notes: check ref Neuburger, M. (2004). A Muslim by any "other" name : the power of naming and re-naming. (The Orient Within: Muslim Minorities and the Negotiation of Nationhood in Modern Bulgaria), (pp. 142-168). Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Notes: a chapter on names, mostly name-changes of Turks in Bulgaria. Pinto, B. B. (2004). The Sephardic Onomasticon : an etymological research on Sephardic family names of the Jews living in Turkey . Istanbul: Gözlem Gazetecilik Basin Ve Yayin A.¸S. Rasonyi. (1976). The psychology and categories of name-giving among the Turkish people. Türk Dili Arasturmalari Yillgi: Belleten, (34). Sakaoglu, S. (2001). Türk ad bilimi. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu. Savk, U.-C. (2002). Karakalpak kisi adlari uzerine bir inceleme. Milli-Folklor, 7(54), 62-67. Notes: A study on the karakalpak Turkish personal names Spencer, R. F. (1961). The social context of modern Turkish names. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, (17), 205-218. Abstract: Lawson1: "Description of modern Turkish first names and surnames practices; the 1934 Turkish name law. 15 refs." Türköz, M. F. "The Social Life of the State’s Fantasy: Memories and Documents on Turkey’s 1934 Surname Law.". Notes: Book Volume: [‘DAI 2004 65(3): 1063-A. <i>DA3125908</i>’] U. of Pennsylvania 2004. 226 pp. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract Vergin, N. (1985). Social Change and the Family in Turkey. Current Anthropology, (26), 571-574. Abstract: The Family Names Act of 1935 required the adoption of a family surname. Lineage or clan surmames were banned, and families were forced to adopt a family name (Vergin 2000). In general, the Western-style nuclear family was held up as an idealized model (Kadiyoti, 1988.) Zgusta, L. (1964). Kleinasiatische Personennamen. Prag: Verlag der Tschechoslowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Notes: 701pp Çalik, M. K. (1989). Türk adi ve soyadi sözlügü . Istanbul: S. Yayinlari. Abstract: Dictionary of Personal names [page last updated: July 25, 2008]