Transnational Click to see map at full size on Wikipedia TRANSNATIONAL – Archuleta, L. (1973). The magic of names – their origin and meaning : a bilingual-bicultural resource booklet for teachers, pre-schoool through grade six. Denver Public Schools. Bean, S. S. (1980). Ethnology and the Study of Proper Names. Anthropological Linguistics, 22(7), 305-16. Abstract: author abstract "Discusses the importance of uncovering the universal features of proper names and relating them to different naming systems. Suggests that this viewpoint may lead to an appreciation of proper names as a sociolinguistic universal and a cultural variable, beyond the particulars on which most of the literature has focused." Bonaventura, P., Gori, M., Maggini, M., Scarselli, F., & Sheng Jianqing. (2003). A hybrid model for the prediction of the linguistic origin of surnames. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 15(3), 760-763. Brendler, S. (2006). Zunamen /Surnames 1: I . Hamburg: Baar-Verlag. Brendler, S. (2006). Zunamen /Surnames 1: II. Hamburg: Baar-Verlag. Buckner, B. (Surname frequencies and distributions [Web Page]. URL link to article [2007, June 29]. Caffarelli, E. (2002). I prenomi più frequenti nel mondo alla fine del secondo millennio. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, 8(2), 631-709. Notes: Refs Caffarelli, E., & Doreen Gerritzen. (1998). Frequenze onomastiche : recenti sviluppi nella nominazione dei nuovi nati. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, 4, 281-303. Notes: Refs. Tables Caffarelli, E., & Gerritzen, D. (2002). Frequenze onomastiche. I prenomi più frequenti nel mondo alla fine del 2º millennio (The most frequent first names in the world at the end of 2nd Millennium). Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, 8(2), 631-709. Connor, W. (1992). The nation and its myth. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 33(1/2), 48-57. Abstract: The essence of the nation is the belief of its members that they are ancestrally related. In a number of cases, the myth of common descent has been given specific content in the form of a national genealogy linking the present generation of members to a legendary figure. The sense of common kinship does not require familiarity with such a genealogy, however. Unlike most scholars, national leaders have been acutely aware of the sense of kinship that lies at the core of national consciousness and have commonly appealed to it as a means of mobilizing the masses. This has been true of leaders along the entire ideological spectrum. The sense of kinship also explains why surnames often serve as the principal marker of national identity. It is also what invests the national bond with a special potency and causes nationalism to be more potent than patriotism. Fournier, D. Anthroponymie feminine : questions de typologie et de terminologie. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 329-335). Gallippi, A. F. (1996). Learning to recognize names across languages. 16th Coling-Conference 1996 (pp. 424-429). Harder, K. B. (1986). Names & their varieties : a collection of essays in onomastics. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America. Abstract: Lawson: ‘collection of articles from Names -includes some on personal names, Smith,Strawbinger,Brender,Rennick,Davies’ Hermansen John. Advanced global name recognition technologyIBM. Ingraham, H. (1996). People’s names : a cross-cultural reference guide to the proper use of over 40,000 personal and familial names in over 100 cultures. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland. Notes: [ISBN 0786401877] Abstract: "lists names in many cultures, many names with meaning" International Tracing Service. (1994). Repertoire des prenoms = Register of first names = Verzeichnis der Vornamen (4th ed.).Arolsen. Notes: check ref Kriukov, M. V. (1989). Sistemy lichnykh imen u narodov mira. Moscow: Science. Notes: 383pp Abstract: Systems of personal names among the peoples of the world Kuehne, O. R. (1951). Family names as motivation for the study of foreign languages. Modern Language Journal, (35), 552-561. Lawson, E. D.Social psychological aspects of personal naming. (1988 ed.). Notes: full-text: link to article paper presented to the Council for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland, March 1988 Abstract: For at least 90 years there have been contributions to onomastics from the fields of social psychology and personality. These contributions have included work on various types of names, such as ambiguous, alias, hypocoristic, junior, nickname, surname, and unique name. Other research has focused on the structure of names, style of usage, and style of address. Recent applied research has been directed to stereotypes of specific names, popularity, school achievement, ethnic stereotypes, attribution theory, personality aspects, and signature size. (One-hundred and fifty-six references are attached.) (Author abstract) Lawson, E. D.The onomastic treasure of the CIA. (1995 ed.). Notes: fulltext: link to article Abstract: eric abstract "The contents of documents prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Cold War, on onomastic aspects of personal names for over 30 languages, are summarized. The languages range from those commonly taught to less commonly taught ones. The number of speakers of the languages range from 1.35 million (Estonian) to 610 million (Chinese). The reports range in length from 14 pages (Slovenian) to 433 pages (Russian); the median number is 46 pages. It is proposed that the documents have substantial value for the study of names. Most contain information on naming in the language, style of name use, pronunciation, transliteration, given names, family names, and the use of titles. Some contain the meanings of names. Many list special features of the language, such as laws on naming, patronymics, and rules for women’s names. The report provides a list of the documents, information on their availability, maps showing their coverage, a summary of the data in each, and notes on special features." Lawson, E. D. (1984). Personal names: 100 years of social science contributions. Names , 32(1), 45-73. Notes: 1880-1980. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Reviews contributions of the social sciences to onomastics." Lawson, E. D. (1987). Personal names and naming. Greenwood Press. Lawson, E. D. (1996). More names and naming. Greenwood Press. Manrubia, S., & Damian Zanette. (2002). At the boundary between biological and cultural evolution: The origin of surname distributions. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 216, 461-477. Abstract: "The authors’ model for international surname distribution found that the rules are surprisingly simple. Just two key parameters – how often new surnames are created and the rate at which uncommon name disappear – largely govern the distribution of surnames everywhere. After several generations names follow a power law, you end up with a few very common names and lots of very rare ones." Martin, C. B. (1987). New international names on the campus. Names, (35), 86-94. Abstract: Lawson: ‘description and discussion of naming customs from Chinese,Nigerian,Middle Eastern,Korean,Japanese and Thai cultures’ Pearce, K. (2002). Multicultural matters: Names and naming systems. London: Building Bridges. Abstract: An index of personal names to culture ; not an exposition of naming systems Smith, E. C. (1965). Personal names : a bibliography. Detroit: Gale. Notes: Reprinted from the Bulletin of the New York Public Library, 1950-1951 Statistics Norway. (Web-servers at statistical Agencies [Web Page]. URL Abstract: Webpage hosted by Statistics Norway.Many Statsistical Agencies webpages have statistics on the most popular names assigned to offspring Tsushima, J. Impact : some reactions to foreign surnames – or, the art of getting it wrong. Nomina, (14), 25-40. Vroonen, E. (2001). Les noms du monde entier et leur significationArchives & Culture. TRANSNATIONAL ~LINGUISTICS de Silva, G. G. (1972). The linguistics of personal names. Onoma, (17), 92-136. Abstract: "Used telephone directories in 154 cities world-wide to compile lists of the 5 most frequent male first names, female first names, and surnames. Some variations in procedure were made due to local conditions. Etymology given for most of the names. 2 refs." Abstract source : ed lawson Kowalik-Kaleta, Z. Tracing surname patterns by means of structuralistic methods in various languages. Vol. 1984. XV Internationaler Kongress für Namenforshung (pp. 223-230). Leipzig. Abstract: " Examination and analysis of surname structure in several European languages from the 8th to the 14th centuries, indicates existence of a protosurname as an intermediate stage between the one- and two-element namimg systems. The two patterns identified show an attachment either to a definite locality or a definite person." Abstract source : ed lawson TRANSNATIONAL ~LINGUISTICS –ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAMES Barry, H. B., & Harper, A. S. Increased choice of female phonetic attributes in first names. Sex Roles, 32, 809-819. Barry, H. B., & Harper, A. S. (1994). Sex differences in linguistic origins of personal names. E. W. McMullen (editor), Names new and old (pp. 281-300). Madison, NJ: Penny Press. Barry, H. B., & Harper, A. S. (2005). The Majority of Female First Names Ended in A or E Throughout the Twentieth Century. J. W. Lee (editor ), Gender Roles (pp. 117-143). Nova Biomedical Books. Barry Herbert B., & Harper, A. S. (2006). The Majority of Female First Names Ended in A or E Throughout the Twentieth Century. A. J. Lauber (editor), Gender Identity, Psychology and Lifestyle (pp. 91-116). Nova Biomedical Books. Barry, H. I., & Harper, A. S. (2003). Final letter compared with final phoneme in male and female names. Names , 51(1), 13-33. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Analyzes the endings of the most popular male and female first names of US residents in 1950 and 1990, finding the final letter rather than the final sound (phoneme) of a name to be a more reliable identifier of an individual’s sex." Cassidy, K. W., Kelly, M. H., & Sharoni, L. a. J. (1999). Inferring gender from name phonology. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General , 128, 362-381. Cutler, A., McQueen, J., & Robinson., K. (1990). Elizabeth and John: sound patterns of men’s and women’s names. Journal of Linguistics, 26, 471-482. Fredrickson, A. Phonological cues to gender in sex-typed and unisex names. Notes: online: link to article Hough, C. (2000). Towards an explanation of phonetic differentiation in masculine and feminine personal names. Journal of Linguistics, 36(1), 1-11. Perfors, A. (What’s in a name? the effect of sound symbolism on perception of facial attractiveness . Notes: poster presentation TRANSNATIONAL ~PSYCHOLOGY –ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAMES Busse, T. V., & Seraydarian, L. (1978). Frequency and desirability of first names. Journal of Social Psychology, 104(1), 143-44. Christopher, A. N. (1998). The psychology of names: an empirical reexamination. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28(13), 1173-95. Cotton, J. L., O’Neill, B. S., & Griffin, A. (2008). The "name game": affective and hiring reactions to first names . Journal of Managerial Psychology , 23(1), 18-39. Abstract: "The paper seeks to examine how the uniqueness and ethnicity of first names influence affective reactions to those names and their potential for hire" Dinur, R., Beit-Hallahmi, B., & Hofman, J. (1996). First names as identity stereotypes. The Journal of Social Psychology, 136(2), 191-200. Garwood, S. G., Cox, L., Kaplan, V., Wasserman, N., & Sulzer, J. (1980). Beauty is only "name" deep: the effect of first-name on ratings of physical attraction. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 10(5), 431-5. King, E. B., Madera, J. M., Hebl, M. R., Knight, J. L., & Mendoza, S. A. (2006). What’s in a name? A multiracial investigation of the role of occupational stereotypes in selection decisions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(5), 1145-59. Leirer, V., Hamilton, D., & Carpenter, S. (1982). Common first names as cues for inferences about personality. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 8(4), 712-8. Mehrabian, A. (1992). Interrelationships among name desirability, name uniqueness, emotion characteristics connoted by names, and temperament. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22, 1797-1808. Mehrabian, A. (1992). The name game: The decision that lasts a lifetime. New York: Penguin Group. Mehrabian, A. (1997). Impressions created by given names. Names, 34, 19-33. Mehrabian, A. (2001). Characteristics attributed to individuals on the basis of their first names. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 127, 59-88. Mehrabian, A., & Piercy, M. (1993). Affective and personality characteristics inferred from length of first names. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 19, 755=758. Mehrabian, A., & Piercy, M. (1993). Differences in positive and negative connotations of nicknames and given names. The Journal of Social Psychology, 133, 737-739. Mehrabian, A., & Piercy, M. (1993). Positive or negative connotations of unconventionally and conventionally spelled names. The Journal of Social Psychology, 133, 445-451. Mehrabian, A., & Valdez, P. (1990). Basic name connotations and related sex stereotyping. Psychological Reports, 66, 1-2. Smith, F. L., Tabak, F., Showail, S., Parks, J. M., & Kleist, J. S. (2005). The name game: employability evaluations of prototypical applicants with stereotypical feminine and masculine first names. Sex Roles, 52(12), 63-82. TRANSNATIONAL ~SOCIOLOGY –ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAMES Edwards, R., & Caballero, C. (2008). What’s in a name? An exploration of the significance of personal naming of `mixed’ children for parents from different racial, ethnic and faith background. The Sociological Review, 56(2), 39-60. Abstract: "This article is concerned with how and why parent couples from different racial, ethnic and faith backgrounds choose their children’s personal names?…." TRANSNATIONAL ~SOURCES Family History Library Catalog [Web Page]. Lawson, E. D. (1990). Nicknames: an annotated bibliography. Names , 38(4), 323-363. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Annotations for 320 English-language printed sources compiled principally from Eldson Smith’s Personal Names: A Bibliography (1952) and Edwin Lawson’s Personal Names and Naming: An Annotated Bibliography (1987)." University of Queensland. (National Library catalogues worldwide [Web Page]. TRANSNATIONAL ~STATISTICAL Cazes, M.-H. (1996). Assessing the genealogical depth of an ancestry. Population, 51(1), 117-140. Abstract: Abstract: "Many studies in genetics and historical demography rely on family reconstitution, beginning with one individual and his or her ancestry… In this paper it is shown that an index which is supposed to provide information about the average length of an ancestry may lead to inconsistent results in some cases. Panaretos, J. (1989). On the evolution of surnames. International Statistical Review, 2(57), 161-167. Notes: fulltext at:: link to article Abstract: "The problem of determining how family names evolve preoccupies both statistics and human biology. The determination of a proper and well justified probability model to describe the probability distribution of surnames has been confronted by many authors. In this paper two stochastic models giving rise to the Yule distribution are proposed to explain and fit some observed surname frequency distributions. The first is based on a contagion hypothesis in the sense that the more occurrences a surname has had the more likely it is to have a further occurrence. The second model is based on a weaker set of assumptions which also allows "immigration" of new surnames. The distribution that arises from these models is then fitted to actual data and the fit is compared to that provided by the discrete Pareto distribution" Reed W.J., & Hughes B.D. (2003). On the distribution of family names. Physica A, 319, 579-590. Sato, K., & Oguri, A. (2007). Effect of the finite size of population on the distribution of family names. Japanese Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 24(1), 119-130. Abstract: author’s abstract "We examine the effect of finite size of population on the distribution of family names. As the result we observe that the power-law behavior of size-frequency distribution in Reed–Hughes model collapses to show the convex shape on the logarithmic graph. We can approximately calculate the average distribution of size-frequency distribution of family names obtained by the similar method for Ewens sampling formula" Zanette D.H., & Manrubia S.C. (2001). Vertical transmission of culture and the distribution of family names. Physica A, 295(1), 1-8. RELIGION -JEWISH 8th International Conference on Jewish Onomastics . Abstract: The conference program included: · Anat Gueta – "The World View of Rabbi Menahem Azariah Emanuel ben Isaac Berechiah da Fano (????) as Reflected in the Names he gave his Children." · Tzvia Koren-Loeb – "The Frankfurt-am-Main Memorbuch of Names, 18th Century." · Yitzchak Kerem – "Italian-Jewish Names of Greek Jewry." · David Cassuto – "Possible Origin of the Name Cassuto." · David Golinkin – "Why is Rabban Gamliel called Baal Hahotem." · Aharon Gaimani – "Names of Yemenite Jews From the Ledger of the Rabbinic Emissary R. Shlomo Nadaf." · Menashe Anzi – "Family Nicknames in Sanaa: Consolidation, Distinction and Tension in the Community in the Twentieth Century." · Yossef Charvit – "Rabbi Maurice Eisenbeth (1928-1958) as Researcher of the Jewish Name in North Africa." · Victor Hayoun – "First and Last Names in the Jewish community of Nabeul in Tunisia." · Gila Hadar – "Bienvenida (Welcome) and Azebuena (Making Good): Patterns of Girls’ Given Names in the Sephardic Diaspora." · Ziva Feldman – "From Yoseph to Yossi and Yoske as Signs of the Times and of Ideology." · Michal Rom – "’We are four girls at home, the name seems to get lost:’; Israeli Women’s Choice of a Family Name Upon Marriage and Its Implications on the Effort to Preserve Jewish Names." · Orna Baziz – "Names in Work of David Shahar." · Zehava Kor – "Smiling at my Hungarian Names." · Tsuguya (Tsvi) Sasaki – "What Are the ‘International’ Forms of Biblical Hebrew Personal Names Supposed to Be? Ways of Adopting and Adapting Them in the International Planned Language Esperanto." · Manuel John Kaamugisha Muranga – "Theophoric Biblical Names and Their Impact on the Personal Naming System of Selected East African Peoples." · Chaim Cohen – "Biblical Hebrew Personal Names and the Moshe Held Method for Comparative Semitic Philology." · Michael Avioz – "’The shameful thing has devoured all for which our ancestors had laboured’ (Jer. 3:14): On the Names Mephibosheth and Ishbosheth." · Itzhaq Shai – "Understanding the Migration of the Philistines: City Names and Their Implications." · Talia Ditchi-Barak – "The Epithets of the God of Israel in Biblical Hebrew." · Moshe Garsiel – "Puns on Names as a Literary Device in the Book of Judges." · Amnon Shapira – "Names in the Bible – between ‘Allegory’ and ‘Allegoristic’." · Yair Zakovitch – "Making a Name Meaningful: Between Literary and Textual Criticism." The database of family names Beit Hatefutsoth. Notes: link to webpage These are the names: Studies in Jewish onomastics. Notes: check ref Beider, A. (1997). Jewish given names in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Avotaynu, 13(2), 20-25. Abstract: "A scholarly view of the usage and etymology of Jewish given names in Lithuania, from the 14th to 19th centuries" Beider, A. (2001). A dictionary of Ashkenazic given names : their origins, structure, pronunciation, and migrations. Bergenfield, N.J.: Avotaynu, Inc. Beider, A. (2004). A dictionary of Jewish surnames from Galicia. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu. Chazen, R. (1972). Names : Medieval period and establishment of surnames (Encyclopedia Judica . Jerusalem: Encyclopaedia Judaica. Abstract: Lawson1: "Description of cultural, historical and religious pressures that have led to modern Jewish surnames." Chelminsky-Lajmer, E. (1975). London, Berlin and other names. Names, (23), 59-60. Abstract: Lawson1: "Explanation of how Jewish names such as London, Berlin Gordon, Atlas, Gross and Pfeffer have meanings other than what is immediately apparent; example Atlas is an acronym derived from the Hebrew of the first words of Psalm 73:1." Demsky, A., Reif, J. A., & Tabory, J. (1997). These are the names: studies in Jewish onomastics. Ramat Gan, Israel: Bar-Ilan University Press. Notes: 6 chapters in English with Hebrew summaries. 4 chapters in Hebrew with English summaries. Abstract: "Contains chapters by Leah Bornstein-Makovetsky on Jewish names in Istanbul. Aaron Demsky on names and no-names in the Book of Ruth, Esther Eshel on names in the Qumran sect, Harvey Goldberg on names in their social contexts, Gloria Mound on Jewish names in the Balearic Islands, Edwin D. Lawson on a bibliography on Jewish names, by Henry Abramovitch & Yoram Bilu on dreams involving names of Moroccan Jews, Hanan Eshel on names from Samaria in the Persian Period, Meir Bar-Ilan on the names of angels, and Aharon Gaimany on Yemenite names. For brief summaries on these chapters, refer to each author" Source of abstract -ed lawson Glanz, R. (1961). German-Jewish names in America. Jewish Social Studies, (23), 143-169. Abstract: Lawson1: "Historical survey and commentary. Among the major topics are: 1) distinctive German-Jewish names 2) names of German-Jewish pioneers 3) German-Jewish names in the German-American milieu and 4) changes in the stock of names and name changes." Goiteen, S. D. (1970). Nicknames as family names. Journal of the American Oriental Society, (90), 517-524. Abstract: Lawson1: "demonstrates that nicknames as family names go back to the Bible, and that Rabbi Hanina (3rd century) and the Koran have injunctions against bad nicknames. Then shows that the Cairo Geniza (collection of Jewish documents from the 10th-13th centuries) contains cases where a nickname has become a surname. Examples include: ibn Akwal (‘dwarf’), ibn Misk (‘dark-complexioned’) , and Ben al-Khasisa (‘son of the miserly, mean woman’)" Gold, D. (1971). Jewish surnames as a key to Jewish settlement history. Yugntruf, 23, 10-11. Gold, D. L. (2003). Ever Fewer Family Names Are Now Describable as ‘Typically Jewish’: On Some Jewish Family Names Beginning Fitz-, Mac-, Mc-, and O’-. Beiträge Zur Namenforschung, 38(4), 435-438. Guggenheimer, H. W., & Guggenheimer, E. H. (1992). Jewish family names and their origins an etymological dictionary. Hoboken N.J.: Ktav Pub. House. Notes: [ISBN 0881252972] Abstract: " has entries for 65,000 names drawn from Ashkenazic, Sephardic, Oriental and modern Israeli traditions" abstract source: ed lawson Himmelfarb, H. S., Loar, R. M., & Mott, S. H. (1983). Sampling by ethnic surnames :the case of American Jews. Public Opinion Quarterly, 47(2), 247-260. Abstract: Lawson1: "on the basis of a nationwide sample, concludes (with some reservations) that the use of distinctive Jewish surnames is a good way of selecting a Jewish sample." Kaganoff, B. C. (1956). Jewish surnames through the ages. Commentary , 22(3), 249-259. Notes: 13c BC-1956. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "A survey of the origins of Jewish surnames from Biblical times to the present." Kaganoff, B. C. (1996). A dictionary of Jewish names and their history. Northvale, New Jersey: J. Aronson. Notes: Previously published, New York , Schocken Books, 1977 Abstract: Lawson1: "Part 1, about half the book, gives history and background material on Jewish names, first names and surnames. Part 2 is a dictionary of approximately 10,000 surnames. For example Abrabanel is a diminutive derived from the patronymic for Abraham used by Spanish Jews; Katz is an acronym for Kohen Tzedeh ‘priest of righteousness’." Kolatch, A. J. (1994). The new name dictionary: Modern Hebrew and English names. Middle Village, NY: Jonathan David. Kosmin, B. A., & Waterman, S. (1989). The use and misuse of distinctive Jewish names in research on Jewish populations. Papers in Jewish Demography, Proceedings of the demographic sessions held at the 9th World Congress of Jewish Studies (pp. 1-19). Lawson, E. D. (2003). Some Jewish personal names – 2: anannotated bibliography. A. Demsky (editor), These are the names : studies in Jewish onomastics (Vol. 4pp. 175-335). Ramat-Gan, Israel: Bar-Ilan University Press. Abstract: "contains over 600 annotated bibliographic items on Jewish personal names" abstract source: ed lawson Panchyk, R. Magyarization: A study of given names among Jews in Buda, 1820-95. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Masschusetts at Amherst. Panchyk, R. (1995). Birth index for Buda Jewry covering the years 1820-52, 1968 for Neolog Jews in Buda (Budapest), Hungary; An alphabetical listing by father’s surname, with a cross-index of mother’s surnames . Teaneck, NY: Avotaynu (distributed by). Panchyk, R. (1995). Given names and Hungarian Jews. Avotaynu, (11(Summer)), 24-25. Panchyk, R. (1998). Variations and changes in Hungarian-Jewish names. Avotaynu, (14), 41-41. Rennick, R. M. (1984). What’s in a ‘Jewish’ name : Don’t jump to conclusions. Bulletin of the Illinois Name Society, 2(4), 13-19. Abstract: Lawson1: "There are a number of names which are often assumed to be Jewish but which, in fact, are not. Exaples of individuals bearing these names are Felix Adler, Mr. Jerusalem, Ellen Hebrew, Thomas Jew, Norman Jewison, and a number of V=Chinese with the surname Jew." Rhode, H. (1995). Using Litvak naming patterns to derive names of unknown ancestors. Avotaynu, 11(3), 22-23. Avotaynu, 11(3), 22-23. Abstract: ed lawson "Shows how knowledge of the Ashkenazi Jewish naming tradition where children are generally named in memory of deceased relatives can be used to derive names of unknown ancestors" Rhode, H. (1996). More about Jewish family names: A cautionary tale. Avotaynu, 12(1), 17-. Rode, Z. R. The origin of Jewish names. Names, (24), 165-179. Abstract: Lawson1: "Systematic presenation of Jewish surnames. Includes introduction and 15 major groups of surnames such as: names from the Bible in various forms (Abraham, Abram), translations of Biblical names (Baruch ‘blessed’ to Benedict), equivalents of Hebew names (Abraham to Appel), and others." Rode, Z. R. (1976). The origin of Jewish family names. Names , 24(3), 165-179. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Examines surname origin among 18th-century European Jews including Biblical, locational, occupational, and characteristic origins." Rosenhouse, J. (2002). Personal names in Hebrew and Arabic: Modern trends compared to the past. Journal of Semitic Studies, 47(1), 97-114. Abstract: "Personal names are part of any language and obey most of its general rules, whether phonological, morphological, syntactic, orthographical or semantic. The paper considers similarities arid differences between names in Hebrew and Arabic as a specific lexical group within their vocabularies. We note briefly the importance of personal names for the study of these languages, and survey older and more recent names from phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic aspects. The standpoint of this comparative study is basically lexicological and socioguistic Three main points are discussed, the first two of which occur only in Hebrew: 1. The stress an the name’s penultimate syllable which contrasts the usual stress pattern. 2. Gender indication of the name (masculine vs. feminine. 3. Innovations in the names inventory, Both Arabic and Hebrew tend to innovate names, but due to the speakers’ different cultural and social structures, the results in each language differ in several respects". Author abstract Rothschild, J. (1991). Jewish Family Names And Surnames [Letter]. Verbatim, 18(2), 24-24. Rottenberg, D. (1977). Finding our fathers : a guidebook to Jewish genealogy. New York: Random House. Abstract: "Following 8 chapters of background information, there are entries for about 8000 Jewish surnames. Entries show related names and some information on holders of that name. Many items list a reference source, such as Encyclopedia Judaica where further information may be obtaines." Abstract source: ed lawson Seror, S. (1989). Les noms des juifs de France au Moyen Age. Paris: Diffusion, Presses du CNRS. Stern, W. (1974). On the fascination of Jewish surnames. in: Leo Baeck Institute Yearbook (Vol. 19pp. 219-235). Weiss, N. (2002). Origin of Jewish Family namesPeter Lang. Abstract: Provides a comprehensive list of Jewish family names with explanations of their meaning and origin. The names are grouped according to the countries in which they first occurred. Zubatsky, D. S. (1982). Sources for Jewish genealogies, family histories, and individual Jewish names : a bibliography arranged by surname. Champaign, Illinois: D. Zubatsky. Notes: Contents : Pt.1 : A-F – Pt.2 : G-M – Pt.3 : N-S – Pt.4 : T-Z and addition A-W Zubatsky, D. S., & Berent, I. M. (1996). Sourcebook for Jewish genealogies and family histories. Teaneck, N.J.: Avotaynu. Abstract: "locates information on over 10,000 family names from published and unpublished material but available from libraries and archives in several countries" abstract source – ed lawson Zunz, L. (1971). Namen der Juden : eine geschichtliche untersuchung. Hildesheim: Gerstenberg. RELIGION -JEWISH -ASHKENAZI Timm, E., & Beckmann, G. A. (1999). Matronymika in aschkenasischen kulturbereich : Ein Beitrag Zur Mentalitats- Und Sozialgeschichte Der Europaischen Juden (Studia anthroponymica Scandinavica No. 18). Niemayer: Tübingen. Abstract: Matronymika, also Benennungen nach der Mutter statt nach dem Vater einschließlich daraus entstandener Familiennamen, sind, gemessen am europäischen Durchschnitt, überraschenderweise gerade im jiddischen Sprachbereich ungewöhnlich häufig, obwohl die traditionelle jüdische Kultur und manchmal speziell das osteuropäische Judentum als patriarchalisch par excellence gelten. Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt die räumlich-zeitliche Entfaltung der Matronymika von biblischen Zeiten bis heute, insbesondere auch durch die jiddische Literatur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Sodann unternimmt sie es, die faszinierende Komplementarität der sozialgeschichtlichen (hier familienstrukturellen) und der mentalitätsgeschichtlichen (hier religiösen) Ursachen aufzudecken van Straten, J., & Snel, H. (1996). Joodse voornamen in Amsterdam: Een inventarisatie van Asjkenazische en bijbehorende burgerlijke voornamen tussen 1669 en 1850. Abstract: Publisher "The format of this book is a bit unusual as much of the explanatory material is in two languages, Dutch and English so the work is available to a wide audience. The plan of the authors was to develop a system that would match civil and Jewish (Hebrew and Yiddish) names of Dutch Jews who lived mostly in Amsterdam between 1669 and 1849, a tremendous task. It may not be generally known but Jews in Europe and North America have two sets of given or first names. One name is in the vernacular of the community or culture they live in and another is used in the Jewish religion and Jewish community life. For example, a man might go by Leo in the civil community but in Jewish religious life and the Jewish community, he would be known as Yehuda [Judah]. Leo "lion" is linked to Yehuda. This is because when Jacob gave his final blessing to his sons, he compared Jacob to a lion (Gen. 49:9). In North America, it is not uncommon for a son who has the Hebrew name of Shmuel (Samuel) to have as his civil name a name like Sherman. The pattern of having a civil or vernacular name for use in the general community is not confined to Jews. In the Chinese-American community there are also cases where the individual takes a first name that makes interaction easier with the majority community. A male example is }n Dß ("calm") which becomes Andrew; the woman’s name É Wá ("young beauty") becomes Emma. Note that the sounds of the English name are somewhat similar. The problems of language are considerable when dealing with Jewish names. van Straten and Snel used the term "Jewish" to include both Hebrew and Yiddish names. Hebrew is an ancient Semitic language which is used in worship and religious affairs. Yiddish is a more modern language derived from High German. Jewish communities in Europe since the Middle Ages have used Yiddish as a lingua franca. Both Yiddish and German are written with Hebrew characters. When names from either of these languages are written in a European language, they have to be transcribed. Of course, this leads to possible errors along the way. The main part of Joodse voornamen in Amsterdam is a long table of at least 4,700 entries of first names. These entries are based on records from two major sources: records of the Jewish community and records of the civil community. The records include marriage and death registers. The data are set up in five columns, the civil first name, the name in Hebrew, transcription of the Hebrew name into roman letters, Yiddish first name, and the transliterated Yiddish name. While all entries have the first column, there are only two of the other columns used for the remaining entries. Using the left column which is in alphabetical order, it is possible to identify the Hebrew or Yiddish names associated with it. Some civil names have many variations. For example, we can look at Judith. There are 26 entries for Judith. Judith, as a civil name, can also appear spelled as Judic, Judick, Judit, and Juduc. There are also variations in the Hebrew and the Yiddish spelling of the name. Knowing the civil name, one can identify all the possible variations in either Hebrew or Yiddish. As one examines the listing of the civil names, many associations are obvious. Some seem difficult to understand. Why is the name Victor associated with Avigdor? It is probably because the sound is somewhat similar. Avigdor is also an important name in the Jewish world because it is one of the names associated with Moses. Why is this system useful? There are two advantages. The first is genealogical. If a person is researching an ancestor who is Jewish or who may be Jewish and has some documents available in Dutch script, there is a clue about what first name is to be looked for in documents that may be in Hebrew or Yiddish. Sometimes, the associated names are somewhat different. For example, the Hebrew form of Judith (Yehudit) can also be associated on the civil list with Grietje. What if one has a name on Jewish document and wants to know how the name may appear in a civil list? There is a second listing of 1,200 entries. In this second table, one can go from the Jewish name to an associated civil name. For example, Hodes is associated with Hester [Esther]. How can this be explained? Hodes is the Yiddish form of the Hebrew Hadassa (Myrtle). In the Bible, the heroine Esther whose Persian name means "star" had as her Hebrew name, Hadassa. The second advantage to this system is more onomastic. We can see how two cultures can interact, how Hebrew and Yiddish can interact and be interpreted, and how Dutch can interact and be interpreted by both of them. This has been a brief description of a very detailed book. There is a great deal more information included such as a listing of pronunciation guides and of double names. There are also several plates of civil and religious documents. Recommended for onomastic, genealogical, Dutch, and Judaica collections. " RELIGION -JEWISH -BIBLIOGRAPHY Singerman, R. (2001). Jewish given names and family names: A new bibliography. Leiden: Brill. Notes: "lists more tha 3,000 articles, books, and essays through history in more than 20 categories (bibliographies, general studies, biblical names, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the Septuagint" abstract source : ed lawson RELIGION -JEWISH (BULGARIA) Tagger, M. A. (2003). The Jews of Bulgaria: Their surnames as a mirror of their history. Sharsheret Hadorot: Journal of Jewish Genealogy, 17(3/4), 2-10. RELIGION -JEWISH (E EUROPE) Beider, A. (1994). Jewish surnames in Prague (15th to 18th centuries). Teaneck, New Jersey: Avotaynu Inc. RELIGION -JEWISH (EAST EUROPEAN) Forgács, K. Hungarianization of Jewish surnames. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 322-329). University of Helsinki : The Finnish Research Centre for Domestic Languages. Zeiden, H. G. (1998). Khazar/Kipchak Turkisms in Yiddish: Words and surnames (Exploring the Slavic ethnogenetic word origins of East European Jewry). Yiddish, 11(1), 81-92. RELIGION -JEWISH (FRANCE) Guide des patronymes juifs. (1996). Solin: Actes Sud. Bitton, M. (1996). Les prenoms feminins et masculins dans les declarations des juifs comtadins de 1808. Revue Des Etudes Juives , 155(3), 421-446. Notes: [Female and male first names in the declarations of the Jews of the Comtat Venaissin in 1808]. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Discusses the first names of the Jewish residents of Avignon, Carpentras, and Cavaillon as recorded in the census of Jews in 1808, showing how they indicate the persistence of a strong Jewish identity nearly twenty years after emancipation of Jews in France. " Nicolas, E. (2003). Le choix patronymique, vecteur d’integration: l’exemple de la Provence au debut du XIXe siecle. Provence Historique, 53(212), 257-276. Notes: : [Patronymic choice as a vehicle for integration: the case of Provence at the beginning of the 19th century]. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "An 1808 edict required all Jews in France without fixed given and family names to register with local authorities, declaring their chosen names. This article examines the names selected by Jews in Provence, as well as the role of this process in integrating Jews into French society." Seror, S. (1997). Les noms des juifs du comtat du XVIe au XVIIIe siecle. Revue Des Etudes Juives, 156(3), 305-372. Notes: [Names of Jews in the Comtat from the 16th to the 18th centuries]. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Discusses changes in the naming practices of Jews in the Comtat Venaissin between the 16th and 18th centuries, most significantly the move toward the classical French pattern. Includes a list of Jewish names found in the Comtat with all their variants. " RELIGION -JEWISH (GERMANY) Dreifuss, E. M. (1927). Die Familiennamen der Juden : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verhältnisse in Baden zu Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts. Frankfurt am Main: J. Kauffmann. Droege, G. B. (1978). Friesian family names : borne by Jews only. Names, (26), 27-39. Abstract: Lawson1: "Historical notes on Jews with characteristic a endings to their surnames. Names include Leefsma, Drilsma, and Van Biema." Frank, M. (1992). Jüdische namen in deutschsprachiger Dichtung. Nordisk Judaistik, 13(1), 12-22. Kessler, G. (1935). Die Familiennamen der Juden in Deutschland. Leipzig. Notes: check for publisher Livingstone, R. (2005). Some aspects of German-Jewish names. German Life and Letters, 58(2), 164-181. Menk, L. (2005). A dictionary of German-Jewish surnames. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu. Stankiewicz, E. (1969). The derivational pattern in Yiddish personal (given) names. in: M. Herzog, W. Ravid, & U. Weinreich The field of Yiddish (Vol. 3pp. 267-283). RELIGION -JEWISH -HISPANIC Sephardic names from Spain and Portugal. Notes: check re -url RELIGION -JEWISH (IBERIAN) Ferreira, V. G. Jewish names of the XVth century in the Iberian Peninsula. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences . Abstract: "Description of name formation and modification of Jews in pre-Expulsion Spain and Portugal" Source of abstract -ed lawson Ferreira, V. G. (2007). Seven surnames of Jews from the Iberian Peninsula. Names, 55(4), 473-480. RELIGION -JEWISH (KURDISTAN) Sabar, Y. (1974). First names, nicknames and family names among the Jews of Kurdistan. Jewish Quarterly Review, (65), 43-51. Abstract: "Discussion and comment on Jewish naming patterns in Kurdistan. List of 37 common male and 17 common female names in everyday use, plus short forms of the name" Abstract source : ed lawson RELIGION -JEWISH (LITHUANIA) Moskovich, W. (1999). Ashkenazi Surnames of Lithuanian Origin. in: W. Röll, & S. Neuberg Jiddische Philologie (pp. 19-98). Niemeyer: Tübingen, Germany. RELIGION -JEWISH (MAGHREB) Goldberg, H. E. The social context of North African Jewish patronyms. in: I. Ben-Ami Folklore Research Center (Vol. 3pp. 245-257). Abstract: "Explains that there are alternative ways that Jews in North Africa might have Berber names without having been directly descended from Berbers. 35 refs." Source of abstract -ed lawson Goldsberg, H. E. (1972). The social context of North African Jewish patronyms. in: I. Ben-Ami Folklore Research Centre Studies (Vol. 3pp. 245-257). Jerusalem: Magnes Press. Notes: isbn: 0196477204. Text in Hebrew, English and French Abstract: Lawson1: "Explains that there are alternative ways that Jews in North Africa might have Berber names without having been directly descended from the Berbers." Taieb, J. (2004). Juifs du Maghreb; Noms de famille et Societe [North African Jewish Surnames and Society]. Paris: Cercle de Genealogie Juive. Abstract: ed lawson "Besides the innovation of covering the surnames of not only Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia but Libya’s surnames too, a large chapter consists in a fascinating analysis of the surnames from a linguistic, a sociological and a statistical standpoint. A fascinating lesson of onomastics! " Taïeb, J. (2004). Juifs du Maghreb : noms de famille et société. Paris: Cercle de généalogie juive. Notes: préface de Georges Weill RELIGION -JEWISH (MOROCCO) Noms des juifs du Maroc. Teaneck, New Jersey: Avoytanu (distributor). Notes: Moroccan Jewish surnames (42) Index to, Noms des juifs du Maroc by Abraham I. Laredo Laredo, A. (1978). Les noms des Juifs de Maroc. Madrid: Institut Montano. RELIGION -JEWISH -NETHERLANDS Beem, H. (1969). Joodse Namen en Namen van Joden . Studia Rosenthalia [Holland], 3, 82-96. Notes: =Jewish names and names of Jews Abstract: "The wanderings of the Jewis people are reflected in their names. Ashkenazi Jews in medieval Europe coupled French, Italian, and German names with their Hebrew equivalents. The Hebrew name was used in the synagogue. Women’s names were less conservative. Description of the types of surname taken in 1808 when all citizens had to adopt surnames. Concludes with a study of lists of Jewish names in several Dutch towns. Examples throughout" Source of abstract -ed lawson RELIGION -JEWISH (NORTH AFRICA) Corcos, D. (1970). Reflexions sur l’onomastique Judeo-Nord-Africaine. in: D. Noy, & I. Ben-Ami Folklore Research Center Studies (Vol. 1pp. 1-27). Jerusalem: Magnes Press. RELIGION -JEWISH (POLAND) Opas, T. (1974). Uwagi o wplywie jezyka polskiego na powstanie i rozw+j nazwisk zyd+w polskich (od polowy xvi do xviii w. Biuletyn Zydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego w Polsce [Poland], (89), 47-63. Notes: [Remarks concerning the influence of the Polish language on nascency and development of family names of Polish Jews in earlier ages (second half of the 16th to the end of the 18th centuries)].1550’s-1800. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The Jews who lived on Polish lands for centuries adopted a certain degree of Polish culture. The Polish language was particularly important in this respect as an element of constant and direct influence. One of the more interesting and less known research problems, is the influence of the Polish language on the origin and development of Jewish family names." RELIGION -JEWISH (RUMANIA) Rumania! Rumania!: family finder: Jewish family names and ancestral towns in yesterday’s Banat, Wallachia, Moldavia, Transylvania, Bessarabia, Dombruja, Maramures, Bukovina, and today’s Romania, Moldova, southern Ukraine. (1996). Greenwich, Connetticutt: Sam Elpern. Notes: Courtesy of ROM-SIG News, at the 15th Annual Summer Seminar on Jewish Genealogy, Boston, MA, July 14-19, 1996. RELIGION -JEWISH (RUSSIA) Feldblyum, B. (1997). Understanding Russian-Jewish given names. Avotaynu, 13(2), 7-10. Notes: Refs. Illus. Abstract: "Description of cases of confusion over the variations in Jewish first names. Many sitations refer to young men being drafted into the czar’s army. This is followed by a history of first names from the time of the Babylonian exile to the problems of trying to satisfy the Russian authorities in the 19th cent. Many examples. Because of the recent interest in genealogy and to help people identify family members, Feldblyum decided to translate Iser I. Kulisher’s Sbornik dlya soglasovaniya raznovidnostey imen {A collection to reconcile variation of names]. This book explains many of the variations possible." Source of abstract -ed lawson Feldblyum, B. (1998). Russian-Jewish given names and their variants. Teaneck, NY: Avotaynu. Munitz, B. (1972). Identifying Jewish names in Russia. Soviet Jewish Affairs, (3), 71ff-. Rabinowitsch, A. (1991). Structurelle Besonderheiten der Familiennamen der Juden in der Sowjetunion. Jiddistik Mittelungen, (6), 1-6. Verner, A. M. (1994). What’s in a name? of dog-killers, Jews and Rasputin. Slavic Review, (53), 1046-1070. Abstract: A study of surname changes in late imperial Russia based upon archival petitions. For a long time, Russians have been preoccupied with surnames, especially a distinction between so-called "good" and "bad" surnames. Changes were exceedingly rare until the end of the 19th century, as they required the personal permission of the ruler. Consequently, surnames often came to not only resonate with historical associations and to identify social and geographic origins, but also served to define their bearers’ personal characteristics. As the law did not recognize any clear-cut reasons for changing surnames, petitioners were at liberty to invent their own reasons. Among those given were surnames being missing, not existing, or being disputed; complications arising from family histories; cases of mistaken identity; and names being "ill-sounding" or "dissonant." With the revolution, the act of changing names took on larger significance, becoming tantamount to a rejection of the past. RELIGION -JEWISH (RUSSIAN EMPIRE) Boonin, H. D. (1993). Theories, assumptions and implications of’ Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Russian Empire’. Avotaynu, 9(3 (Fall)), 10-11. Abstract: "Discussion of some of the implications of Beider’s book. Shows with evidence that local Jewish authorities chose surnames at the time of surname adoption in 1804. This is in contrast to the pattern in other countries" Source of abstract -ed lawson RELIGION -JEWISH (SEPHARDIC) Eisenbeth, M. (2000). Les Juifs d’Afrique du Nord, démographie et onomastique. Paris: Cercle de généalogie juive; Gutenberg XXIe siècle. Faiguenboim, G., Valadares, P., & Campagnano, A. R. (2003). Dicionário sefaradi de sobrenomes : inclusive cristãos novos, conversos, marranos, italianos, berberes e sua história na Espanha, Portugal e Itália : including Christianized Jews, Conversos, Marranos, Italians, Berbers, and their history in Spain, Po. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Fraiha. Notes: Refs. Illus. Pinto, B. B. (2004). The Sephardic Onomasticon : an etymological research on Sephardic family names of the Jews living in Turkey . Istanbul: Gözlem Gazetecilik Basin Ve Yayin A.¸S. RELIGION -JEWISH (SLOVAKIA) Sármányová, J. (1994). Nácrt vzniku a vývoja zidovských mien a priezvisk. Slovenská Archivistika [Slovakia] , 29(2), 54-63. Notes: [An outline of the origins and evolution of Jewish surnames] 13c-19c. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Documents such as the Order of Joseph II, used to establish the origin of Jewish names in Slovakia, show that German surnames became mandatory and subsequently were Magyarized, as seen in the existing registers of Jews of the county of Bratislava." RELIGION -JEWISH (SOUTH AFRICA) Levin, S. (1998). Trends in Jewish names. Midstream, 44(5), 28-29. Abstract: ed lawson "Analysis of the frequency of Jewish names from a sample of births assumed to be Jewish in South Africa during 1989. Most popular Jewish boys’ names were Daniel, David, Adam, and Joshua; for girls, Talia, Yael, Gabrielle, and Danielle. Also explains that Schneir is from the Spanish Senõr, a title." RELIGION -JEWISH (USA) Rosenwaike, I. (1990). Leading surnames among American Jews. Names, 38, 31-38. Abstract: "uses data from a large sample of Americans to identify the 25 most common Jewish surnames. The top 5 are: Cohen, Miller, Schwartz, Friedman and Levine" Abstract source: ed lawson "Uses data from a 1982 nationwide American Cancer Society survey to determine the most common surnames among American Jews and to compare the US rankings with those for surnames among Israeli Jews." Rosenwaike, I. (1990). Mortality patterns among elderly American Jews. Journal of Aging and Judaism, 4, 289-303. Abstract: "uses 22 distinctive surnames to evaluate the mortality patterns of a sample of more than 100,000 individuals to predict the morstlity patterns of the total population of American Jews" (Abstract source-ed lawson) RELIGION -MUSLIM Ahmed, S. (1999). A Dictionary of Muslim names. New York: New York University Press. Notes: [ISBN 0814706746]; 352p Abstract: "contains 2,400 entries on male and female names with background material on Arab culture" abstract source: ed lawson Al-Jafari, F. S. (1977). Muslim names. Brentwood, Maryland: America Trust Publications. Notes: also: (Lagos, Nigeria); Islamic Publications Bureau Ali, K., & Malik, Z. A. (1994). Modern book of Muslim namesHansib. Doi, A. R. I. (1978). Nigerian Muslim names. Ahmedabad, India: Muslin Pub. House. Ebied, R. Y., & Young M. J. L. (1976). A list of the appellations of the Prophet Muhammad. Muslim World, (66), 259-262. Abstract: "Lists 201 names or appellations of Muhammad found in Leeds Arabic M12. "The copyist, and probably compiler…was Zayn al-Din Rafi ‘Afif al-din…" and dates from 1268." Source of abstract -ed lawson Gandhi, M., & Ozair, H. (2004). The complete book of Muslim and Parsi names. Delhi: Penguin. Hakim, R. (1995). A dictionary of Muslim names. Alexandria, Va: Al-Saadawi Publications. Notes: [ISBN 1881963535] Abstract: "entries for 900 males and 800 female names show spelling in IPA, regular English spelling, meaning, and Arabic spelling" abstract source : ed lawson Mukhtar, I. B. (1993). Our Muslim names : their meaning and significance. Brigade, Kano: Hidayatullah Multi-lingual Pub. Co. Notes: Muslim Schimmel, A. (1995). Islamic names. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Zawawi, S. M. (1998). African muslim namesAfrica World Press. RELIGION -NESTORIAN Rybatzki, V. (2004). Nestorian personal names from Central Asia. Studia Orientalia, 99, 269-292. [last updated : March 1 2008]