Slavic EUROPE (EASTERN) (European Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (EBSEES) [Web Page]. URL Abstract: useful for tracing new Slavic personal name references – free access (unlike the American equivalent- which is by subscription) Brandt, B. (1996). Where to look for hard-to-find German-speaking ancestors in Eastern Europe : Index to 19720 surnames in books, with historical background on each settlementClearfield. Fordant, L. (2004). Noms et prénoms des pays de l’Est : histoires et anecdotes. Archives et Culture. Abstract: Albanie, Arménie, Autriche, Bulgarie, Estonie,Hongrie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Pologne, Roumanie, Russie, pays de l’ancienne Tchécoslovaquie et pays de l’ancienne Yougoslavie EUROPE (EASTERN) ~0~ ETHNIC– SLAVIC Kaleta, Z. On the stabilization of Slavic surnames. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 53-68). University of Helsinki : The Finnish Research Centre for Domestic Languages. Kaleta, Z. (1987-1989). The evolutionary stages of Slavic surnames in the context of European name-giving. Onoma: Bibliographical & Information Bulletin, 29(1-3), 11-25. [page last updated: July 25, 2008]