Adebayo, B. (2005). Dictionary of African names – vol. 1 : meanings. Bloomington, Ind: AuthorHouse.
Anigbogu, C. N. E. ( [1992]). Authentic African names : meanings, philosophies, and languages. Anambra State, Nigeria : Kalajine Foundation.
Asante, M. K. (1991). The book of African names. Trenton, N.J.: African World Press.
Notes: [ISBN 0865432554]; [64pp].
Abstract: "popular presentation of 1,200 entries for five African regions: Southern, Central, Eastern, Western and Northern. The entries give each name and its English meaning" Source of abstract – ed lawson
Che-Mponda, A. H. (1973). Soul by name; book of African names. Gary, Ind., NIMM Educational Media Service.
Notes: 24pp
Chuks-Orji, O. (1972). African names. Chicago: Johnson.
Notes: 89p.
Abstract: alphabetic index by sex of given names
Chuks-Orji, O. (1972). Names from Africa: their origin, meaning, and pronunciation . Chicago: Johnson Publishing Company.
Crane, L. (1982). African names: People and places: A teaching manualAfrican Studies Program, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Damali, N. (1986). Golden names for an African people. Atlanta, Ga./Piscataway, N.J: Blackwood Press.
Abstract: "There are about 625 names listed by gender and location. Categories include Yoruba names from Nigeria, Swahili from East Africa, Luganda from Uganda, and several others. Lists show the name in roman letters, pronunciation, meaning, and location. Ex., include MBita, ‘m-BEE-tah. "born on a cold night," Swahili, East Africa; Lutalo, LOO-tah-loh, "warrior," Luganda, Uganda. Another section lists 725 Arabic names. These show the name in Arabic, its pronunciation, and meaning. Ex., Adeed is a scholar or literary person" Source of abstract -ed lawson
Langa, A. ([1991?]). O nome na tradição africana . Maputo: Paulinas.
Lubisi, P. M. (2002). A Glance into African Personal Names. Nomina Africana, 16(1/2), ??
Madubuike, I. (1994). A handbook of African names (2nd rev ed.). Colorado Springs: Three Continents Press.
Abstract: Lawson1: ‘description of the use of first names, middle names, nicknames and surnames", examples from Igbo, Yoruba, Ivory Coast, Rwanda and Zaire
Mafukidze, T. (1970). The origin and significance of African personal names. Black World, 5-6.
Abstract: Lawson1: ‘introduction to African naming; some information on day names as surnames"
Musere, J., & Odhiambo, C. (1998). African ethnics and personal names. Los Angeles: Ariko Publications.
Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 278-281)
Osuntaki, C. (1970). The book of African names. Washington, D.C.: Drum and Spear Press.
Abstract: a listing of names from West, Central, East ans South Africa, with meanings
Retel-Laurentin, A., & Horvath, S. (1972). Les noms de naissance, indicateurs de la situation familiale et sociale en Afrique noire. [Paris]: [S.E.L.A.F.].
Stewart, J. (1996). 1,001 African names : first and last names from the African continent. New York: Carol Pub. Group.
McKinzie, H., & Tindimwebwa, I. (1980). Names from East Africa . [S.l.]: H. McKinzie.
Musere, J. (1997). African Personal Names: The Great Lakes area. Lantham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
Kimenyi, A. (1989). Kinyarwanda and Kirundi names ;a semiolinguistic analysis of Bantu onomastics. Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press.
Abstract: "Kinyarwanda and Kurundi are two dialects of the same language. It is spoken by three ethnic groups of Rwanda and Burundi: the Batwa, the Bahutu, and the Batutsi. Topics discussed involving names include: society, culture, history, grammar, meanings, nameable things (cows, days, time, etc.), and poetry. Additional topics are praise-names and poetry and names. Well over 1000 names with translations shown under relevant topics" Source of abstract -ed lawson
Notes: no entries yet
Notes: no entries yet
Habte-Sillasie, Z. (1998). What is your name? : book of Eritrean and Ethiopian names. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World.
Baye, Y. (2006). Personal names and identity formation : A cross-cultural perspective. I. Strecker, & J. Lydal (editors), The Perils of Face : essays on cultural contact, respect and self-esteem in southern Ethiopia . Berlin: Lit Verlag.
Central Intelligence Agency. (1965). Amharic personal names (CIA Papers . Washington.
Giorgis, K. W. (2007). Ethiopian names. Indexer.
Notes: Centrepiece 3 : Indexing personal names 3
Gupta, S. (1992). Cataloging Ethiopian Personal Names . Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 14(2).
Abstract: Like many other foreign names Ethiopian personal names pose problems in cataloging because of their unique form and composition. People other than Ethiopians might not even be aware of this problem. AACR2 and IFLA’s document on personal names are also not much help in this regard. This paper attempts to deal with the unique problem of cataloging Ethiopian names and the necessity of of using transliteration techniques for easy filing and exhaustive retrieval.
Habte-Sillasie, Z. (1998). What is your name? : book of Eritrean and Ethiopian names. Trenton, N.J.: Africa World.
Kebre-Ab Wolde Giorgis. (1974). Entry word in Ethiopian name. International Cataloging, 3(1), 2-3.
Leyew, Z. (2003). Amharic personal nomenclature: a grammar and sociolinguistic insight. Journal of African Cultural Studies, 16(2), 181-211.
Notes: previously online at http://taylorandfrancis – KB, 2019
Abstract: This article presents the grammatical and sociolinguistic analyses of Amharic proper nouns. In the sociolinguistic section, names are classified into types based on their semantic contents, which are strongly linked with the socio-economic and political situations surrounding the birth of a child. In the grammatical section, the phonology, morphology and syntax of names are described. This section also identifies the pragmatically possible constructions of proper names beyond the rules of the grammar of the language.
Messing, S. D. (1974). Individualistic patterns in Amhara onomastics. Ethos, 2(1), 77-91.
Yemane, E. (2004). Amharic and Ethiopic onomastics : a classic Ethiopian legacy, concept, and ingenuity. Lewiston, N.Y.; Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press.
Abstract: This book examines the history and development of names in pre-Christian and Christian Ethiopia as well as the syntax and meaning of Amharic and Ethiopic personal names. It demonstrates in detail the grammatical classification of each Amharic and Ethiopic personal name, and provides technical transliterations for each entry in both English and Amharic. This research also contains extensive lists of bibliography on Ethiopian studies, theology of names and African religions. This book will be of interest to Africans and African-Americans who desire to learn more about their ancient African heritage, and invaluable to scholars of Africana and Semitic Studies.
Blount, B. G. (1993). Luo Personal Names: Reference and Meaning. in: S. S. Mufwene, L. Moshi, B. G. Blount, & D. Schmidt Topics in African Linguistics (pp. 131-140).
Central Intelligence Agency. (1962). Swahili personal names. Washington.
Herzog, J. D. (1971). Fertility and cultural values: Kikuyu naming customs and preference for four or more children. Rural Africana , 14, 89-96.
Katakami, H. (1997). Personal names and modes of address among the Mbeere. African Study Monographs , 18(3-4), 203-212.
Notes: fulltext at:
Mwaniki, H. S. K. (1974). The animal and other traditional names of the Embu people. Mila: a Biannual Newsletter of Cultural Research , 4, 5-11.
Parkin, D. J. 1. The Politics of Naming among the Giriama. in: R. Grillo (editor), Social Anthropology and the Politics of Language (pp. 61-89). London: Routledge.
Willis J. Personal Names and the Construction of Social Identities among the Bondei and Giryama. Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association 1994.
Notes: Unpublished paper presented at the conference
Abstract: author abstract "This paper is concerned with the taking, giving, and use of personal names, and shows that these processes can be a way of making, accepting and denying claims of identity, and that through this, they can become part of the remaking of the nature and bounds of constructs of identity. The paper examines these processes in two societies in the local hinterland of the Kenya coast during the 19th century, Bonde (or Bondei) and Giryama. These societies followed superficially similar practices in the giving of names; yet these similarities masked enormous differences. In Bonde, personal names have been a tool in the negotiation of identity. Personal names have actually been used to subvert or challenge the power of individual elder males, and their use in this way has redefined identity. In Giryama, personal names have served more clearly as markers, as an expression of the power of elder males. Names here have evidenced a much more restricted process of negotiation of identity."
Bloch, M. (2006). Teknonymy and the evocation of the ‘social’ among the Zafimaniry of Madagascar. in: G. v. Bruck, & B. Bodenhorn The anthropology of names and naming . Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Lambek, M. (2006). What’s in a name? Name bestowal and the identity of spirits in Mayotte and Northwest Madagascar. in: G. v. Bruck, & B. Bodenhorn The anthropology of names and naming . Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Moyo, T. (1996). Personal Names and Naming Practices in Northern Malawi. Nomina Africana, 10(1/2), ??
Moyo, T. (2002). Aspects of Tumbuka Nicknames. Names, 50(3), 191-200.
Abstract: "Nicknames generally show closer relationships to their users’ subculture than do more fixed parts of language … looks at nicknames and nickname use . . . how they are formed and how they function . . . . More males than females have nicknames and male nicknames suggest power and dominance while female nicknames suggest conciliation and cooperation." Listing of Tumbuka nicknames and some Zulu nicknames.
Notes: no entries yet
Notes: no entries yet
Gengenbach, H. (2000). Naming the past in a "scattered" land : memory and the powers of women’s naming practices in Southern Mozambique. International Journal of African Historical Studies, 33(3), 523-542.
J. H. Heins (1999) How to translate proper names into Sena (Vol. 1pp. 49-71). Sociedade Internacional de Linguística, Programa de Moçambique.
Kimenyi, A. (1989). Kinyarwanda and Kirundi names ;a semiolinguistic analysis of Bantu onomastics. Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press.
Abstract: "Kinyarwanda and Kurundi are two dialects of the same language. It is spoken by three ethnic groups of Rwanda and Burundi: the Batwa, the Bahutu, and the Batutsi. Topics discussed involving names include: society, culture, history, grammar, meanings, nameable things (cows, days, time, etc.), and poetry. Additional topics are praise-names and poetry and names. Well over 1000 names with translations shown under relevant topics" (abstract source -ed lawson)
Notes: no entries yet
Notes: no entries yet
Bader, C. (2004). Les noms de personnes chez les Somali. Paris, France: L’Harmattan.
Cerulli, E. (1968). Personal names in Somali. New Haven, CT: Human Relations Area Files.
Notes: Translation from the French by Frieda Schutzë of article originally published in Onomastica, 2, 191-195 under the title "Somalia, scritti vari editi ed inediti", paper read at the Second Congress of Toponymy and Anthroponymy at Parigi in July, 1947
Label: Microfiche
Abstract: "Description of the structure of first names in this Muslim culture which also uses Arabic names of other peoples in the area. Types of Somali names include those describing: (1) physical qualities (Isgou, "perfume"; Gudãd, "red"), (2) bellicose qualities (Darbane "[javelin] hurled"; Geddi ("upsetting"), and (3) social qualities (Hilloula "having allies"; Šego "eloquent). Apotropaic (names to avert the evil eye), names for women, and Arabic names are also described." Source of abstract -ed lawson
Buhlmann, W. (1953). Principles of phonetic adaptation in Swahili applied to Christian names. Africa, (23), 127-134.
Zawawi, S. M. (1993). "What’s in a name? Unaitwaje? A Swahili book of names". Trenton, N.J.: Africa World Press.
Beidelman, T. O. (1974). Kaguru names and naming . Journal of Anthropological Research , 30, 281-293.
Notes: The Kaguru, or Kagulu, are an ethnic and linguistic group based in central Tanzania
Blount, B. G. (1993). Luo Personal Names: Reference and Meaning. in: S. S. Mufwene, L. Moshi, B. G. Blount, & D. Schmidt Topics in African Linguistics (pp. 131-140).
Hucks, G. W. Y. (1937). Haya surnames. Tanganika Notes and Records , 7 , 72-74.
Omari, C. L. (1970). Personal names in socio-cultural context. Kiswahili, 40, 65-71.
Rosenberg. (1976). Shaaban Robert or Rober Shaaban? Some thoughts on the entry word in Tanzanian personal names. Someni.
Notes: needed: check for full name
Yahya-Othman, S. (1997). If the cap fits: Kanga names and women’s voice in Swahili society. Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere, 51, 135-149.
Abstract: Muslim women in Zanzibar bear kanga names with inscriptions
Beattie, J. (1957). Nyoro Personal names. Uganda Journal , 21, 99-106.
Kapwepwe, M. (2002). Some Bemba names and their meanings. Lusaka: M. Kapwepwe.
Middleton, J. (1961). The social significance of the Lugbara personal names. Uganda Journal, 25, 34-42.
Notes: The Lugbara are an Sudanic-speaking ethnic group who live mainly in the West Nile region of Uganda and in the adjoining area of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Abstract: Personal names are assigned by the mother
Musere, J. (1996-1997). Proverbial names in Buganda. Onoma, 33, 89-97.
Nsimbi, M. B. (1949). African surnames. Makere [Kampala], (3), 17-20.
Abstract: ‘Naming among the Baganda of Uganda" (ed lawson)
Nsimbi, M. B. (1950). Baganda traditional personal names. Uganda Journal, 14, 204-214.
Nsimbi, M. B. (1980). Luganda names, clans, and totems. Pasadena, Calif.: Munger Africana Library, California Institute of Technology.
Notes: Uganda
Kapwepwe, M. (2002). Some Bemba names and their meanings. Lusaka: M. Kapwepwe.
Simmonds, F. N. (1998). Naming and Identity. in: D. Cameron The Feminist Critique of Language: A Reader (pp. 33-37). London: Routledge.
Notes: Bemba
Tembo, M. S. (2006). Zambian traditional names : the meaning of Tumbuka, Chewa, Nsenga, Ngoni, and Tonga names. Lusaka: Julubbi Enterprises Limited.
Lisimba, M. (2000). Lozi names in language and culture. [Libreville]: International Centre for Bantu Civilisations.
Sumbwa, N. (1997). Some Zambian names as sources of diversified knowledge: The Barotse and other examples. Nomina Africana, 11(2), 47-66.
Notes: Wikipedia "Lozi, also known as Silozi and Rozi, is a Bantu language that is spoken by the Lozi people, primarily in southwestern Zambia and in surrounding countries.
Sumbwa, N. (2002). African Personal Name Derivatives from Animals and Plants: The Lozi Experience. Nomina Africana, 16(1/2), ??
Doke, C. M. The Lamdas of Northern Rhodesia : a study of their customs and beliefs. London: Greenwood Press.
Notes: originally published by Harrap
Jackson, S. K. (1962). Names of the VaShona. NADA Annual, 39, 55-59.
Pfukwa, C. (2003). Onomastic innovation in Zimbabwean noms de guerre. Language Matters.
Skhosana, P. B. (2002). Names and Naming Practices amongst Southern Ndebele Male Persons. Nomina Africana, 16(1/2), ??
Bersten, J. What’s her name? Forms of address in Shona. Third Women and Language Conference (pp. 37-43). Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Women and Language Group, University of California.
Makondo, L. (2008). Ethnicity and Matriarchal Protest: A Case of Dialoguing Shona Personal Names . Names, 56(1), 10-18.
Makondo, L. (2008). Ethnicity and Matriarchal Protest: A Case of Dialoguing Shona Personal Names. Names, 56(1).
Mashiri, P. (1999). Terms of address in Shona : a sociolinguistic approach. Zambezia , 26(1), 93-110.
Notes: online: African Journals
Pongweni, A. J. C. (1983). What’s in a name?: A study of Shona nomenclature. Gweru {Zimbabwe}: Mambo Press.
Abstract: ed lawson "The Shona are the largest ethnic/language group in Zimbabwe. Description of the structure and rationale of first names and family names. Examples of first names are: Runyararo ("peace") and Zinyoro ("the quiet one"). Family names are of three major types: (1) death, ex., Tangerwei ("Why have we been so hated?), (2) hunter-warrier, ex., Murongazvombo ("One who arranges weapons."), and (3) revolutionary, Jekanyika ("The one who cuts across the country."). The appendices contains approximately 80 first names, most with meaning; and approximately 135 family names. "
Wieschhoff, H. (1937). Names and Naming Customs among the Mashona in Southern Rhodesia . American Anthropologist, 39(3 -Part 1), 497-503.
Ndoma, U. (1977). Kongo personal names : a sketch. Names, 25, 88-98.
Notes: The naming system of the Bakongo, speaking Kikongo
"Bakongo people (aka. the Kongo) dwell along the Atlantic coast of Africa from Pointe-Noire, Congo (Brazzaville) to Luanda, Angola"
Yambo, F. X. (2003). Pequeno dicionário antroponimico Umbundu. Luanda: Editorial Nzila.
Notes: 116p
Abstract: Umbundu language names dictionary
Adama, H. (1997). Les nouveaux prénoms des Peuls du Nord-Cameroun: Historique et essai d’interprétation. Islam Et Sociétés Au Sud Du Sahara: Revue De La Maison Des Sciences De L’Homme (Paris), 11, 67-84.
Adama, H. (2000). The new naming system among the Fulani of Northern Cameroon . Journal of Nomadic Studies (Kaduna), 3, 99-100.
Foyere, E. M. A. (2003). Personal names in Cameroon’s Awing tribe. Comments on Etymology, 32(8), 42-45.
Hedinger, R., & Hedinger, S. (1994). Min me Akoose (Bakossi names). Yaoundé: Bakossi Language Committee.
Notes: 36pp
Kishani, B. T. (2005). Ideologies of women’s names among the Nso’ of Cameroon. QUEST : An African Journal of Philosophy, 18, 57-82.
Malcolm, L. W. G. (1924). Short Notes on the Personal Names of the Eyap, Central Cameroons . Journal of the Royal African Society, 24(93), 34-38.
Omokolo, H. (1976). Essai de catalogage des noms camerounais. (Yaoundé): Université de Yaoundé, Service central des bibliothèques.
Tsofack, J.-B. (2000). (Dé)nominations et constructions identitaires au Cameroun. In: Noms et re-noms : la dénomination des personnes, des populations, des langues et des territoires . Rouen: Université de Rouen.
Notes: ISBN 2877752720
Abstract: The theme of the whole volume is rthnic and identity conflict as expressed through personal and placenames
Yuka, C. (2007). Sentence names in Lamnso’. Iranian Journal of Language Studies, 1(4).
Notes: previously online at – KB, 2019
Abstract: "This paper identifies linguistic structures in Nso’ personal names and relates them to their primary structures and meaanings within Lamnso’ syntax"
Notes: no entries yet
Somte, M. (2004). Les noms propres en Ngam, parler Sara du Tchad – Republique Centrafricaine [Proper names in Ngam]. Annales Aequatoria, 25, 433-450.
Notes: Ngam is a living language in SW Chad
Agomatanakahn, R. (1974). Introduction à l’anthroponymie zaïroise. Lubumbashi: Centrede linguistique théorique et appliquée, Université nationale du Zaïre, Faculté des lettres.
Notes: Zaire
Agomatanakahn, R. (1974). Prologomènes à une étude des anthroponymes zaïrois. Lubumbashi: Université nationale du Zaïre, Campus de Lubumbashi, CELTA.
Notes: Zaire
Agomatanakahn, R. (1976). Les premières données d’une enquête anthroponymique au Zaïre . Lubumbashi : Université nationale du Zaïre, Campus de Lubumbashi, Centre de linguistique théorique et appliquée.
Notes: 34p.
Jacquot, A. (1974). Le nom personnel chez les Laadi (Koongo) : répertoire onomastique : notes linguistiques, comptes rendus . Paris: SELAF.
Notes: 116p.
Abstract: Laari is a language west and northwest of Brazzaville. Also spoken in Angola
Mpangande, M. (1980). Prénoms chrétiens en yansi (Rép. du Zaïre). Bandundu, République du Zaïre: Ceeba.
Notes: check author name-order
Mulumba Katchy. (1979). Le droit au nom en droit zaïroiset en droit comparé. Kinshasa: Presses universitaires du Zaïre.
Ndoma, U. (1977). Kongo personal names : a sketch. Names, 25, 88-98.
Notes: The naming system of the Bakongo, speaking Kikongo
"Bakongo people (aka. the Kongo) dwell along the Atlantic coast of Africa from Pointe-Noire, Congo (Brazzaville) to Luanda, Angola"
Tango, M. (1980). Surnoms et sobriquets yansi (Rép. du Zaïre). Bandundu, République du Zaïre: Ceeba.
Bolekia Boleka, J. (1994). Antroponimia Bubi : estudio lingüistico . Madrid : Centro Cultural Hispano-Guineano, editado con el patrocinio del Instituto de Cooperacio´n para el Desarrollo.
Notes: "Bube is a Bantu language spoken by the Bubi, a Bantu stock ethnic tribe native to, and once the majority of Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea" -Wikipedia
Raponda-Walker, A. (1993). Etymologie des noms propres gabonais. Versailles, France: Les Classiques africains.
Notes: no entries yet
Parzymies, A. (1975). Noms de famille en Algerie contemporaine. Africana Bulletin, (23), 125-137.
Parzymies, A. (1985). Anthroponymie algérienne : noms de famille modernes d’origine turque. Varsovie: Editions scientifiques de Pologne.
Aouda, A.-M., & Shousha, F. (1991). The system of naming in Egypt. in: M. Ibn al-Zubayr, & M. B. El-Said Research guide to the study of Arab names (pp. 159-167). Beirut, Lebanon: Sultan Qaboos University : Librarire du Liban.
Eid, M. (1994). "What’s in a name?": Women in Egyptian obituaries. in: Y. Suleiman Arabic sociolinguistics: Issues & perspectives (pp. 81-100). Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press.
Khalifa, S. (1974). Die personennamen in Aegypten : Bildung und Bedeutung. Deutsch-Arabische Kulturzeitschrift, 13, 21-25.
Notes: no entries as yet
Hoffman, K. E. (2000). Administering identities: state decentralisation and local identification in Morocco. Journal of North African Studies., 5(3), 85-100.
Potter, T. M. (1999). "Si Mohammed!": Names as address forms in Moroccan Arabic. Names, 47(2), 157-172.
Notes: Refs. Tables
Abstract: "Historical naming practices are developing into modern use. Questionnaire results show the rich and complex system of address in a rapidly changing society" – source of abstract: ed lawson
Al-Shahi, A. (1988). Some personal names and nicknames among the Riverain people of North Sudan. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford, 19(2), 131-139.
Gardner, S. Anthroponymy and applied linguistics: personal names from Sudan and Botswana. 37th BAAL Annual Conference, September 2004.
Notes: unpublished paper
Abstract: Naming trends reflect social change in societies, and names acquire varying significances across time and social context. Many Africans are proud of the meaningful nature and religious or ethnic identification in their names, though appreciate that such names may acquire different significance in ‘Western’ contexts (e.g. BBC Africa Live December 2003). This paper brings together findings from two research projects that illustrate how such significance can be investigated, and the potential contribution of anthroponymy to applied linguistics (Gardner 1999b).
Gardner, S.The nature and extent of religious significance of urban male names in northern Sudan.
Notes: Paper presented at ICOS, Trier
Gardner, S. (1994). Generations of change in name-giving. in: Y. Suleiman Arabic sociolinguistics: Issues and perspectives (pp. 101-126). London: Curzon Press.
Notes: Isbn: 0700703071
Gardner, S. (1995). Namesakes, euphony and linguistic meaning: Trends in their relative influence over name-giving. Onomastica Canadiana, 77(1), 1-17.
Abstract: "The investigation was based upon a sample of 5,208 individuals. The major trend of name-giving in the 1900s and 1920s was religious namesakes (F~ima, Zaynab, ?}’isha). In the 1940s, euphony became more important (Fawziyya, Fatiyya, Badriyya ). In the 1960s, linguistic meaning becomes important with names like (}mal, Muna, Am~ni) . In the 1980s there is also linguistic meaning with names related to faith and divine guidance (Ikhl~, Waf~, Rash§da). Explanations are offered for the socio-cultural and linguistic explanations changes. A table in English and Arabic lists 195 with a frequency of 5 or more." Source of abstract -ed lawson
Gardner, S. (2000). Religious significance among Sudanese urban personal names. in: Onomastik. Band II: Namensysteme im interkulturellen Vergleich (pp. 263-278). Max Niemeyer Verlag.
Abstract: Gardner, S. (2000) Religious significance among Sudanese urban personal names. In Onomastik. Band II: Namensysteme im interkulturellen Vergleich, in Zusammenarbeit mit Rudolf Srámek herausgegeben von Dieter Kremer, Max Niemeyer Verlag Patronymica Romanica, 18:, 263-278.
James, W. R. (1978). Ephemeral names: The Uduk case. in: R. Thelwall Aspects of language in the Sudan. Occasional Papers in Linguistics and Language Learning (Vol. 5pp. 114-144). New University of Ulster.
Mann, G. (2002). What’s in an Alias? Family Names, Individual Histories, and Historical Method in the Western Sudan. History in Africa, 29, 309-320-.
Whitehead, G. O. (1947). Personal names among the Bari. Man, 47, 45-46.
Abstract: "The Bari are a tribe living on the banks of the Upper Nile. Their personal names are assigned to reflect the order in which the child was born . (Each sex has its own separate sequence), or to relate the child to members of the family who have died, or to note some event associated with the birth of the child"
Sebag, P. (2002). Les noms des juifs de Tunisie : origines et significations. Paris: Harmattan.
Notes: Jewish (Tunisia)
Notes: no entries as yet
Marshall, L. (1957). The kin terminology system of the !Kung bushmen. Africa, 27, 1-25.
Abstract: complex system of naming. Children always named for relatives.
"The !Kung classify everyone who bears the same name as close kinsmen as if they were relatives proper. If a !Kung man’s sister is called Kxaru (a female name), then all women named Kxaru are his "sisters." A !Kung man may not sit too close to his sisters or tell sexual jokes in their presence, and of course he cannot marry them. The same rules apply to his sisters’ namesakes. Such customs identify "true" and not merely metaphorical kinship — at least as the !Kung see it. The !Kung believe that all namesakes are descended from the same original namesake ancestor, and in effect they treat the status of namesake as a genealogical position, like father, mother, brother, sister, son or daughter."
Marshall, L. (1966). The !Kung bushmen of the Kalahari desert. in: J. L. Gibbs (editor), Peoples of Africa (pp. 243-378). New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Abstract: includes a description of their naming systems
Willet, S. (2007). Khoe-San names (African click languages). Indexer.
Notes: Centrepiece 3 : Indexing personal names 3
Fulltext: previously online at – KB, 2019
Gardner, S. Anthroponymy and applied linguistics: personal names from Sudan and Botswana. 37th BAAL Annual Conference, September 2004.
Notes: unpublished paper
Abstract: Naming trends reflect social change in societies, and names acquire varying significances across time and social context. Many Africans are proud of the meaningful nature and religious or ethnic identification in their names, though appreciate that such names may acquire different significance in ‘Western’ contexts (e.g. BBC Africa Live December 2003). This paper brings together findings from two research projects that illustrate how such significance can be investigated, and the potential contribution of anthroponymy to applied linguistics (Gardner 1999b).
Gardner, S. (1999). From Molelowakgotla through Michael to Mpho: the role of English from an onomastic perspective. Marang, (Special Issue), 16-29.
Notes: Language Literacy and Society: A Conference in Honour of Bessie Head. 16-19 June 1998
Abstract: This study, from Molelowakgotla through Michael to Mpho, examines the role of English vs African first name-giving in Botswana through the twentieth century, comparing numbers of people with only African, with only English, and with both African and English names. The results show parallels between early contact with English and the use of Christian names; and although English is increasingly the language of official and educational communication in Botswana, the practice of giving English names is declining
Gardner, S. (1999). Personal names as neglected sociolinguistic resource: Use of English in Botswana. Names, 47(2), 139-156.
Notes: Refs
Herbert, R. K., & Bogatsu, S. (1990). Changes in Northern Sotho and Tswana personal naming patterns. Nomina Africana, 4(2), 1-19.
Abstract: "Urban residents showed first names of three types: 1) emotion-related (Tsepo ‘hope’), 2) religious-orientated (Tebogo ‘gratitude’), and 3) family continuity (Asser ‘from the great-grandfather’). Mothers gave most of the names" : source of abstract -ed lawson
Lukusa, S. T. M. (2002). Semantic categorization of Yeyi personal names. LASU : Journal of the Linguistics Association for Southern African Development Community [SADC] Universities, 1.
Abstract: "Personal names are not just labels that are used to identify people. The present paper sees them as more than mere labels. Though it is true that all meaningful personal names do not necessarily characterize those who bear them, the present attempt to classify semantically Yeyi personal names reveals, not only what they mean, but also that they are indices of Wayeyi people’s lifestyle and culture. They are indeed records of the cultural experience of the Yeyi society.
In this paper, classifications of Yeyi names are based on the semantic categorization. The categories identified include
· notable events
· natural calamities
· other people or ethnic groups
· family condition, family constitution, family size or one’s order in it
· the fauna and flora
· peoples’ lifestyles
· physical appearances
· states of mind
· cultural objects and symbols.
The data for the study was drawn from information collected in three villages (namely Etsa 6, Ikoha and Sepopa) situated in the Northwest district of Botswana" author abstract
Mathangwane, J. T., & Gardner, S. F. (1998). Language Attitudes as portrayed by the use of English and African names in Botswana. Nomina Africana, 12(2), 74-87.
Mathangwane, J. T., & Gardner, S. F. (1999). Ambivalent Attitudes to English and African names in Botswana. Marang, ((Special Issue)), 84-93.
Rapoo, C. K. (2002). Naming practices and gender bias in the Setswana language. Women and Language, 25(1), 41-43.
Abstract: The traditional onomastic practices among the Tswana reflect and reinforce unbalanced ideological conceptions of female and male, and of their roles in society. This study illustrates through an examination of given names in the Setswana language. It supports the view that proper names may have meaning in the semantic-referential sense, and that naming is a powerful ideological tool.
Visser, H., & Visser, C. (1998). Analysis of Naro names. The proceedings of the Khoisan Identities and Cultural Heritage Conference (pp. 225-231). Institute for Historical Research, University of the Western Cape.
Notes: no entries as yet
Saarelma-Maunumaa, M. (1996). The Influence of Westernization on Ovambo Personal Names in Namibia. Nomina Africana, 10(1/2), ??
Saarelma-Maunumaa, M. (1999). Name Sharing in the Naming System of the Ovambos in Namibia. Nomina Africana, 13(1/2), ??
Saarelma-Maunumaa, M. (2001). Ndalikokule – I was far away: Personal Names of Ovambo Origin in Namibia. Nomina Africana, 15(1/2), ??
Saarelma-Maunumaa, M. (2003). Edhina Ekogidho : Names as links: the encounter between African and European anthroponymic systems among the Ambo people in NamibiaSuomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura.
Notes: [ISBN 9517465297] ; 373pp
Blom Hansen, T. (2006). Where names fall short: names as performances in contemporary urban South Africa. in: G. v. Bruck , & B. Bodenhorn The anthropology of names and naming . Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
Notes: South Africa
De Klerk, V., & Bosch, B. (1996). Naming Practices in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. Names, 44(3), 167-188.
De Klerk, V. (2002). Changing names in the "new" South Africa: A diachronic survey. Names, 60(3), 201-221.
Notes: Refs. Tables
De Klerk, V., & Lagonikos, I. (2004). First-name changes in South Africa : the swing of the pendulum. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, (170), 59-80.
Abstract: De Klerk (1999, 2002) surveyed first-name changes over two parallel three-month periods in 1977 and 2000 in order to ascertain whether there were any discernible trends in choices for new names among different ethnic and linguistic groups. Results of both of those studies revealed that sociocultural factors were the most significant reasons why people changed their names and there was a surprising trend in favor of English names among speakers of all African languages (de Klerk 2002). This paper reports on one further survey, focused exclusively on name changes made by speakers of African languages. The data have been taken from the Government Gazettes for the period December 2001 to February 2002 and they are analyzed in terms of the apparent reasons for the name changes, in order to explore more recent developments in this area. The findings reflect that while there is still a preference for English names among African name changers, it is not as strong as in the previous data. There is also a discernible increase in the influence of aesthetic factors in name changes. These trends suggest a steady drift away from traditional African naming practices, possibly as a result of the effects of urbanization.
de Stadler, L. G. (1990). Proper names in South Africa: A sociological perspective. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 377-384).
Hansen, T. B. (2006). Where names fall short: names as performances in contemporary urban South Africa. in: G. v. Bruck, & B. Bodenhorn An anthropology of names and naming . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Notes: Isbn: 0521848636
Herbert, R. K. Personal naming and social organization: the comparative anthroponymy of Southern Africa. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 187-194). Aberdeen.
Herbert, R. K. (1995). The sociolinguistics of personal names: Two South African case histories. South African Journal of African Languages, 15(1), 1-8.
Herbert, R. K. (1997). The politics of personal naming in South Africa. Names, 45(1), 3-17.
Notes: 1990-94.
Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Continuing the traditional history-keeping function of South African personal names, boys’ names – particularly those chosen for boys born after 1990 – closely reflect sociocultural changes in the country. "
"Background history of names in African communities. Evaluation of patterns between 1980 and 1985 and after February 1990 shows a decline in English names and a rise in political names". Source of abstract -ed lawson
Herbert, R. K. (1999). Anthroponymy and culture change in Southern Africa. Onoma, 14, 215-227.
Abstract: "Discusses the 3 major changes: introduction of European language names, development of fashionable names in urban families, and political developments in the 1990s" Source of abstract -ed lawson
Herbert, R. K. (1999). Personal names as social protest: The status of African political names. Names, 47(2), 109-124.
Khumalo, R. S. (2004). Uphoko Vol 1- a history of surnames and clan names (Zulu). South Africa: Reach Out.
Notes: "Ubunzulu nomcebo wokuchaza imvelaphi yezibongo zesiZulu kuvezwe kabanzi kule ncwadi. The richness of Zulu clan names is covered in this title"
Machaba, M. (2003). Naming, heritage and identity in post-apartheid South Africa. Nomina Africana, 17(1), 55-77.
Mthembu-Salter, L. (2001). Call me by my name : more than 2000 Xhosa, Zulu, Swazi, and Ndebele names. Cape Town : Kwela Books.
Notes: 97p
Pama, C. (1992). British families in South Africa : their surnames and origins. Cape Town: Human and Rousseau.
Rosenthal, E. (1965). South African surnames. Cape Town: Howard Timmins.
Abstract: ‘Histories are given of the families associated with the 60 most common European surnames followed by a listing of approximately 2,600 European surnames with meaning in the original language. 40 refs." (Abstract source: ed lawson)
Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns Taalkommissie. (1977). Afrikaanse voorname. Pretoria: Die Akademie.
Van der merwe, W. G., & Burns, J. (2008). What’s in a name? Racial identity and altruism in post-apartheid South Africa . South African Journal of Economics, 76(2), 266-275.
Notes: Author abstract "This paper reports the results of an economic experiment which was designed to test the effect of racial identity on generosity in a non-strategic setting…."
Torrington, M., & Brink, P. A. (1990). Relevance of ancestral surname identification in pedigrees of Afrikaner families with familial hypercholesterolemia. South African Medical Journal, 77(6), 289-292.
Nienaber, G. S. (1955). Afrikaanse familiename.
Pitchford, J. (2006). Dutch, German, Austrian, Flemish and Afrikaans names. Indexer.
Notes: Centrepiece 1 : Indexing personal names 1
Van Rooyen, A. (2002). ‘N naam vir my kind. Kaapstad: Pharos.
Skhosana, P. B. (2002). Names and Naming Practices amongst Southern Ndebele Male Persons. Nomina Africana, 16(1/2), ??
Haron, M. (1999). Naming Peoples: The Formation of the South African Muslim Identity. Nomina Africana, 13(1/2), ??
Mohome, P. M. (1972). Naming in Sesotho: its sociological and linguistic basis. Names , 20(3), 171-185.
Notes: ca 17c-1972.
Abstract: Publisher’s abstract " Sociocultural factors influence and determine the naming of children in Sesotho society."
Pitso, T. T. E. (1997). Khetsi ea Sesotho pokello ea mantsoe a lumellanang le a hananang ‘moho le maele le mabitso a batho. Maseru: T.T.E. Pitso.
Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 321)
Abstract: A collection of Sotho synonyms and antonyms together with proverbs and personal names
Prabhakaran, V. A sociolinguistic analysis of South African Telugu surnames. South African Journal of Linguistics, 17(2/3), 149-161.
Abstract: Abstract: Although the caste system plays an important role in the lives of Telugu-speakers (and other Indians) in India and in deriving their surnames (family names or house names), it no longer plays an overt role
Prabhakaran, V. (1999). A sociolinguistic analysis of South African Telugu surnames. South African Journal of Linguistics, 17(2/3 (May-Aug)), 149-160.
Abstract: author abstract "Although the caste system plays an important role in the lives of Telugu-speakers (and other Indians) in India and in deriving their surnames (family names or house names), it no longer plays an overt role in South Africa. This article demonstrates the social stratification (based on Indian caste system) evident in South African Telugu (STe) surnames. The first part of the article focuses on upward social mobility in the Telugu-speaking community and argues that this led to changes in the speakers’ surnames in the South African context. The second part of the article examines the micro level of Telugu surnames and reveals that they fall into three categories: (a) kinship terms, (b) personal names and (c) caste names, caste titles, and caste professions revealed in the community surnames"
Prabhakaran, V. (2002). Cultures in Contact – Changes in Hindu Tamil and Telegu Naming Patterns in South Africa. Nomina Africana, 16(1/2), ??
De Klerk, V., & Bosch, B. (1997). Nicknames of English Adolescents in South Africa. Names, 45(2), 101-118.
Bangeni, G. N., & Coetser, A. (2000). Xhosa First Names, Societal Values and Power Relations. Nomina Africana, 14(2), ??
De Klerk, V. (2002). Xhosa Nicknames for Whites: A Double-edged Sword. Nomina Africana, 16(1/2), ??
De Klerk, V., & Bosch Barbara. (1995). Naming in two cultures: English and Xhosa practices. Nomina Africana, 9(1), 68-85.
De Klerk, V., & Bosch Barbara. (1997). Nicknaming among Xhosa-Speaking Children and Adolescents. South African Journal of African Languages, 17(3), 95-99.
Notes: Nguni language; Xhosa Nguni dialect; onomastics; anthroponymy; nicknames; of children; adolescents.
Neethling, B. Xhosa nicknames. South African Journal of African Languages, 14(2), 88-92.
Neethling, B. (1988). Voorname in Xhosa. Nomina Africana, 2(2), ??
Notes: check pages
Neethling, B. (1996). Exploring Xhosa Surnames. Nomina Africana, 10(1/2), ??
Neethling, B. (2004). Name choices among the Xhosa of South Africa. Verbatim, 29(4), 3-6.
Neethling, B. (2005). A minibus taxi by any other name, woukd it run as sweet? Names, 53(1/2).
Neethling, B. (2005). Naming among the Xhosa of South Africa. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
Notes: check year
Neethling, B. (2008). Xhosa First Names: A Dual Identity in Harmony or in Conflict? Names, 56(1), 32-38.
Neethling, B. (2008). Xhosa First Names: A Dual Identity in Harmony or in Conflict? Names, 56(1).
Koopman, A. (1979). The linguistic difference between names and nouns in Zulu. African Studies, 38, 67-80.
Abstract: analysis of of the structure of 465 male and 312 female personal names
Koopman, A. (1987). Zulu names and other modes of address. Nomina Africana, 1(1), ??
Koopman, A. (1989). The aetiology of Zulu personal names. Nomina Africana, 3(2), ??
Koopman, A. (2002). Zulu namesUniversity of Natal Press.
Abstract: Adrian Koopman’s Zulu Names (University of Natal Press) is a 320 book that covers a quarter of a century of his research into Zulu names.
Ndimande, N. (1998). A Semantic Analysis of Zulu Surnames. Nomina Africana, 12(2), 88-98.
Notes: Nguni language; Zulu Nguni dialect; anthroponymy; semantics; of surnames
Neethling, B. (1991). Proper names in some Nguni idioms and proverbs. Nomina Africana, 5(1), ??
Notes: Anthroponyms ?? to check
Suzman, S. M. (1994). Names as pointers: Zulu personal naming practices. Language in Society, 23(2), 253-272.
Suzman, S. M. (2002). Zulu Names and Family Histories. Nomina Africana, 16(1/2), ??
Turner, N. S. (2000). Zulu Names and indirect expression. Names, 48(2), 127-138.
Turner, N. (2001). ‘Humorous names, verbal weapon’. South African Journal of African Languages, 4, 449-458.
Patricks, R. (2002). Tibongo netinanatelo temaSwati. Mbabane: Swaziland National Trust Commission; Natural History Society of Swaziland; Conservation Trust of Swaziland.
Notes: Swaziland
Megeod, F. W. H. (1917). Personal names amongst some West African tribes. Journal of the African Society , 117.
Migeod, F. W. H. (October1917). Personal names among some West African tribes. Journal of the Royal African Society, 17(65), 38-45.
Notes: covers Twi, Ga, Mende, Hausa in general
Saulnier, P. (1971). Noms patronymiques se référant à mañ, gin, si dans les langues goun et fon du Sud-Dahomey. A. Univ. Abidjan Linguist., 3(1), 145-163.
Schottman, W. (2000). Baatonu Personal Names from Birth to Death . Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, 70(1), 79-106.
Abstract: The Baatonu comprise the largest ethnic group of northen Benin
Schottman, W. (2000). Changing names How individual Bariba names vary through life. Africa, 70(1).
Abstract: The Bariba tribe mostly occupies the central and the northern part of Benin. They form the largest group in the north
Awedoba, A. K. (1996). Kasem nominal genders and names. Journal of the Institute of African Studies: Research Review, 12(1-2), 8-24.
Notes: online: African Journals
Houis, M. (1963). Les noms individuels chez les mossi. Dakar: IFAN.
Lankoande, S. T. Noms de famille (patronymes) au Burkino Faso. 2004.
Zwernemann, J. (1971-1972). Personennamen der Moba. Afrika Und Ubersee, 55.
Notes: no entries yet
Notes: no entries yet
Aloah, P. K. P. (1990). A study of Kasena personal names with special reference to the Paga traditional area. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Ghana.
Notes: Thesis for Diploma in Advanced Studies of Ghanaian Language Teaching
Ansu-Kyeremeh, R. (2000). Communicating nominatim : some social aspects of Bono personal names. Research Review, 16(2), 19-33.
Notes: online: link to article
Awedoba, A. K. (1996). Kasem nominal genders and names. Journal of the Institute of African Studies: Research Review, 12(1-2), 8-24.
Notes: online: African Journals
Ayiwah, L. (1984). A study of Kasena names. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Ghana..
Notes: Long Essay for Post-Graduate Diploma in Ghanaian Language Teaching
Christaller, J. G. J. G. (1881). A dictionary of the Asante and Fante language called Tshi (Chwee, T<wi) : with a grammatical introduction and appendices on the geography of the Gold Coast and other subjects. Basel: printed for the Evangelical Missionary Society.
Christaller, J. G. (Johann Gottlieb). (1933). Dictionary of the Asante and Fante language called Tshi (Twi). Basel: Printed for the Basel Evangelical Missionary Society.
Notes: Ghana
Coker, I. (1964). Grammar of African names: a guide to the appreciation of the cosmic significance of Nigerian and Ghanaian names. Lagos: Times Press.
Egblewogbe, E. Y. (1985). The structure of Ewe personal names. in: M. E. Kropp Dakubu, & E. N. A. Mensah (editors), Papers in Ghanaian Linguistics (Vol. 5pp. 10-31). Legon: Institute of African Studies.
Egblewogbe, E. Y. (1987). The structure and functions of Ghanaian personal names. Universitas, 9, 189-205.
Fortes, M. (1955). Names among the Tallensi of the Gold Coast. in: J. Lukas (editor), Afrikanistische Studien, Diedrich Westermannzum 80. Geburtstag gewidment (pp. 337-349). Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
Grottanelli, V. L. (1977). Personal names as a reflection of social relations among the Nzema of Ghana. L’Uomo Società; Tradizione Sviluppo
, 1(2), 149-175.
Abstract: Nzema complex system of 8 categories of names, including soul name, birth name, patronymic, given name, nickname, baptismal name, surname and praise appellation
Kilson, M. (1968-1969). The Ga naming rite. Anthropos, 63-64, 904-920.
Abstract: The Ga child receives its name at a ceremony on the 8th day after birth
Kropp Dakubu, M. E. (2000). Personal names of the Dagomba. Research Review, 16(2), 53-65.
Notes: available online: African Journals
Odotei, I. (1989). What is in a name ? : the social and historical significance of Ga names. Institute of African Studies: Research Review , 5(2), 34-51.
Notes: online: link to article
Quartey-Papafio, A. B. (1914). The use of names among the Gãs or Accra people of the Gold Coast. African Affairs, 8, 167-182.
Notes: also published: Journal of the Royal African Society (1914) 13, 167-182
available via JSTOR
partly online fulltext::
Agyekum, K. (2006). The Sociolinguistic of Akan Personal Names. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 15(2), 206-235.
Abstract: The paper addresses personal names among the Akan of Ghana and considers naming as an important aspect of the Akan society. The paper looks at Akan names within the purview of linguistics anthropology. It considers names as not being arbitrary labels but sociocultural tags that have sociocultural functions and meanings. The paper discusses the typology of Akan names. These include (1) day names, (2) family names, (3) circumstantial names, (4) theophorous names, (5) flora and fauna names, (6) weird and reincarnate names, (7) achievement names, stool names, religious, occupational, etc. (8) insinuating and proverbial names, (9) bodily structure and (10) kinship etc.
Obeng, S. G. Akan death-prevention names: a pragmatic and structural analysis. Names, 47, 157-172.
Abstract: "..provides a structural linguistic analysis.. and presents a socio- and ethnolinguistic account of the death-prevention names as they function with Akan communication" : source of abstract -ed lawson
Obeng, S. G. (2001). African anthroponomy : an ethnopragmatic and morphophonological study of names in Akan and some African Societies (LINCOM studies in anthropology No. 8). Munchen: Lincom Europa.
Notes: Includes bibliographical references (p. 150-153) and index
Abstract: Publisher: "Names in African cultures are pointers to their users’ hopes, dreams and aspirations; they may reflect their users’ geographical environments, their fears, their religious beliefs, and their philosophy of life and death. Children’s names may even provide insights into important cultural or socio-political events at the time of their birth. The circumstances surrounding a childs birth may be considered when a name is being chosen.
Factors such as the day of the week of the birth, the time of day (dawn, morning, dusk, afternoon, evening, night), the season of the year, the order of birth, the location a person is born, the specific circumstances relating to the child and to the childs family, the attitude of the parents as well as the gender of the child all play significant roles in the overall naming process and in the actual name given. If one’s parents suffer or suffered from child or infant mortality, one is likely to have a funny, survival or death-prevention name believed to be capable of preventing and/or eliminating totally such deaths since it has the power of preventing parents in the underworld from causing the death of such children. Names in African societies may even be important indicator(s) of the bearers behavior and as pointers to the name-bearers’ past, present, and future accomplishments. Personal names in Sub-Saharan Africa are therefore not mere labels showing which person (particularly, which father) is responsible for a childs birth. There is also a close identity between the name and the name bearer such that the name links to the name-givers overall experiences. Structurally, African names range from single words, phrases, and sentences, to units larger than the sentence.
Ethnopragmatically, African personal names may involve indirectness and implicitness. They may thus be indirect reactions to problematic situations in the lives of the name-bearers, their parents or their communities at large. The greater the communicative difficulty involved in the circumstances surrounding the name-givers world, the more indirectness involved. The indirection and ambiguity involved in African naming traditions may be due to the consequences of candor and hence the need to have an escape route should the name-givers be questioned by powerful elders or superiors. "
Notes: no entries yet
Notes: no entries yet
Alangba, R. (1980). Le système onomastique baoulé. (Abidjan): Université d’Abidjan, CERAV.
Kouao, A., & Burmeister, J. L. (1985). Personal names in Sanvi Anyi. Notes on Anthropology, 4, 34-45.
Kouao, A., & Burmeister, J. L. (1990). Les noms propres en Agni Sanvi. Annales De L’Université D’Abidjan, Série J, Traditions Orales, 5, 99-117.
Launay, R. (1995). The power of names: Illegitimacy in a Muslim community of Côte d’Ivoire. S. Greenhalgh (editor), Situating fertility: Anthropology and demographic inquiry (pp. 108-129). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Notes: the Dyula of northern Cote d’Ivoire
Tiérou, A. (1977). Le nom africain : ou,Langage des traditionsG.-P. Maisonneuve et Larose.
Tonkin, E. (1980). Jealousy Names, Civilised Names: Anthroponomy of the Jlao Kru of Liberia . Man, 15 (New Series)(4), 653-664.
Notes: no entries yet
Badejo, B. R. (1986). Surname in Borno State : a case of cultural conflict. Anthropological Linguistics, 28(2), 185-194.
Notes: Borno State is a state in north-eastern Nigeria.
Coker, I. (1964). Grammar of African names: a guide to the appreciation of the cosmic significance of Nigerian and Ghanaian names. Lagos: Times Press.
Doi, A. R. I. (1978). Nigerian Muslim names. Ahmedabad, India: Muslim Pub. House.
Notes: 245p
Nitecki, A. (1966). Personal names and place names of Nigeria : alphabetic order tables. Ibadan: University of Ibadan, Institute of Librarianship.
Oseni, Z. I. (1981). A guide to Muslim names : with special reference to Nigeria. Lagos, Nigeria: Islamic Publications Bureau.
Notes: Chapters:
Abstract: Names in general – Muslim names – God and his magnificent names – The holy prophet Muhammad and his names – Names of other prophets of God – Other Islamic heroes and heroines – Muslim names in Nigeria – Conclusion 101p
Jahoda, G. (1954). A note on Asanti names and their relationships to personality. British Journal of Psychology, 45, 192-195.
Abstract: The Ashanti give names based on the birth-day of the week. Some days are more auspicious than others. Wednesday is an inauspicious day "bad". Male delinquents compared with normals. More delinquents born on a Wednesday than a Monday (=day of peace)
Okojie, C. G. (1980). What is in a name? Lagos: A. Palmer.
Notes: Nigeria -Bini
Wescott, R. (1974). Bini names in Nigeria and Georgia. Linguistics, (124), 21-32.
Ajayi, J. O. (1985). Ebira names in Nigeria : the origin, meaning, and pronounciation. Okpella: S. Asekome.
Ogie, O. (2002). Edo personal names and world view. in: (Pogoson , Ohioma I.//Egbokhare, Francis O.), New Perspectives in Edoid Studies: essays in honor of Ronald Peter Schaefer . Cape Town RSA: Centre for Advanced Studies of African Society.
Notes: [Isbn: 1919799680] /
Omoregie, J. O. (2005). Edo names for cultural studies. Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria: "Emmanuel" Publications.
Central Intelligence Agency. (1965). Hausa personal names. Washington.
Harris, P. G. (1931). Some Conventional Hausa Names. Man , 31, 272-274 .
Kirk-Greene, A. H. M. (1964). A preliminary inquiry into Hausa onomatology. Zaria, Nigeria: Institute of Administration.
Abstract: pp 1-11 cover the naming practices of both Muslim and Christian Hausas
Newman, P., & Ahmad, M. (1992). Hypocoristic names in Hausa. Anthropological Linguistics , 34, 159-172.
Abstract: Publisher: "This paper describes hypocoristic forms of personal names in Hausa. There are seven different hypocoristic types, some of which can be combined with one another. Six types employ segmental suffixes and one type is formed by partial reduplication. Some of the types display an overall tonal melody; others simply add a tonally fixed affix to a basic name with its inherent tone. The hypocoristic types differ both in their affective/emotive connotations and in who uses them."
Ryan, P. M. (1981). An introduction to Hausa personal nomenclature. Names, 29, 139-164.
Abstract: each Hausa is given a secret and a public name
Carter, G. F. (1974). Nigerian onomastics. in: F. Tarpley (editor), They had to call it something (pp. 13-24). Commerce, Texas: Names Institute Press.
Abstract: Ibibio male and female names
Ekpo, M. (1978). Structure in Ibibio names. Names, 28, 271-284.
Essien, O. E. (1986). Ibibio names: their structure and their meanings. Ibadan [Nigeria]: Daystar Press.
Notes: Map
Wieschhoff, H. A. (1941). Social significance of names among the Ibo of Nigeria. American Anthropologist, (43), 212-222.
Amune, P. A. (1991). Igarra (Etuno) names : origin and meanings. Wukari (Nigeria): Amune Printing Press.
Notes: Nigeria -Igarra
Ezeanya, S. N. (1967). A handbook of Igbo Christian names. Harcourt (Nigeria; s.n.): Port Harcourt.
Ibemesi, F. N. (1988). Alias Okeome-Ochilozua: An analysis of the concept of assumed names in Igbo society. Africa Marburgensia, (21), 18-35.
Iwundu, M. (1973). Igbo anthroponyms: linguistic evidence for reviewing the ibo culture. Names , 21(1), 46-47.
Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Igbo personal names frequently express significant attitudes or historical facts."
Madubuike, I. (1974). Structure and meaning in Igbo names. Buffalo: Council on International Studies, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Notes: Refs.
Abstract: ed lawson "Description of the naming customs of this tribe in Nigeria. Further description of the various types of name with examples. Some of the types are: patrilineal (Amaefula, "Let my family line not be lost"), relationship with members of father’s lineage (Ugonnaya, "The beloved of the father"), social names (Igbokwe, "By the grace of the people"), religious names (Igwe. "(In honor of the sky god"), and day names (Adafo, for a girl born on Afo). Over 300 names shown under the appropriate group."
Mbabuike, M. (1996). The cosmology of Igbo anthroponyms: Life continuum and liturgy of culture. Dialectical Anthropology, 21(1), 47-65.
Njoku, J. E. E. (1978). A dictionary of Igbo names, culture and proverbs. Washington, DC: University Press of America.
Nze, C. (1984). The art of naming among the Igbo. Ikenga, (6), 47-50.
Onukawa, M. C. (1998). An Anthropolinguistic Study of Igbo Market-Day Anthroponyms. Journal of African Cultural Studies, 11(1), 73-83.
Abstract: Igbo language; anthroponymy; relationship to gods’ names. Folk belief systems; of Igbo; Nigeria; role of gods; of market day; relationship to personal names
Onukawa, M. C. (1998). Kwe-Names and the Complementary Dual Concepts in Igbo. Anthropos: International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics, 93(1-3), 202-209.
Onukawa, M. C. (1999). ‘Death’: A Male-Specific Concept in Igbo Gender-Naming. Lore and Language, 17(1-2), 93-100.
Abstract: Igbo language; anthroponymy; male names; ethnolinguistic approach. Folk literature; folk speech play; names; of Igbo men; Nigeria; treatment of death.]
Onukawa, M. C. (1999). The Significance of the Verb kwe in Igbo Personal Names. Anthropological Linguistics, 41(1), 107-119-.
Abstract: author abstract: The concept of òkwùkwe ‘agreement’ is central in Igbo thought and beliefs. Igbos believe that, in order to survive and prosper, certain social and supernatural powers must agree. Prayers for the agreement of the social and supernatural powers are expressed in personal names formed with the verb kwe ‘agree’. This article discusses the centrality of òkwùkwe ‘agreement’ in Igbo traditional culture as evidenced by the popularity of kwe names.
Onukawa, M. C. (2000). The Chi concept in Igbo gender naming. Africa, 70(1), 107-117.
Onukawa, M. C. (2000). The christianising of Igbo Chi names . Africa, 70(1).
Ubahakwe, E. (1998). Igbo names: their structure and their meanings. London: Karnac House.
Notes: previously published 1981 (Ibadan: Daystar Press -isbn 9781221461)
Umoren, U. E. U. E. (2001). Niger Delta cultural values. [Port Harcourt?, Nigeria]: Riverside Communication.
Eyeoyibo, M. O. M. O. (2000). Dictionary of Itsekiri names. Benin City [Nigeria]: Mofe Books.
Karibi-Iririko, A. B. S. (1998). Kalabari person names, part 1: Origin of my names. Comments on Etymology, 27(7), 17-19.
Abstract: ed lawson "Kalabari is a language of Nigeria. Explanation and comment on the meanings of the names of the author, Abere ("trouble"), Biobele ("happiness"), Suzane ("lily") , Karibi ("chief"), and Ikiriko ("talking drum"). "
Fama, C. (1998). 1,000& (African) Òrì?sà/Yorùbá names. San Bernadino, Calif: Ilé ?Òrúnmìlà.
Notes: check diacritics
Adéníyì, H. (1997). Phrasal Morphology: The Case of Yorùbá Names. South African Journal of African Languages, 17(4), 115-120.
Ajíbóyè, Ã. (1998). The Impact of religion on Yoruba Personal Names. Journal of Nigerian Languages and Literatures, 6, 26-29.
Akinnaso, N. (1980). The sociological basis of Yoruba personal names. Anthropological Linguistics, 22, 275-304.
Akinnaso, N. (1981). Names and naming principles in cross-cultural perspective. Names, 29, 37-63.
Abstract: compares the naming systems of the Delaware Indians with the Yoruba
Akinnaso, N. (1981). On the syntax and semantics of nominal compounds in Yoruba names. Semiotoc Scene, 7(1-12).
Akinnaso, N. (1983). Yoruba traditional names and the transmission of cultural knowledge. Names, 31, 139-158.
Akinyemi, A. (2005). Integrating culture and second language teaching through Yoruba personal names. The Modern Language Journal, 89(1), 115-126.
Abstract: Using Yorùbá as a case study, this article demonstrates the fact that the languages of Africa and the cultures of its peoples are inseparable. Therefore, the study advocates that appropriate aspects of these cultures should form an integral part of African language teaching. This article discusses specifically how language teachers can transmit the cultural practices of the Yorùbá people to students in the beginning foreign language classroom by teaching Yorùbá personal names and the naming traditions of their culture. In other words, this study looks at the role that personal names play in understanding the culture of the Yorùbá people. It argues that teaching Yorùbá personal names should go beyond mere explanation of their meanings to include an exposition of the link between the names and their cultural content. Consequently, the study categorizes Yorùbá personal names functionally, revealing the rules that govern the structure of these names and examining the cultural traits that are embedded in them. The article also recommends that teachers of beginning Yorùbá explore the use of the tonal patterns in Yorùbá personal names in order to introduce their students to the three tonal levels of the language.
Babalola, S. A., & Alaba, O. (2003). A dictionary of Yoruba personal names. Lagos, Nigeria: West African Book Publishers.
Notes: LC Control Number: 2005423255
Ekundayo, S. A. (1977). Restrictions on personal name sentences in the Yoruba name phrase. Anthropological Linguisitics, 19, 55-77.
Fama, C. (1988). Yoruba names.
S. JohnsonThe history of the Yorubas (pp. 78-89). Lagos, Nigeria: C.M.S. Bookshops.
Notes: 1st published 1921
Nasiru, W. O. A. (1998). The impact of Islam on child naming among the Yoruba. Orita , 30(1/2), 85-93.
Abstract: author abstract
"Both the traditional religion of the Yoruba of Nigeria, and Islam, agree that God is the creator and thereafter the bestower of children on selected human beings. Yoruba parents usually hold their offspring in high esteem. While Islam shares the traditional Yoruba aim of having children, it goes further and expects such children to be odedient, faithful, loyal, and polite. For effective care of children, Muslims use all facilities allowed by the sharia to guarantee a safe delivery and provide adequate health care for the mother. The traditional Yoruba also take precautionary measures to ensure a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery, but they tend to turn to more traditional medical aids rather than orthodox medical services. Islam has had a significant impact on the traditional procedure for naming a child. Islam dissociates itself from giving names to babies according to the circumstances in which they are born, such as with the feet coming out first or born by the roadside. Islam specifies that every new baby should be named on the eighth day of birth and given one of the names of Allah or the Prophet Muhammad. Yoruba traditional practices which run counter to the spirit of Islam have been dropped. Ref."
Oduyoye, M. (1984). Yoruba names: Their structure and their meanings. Ibadan {Nigeria}: Daystar Press.
Notes: 1st pub 1972
Abstract: concentrates on the structure of Yoruba names
Ojoade, J. O. (1980). African proverbial names : 101 Ilaje examples. Names, 28, 195-214.
Abstract: The Ilaje are a "distinct linguistic group of the Yoruba stalk made up of four geo-political entities namely Ugbo, Mahin, Etikan and Aheri…They mainly occupy the Atlantic coastline of Ondo State of Nigeria while a large population of them settles on land in the hinterland."
Okediji. (1966). The sociological aspects of traditional Yoruba names and nicknames. Odu : a Journal of West African Studies, (3).
Notes: re-check for full author name
Orie, O. O. (2002). Yoruba names and gender marking. Anthropological Linguistics, 44(2), 115-142.
Salami, A. (1965-1966). A phonetic and phonological study of Yoruba personal names. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
Nemer, J. F. (1987). Phonological stereotypes and names in Temne. Language in Society, 16, 341-352.
Abstract: Many personal names in Temne (a Mel language spoken in Sierra Leone) are borrowed from other languages, containing foreign sounds and sequences which are unpronounceable for Temne speakers when they appear in other words. These exceptions are treated as instances of phonological stereotyping (cases remaining resistant to assimilation processes).
Cornevin, R. (1954). Names among the Bassari. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 10(2).
Adjeodah, E. S. O. (1980). Fête traditionnelle akposso-akébou Ovazou 1980 à Badou : thème, les "Akposso" et leur culture -civilisation : signification des noms akposso. Lomé, Togo: Cercle d’études akposso, A.R.C.A.A.
[page last updated : July 25, 2008]