Bertie Hagger Posted 11 February 2014 by Peter HaggerBertie Hagger – killed in action 23 July 1916, France / Flanders Service No.: 19512, Private, Enlisted - Deptford Awarded Victory and British War medals. Regiment: Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry, 1st Battalion – 15th August 1914 Mobilised for war and landed in Havre and engaged in various actions on the Western front including; 1914 - The Battle [Click to continue…]
Arthur Edward Commins Posted 7 March 2017 by John ComminsHe was born at I St Johns Rd Plymouth and worked in Charterhouse Sq as a wholesale drapers asst . He was a war time volunteer who joined the Royal Garrison Artillery as a gunner on 26 Aug 1914 and was discharged to a commission in the 11th Battalion Devonshire Regiment on 13 Aug 1915 . The 11th Devons were a home service unit and following the formation [Click to continue…]
Herbert Drake Posted 21 November 2014 by Departed MemberHerbert Drake, the fourth son of Francis Edward Drake and Jane Hopton Drake (formerly Dufton), was born in 1884 in Leeds. Herbert married Alice Scholefield 26 Dec 1907 at Kirkstall St Stephen, Leeds, and his trade was boot finisher. Herbert was a Private in the 5th Battalion of the Green Howards and transferred to The Labour Corps. He died 10 Jul 1921 [Click to continue…]
Julian Grenfell Posted 17 January 2014 by Julian Henry Francis Grenfell was born 30 May 1888 the eldest son of William Henry, later Lord Desborough, and Ethel Ann Priscilla Grenfell. He had always wished for a military career and in 1910 was commissioned into the 1st Royal Dragoons and stationed in India. In 1911 the regiment was transferred to South Africa until August 1914 when it returned [Click to continue…]