Countries: B Abbreviations ClN = clan name NN =Nickname f=father’s DayN =Day Name PlN=Placename gf=grandfather’s FamN= Family Name PT = patronymic m=mother’s GN = Given name SN = Surname IN = Incidental name TN= Tribal name MN=Middle name wPN = Western Personal Name Country Languages Structure & (Example) Ethnic groups-Types – History Women (and on marriage) Children Society Terms of Address, Further reading, Notes Bangladesh Bengali Bengali 98%, tribal groups, non-Bengali Muslims ●Bengali Muslims Name elements {GN: FamN : PT: PlN: Pseudonym: NN} Some combinations:- PN simple =Anwar Pasha GN + FamN =Muhammad Ali Chowdhury PT = Asad bin Fazl Compound name linking elements e.g. al, e, I, ud, ul, ur, us, ush, uz: example = Nażrul Islãm (Bengali merger of Nażr-ul- Islăm) ●Bengali Hindu PN or GN +FamN Some combinations: Simple or compound PN= Madhābāchārya PN + FamN = Nirmalchandra Sengupta The 2nd element to PN compounds is often ornamentation e.g. –chandra, charan, -kānta, -kumār, mohan, -nanda, -nāth, -ranjan etc FamN have anglicised forms of the Sankrit e.g. Banerji (for Bandyopadhyaya etc) Bose (for Basu, Vasu) Chatterji (for Chattopādhyaya etc) Mukherji (for Mukhopadhyaya etc) Tagore (for Thākur) ●Bengali Buddhist N (inc FamN) or PN (or GN) + monastic title Nirodranjan Chākmā Thera Visuddhananda ————————————————————– Leading Bangladeshi FamNs:- Ahmed, Alam, Chowdhury, Das, Hossain, Khan, Muhammad, Patwary, Roy, Rahman Roy and Sinha are common amongst Bangladeshi Buddhists and Hindus. Chowdhury and Tālukdār are names common to Buddhists, Hindus amd Muslims UK Leading Bangladeshi FamNs: Uddin, Ullah, Miah, Ali, Hossain, Ahmed, Gani Leading PN: Male: Tahir, Amjad, Abbas,Badsha, Salik, Nazrul, Abdul, Rahism Female- Zoreena, Rahima, Runa, Khaleda, Sabanna, Amina, Hasina Second Names: Male- Miah, Uddin, Ali,Rahman, Karim, Khan Female- Begum, Bibi, Khatun, Akhtar, Nessa Akhtar can be both male and female (AhktarNessa is female and Akhtar Ahmed is male) Muslim names prefixes: Janab (for men) and Begum (for married women) Male Suffix – Shaheb ———————————————— •Datta (1981) ‘A linguistic study of personal names and surnames in Bengali ‘ •Ashrafi (1999) ‘Islame shishuder adhunik namkaran ‘ ————————————————- Hindi prefix Sri (men) : Srimati (married women) Male Suffix – Babu Barbados GN + SN John Sealy UK naming usage •Forde (2003) ‘Nicknames of Barbados’ Isbn-9768080132 Belarus Belarusian Russian Belarusian 81%,Russian 11%, Polish 4%,Ukrainian 2%, GN + PT + SN Aljaksej Aljaksandravič Kulakoŭski (masc) Surnames can be masculine, feminine or both. The ending –enak or –ak is distinctive FamN examples: Bič, Harun, Ipataŭ, Litvak, Paškievič, Yaroš Mr=Spadar, Mrs=Spadarynya, Miss= Spadarynya • Pauls (1969) ‘Type, structure and usage of surnames in the Brest- Litovsk region’ Onoma Bulletin 14 • (2005) ‘Slo unik asabovykh ulasnykh imion’ –“Belaruskaia navuka”, Isbn 9850806486 Belgium Official= French: German: Flemish GN + SN Maurice Walschap Leading surnames (all Flemish):- Peeters, Janssens, Maes, Jacobs, Mertens, Willems,, Claes, Goossens, Wouters, De Smet Leading Walloon surnames:- Dubois, Lambert, Martin, Dupont, Dumont, Leclercq, Simon, Laurent, Lejeune, Renard Distribution [link no longer available] Reading: •Carnoy, (1953) ‘Origines des noms de familles en Belgique’ •Vroonen, (1957) ‘Les noms de famille de Belgique : essai d’anthroponymie belge.’ •Vincent (1952) ‘Les noms de familles de la Belgique’ Belize GN + FamN Benin French (official) Fon Yoruba FamN + GN Dossov Paul Family names ending in –gno(e) usually signifies a tribal line of descent FamN examples: Kerekou, Trudo, Zinsou Bhutan Official lang= Dzongkha, Nepal and English Bhote 50%, Ethnic Nepalese 35% Indigenous/migrant tribes 15% Most people bear only 1 name A matriarchal society, with property passing through the female line, so it is not important for a family name to pass through the generations. However, the Educated are beginning to westernise their names Bolivia Spanish. Quechua, Aymara Quechua 30%, Mestizo 30%, Aymara 25%, white 15% •Spanish GN + fFamN + mFamN Marta Bosacoma Campora FamN examples: Achá, Armaya, Ballivián, Belzú, Campero, Córdova, Daza, Estenssoro, Friás, Galindo, Grosolé, Gutiérrez, Lanzo, Linares, Melgarejo, Patiño, Paz, Quintanilla, Sorzano, Urriolagoitia, Villaroel, Villazón Given: Father’s surname: De: Husband’s surname •Barúa (2001) ‘ “Semillas de estrellas” : los nombres entre los wichí ‘ Isbn-9875188859 [Matatco indians –Bolivia] Bosnia & H Bosnian GN+ (prefix) + SN (Branko Hadžijanić) Forename + (prefix) + (Compound) surname Prefix now often incorporated into the surname [The compound could be a surname plus territorial name] Croatian/Muslim/Serb Mr==Gospodin Mrs= Gospodja Miss= Gospodjica Botswana Setswana [Tribal name]: baptismal + surname Tebogo Kagiso Pule No prefixes or connecting article in Setswana words Compound names are made into unit words •Rapoo (2002) ‘Naming practices and gender bias in the Setswana language’ Women and Language 25 •Herbert (1990) ‘Changes to Northern Sotho and Tswana personal naming patterns’ Nomina Africana 4 •Gardner (xxxx) ‘Personal names as a neglected sociolinguistic resource: use of English in Botswana’ Names •Mathangwane & Gardner (1998) ‘Language attitudes as portrayed by the use of English and African names in Botswana’ Nomina Africana 12 •Gardner, S. F. (1999) ‘From Molelowakgotla through Michael to Mpho: the role of English from an onomastic perspective’ Marang. Special Issue: Language Literacy and Society Brazil Portugese GN + mFamN + fFamN José Dutra Azevedo Although now increasingly common just to have a paternal FN alone ……………………………………………………………. Leading surnames- Álvares, Amaral, Andrade, Antunes, Azevedo, Bernardes, Borges, Branco, Brito, Cabral, Câmara, Cardoso, Carvalho, Castro, Cavalcanti, Costa, Couto, Cruz, da Conceição, da Mata, de Jesus, Dias, do Nascimento, Fagundes, Fernandes, Ferreira, Garcia, Gil, Gomes, Henriques, Jaime, Lima, Lins, Lopes, Martins, Medeiros, Mendes, Medonça, Menezes, Moniz, Moraes, Moreira, Neves, Nogueira, Oliveira, Pereira, Pinto, Pires, Rego, Reis, Ribeiro, Rodrigues, Sá, Sanches, Sanrtos, Serrano, Silva, Silveira, Soares, Souza, Tavares, Torres Maiden name: married surname: father’s surname Cont from left column… If a Black African slave’s name was unknown or unpronounceable, assigned ‘Da Costa’ living near sea coast, ‘Da Silva” if inland.’, ‘Dos Santos’ was given to orphans •Azvedo & Fortuna (1983) ‘The reconstruction of cultural history and racial mixing from the meaning of family names in Bahia, Brazil’ Quaderni di Semantica: Rivista Internazionale di Semantica Teorica e Applicata 4 •Barbosa (1986) ‘Dicionário de nomes próprios, indígenas e afro-brasileiros’ •Barata (1999) ’Dicionário das famílias brasileiras’ •Ferreira (1998) ‘Dicionário poliglótico de sobrenomes’ Isbn-99886782 •Guério (1981) ‘Dicionário etimológico de nomes’ •Cavalcanti (1989) ‘Nomes indígenas brasileiros : seus significados, lendas e rituais’ •Dick (1986) ‘Toponímia e antroponímia no Brasil : coletânea de estudos ‘ •Hugh-Jones (2006) ‘The substance of north-west Amazonian names’ in The anthropology of names and naming 0521848636 •Thonus (1991) ‘The influence of English on female names in Brazil’ Names 39 •Tôrres (1961) ‘Vocabulário ortográfico de nomes próprios’ Brunei •Brunei Moslems Arab naming forms •Brunei Chinese FamN + GN Moslems- Retains maiden name on marriage Bulgaria Bulgarian – uses Cyrillic script, but has other letters and sounds to other Slavic langs GN + PT + FamN (Nikolina Petrova Hristova) GN= no compounded forms Masculine patronymic suffix = -ov, -ev Feminine patronymic suffix= -ova, -eva The family (surname) name is that of the grandfather or the clan the father belonged to Leading FamN: Иванов (Ivanov), Петров (Petrov), Георгиев (Georgiev), Димитров (Dimitrov), Стоянов (Stoyanov), Андреев (Andreev), Михайлов (Mihalov), Николов (Nikolov), Василев (Vassilev), Тодоров (Todorov) Name change is optional- if so, ending is feminised In the 1980’s, as part of am assimilation project, the government tried to co-erce ethnic Turks into changing their Islamic names into Bulgarian ones Middle name is mainly used in the telephone directory Mr=Gospodin, Mrs= Gopozha, Miss= Gospojitsa •CIA (1964) ‘Bulgarian personal names’ •Danchev et al (1989) ‘An English dictionary of Bulgarian names spelling and pronunciation’ • (1994) ‘Razberi svoeto ime : malka entsiklopediia na lichnite imena’ Isbn -954853701x •Takhirov (2004) ‘Rechnik na turskite lichni imena v Bulgariia’ Isbn-9540202876 Burkina Faso French GN + FamN Cheik Ousman Diallo = 2 Islamic GNs + Family name. GNs may be combination of Christian, Islamic and/or traditional The traditional GN has an invocative special meaning. Family name may be common to many differing families e.g. Ouédraogo is the name of thousands of the Mossi tribe. Christian and Islamic GN may prefix traditional forename May be compound family names combing that of mother and father’s families. FamN examples: Tall, Dabire, Boni, Coulibaly, Kabore, Balima, Somda, Larle •Lankoande (2004) ‘Noms de famille (patronymes) au Burkino Faso’ Burma (Myanmar) Burmese Miao-Yao PN U Thet Su PN may be 1 to 4 syllables, with an honorific prefix. Prefix (male) = U, Ko, Maung, Daw ,Ma, Ko Yin, Thakin, Yebaw, Bo, Bo Hmu, Saya, Khingyi Prefix (female) = Daw, Ma(i), Shin, Thakinma, Yemay, Sayama Apparent family names to accord with Western practice are often PN + syllable from fPN •Meo Mountain-tribe of Laos, Thailand and Burma PN examples: Masc= Jua, Thao, Vang Ns== Faydang, Ly, Pao Women do not change names on marriage- women often have same names or similar to men Children do not take their parent’s name: except the eldest son takes his fathers 1st (family name.and eldest daughter takes her mother’s 1st (family) name, the her father’s Burundi National lang = Kirundi, though French widely used GN + PN (Emile Hatungimana) Burundese names are formed “from religion, daily life and family events”. Each is a unique PN, different to those of parents •Kimenyi (1989) ‘Kinyarwanda and Kirundi names : a semiolinguistic analysis of Bantu onomastics’ Isbn -0889461856