Countries: D Abbreviations ClN = clan name NN =Nickname f=father’s DayN =Day Name PlN=Placename gf=grandfather’s FamN= Family Name PT = patronymic m=mother’s GN = Given name SN = Surname IN = Incidental name TN= Tribal name MN=Middle name wPN = Western Personal Name Country Languages Structure & (Example) Ethnic groups-Types – History Women (and on marriage) Children Society Terms of Address, Further reading, Notes Denmark GN + SN Christian Nielsen Lise Lotte Møller SN adoption; 1526- Royal encouragement for nobility to take SNs 1828/1858- directives requiring adoption of hereditary SNs 1904 Name Law – allowing change of SN (if too popular) A 1970’s list analysis revealed 85,000 different surnames, with 64% of the population covered by the top 50 surnames 70% of Danes have patroymic surnames: 20% of all Danes are called Jensen, Nielsen or Hansen Top 100 SNs = 79 PTs, est = occupational, topographical and nicknames Also German SNs Few toponymic; placename elements = -borg, -by, -gaard, -rup, -sted Leading surnames: Jensen, Nielsen, Hansen, Pedersen, Andersen, Christensen, Larsen, Sørensen, Rasmussen, Jørgensen, Petersen, Madsen, Kristensen, Olsen, Thomsen, Christiansen, Poulsen, Johansen, Knudsen, Mortensen Tendency for women to retain maiden name, or to hyphenate maiden name: husband’s name Nb; a woman may adopt her father or husband’s GN as a middle (not SN) of their own e.g. Henny Harald Hansen Mr = herr, Mrs= fru Miss= froken Abbrev in correspondence to hr, fru, and fruk. •Hornby (1951) ‘Danske navne’ •Kristiansen (1984) ‘Danske ogenavne’ •Meldgaard (1983) ‘ Modern dansk personnavnesnik : fornavne, mellemnavne, slaegtsnavne’ SudAnthroScan 1 •Meldgaard (1990) ‘Studier i københavnske fornavne 1650-1950’ Isbn. – 8774216597 [Copenhagen stats] •Søndergaard (1990) ‘Computer databank of Danish names’ Names 38 •Søndergaard (2000) ‘Danske for- og efternavne’ •Degn (1998-9) ‘The fixation of Danish patronymics in the 19th Century and the law’ Onoma 34 – Faroes Islands In 1992, Denmark ceded to the Faroese, the right to regulate their own names (Only 2 forenames, and patronyms and metronyms re-introduced) Mr = harra Mrs = frü Miss= frøken •Johansson (2002) ‘Aspects of the development of Faeroese personal names during 1000 years’ Onoma 37 Djibouti French Use all names Maiden name: + all of Husbands names Dominica Dominican Republic Spanish GN: + fFamN + mFamN FamN examples: Delmonte Dubai Arabic naming system GN + fPN + Are some surnames,derived from tribes Eg desc of ancestors, tribal name or place. The use of Al signifies ‘tribe of’ Women retain their own names on marriage Mr= Sayid, Mrs + Sayeda, Miss = Anissa