Azerbaijan* Garibova, J. (1998). Loyalty, bravery, and passion: Personal names from legendary heroes. Azerbaijan International, 6(3), 42-43. Garibova, J., & Blair, B. (1996). Names: History in a nutshell: 20th century personal naming practices in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan International, 4(3), 54-59, 63, 82. Notes: link to article Gurbanov, A. (1988). Azarbaijan dilinin onomalogiiasy. Baky: "Maarif" N aashriiiaty. Hajiyeva, A. (2000). Spelling standards: Azerbaijani male names, female names, family names and major place names. Azerbaijan International, 8(1 (Spring)), 42-45. Abstract: "The Russian influence has been very strong in Azerbaijan. This has led to confusion when spelling names in English. To promote standardization, the staff at Azerbaijan International has set up general principles. To demonstrate this, there are four tablesSfor male first names, for female first names, for family names, and for place names. Each personal name table has about 100 entries each entry showing three formsSAzeri Latin, English through Azeri, and English through Russian. The name which is Hüseyn in Azeri using the Latin alphabet becomes Huseyn in translating from Azeri into English. It would have become Guseyn when translating from Russian into English." Source of abstract -ed lawson Lawson, E. D. Religious, patriotic, ethnic factors and names. in: A. I. Boullón (editor), Novi te ex nomine : estudos filolóxicos ofrecidos ao Prof. Dr. Dieter Kremer (pp. 203-212). Santiago de Compestela, Galicia (Spain): Biblioteca Filolóxica Galega. Abstract: "Names from Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Azerbaijan reflect political changes since the Czars. Russian occupation produced more patriotic names in the Baltics" -source of abstract : ed lawson Mirzaiev, O. (1986). Adlarymyz. Baky; Azarbaijan: Azarbaijan Dovlat Nashriiiaty. Zuercher, K. (2007). Personal Names in Azerbaijan: A Quantitative Analysis . Names, 55(2), 87-192. [page last updated: July 25, 2008]