Bulgaria Razberi svoeto ime : malka entsiklopediia na lichnite imena. (1994). [Bulgaria]: Litavra. Notes: [ISBN 954853701x] pod redaktsiiata na Radost Nikolaeva,Radosvetla Konstantinova Angelova-Atanasova, M. (1998). A free experiment conducted through associations and based on materials from the Bulgarian system of names. Slavica Slovaca, 33(1), 34-40. Abstract: Author abstract "The study analyses data from a free experiment conducted through associations with 41 questioned persons on twenty seven traditional and new Bulgarian male and female names. On the basis of this experiment the author draws her conclusions: the greater part of the names can be associated with positive qualities (physical and moral); a name can be associated with polar qualities; a person’s attitude to a name can be based on associating it with the domineering image of someone bearing that name. That is why people prefer the names of popular personalities. The names of high frequency are connected with a wide range of associations which makes those names more universal and quarantees their preservation." Central Intelligence Agency. (1964). Bulgarian personal names. Washington. Notes: LC Control Number: 68061052 Danchev, A., Holman, M., Dimova, E. M., & Savova, M. (1989). An English dictionary of Bulgarian names spelling and pronunciation Nauka i Izkustvo Publishers. Kalkanova, T. (1999). Sociology of Proper Names in Sofia since 1970. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, (135), 83-98. Abstract: Bulgarian language; anthroponymy; first names; 1970-1992. Konstantinov, Y. (1993). The Bulgarian Pomaks: Names and problems of self-definition. Small nations and ethnic minorities in an emerging Europe: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference held on February 3-5 (pp. 338-344). Notes: Refs. Tables. Figures. Konstantinov, Y., & Alhaug, G. (1995). Names, ethnicity, and politics: Islamic names in Bulgaria 1912-1992 (Tromsø Studies in Linguistics . Oslo: Novus Press. Notes: Refs. Tables. Figures. Map Makedonski, A. M. (1987). Bulgarische Familiennamen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland einschliesslich Berlin (West). Neuried: Hieronymus. Notes: Germany (Bulgarian) Neuburger, M. (2004). A Muslim by any "other" name : the power of naming and re-naming. (The Orient Within: Muslim Minorities and the Negotiation of Nationhood in Modern Bulgaria), (pp. 142-168). Ithaca: Cornell University Press. Notes: a chapter on names, mostly name-changes of Turks in Bulgaria. Nicoloff, A. (1975). Bulgarian folklore, folk beliefs, customs, folksongs, personal names. Cleveland: A. Nicoloff. Notes: Bibliography: p. 1 Nicoloff, A. (1983). Bulgarian folklore. Cleveland, Ohio: A. Nicoleff. Abstract: "covers first names and surnames. Listings of names typical of districts" Abstract source: ed lawson Stoevski, A. (2006). Za niakoi proiavi na angloezichno vliianie v domashnata sreda na sofiiantsi. Supostavitelno Ezikoznanie/Sopostavitel’Noe Jazykoznanie/Contrastive Linguistics, 31(1), 62-74. Abstract: Bulgarian language; relationship to loan word; from English language (Modern) Takhirov, M. (2004). Rechnik na turskite lichni imena v B?ulgariia. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo. Notes: check diacritics Voillery, P. (1988). Histoire d’un patronyme: l’origine et le nom d’une famille Bulgare a l’epoque Ottomane. Revue Des Etudes Slaves [France], 60(2), 507-512. Notes: [History of a patronym: the origin and name of a Bulgarian family during the Ottoman era]. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The practice of forming patronymic surnames from titles designating social or political function is frequently encountered among the South Slavs. The family name of Aleksandur Stoilovich Boiev Ekzarkh (1810-91), Prefect of Plovdiv and a member of the administrative council of East Rumelia, constitutes such an example. Boiev derived the name Ekzarkh from the corresponding ecclesiastical administrative title denoting his status as representative of the Metropolitate of Turnovo, a mediatory position linking civil and religious authority." [page last updated: July 25, 2008]