Georgia* Apridonidze, S. (1990). The structure of Georgian personal names. Abstracts, 17th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (p. 13). University of Helsinki: The Finnish Research Centre for Domestic Languages. Axua<svili, I. (1994). Kartuli gvar-saxelebi : masalebi kartuli gvarebis istoriisatvis. Tbilisi: Ganatleba. Notes: Georgia Gippert-Fritz, S. (2007). Die Anthroponyme im Ossetischen. in: S. Brendler, & A. Brendler (editor), Handbuch Europäische Personennamensysteme : ein handbuch von abasisch bis zentralladinisch . Baar. Central Intelligence Agency. (1971). Comprehensive listing of Russian surnames with transliterated English forms. s.l: s.n. Notes: Contents: pt. 1. Russian Cyrillic alphabetical order.–pt. 2. English alphabetical order Davis, P. A. (1968). Soviet Russian given names. Names, 16, 95-104. Deatherage, M. E. (1962). Soviet surnames: a handbook. Oberammergau, Germany: U.S. Army Foreign Area Specialist Training Program (Russian). Notes: In 2 parts. Part 1-56 pages : Part 2 -333 pages Abstract: Lawson1: “Part 1 contains an extensive introduction to patterns of surnaming among the peoples of Russia and the Baltic areas. This includes Ukrainian, Georgian, Armenian, Jewish, Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian, as well as Russian. Part 2 is a listing of 30,000 surnames in Cyrillic script in alphabetical order showing the pronunciation stress. The names are just listed. No meanings or derivations are shown. 13 refs.” Inal-ipa, Sh. D. S. D. (2002). Antroponimiia abkhazov. Maƒkop: Adygeia. Lawson, E. D., & Glushkovskaya, I. (1999). Naming patterns of recent immigrants from former Soviet Georgia to Israel. in: A. Demsky (editor), These are the names : Studies in Jewish onomastics (Vol. 2pp. 137-157). Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University Press. Abstract: "investigates names of those born 1890-1991 from families who came to Israel. The traditional (memorial) naming pattern persists but parental liking of a name is emerging" -abstract source-: ed lawson Nikolov, V. A. (1983). Geografiia familii – istochnik etnicheskoi istorii gruzin. Sovetskaia Etnografiia, (1), 23-33. Notes: : [Geography of surnames: a source for Georgia’s ethnic history].1866-1982. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The suffixes used in Georgian surnames serve as a distinct indication of their region of origin, and this has aided studies of the ethnic history of the Georgian people." [page last updated: July 25, 2008]