(See also Irish Counties but this page includes items relating to provinces e.g. Ulster)
Adams, G. B. "Prolegomena to the study of surnames in Ireland." Nomina 3 (1979): 81-94.
Abstract: Lawson1: "A systematic presentation on Irish names. Topics include: the peoples of Ireland (Old Irish, Anglo-Norman,English,Scots,Hugenots,Palatines,Jews and others), the languages of origin of surnames, typology of surnames, anglicization of Irish names, gaelicization of imported names, and an annotated lisiting of refs. 27 refs."
Arkell, Tom. Popular Irish surnames. London: Trentham Books, 1988.
Notes: Irish Cultural Studies: 14
Beddoe, John ‘On complexional differences between the Irish with indigenous and exotic surnames respectively’ The Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 27. (1898), pp. 164-170.
Bell, Robert. Book of Ulster surnames. Belfast: Blackstaff, 1988.
Note: Reviewed in Nomina14 (1990-91)
Bittles, A. H. and M. T. Smith. "Abo and Rh(d) Blood-Group Frequencies in the Ards Peninsula, Northeastern Ireland : Evidence for the Continuing Existence of a Major Politicoreligious Boundary." Annals of Human Biology 18, no. 3(1991): 253-58.
Abstract: Data are presented on the ABO and Rh(D) frequencies of 1685 individuals living in the Ards Peninsula, northeastern Ireland. Previous investigations based on surname analysis and linguistic studies showed a basic north-south population divide that could be traced back at least to the early seventeenth century. The current survey indicates the continuation of this divide, which is coincident with known patterns of religious persuasion.
Black, J. Anderson. Your Irish ancestors. New York; London: Paddington Press Ltd, 1974.
Notes: 253 pages
Abstract: Lawson1: "Has about 100 entries of well-known and most common Irish surnames (O’Brady, O’Flynn et al.). Maps show location where family is found. Photographs, pictures of Ireland. 50 refs."
Boal, F. W. ‘Territoriality on the Shankill-Falls divide’ Irish Geography 6 (1969), 30-50
Notes: Of interest for fig 3, a map of territoriality derived from a telephone directory/electoral roll analysis of assumed Roman Catholic surnames and forenames
Breffny, Brian De. Irish Family names. Gill & Macmillan, 1982.
Abstract: Lawson2: "Background on 200 of the most common surnames"
Coghlan, Ronan, Ida Grehan, and P. W. Joyce. Book of Irish names : First, Family & Place Names. Belfast: Appletree, 1990.
Notes: Originally published: New York : Sterling, 1989; Material compiled from the following titles published by Appletree Press, 1985: Pocket guide to Irish first names by Ronan Coghlan; Pocket guide to Irish family names by Ida Grehan; Pocket guide to Irish place names by P.W. Joyce Contents: Pocket guide to Irish first names / by Ronan Coghlan.1985. – Pocket guide to Irish family names / by Ida Grehan. 1985. – Pocket guide to Irish place names / by P. W. Joyce. 1984
Connors, Sean. Mapping Ireland : From Kingdoms to Counties. Dublin: Mercier Press, 2001.
Notes: 93 p.
Abstract: Thirty-two county maps, based on the 300-year-old maps drawn up by William Petty…The baronies of each county are then listed, followed by the names most commonly found in that particular county
Cotter, Paul. ‘The Anglo-Norman surnames of Ireland’. Irish Roots, 2-4 (1997), 28-29.
Notes: Medieval and late medieval
De Bhulbh, Seán. Sloinnte Na H-Éireann : Irish Surnames. Faing, Co. Luimnigh: Comhar-Chumann Íde Naofa, 1997.
De Buld, Padraig. Irish Names and Surnames. Dublin: M.H.Gill and Son, 1906.
Abstract: Irish English grammar,dictionary and study of names and place names by the names most commonly found in that particular county
Cotter, Paul. ‘The Anglo-Norman surnames of Ireland’. Iris
Domhnaigh, Mac Giolla. Some Ulster surnames. Baile atha Cliath: Clodhanna Teoranta, 1974.
Downie, Patrick Fergus. Some Anglicised Surnames in Ireland. Dublin: Gael Co-operative Society Ltd, 1923.
Foroige National Youth Development Organisation . Newport Branch. Know Your Roots : Newport Local Surnames . [Newport, Mayo]: [Newport Foroige], [1982].
Notes: 8 pages
Grehan, Ida. Dictionary of Irish Family Names. Roberts Rinehart, 1997.
________. Irish Family Names : Highlights of 50 Family Histories. London: Johnston and Bacon, 1973.
Notes: 160 pages
Abstract: Lawson1: "Background on some Irish names"
________. Little Book of Irish Family Names. Appletree Press, 1997.
________. Pocket Book to Irish Family Names. Belfast: Appletree, 1985.
Grenham, John. Irish Family Names. London: Harper Collins, 1997.
Hill, Emmeline W., Mark A. Jobling, and Daniel G. Bradley. "Y-Chromosome Variation and Irish Origins." Nature 404, no. 6776(2000): 351-52.
Abstract: A study of the Y-chromosome of 221 Irish males, which found significant differences between those with Gaelic surnames and others, and between those of eastern and western Irish origin
Hume, A. "Surnames in the County of Down." Ulster Journal of Archaelogy First Series, no. 6(1858): 211-34.
Abstract: Lawson2: "Extensive analysis and listing of urnames from the census of 1851 and the votes list of 1852"
[anon]- Irish Ancestral map. Aer Lingus.
Abstract: Lawson1: "Maps of Ireland. Shows over 1000 Irish surnames with the county of origin."
Mac Giolla-Domhnaigh, Padraig. Some Anglicised surnames in Ireland. Dublin: The Gael Co-operative Society, 1923.
________. Some Ulster surnames. Baile Átha Cliath (Dublin): Clódhanna Teo., 1975.
Notes: Previous ed., published as ‘Some anglicised surnames in Ireland’. | Dublin , Gael Co-operative Society, 1923
Abstract: Lawson2: "Has entries for 400+ surnames"
MacLysaght, Edward. A guide to Irish surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub Co., 1964.
________. Irish Families : their names, arms and origins. Dublin: Hodges, Figgis, 1957.
Notes: 366 pages
Abstract: Lawson1: "Background material on Irish names. Systematic coverage of over 200 prominent family names, etymology, prominent family members, crests etc., Such as O’Rourke and O’Kelleher. Several tables showing county of location of the names as well as English imports. Maps. 900 plus refs."
________. "The Irish-Norman names." Ireland of the Welcomes 25, no. 4(1976): 13-14.
Abstract: Lawson2
________. "Irish Surnames : Fact and Fiction." Eire-Ireland: A Journal of Irish Studies 1, no. 3(1966): 6-13.
________. More Irish Families : Incorporating Supplement to Irish Families, With an Essay on Irish Chieftainries. Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1982.
Notes: 254 p.
Abstract: Lawson1: "According to the editor, this volume incorporates the suthor’s More Irish Families (1960; Galway, O’Gorman) and Supplement to Irish Families; Dublin, Helicon) and is a companion book to Irish Families. Background information, and meanings of 900 -1000 Irish surnames."
" The surnames of Ireland, Edward MacLysaght. 6th.
Blackrock: Irish Academic Press, 1985.
Notes: reviewed in Nomina4 (1980)
[anon]- Masterbook of Irish surnames (Locations, origins and ethnicity). Irish Genealog, 1993.
Matheson, Robert E. Special report on surnames in Ireland : Varieties Ans Synonyms of Surnames and Christian Names in Ireland . Baltimore: Genealogical Pub, 1968.
McCarville, Evelyn. "What’s in an Irish name." Extension [Chicago] , no. 46(1952): 10ff.
Abstract: Lawson2
McClelland, James. Irish surnames and their possible locations for family history research. Silverdale, N.S.W.: J. McClelland Research, 1984.
McGuigan, Peter. "The development and distortion of Irish surnames." Canadian Genealogist , no. 7(1985): 11-20.
Abstract: Lawson2: "Brief history of Irish surnames from 795 A.D. ; distortion of Irish surnames and revival of Irish surnames"
Merrigan, Michael. "How Irish one-name studies differ from those in England" Journal of One-Name Studies 7, no. 4 (October 2000): 10-13.
Merrigan, Michael. "Irish studies must draw line between Gaelic and non-Gaelic studies" Journal of One-Name Studies 7, no. 5 (January 2001): 12-14.
Murphy, Seán. ‘Irish septs and surnames’. Irish Roots, 3 (1993), 24-25.
Neafsey, Edward. The all new ‘Surnames of Ireland’. Irish Genealogical Foundation, 2002.
Notes: 216 pp
Abstract: 200 Irish surnames; includes distribution maps from 1992 telephone directories covering Northern Ireland and Eire
O Cuiv,Brian ‘Aspects of Irish personal names ‘ Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies,School of Celtic Studies
O’Laughlin, Michael C. The master book of Irish surnames : Locations, ethnic origins, variant spellings and sources. Kansas City: Irish Genealogical Foundation, 1993.
Abstract: Lawson2: "Has 60,000 Irish surnames shown in 3 indexes"
Osborne, Joseph. Heirlooms of Ireland : an essay reference to some Irish surnames and their origins. Clearfield Co Reprints & Remainders, 1995.
Pender, Seamus. A census of Ireland, circa 1659 : with supplementary material from the Poll Money Ordinances (1660-1661). Dublin: Stationery Office, 1939.
Abstract: Lawson2: "Lists principal Irish names and frequency for each barony"
Quinn, Sean E. Surnames in Ireland Irish Genealogy Press, 2002 (isbn-1871509394)
[anon]- Special report on surnames in Ireland, (together with), varieties and symonymes of surnames and Christian names in Ireland . Baltimore: Genealogical Pub Co, 1968.
Share, Bernard Naming names : who, what, where in Irish nomenclature Dublin : Gill & Macmillan, 2001.
Notes: 243 p. Isbn-0717131254
Tait, C ‘Namesakes and nicknames: naming practices in early modern Ireland, 1540-1700’ Continuity and Change 21:2 (2006), 313-340
Thomas, C. "Irish colonists in south-west Britain." World Archaeology 5:1( 1973).
Verstraten, F ‘Naming practices among the Irish secular nobility in the high middle ages’ Journal of Medieval History 32:1 (2006), 43-53
Woulfe, Patrick. Irish names and surnames. Baltimore: Maryland: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1967.