Finland Finland – General Andersson, P., & Kangassalo, R. (2003). Suomi ja meänkieli Ruotsissa. in: H. Jönsson-Korhola, & A.-R. Lindgren Monena suomi maailmalla : suomalaisia kielvähemmistöjä . Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. Notes: Finland Blomqvist, M. Names in almanacs of Finland. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 58-64 ). Blomqvist, M. (1988). Från Tillnamm till Släktnamn i Österbottnisk Allmogemiljö. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, U. of Helsinki [Finland] . Notes: [From surnames to family names in rural Ostrobothnia].1780-1930. Blomqvist, M. (1989). 1985 års släktnamnslag i Finland: innehåll och tillämpning. StudAnthroScan, (7), 133-143. Abstract: Results of the law are shown in a sample of 26,002 couples in 1986. 92.1% of the women took the surname of the husband, 7.5% retained their birth name, less than 1% of the men took the wife’s surname. ( 7% of the women who took their husband’s name used hyphenated names) Blomqvist, M. (1989). Anderssons i Finland [Anderssons in Finland]. StudAnthroScan, (7), 101-110. Blomqvist, M. (1996). Finland-Swedish personal names. Onoma, 33, 53-63. Central Intelligence Agency. (1963). Finnish personal names. Washington. Kiviniemi, E. (1998). History of first names of Finnish origin. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 212-217). Kolehmainen , J. (1939). A note on Finnish given names in America. The Modern Language Journal, 24(3), 179-180. Leskinen, H., & Kiviniemi, E. (1990). Finnish onomastics : namenkunde in Finnland (Studiia Fennica : Review of Finnish linguistics and ethnology No. 34). Helsinki: Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden sera. Notes: translated by David Steadman,Marianne Reukauf Ingrid Schellbach-Kopra Eugene Homan &.Elizabeth Pitkänen Mikkonen, P., & Paikkala, S. (2000). Sukunimet Otava, Keuruu. Notes: check ref -anthroponomy? Närhi, E. M. Changes in surnames in bilingual Finland during the twentieth century. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences. Närhi, E. M. (1984). Changes in surname in bilingual Finland during the twentieth century : the year 1906. Vol. 13-17 August 1984. Namenkundliche Studien dem XV, Internationaler Kongress für Namenforschung (pp. 133-140). Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Sektion Slawistik, Bereich Sprachwissenschaft. Abstract: Lawson1: "In 1906, approximately 100,000 non-Finnish surnames were finnicised (Swedish had been the official language). Analysis of the shift patterns indicates; (1) no preference for a name at the beginning of the alphabet" Närhi, E. M. (1987). The changing of surnames in Finland during the twentieth century, particularly in 1906 and 1935. StudAnthroScan, (5), 109-121. Abstract: Lawson2: "200,000 Finns changed their surnames (mostly from Swedish) at these times" Närhi, E. M. (1989). Anderssons attlingar i Finland [The heirs to Andersson in Finland]. StudAnthroScan, (7), 111-120. Abstract: Lawson2: "Desciption of mass movements in the 1st half of the twentieth centurt to replace non-Finnish surnames with Finnish" Paikkala, J. (1985). Yleisimmät sukunimemme 1985. Sukuviesti, 1988(3), 22-23. Notes: title translation = Our most common surnames in 1985 Paikkala, S. Från olika namnsystem till ett enhetligt släktnamnssystem i Finland. NORNA-rapporter: Vol. 58. Slektsnamn i Norden. Rapport frå NORNAs tjueförste symposium (pp. 109-127). Uppsala: NORNA-förlaget. Notes: From different names systems to one unified system of surnames in Finland Paikkala, S. (1988). Finnische Familiennamen auf -(i)nen. Studia Anthroponymica Scandinavica , 6, 27-69. Paikkala, S. (2002). Surnames in Finland on the threshold of the new millennium. Onoma, 37(1), 267-277. Notes: online full-text: link to website Abstract: The purpose of this article is to describe, mainly through statistics, the current composition of surnames in Finland, the numbers of different name types and their distribution according to the holders of the names. Paikkala, S. (2007). Das finnische Personennamensystem . A. Brendler, & S. Brendler Europäische Personennamensysteme. Ein Handbuch von Abasisch bis Zentralladinisch (pp. 200-214). Baar. Paikkala, S., & Paikkala, J. (1988:). Tilastotietoja suomalaisten sukunimistä. Sukuviesti , 1(22-25, 30). Paikkala, S., & Paikkala, J. (2000). Tilastotietoja suomalaisten sukunimistä 1998. in: P. Mikkonen, & S. Paikkala Sukunimet (pp. 31-45 ). Helsinki: Otava. Notes: title transaltion [Statistics on the surnames of Finns in 1998.] Paikkala, S. L. ( 2004). "Se Tavallinen Virtanen: Suomalaisen Sukunimikåytånn÷n Modernisoituminen 1850-Luvulta vuoteen 1921". Helsinki U. [Finland]. Pöyhönen, J. (1998). Suomalainen sukunimikartasto. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. Notes: Atlas of Finnish surnames(42) Eight transparent overlay maps inserted in pocket Pöyhönen, J. (1998). Suomalainen sukunimikkartasto = Atlas of Finnish surnames. Finalnd, Jyväskylä: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. Notes: Atlas of Finnish surnames(42) Eight transparent overlay maps inserted in pocket Talve, I. (1966). Namens- und Geburtstagstraditionen in Finnland. Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia. Virtaranti, P. (1991). Finskan i AmericaSpråk i Norden. Onomastica Uralica. Finland – Lappish Rydving, H. (2002). Saami Place-Names and Personal Names in the Nordic Countries. Onoma, 37, 69-79. Whitaker, I. (1977). Colloquial naming among the Lainiovuoma Lapps (Sami). Jl De La Société Finno-Ougrienne, (75), 45-54. Finland – Swedish Blomqvist, M. Swedish family names in Finland. Studia Fennica, (34), 130-140. Abstract: Lawson2: "Brief history of the Swedish language and Swedish naming practices in Finland. Tables show the most common Swedish names in Finland in 1970" Blomqvist, M. (1991). Leden FÄLT i svenska släktnamn i Finland [The element FÄLT in Swedish family names in Finland]. NORNA:s sjuttonde symposium på Svidja 24-26 maj (pp. 191-207). Abstract: Investigation of the element FÄLT in Swedish family names in Finland shows that in 1970 the element was contained in 130 different family names borne by 2,597 individuals. Historically, the name was originally reserved for the nobility, particularly the officer class. Later use spread to the dragoons and soldiers. At the beginning of the 20th century, it experienced a renaissance among seamen, farmers, and the lower middle class. Blomqvist, M. (1993). Personnamnskoken. Helsinki: FL. Notes: 286p. Refs. Tables. Abstract: "An overview of the first names and surnames used by the Swedish-speaking minority of Finland (about 6% of the population). Data are drawn from a wide range of sources, from rare documentsof the Middle Ages to complete databases of names provided by the Finnish Office of Population Censuses. The book focuses on chronological, social, and regional variations, and frequences. Description of the almanac with its names and nameday-celebrations. Extensive bibliography on personal names in Finland." Extensive tables of first names and surnames with frequencies." source of abstract -ed lawson [page last updated: July 25, 2008]