Hungary Hungary – General Central Intelligence Agency. (1961). Hungarian personal names. Washington. Kohegyi, M., & Merk, Z. (1995). Die namens-nderungen in Baja 1895-1945. Sndostdeutsches Archiv, 38, 71-96. Notes: [Name changes in Baja, 1895-1945]. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Discusses changes in family names in the Hungarian town of Baja from 1895 to 1945 as a result of historical events. Baja was home to national groups – Serbs, Slovaks, Jews, Germans, and others – whose presence in the town diminished over these years, whereas the Hungarian population steadily increased. The main reason for this appears to have been at least partial assimilation in the form of name changes to Hungarian surnames, evidenced by an anomaly wherein the bearers of German surnames rapidly disappeared while the number of German speakers increased. Of those who bore German surnames, relatively large numbers were Jews who sought name changes as a form of refuge from discrimination." Kálmán, B. (1978). The world of names : a study in Hungarian onomatology. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó. Abstract: Lawson1: "Besides place names, also extensive coverage of first names, hypochoristic names, surnames and change of name. Systematic scholarly background on Hebrew, Greek, Latin, Germanic, Slavic, Turkic and other languages in relation to names." but St Gabriel website(link to website says "This book is a discussion of the history and origins of Hungarian names. It covers both given names and surnames, place names, and discusses the use and construction of names as well. However, all the spellings are modernized and almost nothing is dated. Not recommended, except as background reading." Kázmér Miklós. (1993). Régi Magyar Családnevek Szótará. Budapest: Magyar Nyelvtudományi Társaság. Abstract: "alphabetical index of Hungarian surnames complete with dates and citations of individuals with those names. The title translates as Early Hungarian Surnames Dictionary: 14th to 17th Centuries. Each entry is followed by information about the surname’s meaning and origin" Mizser, L. (2006). Temeto; Angalét. Magyar Nyelv, 102(1), 83-85. Nogrady, M. (1979). Ancient Sumerian names in modern Hungary. Onomastica, (55), 5-13. Abstract: "Discription of evidence and conclusion that some modern Hungarian surnames such as Guti and Ugi go back 5000 years to ancient Sumerian. Both languages originate from an older common language." Abstract source- ed lawson Nogrady, M. (1994). Surnames derived from Hungarian ethnic denominations. Onomastica Canadiana, 76(1), 29-40. Abstract: "describes how waves of immigration produced family names showing the ethnic background of the bearer. ; for example, Horvat(h) means "a Croat" .Other names also discussed Abstract source: ed lawson Virág, G. (1985). Csantavér családnevei. Budapest: ELTE Magyar Nyelvészeti Tanszékcsoport Névkutató Munkaközössége. Zirkuli, P. (1989). Katalin. Budapest: Helikon. Hungary – Genetics Koertvelyessy, T., Crawford, M. H., & Pap, M. (1990). Surname repetition and isonymy in northeastern Hungarian marriages. Human Biology, 62(4), 515-524. Koertvelyessy, T., Crawford, M. H., Pap, M., & Szilagyi, K. (1992). The influence of religious affiliation on surname repetition in marriages in Tiszaszalka, Hungary. Journal of Biosocial Science, 24(1), 113-121. Abstract: The repeated-pairs of surnames in marriages (RP) approach is applied to the population of Tiszaszalka in north-eastern Hungary./p> Hungary – Jewish Forgács, K. Hungarianization of Jewish surnames. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 322-329). University of Helsinki : The Finnish Research Centre for Domestic Languages. Panchyk, R. Magyarization: A study of given names among Jews in Buda, 1820-95. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Masschusetts at Amherst. Panchyk, R. (1995). Birth index for Buda Jewry covering the years 1820-52, 1968 for Neolog Jews in Buda (Budapest), Hungary; An alphabetical listing by father’s surname, with a cross-index of mother’s surnames . Teaneck, NY: Avotaynu (distributed by). Panchyk, R. (1995). Given names and Hungarian Jews. Avotaynu, (11(Summer)), 24-25. Panchyk, R. (1998). Variations and changes in Hungarian-Jewish names. Avotaynu, (14), 41-41. [page last updated: July 25, 2008]