Italy Italy – General (Cognome non trovato [Web Page]. URL link to website. Notes: Italy -surname distribution map Aebischer, P. (1947). Les origines de la finale -i des noms de famille italiens. Onomastica, 2, 90-106. Abstract: The origin of the final -i- in Italian family names Arcamone, M. G. (1995). Cognomi italiani da nomi di animali. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, 1, 12-22. Abstract: Animal names as Italian surnames Brunetta, L. (1992). Frailty, thy name is Bevilacqua [Italian surnames]. Verbatim, 19(2), 1-1. Caffarelli, E. (1999). Cognomi italian : storia curiosità, significati e classifiche. 1 -I più diffusi a livello nazionale. Turin: SEAT, Pagine Gialle. Notes: Italy Caffarelli, E. (2000). Cognomi italian : storia curiosità, significati e classifiche. 2 -I più frequenti e tipico regione per regione. Turin: SEAT, Pagine Gialle. Notes: Italy Caffarelli, E. (2001). Cognomi italian : storia curiosità, significati e classifiche. 3 -I più diffusi e caractteristici in 400 comuni. Turin: SEAT, Pagine Gialle. Notes: Italy Caravello, G. U., Tasso, M., & Lucchetti, E. (2002). Distribution of surnames and identities in the Cimbro-Mocheno communities of Italy. Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 60(3), 241-253. Carpegna Falconieri, T. (2002). Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, 8(1), 161-163. Notes: = Antipope’s nicknames in the 12th century Abstract: The practice of giving the Pope an alternative personal name dates back to the first half of the 11th cenury, often a mocking name. Cassidy, F. C. (1993). Frailty, thy name is Bevilacqua (Response to Brunetta, Leslie article on Italian surnames [Letter]. Verbatim, 19(4), 22-22. Cepeda Fuentes, M. (1992). I nomi degli Italiani : dalla A alla Z : un appassionato viaggio alla scoperta dell’origine e del significato dei nomi , i personaggi storici, le opere musicali, artistiche e letterarie che hanno influito sulla loro diffusione. Roma: Newton Compton. Ciamminelli, L. (1996). Enciclopedia dei cognomi italiani. Napoli: Lito-rama. Abstract: Encyclopaedia of Italian surnames Cuozzo, E. (1996). Nomi e cognomi dell’aristocrazia. Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne: L’anthroponymie document de l’histoire sociale des mondes Méditerranéans Médiévaux: Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française de Rome avec le concours du GDR 955 du C. N. R.S. (pp. 255-265). De Camelis, G. (1960). I cognomi in Italia : note di antroponimia e di diritto patronimico (2a edizione riveduta e ampliata, ed.). Firenze: R. Noccioli. De Felice, E. (1980). I cognomi italiani : Rilevamenti quantitativi dagli elenchi telefonici : informazioni socioeconomiche e culturali, onomastiche e linguistiche. Roma, Bologna: SEAT, Il Mulino. De Felice, E. (1982). I nomi degli italiani : informazioni onomastiche e linguistiche, socioculturali e religiose, rilevamenti quantitativi dei nomi personali dagli elenchi telefonici. Roma: SARIN. De Felice, E. (1986). Dizionario dei nomi italiani : origine, etimologia, storia, diffusione e frequenza di ottre 18.000 nomi. Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori. Finnocchiaro, A. (2002). L’origine del cognome Svezi. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, 8, 23-27. Abstract: An attempt to reconstruct the origin of the surname Svezia, which originated in the San Bartolomeo Institute of Palermo (Sicily) orphanage for abandoned children Francipane Michele. (1905). Dizionario ragionato dei cognomi italiani. 5.000 voci – 21.000 varianti – 2.100 cognomi stranieri comparati – etimologie, fonti storiche, curiosità antropiche. Milano, BUR 2. Notes: 1047pp Franco Mosino. (1998). Storie di cognomi italiani. 1. Reggio Calabria: Laruffa. Fucilla, J. G. (1963). New surnames in the making of Italy. Orbis: Bulletin International De Documentation Linguistique, 12, 456-462. Fucilla, J. G. (1979). Italian surnames today. Names, 27, 256-260. Fucilla, J. G. (1998). Our Italian surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co. Gerardi, R. J., & De Frank, R. (1982). Italian nicknames as surnames. ANS Bulletin, (70), 27-31. Abstract: Lawson1: "Classification of surnames derived from nicknames. Examples include; for compound names, Giangrosso (‘fat John’); from insects, Puccio (‘bug’); from a domestic quadroped, Agnello (‘lamb’)" Hubert, É. (1996). Structures urbaines et système anthroponymique (À propos de l’Italie centro-septentrionale, Xe-XIIIe siècle). in: Genèse médiévale de l’anthroponymie moderne: L’anthroponymie document de l’histoire sociale des mondes Méditerranéans Médiévaux: Actes du colloque international organisé par l’École française de Rome avec le concours du GDR 955 du C. N. R.S. (pp. 313-347). Maddox, B. (1919). The strange geography of names: Why does Italy have so many surnames and Wales so few? New Statesman, 32-32. Abstract: ed lawson "Observes that Italy has many surnames and Wales (and some other countries) few. Explains that the geography of Italy (mountainous with isolated areas) and invasions by different peoples from places like Bavaria, Provence, Albania, and Greece brought this about." Malossini, A. (1997). I Cognomi Italiani Avaliardi. Poma, C. (1913). I cognomi monosillabici in Italia. Archivio Glottologico Italiano, XVII(455-471). Rossebastiano Alda, & Papa, E. (2005). I nomi degli italiani : dizionario storico ed etimologico. Torino. Notes: 1357pp Schweickard, W. (2002). Il nome degli Svedesi e la sua storia in italiano. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, 8(1), 9-22. Notes: = The names of the Swedes and its history in the Italian language Abstract: unsure Shuttleworth, C. (2006). Italian names. Indexer. Notes: Centrepiece 1 : Indexing personal names 1 Italy – Bibliographies Bibliografia onomastica italiana 2004 [Web Page] [link no longer available]. Bibliografia onomastica italiana 2005 [Web Page] [link no longer available]. Revista Italiana Di Onomastica. Notes: Index of issues: [link no longer available] Italy – Genetics Barrai, I., Barbujani, G., Beretta, M., Maestri, I., Russo, A., & Formica, G. (1987). Surnames in Ferrara – distribution, isonymy and levels of inbreeding. Annals of Human Biology, 14(5), 415-423. Barrai, I., Formica, G., Barale, R., Scapoli, C., Canella, R., & Beretta, M. (1990). Isonymy of emigrants from Ferrara in 1981-1988. Annals of Human Biology, 17(1), 7-18. Abstract: The distribution of surnames in the emigrants from the population of the town of Ferrara in the period 1981-88 was studied by sex and by place of birth Barrai, I., Formica, G., Scapoli, C., Beretta, M., Mamolini, E., Volinia, S., Barale, R., Ambrosino, P., & Fontana, F. (1992). Microevolution in Ferrara : isonymy 1890-1990. Annals of Human Biology, 19(4), 371-385. Abstract: The distribution of surnames in the population of the town of Ferrara, as it existed in the memory banks of the Municipality Computer in June 1990, was studied by sex, age and place of birth of residents. Barrai, I., Rodriguez-Larralde, A., Mamolini, E., & Scapoli, C. (1999). Isonymy and isolation by distance in Italy. Human Biology, 71(6), 947-961. Abstract: Abstract The isonymy structure of Italy was studied using the surname distribution of 5,043,580 private telephone users selected from a 1996 commercial CD-ROM that contains all 24 million users in the country. The users were distributed in 123 towns selected on a geographic basis. The 123 towns were either on the main communication roads of the country or at the ends of such roads. The shortest distance between nearest neighbor towns was 5.3 km (Carrara and Massa), and the largest distance was 1,136 km (Aosta and Castrignano del Capo). The number of different surnames found in the whole analysis was 20,623. Lasker’s distance, the negative value of the logarithm of random isonymy between localities, was linearly and significantly correlated with the logarithm of geographic distance, with r = 0.63 +/- 0.008. A dendrogram was built from the matrix of isonymy distances, using UPGMA. It separates the Italian towns into 5 main clusters: I in the southern portion of the country, a second cluster toward the center, and 3 in the northern area of Italy. Within each cluster small subclusters with specific geographic distributions could be related to regional borders. Comparisons with the results of a previous analysis of Switzerland and Germany’s structures are given. From the present analysis isolation by distance emerges clearly, although it is less strong than in Switzerland and stronger than in Germany. The random component of inbreeding estimated from isonymy indicates that the southern area of Italy is on average more inbred than the northern area. In fact, the heterogeneity is greater in the northern area, particularly in the plain of the Po River, than anywhere else in Italy. Barrai, I., Scapoli, C., Canella, R., Formica, G., Barale, R., & Baretta, M. (1991). Isonymy in records of births and deaths in Ferrara. Annals of Human Biology, 18(5), 395-404. Abstract: Surname distributions were studied in records of male and female births in Ferrara in the period 1982-89, and in records of male and female deaths in the same period Beretta, M., Mamolini, E., & Ravani, A. (1993). Comparison of structures from frequencies of genes and surnames in the population of Ferrara. Human Biology, 65(2), 225-235. Abstract: The genetic structure based on isonymy and on gene frequencies of 7 enzyme systems was studied in a sample of 1361 individualsresiding in the Ferrara Province in the Po delta (northern Italy). Biondi, G., Lasker, G. W., Raspe, P., & Mascie-Taylor, C. G. N. (1993). Inbreeding coefficients from the surnames of grandparents of the schoolchildren in Albanian-speaking Italian villages. Journal of Biosocial Science, 25(1), 63-71. Notes: Refs. Tables. Map Abstract: Data on grandparental surnames were obtained from children in 45 Italo-Albanesi villages in nine provinces of southern Italy and Sicily. Concordance of surnames (isonymy) and inbreeding byvillage were estimated for each province and on the total sample. Biondi, G., Raspe, P., Mascie-Taylor, C. G. N., & Lasker, G. W. (1996). Repetition of the same pair of surnames in marriages in Albanian Italians, Greek Italians, and the Italian population of Campobasso province. Human Biology, 68(4), 573-583. Abstract: The isolation of a population as a result of any boundary leads to a kinship mating pattern, the extent of which can be measured by the frequency of repeated pairs of surnames in actual marriages compared with that in random pairings Caravello, G., & Tasso, M. (2002). Use of Surnames for a Demo-Ecological Analysis: A Study in Southwest Sardinia. American Journal of Human Biology, 14(3), 391-397. Caravello, G., & Tasso, M. (1999). An analysis of the spatial distribution of surnames in the Lecco area (Lombardy), Italy. American Journal of Human Biology, 11(3), 305-315. Notes: Refs. Tables. Map Caravello, G. U., & Tasso, M. (2007). Surnames as alleles: spatial distribution of surnames in a province of the Italian Alps . Journal of Biosocial Science, 39(3), 409-420. De Silvestri, A., & Guglielmino, C. R. (2004). Sicilian provinces: population subdivisions revealed by surname frequencies. Human Biology, 76(6), 901-20. Franceschi, M. G., & Paoli, G. (1994). Isolation factors and kinship by isonymy in a group of parishes in northern Tuscany (Italy) : influence of within-parish similarity level on between-parish similarity pattern. Human Biology, 66(5), 905-916. Abstract: the influence of within-parish similarity level on between-parish similarity pattern in surname analysis through a study of the relative roles of various isolation factors accounting for the population structure within a municipality (21 parishes) in the hilly part of northern Tuscany. Goebl, H. (1996). The convergence between geo-linguistic and geo-genetic fragmentation in northern Italy. Revue De Linguistique Romane, 60(237-38), 25-49. Guglielmino, C. R., & De Silvestri, A. (1995). Surname sampling for the study of the genetic structure of an Italian province. Human Biology, 67(613-628). Abstract: Italian provinces may constitute a basic geographic unit that is big enough to be genetically structured but small enough to be analyzed intensively. In the present study surnames startingwith three different letters of the alphabet were sampled from the telephone directory and used as a relatively simple and efficient way to cast light on the genetic and demographic pattern of the province and to prove the sampling efficiency Guglielmino, C. R., Zei, G., & Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1991). Genetic and cultural transmission in Sicily as revealed by names and surnames. Human Biology, 63(5), 607-627. Abstract: The study of names as cultural characters and of surnames, which behave like genetic markers, is useful for comparing cultural and genetic transmission. Genetic transmission has a unique vertical component, which also can be present in the transmission of cultural traits associated with a horizontal (or epidemic) component resulting from local customs or fashion. Our aims in this study are to infer genetic patterns Lucchetti, E., Tasso, M., Pizzetti, P., De Iasio, S., & Caravello G.U. (2007). Similarities in the surnames of island and continental populations of the north-western Mediterranean area. Journal of Biosocial Science , 1-19. Notes: epub ahead of print Abstract: "This paper compares the structures of the surnames of 75 municipal populations living in six north-western Mediterranean regions. Its purpose is to unravel the relations between the local populations in Corsica and Sardinia and the links between these populations and those living in the Italian and French continental territory…." Rodriguez Larralde, A. (1993). Microevolution in Perugia: isonymy 1890-1990. Annals of Human Biology, 20(3), 261-274. Abstract: The distribution of surnames in the population of the comune of Perugia, as it existed in the memory banks of the municipality computer in autumn 1991, was studied by age and place of birth Rodriguez Larralde, A., Pavesi, A., Scapoli, C., Conterio, F., Siri, G., & Barrai, I. (1994). Isonymy and the genetic structure of Sicily. Journal of Biosocial Science, 26(1), 9-24. Abstract: The genetic structure of Sicily was analysed through the distribution of surnames of 758,793 users registered in the Italian Telephone Company Vienna A., & Biondi G. (2001). Culture and biology: surnames in evaluating genetic relationships among the ethnic minorities of Southern Italy and Sicily. Coll Antropol., 25(1), 189-93. Abstract: "Surnames of grandparents were collected from children in the primary schools of the Albanian-Italian, Croat-Italian, and Greek-Italian villages…" Wijsman, E., Zei, G., Moroni, A., & Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1984). Surnames in Sardinia II : Computation of migration matrices from surname distributions in different periods. Annals of Human Genetics, 48(Jan), 65-78. Zei, G., Barbujani, G., Lisa., A., Fiorani, O., Menozzi, P., Siri, E., & Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1993). Barriers to gene flow estimated by surname distribution in Italy. Annals of Human Genetics, 57(2), 123-140. Abstract: Surname distributions were studied in order to reconstruct human migration patterns. Zones of sharp change in surname frequencies – presumably barriers to gene flow – were detected by the statistical technique of wombling (Barbujani et al. 1989), using data from consanguineous marriages (1910-64) collected from 280 Italian dioceses which we grouped into 80 provinces. The 28 observed surname boundaries were compared with physical (geographical) and cultural (linguistic) barriers, and with boundaries detected from distributions of 57 alleles in the same territorial subdivisions Zei, G., Guglielmino, C. R., Siri, E., Moroni, A., & Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1983). Surnames as neutral alleles : observations in Sardinia. Human Biology, 55(2), 357-365. Zei, G., Matessi, R. G., Siri, E., Moroni, A., & Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1983). Surnames in Sardinia. I : Fit of frequency distributions for neutral alleles and genetic population structure. Annals of Human Genetics, 47(Oct), 329-352. Zei, G., Piazza, A., Moroni, A., & Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1986). Surnames in Sardinia -3 :The spatial-distribution of surnames for testing neutrality of genes. Annals of Human Genetics, 50(May), 169-180. Italy – Statistics Caffarelli, E. (1997). I cognomi più frequenti in Italia. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, 3(1), 293-314. Abstract: Most frequent surnames found in Italy Italy – Regions Notes: Italian Regions Abruzzo; Aosta Valley; Apulia; Basilicata; Calabria; Campania; Emilia-Romagna; Friuli-Venezia Giulia; Lazio; Liguria; Lombardy; Marche; Molise; Piedmont; Sardinia; Sicily; Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol; Tuscany; Umbria; Veneto for map see: link to website Italy – Apulia Minervini, P. (2005). Dizionario dei cognomi pugliesi. Fasano (Br): Schena. Rohlfs, G. Dizionario toponomastico del Salento : prontuario geografico, storico e filologico. Rohlfs, G. (1982). Dizionario storico dei cognomi salentini. Galatini: Congedo. Rohlfs, G. (1982). Dizionario storico dei cognomi salentini, terra d’OtrantoCongedo. Italy – Basilicata Rohlfs, G. (1985). Dizionario storico dei cognomi in Lucania : repertorio onomastico e filologico. Ravenna: Longo. Italy – Calabria Pensabene, G. (1987). Cognomi e toponimi in Calabria. Roma/Reggio Calabria: Gangemi. Rohlfs, G. (1974). Dizionario toponomastico e onomastico della Calabria : prontuario filologico-geografico della Calabria. Ravenna: Longo. Rohlfs, G. (1979). Dizionario dei cognomi e soprannomi in Calabria: Repertorio storico e filologico (Dictionary of names and surnames in Calabria). Ravenna: Longo. Italy – Campania Guerriero, A. J. (2002). Spanish Surnames in the Periphery of Naples. Geolinguistics: Journal of the American Society of Geolinguistics, 28, 34-47. Italy – Emilia-Romagna Violi, F. (1999). Cognomi a Modena e nel Modenese. Modena: Aedes Muratoriana. Italy – Friuli-Venezia Giulia Aldo Pizzagalli. (1929). Per l’italianità dei cognomi nella provincia di Trieste. Trieste: Libreria Treves-Zanichelli. Bonifacio, M. (2004). Cognomi triestini : Origini, storia, etimologia. Trieste: Lint. Abstract: Surnames of Trieste Costantini, E. (2002). Dizionario dei cognomi del Friuli. Udine: Messaggero Veneto. De Stefani, E. (2002). Cognomi friulani di origine germanica. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, VIII,(1), 101-119. Notes: =surnames of Germanic origin in Friuli Abstract: author abstract "The Germanic element is known to be of great importance in Italian anthroponymy. This is particularly true fo Friuli, a region which in the past has been governed by Patriarchs of Germanic origin…" De Stefani, E. (2003). Cognomi della Carnia. Udine: Società Filologica Friulana. Hametz, M. E. (2002). "To have what was mine": reclaiming surnames in Trieste. Names , 50(1), 3-22. Notes: 1933-2000. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The experiences of Paolo Marz and Emidio Sussi demonstrate how political priorities and aims can override the state’s conservative attitude toward the alteration of family names." Marcato, C. (2001). Forme cognominali venete con il suffisso -àt(t)o. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, VII, (2,), 501-513. Merkù, P. (2002). I più antichi cognomi sloveni a Trieste : problematiche e realtà. Revista Italiana Di Onomastica, 8(2), 381-92. Notes: = the ealiest Slovenian surnames in Trieste : problems and realities Abstract: Surnames have existed in Trieste since the 12th century. The Slovenian surnames in Trieste are amongst the earliest example of Slovenian surnames Tasso, M., Lucchetti, E., & Pizzetti, P. C. G. (2004). Distribution of surnames and and linguistic-cultural identities of the Slovenian and German minorities of north-eastern Italy. Anthrpologischer Anzeiger, (62), 1-18. Vicario, F. (2004). Cognomi triestini. Origini, storia, etimologia . Trieste: Lint Editoriale. Italy – Lazio Caffarelli, E. (1996). L’onomastica personale nella città di Roma dalla fine del secolo XIX ad oggi : Per una nuova prospettiva di sociografia e cronografia antroponimica [Personal names in the city of Rome from the end of the 19th century to nowadays. For a new perspective of anthroponymic sociography and chronography] (Patronymica Romanica No. 8). Tübingen: Max Niemayer Verlag. Italy – Lombardy Buzzi-Donato, A., & L. Molo, L. (1988). I cognomi e i nomi dei milanesi. Milano: Servizi statistici del Comune di Milano. Abstract: Milanese surnames Caffarelli, E. (2002). Prospettive di analisi e di ricerca da un dizionario do cognomi tra Lombardia, Piemonte e Svizzera italiana. Revista Italiana Di Onomastica, 8(1), 139-157. Notes: =Perpectives of analysis and research from a dictionary of surnames between Lombardy, Piedmont and italian Switzerland Abstract: based on the dictionary work of the Swiss linguit, Ottavio Lurati, suggests a revised form of classification Caffarelli, E. (2005). Frequenze onomastiche. Lombardia: aspetti statistico-demografici e tipologici dei cognomi nella regione più popolosa d’Italia. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, XI (1 ), 225-48. Caffarelli, E. (2005). Nuove acquisizioni sui cognomi lombardi in -ate e in -aghi. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, XI (2), 452-54. Lurati , O. (2000). Perché ci chiamamo così ? Cognomi tra Lombardia, Piemonte e Sviizzera italiana. Lugano; Varese: Fondazione Ticino Nostro; Macchione. Notes: [Surnames between Lombardy, Piedmont and the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland] Olivieri, D. (1956). I cognomi milanesi, sotto l’aspetto demografico e linguistico. Archivio Storico Lombardo, LXXXIII, 336-354. Italy – Piedmont Caffarelli, E. (2002). Prospettive di analisi e di ricerca da un dizionario do cognomi tra Lombardia, Piemonte e Svizzera italiana. Revista Italiana Di Onomastica, 8(1), 139-157. Notes: =Perpectives of analysis and research from a dictionary of surnames between Lombardy, Piedmont and italian Switzerland Abstract: based on the dictionary work of the Swiss linguit, Ottavio Lurati, suggests a revised form of classification Poma, C. (1909). Antichi cognomi biellesi. Appunti filologici. Biella: Tip. G. Testa. Poma, C. (1911). Cognomi biellesi. Torino. Italy – Sardinia Manconi, L. (1987). Dizionario dei cognomi sardi. Cagliari: Edizioni della Torre. Abstract: Dictionary of Sardinian surnames Mauro Maxia. (2001). Cognomi sardi formati da toponimi corsi. Quaderni Bolotanesi, XXVII (), (27), 379-416. Mauro, M. (2002). Dizionario dei cognomi sardo-corsi : Frequenze – fonti – etimologia. Cagliari: Condaghes. Murru-Corriga, G. (2000). The patronymic and the matronymic in Sardinia: a long-standing competition. History of the Family, 5(2), 161-180. Notes: 12c-20c. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The oldest Sardinian documents from the 12th century show that the binomial system of personal identification (first name and surname) was already established. Later sources, however, reveal that persons could possess more than one surname. This permitted men and women to remain identified with both the patriline and the matriline (sometimes resulting in two, three, or four surnames) and worked also as a kind of kinship mnemonic. This multiplicity of ways of underlining kinship identity (filiation) continued in varying forms until the end of the 18th century. Only then did the system of filiation settle into a clearly patrilineal pattern. Yet the older naming customs have not disappeared entirely, and to this day lend to the Sardinian onomastic system a kind of ‘turbulence.’ " Pittau, M. (1990). I cognomi della Sardegna. Sassari: Carlo Delfino Editore. Pittau, M. (2005-2006). Dizionario de cognomi della Sardegna. Cagliari: L’Unione Sarda. Notes: in 3 vols Wolf, H. J. (2001). Types de noms de famille sardes. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, 7(2), 459-476. Abstract: Sardinian surnames Zara, G. P. (1994). I cognomi sardi di origine ebraica. Cagliari: Artigianarte. Italy – Sicily [EUROPE (SOUTHERN) -ITALY ~3~REGION~ SICILY] Caracausi, G. (1993). Dizionario onomastico della Sicilia. Palermo: Centro di Studi filologici e linguistici siciliani. Abstract: Dictionary of Sicilian family names Guglielmino, C. R., Zei, G., & Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. (1991). Genetic and cultural transmission in Sicily as revealed by names and surnames. Human Biology, 63(5), 607-627. Abstract: The study of names as cultural characters and of surnames, which behave like genetic markers, is useful for comparing cultural and genetic transmission. Genetic transmission has a unique vertical component, which also can be present in the transmission of cultural traits associated with a horizontal (or epidemic) component resulting from local customs or fashion. Our aims in this study are to infer genetic patterns Parodi, B. (2006). Cognomi siciliani : tra origini italiane e locali. Messina: A. Siciliano. Vienna, A., Peña Garcia, J., Mascie-Taylor, C. G. N., & Biondi, G. (2001). The ethnic minorities of Southern Italy and Sicily: Relationships through surnames. Journal of Biosocial Science, 33(1), 25-31. Notes: fulltext: link to article Italy – Trentino-Alto Adige-Sudtirol Bertoluzza, A., Curti, D., & Tecilla, G. (1998). Guida ai cognomi del Trentino. Trento: Soc. Iniziative Editoriali. Abstract: Guide to the surnames of the Trentino region Caffarelli, E. (2005). Frequenze onomastiche. I cognomi più frequenti in tre regioni di confine del Nord d’Italia: Valle d’Aosta, Trentino-Alto Adige e Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, XI (2), 593-612. Italy – Tuscany Caffarelli, E. (2005). Toscana, la culla dell’onomastica. ANCI (Rivista Dell’Associazione Nazionale Dei Comuni Italiani), XLIX (4), 87-95. Herlihy, D. (1988). Tuscan Names, 1200-1530 . Renaissance Quarterly, 41(4), 561-582. Klapisch-Zuber, C. (1980). Le nom ‘refait’: La transmission des prénoms à Florence (XIVe-XVIe siècles. L’Homme, (20), 77-104. Italy – Veneto [EUROPE (SOUTHERN) -ITALY ~3~REGION~ VENETO] Caffarelli, E. (2005). Frequenze onomastiche. I cognomi più frequenti in tre regioni di confine del Nord d’Italia: Valle d’Aosta, Trentino-Alto Adige e Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, XI (2), 593-612. Pellegrini, G. B. I principali cognomi della provincia di Treviso. Rivista Italiana Di Onomastica, IX, (2,), 447-481. Rapelli, G. (1995). I cognomi di Verona e del Veronese. Panorama etimologico-storico. Vago di Lavagno: La Grafica Editrice. Soranzo, D. (1996). Cognomi dei Veneti. Padova: Finegil. Abstract: Venetian surnames Umberto Simionato. (1995-1999). Cognomi padovani e antiche famiglie di Padova e del suo territorio. Padova: presso l’A. Notes: in 2 vols Italy – Roman (Ancient) Ashley, L., & Hanifin, J. F. (1978). Onomasticon of Roman anthroponyms : explanation and application (part 1). Names, (26), 297-401. Abstract: "Comprehensive treatment of many aspects of Roman names. Main sections are: Nomina, Praenomina and Cognomina. Many examples." Source: Lawson1 Cheesman, C. (2008). Personal Names in the Roman World . Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd. Abstract: "This book – the first synthetic treatment of Roman naming practices in English, and the first in any language for more than half a century – builds on recent scholarship to trace the story of Roman names from the earliest recorded examples down to the end of the Western empire in the fifth century AD" Dyson, S. L. (1980-1981). The distribution of Roman Republican names in the Iberian peninsula. Ancient Society, (11-12), 257-299. Notes: Refs. Mpas Egger, C. (1957). Lexicon nominum virorum et mulierum. Romae: Studium. Notes: Bibliographical references included in "Scribendi compenia explicantur" (p. [xiii]) Kajanto, I. (1965). The Latin cognomina. Helsinki: Societas Scientarum Fennica. Abstract: Lawson1: "The cognomen is the last element in Latin nomenclature and refers to the individuals surname. This research rports on a study of 133,000 Latin cognomina mostly from the 5th century BC to 600AD. Largely collected from inscriptions vategorised into 15 main groups, examples, Theophoric, Iuppiter; Body/Mind, Velox (‘fast’). There are 5783 different names with citations and frequencies." Salway, B. (1994). What’s in a Name? A Survey of Roman Onomastic Practice from c. 700 B.C. to A.D. 700 . The Journal of Roman Studies, 84, 124-145. [page last updated: July 25, 2008]