Latvia Blese, E. (1929). Latviešu personvardu un uzvardu studijas. Notes: check ref Central Intelligence Agency. (1963). Latvian personal names. Washington. Lawson, E., & Balode, L. (1998). Latvian naming patterns, 1880-1991. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (pp. 244-249). Abstract: To discover what effects the political, religious, social, and economic climate had on naming children, 100 families (representing almost 700 individuals) were interviewed to identify patterns in first names given over three generations. The sample of 100 families includes people from different religious backgrounds and from different parts of Latvia. Native speakers conducted the interviews. Data were analyzed by time period, religious background, linguistic origin of the name, and the name’s origin, meaning, and significance. Results indicate that during the Soviet occupation, significantly more names defined as Latvian were chosen. This is interpreted as a demonstration of Latvian patriotism during this troubling period. Appended are male and female names by time period. (Author/MSE) Lawson, E. D. Religious, patriotic, ethnic factors and names. in: A. I. Boullón (editor), Novi te ex nomine : estudos filolóxicos ofrecidos ao Prof. Dr. Dieter Kremer (pp. 203-212). Santiago de Compestela, Galicia (Spain): Biblioteca Filolóxica Galega. Abstract: "Names from Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Azerbaijan reflect political changes since the Czars. Russian occupation produced more patriotic names in the Baltics" source of abstract : ed lawson Plakis, J. (1936-1939). Latvijas vietu vardi un latviešu pavardi. Notes: check ref Semenova, M. F. (1987). Iz istorii russkoi antroponimii goroda Rigi. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu Akademijas Vestis [USSR] , (4), 83-88. Notes: : [From the history of Russian anthroponomy in Riga]. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "An investigation of the origin of surnames of a secluded community of Russian Old Believers in a suburb of the city of Riga based on a card index of people born during the years 1898-1906." Silinš, K. (1990). Latviešu personvardu vardnica. Riga : Zinatne. [page last updated: July 25, 2008]