Netherlands Netherlands See also below: Friesian Islands Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam. Commissie voor Naamkunde. (1963). Nederlands repertorium van familienamen. Essen: Van Gorcum. Bailey, R. F. (1954). Dutch systems in family naming, New York-New Jersey. Washington, D.C.: National Genealogical Society. Notes: Reprinted 1978 Abstract: "The Dutch system of naming in America was different to that of the English. The dominant system was the patronymic (Jansen, ‘Jan’s son’, Abrahamszen ‘Abraham’s son’). Other surname origins were placename (Opdyck, ‘on the dike’, Hoogland, ‘highland’), occupation (Bleecker, ‘bleacher’, Cuyler , ‘archer’) and personal characteristics (de Grout , ‘big man’, Vroom ‘pious’). 51 refs." Source: Lawson1 Beem, H. (1969). Joodse Namen en Namen van Joden . Studia Rosenthalia [Holland], 3, 82-96. Notes: =Jewish names and names of Jews Abstract: "The wanderings of the Jewis people are reflected in their names. Ashkenazi Jews in medieval Europe coupled French, Italian, and German names with their Hebrew equivalents. The Hebrew name was used in the synagogue. Women’s names were less conservative. Description of the types of surname taken in 1808 when all citizens had to adopt surnames. Concludes with a study of lists of Jewish names in several Dutch towns. Examples throughout" Source of abstract -ed lawson Bloothooft, G., Nifterick, E. v., & Gerritzen, D. (2004). Over voornamen : hoe Nederland aan z’n voornamen komt. Utrecht: Het Spectrum. Ebeling, R. A. (1993). Voor- en familienamen in Nederland : Geschiedenis, verspreiding, vorm en gebruik. ‘s-Gravenhage. Gerritzen, D. First names of immigrants in the Netherlands. Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Onomastic Sciences SOFI (Språk- och folkminnesinstitutet, Institute for Dialectology, Onomastics and Folklore Research). Gerritzen, D. (1998). First name choices in the Netherlands 1992-1995. 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