Poland Dictionnaire des noms de famille de Pologne. Egv-Editions. Rodzina. Herbarz szlachty polskiej. (1938). Warsaw. Beider, A. (1996). A dictionary of Jewish surnames from the Kingdom of Poland. Teaneck : New Jersey: Avotnayu. Boniecki, A. (1899-1913). Herbarz polski. Warsaw. Central Intelligence Agency. (1962). Polish personal names. Washington. Chojnacki, W. (1988). Slownik polskich nazw osobowych na mazurach i warmii (problematyka i postulaty badawcze). Komunikaty Mazursko-Warminskie , (3), 387-402. Notes: [A dictionary of Polish surnames in Warmia and Masuria: research and methodology]. 14c-1945. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Discusses the need for a dictionary of Polish surnames in Warmia and Masuria from the 14th to the 20th centuries, and considers two options for carrying out such a project. The dictionary could be based either on both primary and printed sources, or only on the latter. The author lists and discusses the archives and publications which should be used for the compilation of the dictionary." Dlugosz-Kurczabowa, K. (1990). O biblijnym Adamie i jego rodzinie. Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 36(1), 4-71. Notes: Polish anthroponymy -sources in Bible Hoffman, W. F. (1997). Polish surnames : origins and meanings (2nd ed.). Chicago: Polish Genealogical Society of America. Notes: 1st ed 1993 Abstract: Explanations of c30,000 surnames. Extensive introductory material abstract source- ed lawson Kaleta, Z. (1997). The surname as a cultural value and an ethnic heritage : tracing your Polish roots. Warszawa: Slawistyczny O´srodek Wydawniczy przy Instytucie Slawistyki PAN. Kaleta, Z. (1998-1999). The Polish surname as a carrier of moral values and as an ethnic heritage. Onoma: Bibliographical & Information Bulletin, 34, 101-118. Knab, S. H. (2000). Polish first names. New York: Hippocrene Books. Notes: [ISBN 0781807492] Abstract: "has approximately 250 main entries for boys’ names; 200 for girls’. Entries list the name in Polish, provide and English equivalent, and give the language of origin, with an explanation of its meaning and other information" source of abstract – ed lawson Kopertowska, D. (2005). Zenskie hipokorystyka w funkcji kynonimów-efemeryda czy tendencja?. Acta Onomastica, 46, 79-84. Abstract: female names; hypocoristic names; as dog names; Polish language Nalibow, K. L. (1973). Genus Versus Sexus : Professional titles, working titles and titles for women in contemporary standard PolishPeter Lang. Abstract: "Traditional Polish surnames such as Fischer take suffixes to indicate a wife (Fisherow) or a daughter (Fishero’wna). With the rise in the number of working women there has been a pattern of women retaining the masculine form of the surname" Abstract source : ed lawson Opas, T. (1974). Uwagi o wplywie jezyka polskiego na powstanie i rozw+j nazwisk zyd+w polskich (od polowy xvi do xviii w. Biuletyn Zydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego w Polsce [Poland], (89), 47-63. Notes: [Remarks concerning the influence of the Polish language on nascency and development of family names of Polish Jews in earlier ages (second half of the 16th to the end of the 18th centuries)].1550’s-1800. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "The Jews who lived on Polish lands for centuries adopted a certain degree of Polish culture. The Polish language was particularly important in this respect as an element of constant and direct influence. One of the more interesting and less known research problems, is the influence of the Polish language on the origin and development of Jewish family names." Rymut, K. (1999). Nazwiska Polaków: Slownik historyczno-etymologiczny. Krakow. Notes: vol 2 (L-Z) , 2002 /check ref Rymut, K. (1990-1994). Slownik nazwisk wspólcze’snie w Polsce uzywanych. Rzetelska-Feleszko, E. (1975). A subsystem of family names in north Polish dialects. Vol. Bern. Berichte des XII. Internationaler Kongresses für Namenforschung (pp. 261-287). Abstract: "Explanation of regional names which have suffixes which indicate family relationships" Abstract source : ed lawson Skowronek, K. (2001). Wspóczesne nazwisko polskie : studium statystyczno-kognitywne. Kraków: DWN. Notes: Poland (statistical) Struminskyj, B. (1977). Surnames in —kevic//—xevic//—gevic. Names, 25(3), 119-123. Notes: 15c-18c. Abstract: Publisher’s abstract "Examines the origins of Polish-Lithuanian surnames from Russia, 15th-18th centuries, which contained the phonemes –kevic, –xevic, and –gevic." Tomczak, L. (2003). Slownik odapelatywnych nazwisk Polaków. Wroc"aw: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wroc"awskiego. Tye, J. (1971). The origin of Polish surnames. Notes: check ref Zagraniczny, S. J. (1963). Some reasons for Polish surname changes. Polish American Studies, (?), 12-14. Abstract: Lawson1: "Investigation of court records for 2513 changes of name shows 13 reasons for change. Cited most often were 1) Spellings and punctuation errors -31% 2) Business reasons -20% 3) Legalization of name already in use -15% 4) Desire to ‘Americanize’ the surname -6% 5) Social advantage -5%. Other reasons had a frequency of less than 3%" [page last updated: July 25, 2008]